He has been so sweet and considerate lately. He hasn't been giving me the indifference thing that he usually does when he's out prowling. I'm not invisible and I feel like a girl. Now I know this is only temporary until he thinks I'm not leaving so I have my guards up. I'm just accepting the massages and home cooked meals because I know he's full of crap. However, I'm afraid that when he knows for sure that I'm gone that he'll snap out.
He's a very proud man who is concerned with appearances so I'm hoping he'll come up with a lie for his family and friends and just let it go. There's a song by Chrisette Michelle called 'Blame it on me' and that's where I am. Dude, whatever, I'm outtie.
I wasn't able to save any money.
Glad you are safe but...........................how are you moving stuff out little by little without him noticing? (Safe, desk, bed)
Girl, can you say 'autism spectrum'? Dude doesn't notice anything unless it pertains to him. Now if I moved the big screen and Bose sound system he'd notice. I've moved a 200 lb safe, antique desk, my daughter's bed, my adult son's bed, pots, pans, end tables and tons of clothes and accessories and he still hasn't notice. Well, he noticed the safe and I just said that my parents wanted it back. He never reminded me to get the combination. I'm always ready with an explanation but he never asks. One of the reasons I gotta go.
Sometimes you may have to sacrafice "stuff" in order to be happy, you can always purchase and sometimes it will be given to you. Roll if you can and leave all of that "stuff".
I would notice a whole bed moved................just saying........good to hear your update...
So, are you able to provide for yourself financially once your move is complete?
Also I wanted to remind those of us that are leaving to be very careful, do not stay long after the decision to leave is made. It's hard to hide those feelings. Most controlling men are very attuned to their victim's emotions. My husband is doing everything that I've asked him to do over these last 5 years. I haven't told him I'm leaving. He feels my distance. I'm not doing co-dependent things like trying to guess what would make him happy at any given moment in order to avoid drama.
Good luck to you OP!!
Although, it did not conclude the way I thought it would and at the end I was face with the bare naked truth of EVERY pure emotion that ever existed between us both totally exposed.
OMG! I can't believe the rollercoaster I'm riding on.
I'm exactly where you are right now. I'm glad you are leaving. I have another five months before I can leave because of work.
Be safe and keep up updated.
I did finally leave!!! Yay. It was like I fled the plantation. I left right before Thanksgiving. I just couldn't take it anymore. It was more the children in the house than anything or so I thought. Now that I've been gone, I can't believe that I stayed married that long. I'm grieving those five years that I was treated in such a way. I'm grieving what I thought we had. He said that he wanted us to get back together and I almost believed him until I realized that he only misses my income. I don't want to hate him and I thought I wouldn't but I'm beginning to be angry-part of the grieving process.
Man. dang. dude. dog. All of my decisions were based on his emotional responses. I was abused physically, mentally, emotionally and I'm sad and lonely but at more peace than I've been in a long, long time.
This will make me stronger. Right now though, I'm feeling vulnerable and weak and I'm taking special care not to get involved with anyone. Scary thing was that I started talking to a guy who is now in jail for stalking and seriously hurting his ex-girlfriend.
Obviously, my picker is broken.
So I'm going to give myself a break and just take care of myself and my children and new grandson. I'm so grateful that I left. I could've wasted more years in misery. I really can't believe that I left. I thought that I would be miserable forever.
I can't explain to anyone stuck in a relationship that they know is causing misery how light my heart and mind is without the suffering. It's like I was slowly being boiled alive.
Anywho, in my rantings, I hope you feel my gratitude and peace. I have a fresh start.