My coworker (mid 20’s) she has been sleeping in her car because her mother would meet these farm workers online and bring them back to their house and have loud sex with them. All over their house. Including the communal areas like the living room. The farm workers tell each other about her mom and they contact her for sex. She told me that the mother sometimes go to the farm worker‘s compound and have orgies with these men. These men are from the Islands. She said her mom got married as a teen to her Dad and after her Dad died a few years ago the mom became wild. I was shocked lol.

I don’t understand the mother servicing these men for free. My thinking is if you are going to act like a hoe you may as well get paid for it…
I know this board is christian’s but if you going to hoe paid is the only way like that’s a service esp bc of the risk of catching something.
I have no one in my life and my journal isn’t hitting right now. I feel this oddness of being lured back to Christianity and all the stipulations of such. I also feel this desire for being w another but part of me feels I may never again or if there is someone who could somehow see me as attractive enough to date may not be in the path of Christianity. I’m big on doing things correctly or not doing them as I hate to tarnish things. I don’t know if my shiny ideal of being a godly wife is coming to death.
One of my best friends just sent out her wedding invites (she met her future hubby on Bumble)! That means that I have until August (the wedding is mid-September) to find my plus one :giggle: . That means my weight loss needs to be on point and that I'm getting back in these streets :laugh: .
Death changes your outlook on so much. I dont have any patience or care for folks doing whats right. I let things drag on when I should have cut ties years ago ( friends and SO's). Now I keep it moving and have peace.

When others want you in their lives, they love on you when you're here.

OAN Corny can be refreshing, lol.
So a mentee mentioned this match making service had my little screen w them and it’s lowest package is 2250. My gut doesn’t feel scared but my heart does because I have been single ie someone you call bf since I was 21 and I’m knocking on 37 in November. I only have 2 days to decide or prices jump but I do have a soul to even talk to on this.
So a mentee mentioned this match making service had my little screen w them and it’s lowest package is 2250. My gut doesn’t feel scared but my heart does because I have been single ie someone you call bf since I was 21 and I’m knocking on 37 in November. I only have 2 days to decide or prices jump but I do have a soul to even talk to on this.

Is there proven evidence that their service works? We spend so much money on so many mundane things. Finding a good match is worth the investment, especially if money isn't a problem.
Is there proven evidence that their service works? We spend so much money on so many mundane things. Finding a good match is worth the investment, especially if money isn't a problem.
Not that could find and my gut feeling was this seems too salesy elitist. I’m good for investing on this that have a impact. Then I started looking at reviews and was like my gut instinct was right. So now to decide if I’m just going to be single for life or try another path.
You didn’t blow anything. Series of lies = liar! You deserve a man that has integrity and displays a high-level of transparency, especially from one that seeks an exclusive relationship. Lying should be a huge dealbreaker, because that shows dishonesty and lack of trust. You won’t be able to feel comfortable and secure in that. You will always be questioning things. It hurts now, but you will be better for ending that down the road. You showed up for yourself and stood up for your standards. I don’t believe you were being reactive. You were being proactive!!
I think I messed up. I know he loves me tremendously . I made an impulsive decision and broke up with him after a series of lies. And I should of just focused on all of his good stuff he is very loving and at the end of the day he makes sure I'm good. And I knew I could go to him for anything and everything. I'll see what happens when he comes back from his trip hopefully we can get back together. I finally had someone and now I feel like I blew it.
You didn’t blow anything don’t white wash red flags! I would sit with the energy your feeling as it may be from a place of wanting what looks good but may not really be.
I'm tired of explaining why Im single and just because Im single doesn't mean Im a lesbian.

That old school mentality you have is driving me nuts and one of the reasons we dont speak often. Im so happy that you're married again. If that works for you, good. Every time you try and catch up with me, you want to know if I have a man.

OAN, Im not sure if youre socially awkward or its something else.
I'm tired of explaining why Im single and just because Im single doesn't mean Im a lesbian.

That old school mentality you have is driving me nuts and one of the reasons we dont speak often. Im so happy that you're married again. If that works for you, good. Every time you try and catch up with me, you want to know if I have a man.

OAN, Im not sure if youre socially awkward or its something else.
I had a friend like that. I cut her off. I rarely talked to her anyway. She's married to an man who was married when she was dating him. They were living together playing house with his son. The wife would stir up drama from time to time. My friend was the last person to give me man advice or ask me about my relationship status. She was also toxic too, always throwing jabs at me.

If the relationship is worth it. I would ask her to stop asking about your relationship status. I've done that with family, and they stopped asking me. The crazy thing is they be asking often, like what could really change from last week to this week and even if it did, I wouldn't tell you until we were at least 5-6 months into the relationship.
I had a friend like that. I cut her off. I rarely talked to her anyway. She's married to an man who was married when she was dating him. They were living together playing house with his son. The wife would stir up drama from time to time. My friend was the last person to give me man advice or ask me about my relationship status. She was also toxic too, always throwing jabs at me.

If the relationship is worth it. I would ask her to stop asking about your relationship status. I've done that with family, and they stopped asking me. The crazy thing is they be asking often, like what could really change from last week to this week and even if it did, I wouldn't tell you until we were at least 5-6 months into the relationship.
People over the years have said she’s jealous of me but I don’t get it.
She thinks I’m picky because she’s been married twice. Technically three times. She remarried her first husband and they divorced early last year and now she’s remarried.
Im the one like wow, she really finds someone and boom. Im not built like that but it’s pushed me away to only every now and again speaking. Friends for 17 years. @NaturalEnigma
People over the years have said she’s jealous of me but I don’t get it.
She thinks I’m picky because she’s been married twice. Technically three times. She remarried her first husband and they divorced early last year and now she’s remarried.
Im the one like wow, she really finds someone and boom. Im not built like that but it’s pushed me away to only every now and again speaking. Friends for 17 years. @NaturalEnigma
The fact that she keeps remarrying tells me that she may be one of those people that feel like a man completes her and she finds it odd that you feel happy and comfortable being single. It could also be that you have your life together and that’s the only thing that she can knit pick at. If people have said she’s jealous of you, I’m sure it’s true. I felt like my “friend” was jealous of me too.
People over the years have said she’s jealous of me but I don’t get it.
She thinks I’m picky because she’s been married twice. Technically three times. She remarried her first husband and they divorced early last year and now she’s remarried.
Im the one like wow, she really finds someone and boom. Im not built like that but it’s pushed me away to only every now and again speaking. Friends for 17 years. @NaturalEnigma
That sounds like jealousy and insecurity to me. You are doing something she seems to feel she is not able to do for herself, and it’s bothering her.
The fact that she keeps remarrying tells me that she may be one of those people that feel like a man completes her and she finds it odd that you feel happy and comfortable being single. It could also be that you have your life together and that’s the only thing that she can knit pick at. If people have said she’s jealous of you, I’m sure it’s true. I felt like my “friend” was jealous of me too.
We are on the same wave length!
@Bette Davis Eyes
Next time she ask you about a man, ask her something crass back and that will stop all of that foolishness. Personally, I would stop talking to her. I don’t give people a 2nd chance to talk reckless to me anymore. Ain’t no more sit down discussions about why somebody said what they said. If a person talks crazy, I need them to keep that same level of energy when I stop dealing with them. Go be somebody else’s good friend with that messiness..
She mad because you are not settling. Crabs in the barrel mentality.
It just irked my nerves that she brings it up and then to say, youre not gay are you? No, I just havent found someone decent and I wont be with just anyone to say I'm with someone. I remember years ago when I found out a guy was on parole and I immediately kept it moving, she said Im too hard on black men.

@NaturalEnigma @Evolving78
Nahhh, she’s got to go. I agree with @Evolving78. She sounds toxic and mean. She’s trying to get you in a bad situation just like her. She’s not genuinely curious about your relationship status and trying to help you out, she is deliberately trying to put you down.
Nahhh, she’s got to go. I agree with @Evolving78. She sounds toxic and mean. She’s trying to get you in a bad situation just like her. She’s not genuinely curious about your relationship status and trying to help you out, she is deliberately trying to put you down.

I think its both. She mentions frequently how wonderful I am and she wants me to find someone who sees that but on another hand, she really doesnt understand why Im single, LOL @NaturalEnigma
Now you already know! :lachen:

Girl :lol: My mom is a Gemini and she is my favorite person in this entire world. One of my favorite homegirls and guy friends are Geminis too. I thought this would help me be able to understand them and ward off the horror stories when it comes to potentially dating them. My teenage nephew is one so I pray for his future lol.

This guy in particular has been gassing me up in my DMs for months now. He stalks my IG stories obsessively (he literally has not missed one of my stories for an entire year and he’s usually the first to view) and only reaches out if I post something. I can tell he has his notifications on for my posts. He recently finally introduced himself after all of this time and seemed cool. The moment I decide to show some interest in return he goes cold, doesn’t respond, etc. I refuse to chase him so once I post again here he comes kissing my behind and showering me profusely with compliments (his words are so intense and flowery I thought he was a water sign like myself at first). Now it is becoming a cycle and I’m about to block him from seeing my stories. We’ve never met in person or even talked on the phone. By his own suggestion he offered to support some public events my organization was having so I gave him the dates. He never got back to me for the recent event that has come and gone but he said he’s on board for an event later this summer. At this point I don’t even want to meet him because he seems flaky and unpredictable. I don’t know if he’s simply a headcase, playing games to try to get me to chase him, scared, moves slow, in a relationship but hiding it, or only using me for flirting/validation purposes. All I know is I don’t like it at all. He’s in his early 40s which is way too old for this nonsense.
Most gemini men are like that though @TrulyBlessed

I'm dating one right now and Hes about to make me block him. He texted me one night, I want to talk to you. I called. He answered . He was out, LOL. The heck you say you wanted to talk. I am so direct that it throws a lot of gemini men off. I dont play those games.

Hes on the cusp though so Im trying to give him a little leeway but baby, one thing about me, if you turn me off, im all the way off.