No this ninja didn't call me AT WORK after 6 months after he told me maybe he wasn't relationship material and my expectations were too high talking about he missed me :lachen:

Story time. As mentioned before, on OKC you have to like someone before messaging them. So some guy liked my profile just so he could send a snarky message. I deleted all my pics except 2 - both of my face only. This guy writes "do you have short stubby legs or something?" Now, these men on here do this negging thing that irritates my entire soul! I've fallen victim to it before without even realizing it. The old me would have said something innocent enough to defend myself like no, why? and maybe his response would have been oh because your face is so beautiful but you aren't showing your body so I thought your legs were short. I'm not here for the nonsense these days soooo I liked him back so I could respond and be just as petty. My actual response: "So you liked me just so you could send a sarcastic message. Cool. To answer your question, no I do not but I see your big fat ass does. Bye ugly!" I then proceeded to unlike and block. And he was fat. Had the nerve to have a typical bathroom selfie up - shirtless with his big old fat stomach hanging out like he was looking good. I normally don't bother but I had time tonight and felt like having some fun. I'm very pleased with myself. :biggrin:
Story time. As mentioned before, on OKC you have to like someone before messaging them. So some guy liked my profile just so he could send a snarky message. I deleted all my pics except 2 - both of my face only. This guy writes "do you have short stubby legs or something?" Now, these men on here do this negging thing that irritates my entire soul! I've fallen victim to it before without even realizing it. The old me would have said something innocent enough to defend myself like no, why? and maybe his response would have been oh because your face is so beautiful but you aren't showing your body so I thought your legs were short. I'm not here for the nonsense these days soooo I liked him back so I could respond and be just as petty. My actual response: "So you liked me just so you could send a sarcastic message. Cool. To answer your question, no I do not but I see your big fat ass does. Bye ugly!" I then proceeded to unlike and block. And he was fat. Had the nerve to have a typical bathroom selfie up - shirtless with his big old fat stomach hanging out like he was looking good. I normally don't bother but I had time tonight and felt like having some fun. I'm very pleased with myself. :biggrin:

Man, listen. Sometimes you gotta let these ninjas know you ain't the one.

I'm not even mad.
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So I just came from an event with my homegirl & we were noticing a lot of the men were staring but no one approached us; she pulled one man to the side and ask him what the deal was and he told us that Dallas is very clique-ish.

Which I have definitely noticed! They ended up having a pretty engaging conversation for about 10 to 15 minutes before he finally walked away but I noticed they didn’t exchange numbers so I asked her what was up, she told me that he told her to follow him on Instagram.....mind you this man is 34 years old!

I was so out done.
Oh??? Do tell!!!
Hehehe, so what had happened was....

I was out of town for a mini vacay and was approached by a sessy man and let's just say we hit it off :curtain: he's stuck around which I wasn't expecting or looking for honestly.

If LHCF weren't so full of Judgy McJudgerstons I'd give more details. I'll PM you :)

But he's interesting...endearing. He's younger and getting his life together, but I can see him sticking around for a while. Both of us are in the same mental space--open to more but not looking for more, so it's easy.
Hehehe, so what had happened was....

I was out of town for a mini vacay and was approached by a sessy man and let's just say we hit it off :curtain: he's stuck around which I wasn't expecting or looking for honestly.

If LHCF weren't so full of Judgy McJudgerstons I'd give more details. I'll PM you :)

But he's interesting...endearing. He's younger and getting his life together, but I can see him sticking around for a while. Both of us are in the same mental space--open to more but not looking for more, so it's easy.
Get it girl!
Hehehe, so what had happened was....

I was out of town for a mini vacay and was approached by a sessy man and let's just say we hit it off :curtain: he's stuck around which I wasn't expecting or looking for honestly.

If LHCF weren't so full of Judgy McJudgerstons I'd give more details. I'll PM you :)

But he's interesting...endearing. He's younger and getting his life together, but I can see him sticking around for a while. Both of us are in the same mental space--open to more but not looking for more, so it's easy.
yeehaaaa! :lol:

No judgy here. Glad you had a good time!
Hehehe, so what had happened was....

I was out of town for a mini vacay and was approached by a sessy man and let's just say we hit it off :curtain: he's stuck around which I wasn't expecting or looking for honestly.

If LHCF weren't so full of Judgy McJudgerstons I'd give more details. I'll PM you :)

But he's interesting...endearing. He's younger and getting his life together, but I can see him sticking around for a while. Both of us are in the same mental space--open to more but not looking for more, so it's easy.

Get it while you live girl!!! My daddy D is a young buck and I feel the same way :look:, he’s grown a lot since we first started dealing with each other. Don’t sleep on these young boo’s! He might surprise you girl.
Get it while you live girl!!! My daddy D is a young buck and I feel the same way :look:, he’s grown a lot since we first started dealing with each other. Don’t sleep on these young boo’s! He might surprise you girl.
You right, I've had good experiences with youngins. The old heads I encounter (men my age lol) are cantankerous curmudgeons who are stuck in their ways.
y'all make me think I might should entertain one if these younger ones when they step to me. I've always ignored them.

had one trying to holla yesterday...
Yes, you should :) Like all age ranges, some are a mess, but the ones who have made it through my filter are refreshing. Plus their stamina is still on point :look: I want to stab a man who can only go one round lol
Lol. The regular posters in this thread would appreciate it, but for many, it's hard to comprehend that a single woman can live a full orgasmic life of contentment. And still be open to a partner. While not be envious of those in relationships.

Shooot, I've done some things as a single woman :sekret:. I still blush thinking about them. I'd never tell my current bf about my single adventures, but I'm just glad I got EVERYTHING out of my system :look:.

Get it! If this doesn't work out I might start exploring the young mens. :drunk:
Hey ladies, wanted to get some opinions on this topic; I dont know if there's a thread for it somewhere:

Dating just for the sake of having fun? Erm, well, to put it more clearly for fun and coloring.

I'm sure its based on your own personal morals or past experiences, but I just wanted some thoughts.
Wherever you are in life, that's what you do. Have fun and be safe. No one but you needs to know what you're doing in your private life.

.....unless you're feeling the need to spill the gory details here. Anonymously :look::giggle:
This is all I'm looking for at the moment :look::look: he just need to keep his mouth shut, bring me food, get to work, and gtfo :look:
This post made me laugh so hard because I actually said this to my last maintenance man. We argued one day after I found him looking in my phone! I was like are you crazy? You are supposed to feed me, do what you do, mind your business and stfu! Those were my exact words and that was the last time I spoke to him. That is uncanny!