
I've been feeling the absence of masculine energy in my life since I moved out on my own. It dawned on me one day as I was dragging a ton of stuff back home from BBB. I took a cab, and while I could afford it, I felt that with all the men I've dealt with in the last couple years, I should have been able to call one and have them helping me. It's my fault though and I'm working on it.

I'm talking to a few guys and instead of just sizing them up for an ltr, I'm looking to see what they can actually do for me. Dating has been less stressful since being in this mindset.

One guy is moving kind of slow. We met online and we haven't been chatting on the phone long. Guys usually want to meet after one or two phone convos. Not this guy. This dude seems to be thoroughly enjoying our chats. Which isn't bad, it's just that I'm starting to feel more and more meh about him. I considered giving him a nudge to hint that we should meet, but then I realized that Idon't even like him that much. I might be ending this before our first date.

I had a male friend over the other day. I was trying to figure out what kind of tasks I could get him to do before he showed up. I figured I could have him set up my tv but that didn't happen cus I couldn't get the parts in time. Boo! Instead of wathing tv we laid up instead :look: We didnt have sex, but it was nice to have a man in here. He's my physical type (naturally muscular) so that was the cherry on top. I was a little perplexed because I think he had every intention on spending the night when he planned his visit. Also, the next morning he laid in my bed while I got ready for work. I thought he would get up and get out when my alarm went off, but he had no qualms about laying there until the last minute. Dude is a little too comfortable.
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Ugh! I will legit be single for the rest of my life. The quality of men is just abysmal. This new guy I've been talking to is annoying now. As we're talking I ask him if he's available as in does he really have time to date. We were talking about work and life and whatnot and it was seriously just a follow up question. He goes off saying something like is this because I didn't respond to your earlier text. I really didn't even know what he was talking about so I just hung up. Lol I don't have time for it. It was already a stretch to talk on the phone but y'all had me feeling some kind of way. :lol:So he called me back and I ignore. Then he text saying he was a jerk and he's getting cabin fever so he snapped at me. Nah! Good day sir.

Then the messages on OKC from other fools:
"Wish I could have you" :perplexed:
"What's good mama? You in the hood"
"How's next Tuesday to meet the man of your dreams"

:confused::confused::confused:What in the entire hell to all of this. I just can't.
I went to the mall to get my nails done today and they took forever! It was already past closing time when she finally got done & mall was a ghost town, but as I was coming around the corner I saw someone sitting on a bench grubbing on some Chick-fil-A that looked awfully like my young tender-roni, I got closer and it was him! It was the most random mess ever :laugh:

I walked past him and said hello then made a little slick comment and kept on moving out the door & he had the nerve to say "damn, I can't get a hug? ", I told him "I don't hug folks that don't respect my time".

Sorry not sorry.
A few weeks ago on OkC I met a guy who said he was single, and lived in the next town over. We never met in person because I was over the site and he wasn't makes moves anyway.

Anywho, one day we spoke and he mentioned taking a particular busline home from work and I thought it was weird since I don't know this busline to go to his area.

Yesterday I am waiting for my bus and a bus from this line stops in front of me. This guy gets off with this woman and it's him. Definitely him. He is trying to walk ahead of the lady but she was determined to catch up with him so they can walk together as a couple (as they should).

So basically this guy from OkC actually lives within a few blocks from me and IS in a relationship. SMH.
A few weeks ago on OkC I met a guy who said he was single, and lived in the next town over. We never met in person because I was over the site and he wasn't makes moves anyway.

Anywho, one day we spoke and he mentioned taking a particular busline home from work and I thought it was weird since I don't know this busline to go to his area.

Yesterday I am waiting for my bus and a bus from this line stops in front of me. This guy gets off with this woman and it's him. Definitely him. He is trying to walk ahead of the lady but she was determined to catch up with him so they can walk together as a couple (as they should).

So basically this guy from OkC actually lives within a few blocks from me and IS in a relationship. SMH.
Lying bastard. WTH.......
So, I think I'm boo'd up and I'm totally ok with that! WTH......
We are rolling. Great conversation, dates, communicating, I spoke with his daughter. He's telling everybody about me I'm like dang. I'm just going into this with a fully open mind and my fears are on the back burner. I can't live thinking everything is going to fall apart at any moment. I'm enjoying life right now.
So, I think I'm boo'd up and I'm totally ok with that! WTH......
We are rolling. Great conversation, dates, communicating, I spoke with his daughter. He's telling everybody about me I'm like dang. I'm just going into this with a fully open mind and my fears are on the back burner. I can't live thinking everything is going to fall apart at any moment. I'm enjoying life right now.
I need to do this. My guy says he can tell I'm holding back.
I need to do this. My guy says he can tell I'm holding back.
He's said the same to me. I'm trying my best. He's been very clear and open about things and I have no reason to distrust him, baggage is a B****. I'm not trying to carry it around forever. I'm just at the BE FREE stage in my life. I've survived some big time bull in my life. If I have to happen to have to go through it again, so be it...but I'm gonna live in spite of it.
A few weeks ago on OkC I met a guy who said he was single, and lived in the next town over. We never met in person because I was over the site and he wasn't makes moves anyway.

Anywho, one day we spoke and he mentioned taking a particular busline home from work and I thought it was weird since I don't know this busline to go to his area.

Yesterday I am waiting for my bus and a bus from this line stops in front of me. This guy gets off with this woman and it's him. Definitely him. He is trying to walk ahead of the lady but she was determined to catch up with him so they can walk together as a couple (as they should).

So basically this guy from OkC actually lives within a few blocks from me and IS in a relationship. SMH.
What is wrong with people? This is the stuff that makes people bitter I feel like. Like why are people trying to enter people's lives with drama and bs? He reached out to you ON A DATING SITE knowing full well he was bringing drama being attached but lying about it. Now had you ended up dealing with him you'd end up dealing with crap that you didn't even know was coming. It's more than dishonest. I take that ish personal. Like don't come over here ****** with my life for no reason at all other than you're bored in yours.
A guy I used to talk to a long time ago (we dated for maybe 5 minutes. I didn't like him) just text me to say "Can you do a study for me? I need the data asap - right now!" Excuse me? Why do you even still have my number? The only reason his name popped up is because he's still in my google contacts and I have no idea how to use google plus and get him off. :lol: I've deleted him several times and every time I go in there I see his name. ??? Anyway, I did not respond. What's with these dudes trying stuff like this to get attention?
I need to add some new players to the team STAT.

The last few days have been :wallbash:. I think sometimes he forgets that I've been there with him while he was working. I know he's not busy every minute of the day like he makes it seem. Like dude, when you're not driving, you're at a freakin bar or something, so don't tell me you're too busy for a simple "good" in response to a "how's your day going" text.

I'm not gonna complain (again), I'm just gonna give him a taste of his own medicine.

I'm still looking forward to the trip, I just know for sure now where to put him. But this will be the last time I put any effort or energy into him until/unless he steps his game up. He probably won't and if not, that's ok. It's not like his absence from my life would be that noticeable.

I'm just out of **** right now. I swore that this year I wasn't gonna have any man BS and while my ex and old dude screwed that up back in January, that doesn't mean it has to continue.
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I never mentioned the date between me and the gentleman I met at Michaels. I cancelled or postponed rather. So we met up for drinks on Wednesday and he is quite the charmer. He said I have a sharp tongue & he's not used to women like me. I just smirked. When I got home on Wednesday, after I texted him to let him know I was home, he called me to arrange another date for this wknd. But I'm booked so he got salty and said soon enough all my wknds will belong to him. Negro please! I will be seeing him tomorrow afternoon though, he's going to join me for a workout. I'm going to try and get $200 out of him because I want to buy this plane ticket asap.

I have a date tonight and tomorrow night. My ex from when I was 16 is trying to chat me up. I'm going to be nice because I'm moving soon and I want him to move my crap & carry me all over town to get new crap.
Got a message in my inbox for that ONE. The dude that showed me that being dickmatized is a real and true affliction.... I'm talking almost skipping class, laying up with his butt allll day, missing out on social events and the whole nine :laugh: Our physical connection was/is sickening.

We've always kept in touch over the years and he even came to visit me about 2 years ago but he played the broke role when he got here and I was over it after that...nothing disgusts me more.

He has his life together now though and in the back of my mind I have always wondered...... I haven't responded yet but I wonder what he wants.
This new dude is gonna be a no for me. I realize now why he flipped on me when I asked him if he has time to date. There was nothing behind my question but I see now the real answer is no and he probably thought I was calling him out...or maybe he's not interested. But we barely connect and still have yet to go out. So I haven't bothered. Last convo was Tuesday. He sent a quick text yesterday saying how my day went or something and I responded "out having margaritas". No response. Then just a few minutes ago he text me asking how the margaritas were. I respond and he disappears again. Listen here, I don't even know this dude and if we are planning on getting to know each other I'm gonna need a little more interaction to keep me interested. Hence my current disinterest.

He seems either too busy with his own stuff to connect for real and have a real conversation and plan a date or he isn't interested. And if he isn't I'm good on the random texts. Go find someone else's time to waste. My post sounds way more angry than I actually am. :lol: I'm not really invested so I'm not disappointed or anything. I'm just trying to get across how unacceptable I find this behavior. LOL
@KammyGirl When I was doing the online thing, I'd ask the guys why they chose online as opposed to meeting women in public. If they responded that they were too busy, then I'd say "If you are too busy to meet women, you must also be too busy to date and maintain a relationship."

I want someone who makes me a part of their life.
@KammyGirl When I was doing the online thing, I'd ask the guys why they chose online as opposed to meeting women in public. If they responded that they were too busy, then I'd say "If you are too busy to meet women, you must also be too busy to date and maintain a relationship."

I want someone who makes me a part of their life.
Exactly. I'm not trying to get in where I fit in. I would only have that mindset for a fwb situation and even then that has to be on my time not his.