single ladies 25 and up who want to have a husband and family get in here...


New Member
I'm not single now...but i may be soon
are you worried you may never find a good match?
will you settle for less to have a family?
Hecky naw!
I'm freshly divorced and I'm settin my standard a little higher for whoever I may end up with next. There are too many men in the world to settle. I think settling for someone who is not what you want (or need) only makes things worse, especially if you desire a family.

If I'm single for the rest of my life, it would not be the end of the world. I'd like to have uhhh... I don't know how to say it? "Another" family? Meaning I would like to have another child but NOT unless I'm married. If I can't find a person who I feel has or can attain everything I am looking for I will take it as a sign.
im 29 ive been single for a very very long time...

am i worried..not at this time..datin is hard...and sometimes your not always going to find that 100% good match...i would take the 80% right about now..

im not going to settle for anything though...ITA..settling for less just to have a man or a family just brings on more stress and issues...
I'm not single now...but i may be soon
are you worried you may never find a good match?
will you settle for less to have a family?

im 33 and im not worried in the least bit. im evolving into a woman that i want to be and that's one who puts God first and everyone else later. ever since i have begun my journey ive come to the realization that if it weren't for God i would probably be dead or in a mental institution. He does so much for me that no man can come close to what He does. I used to feel anxious,uptight and down because i felt like i needed a man to complete me. my priorities were messed up.God is the king of my heart and soul.
i am not saying i dont want a husband but God knows that this is a strong desire of my heart so when he comes he comes but until then im gonna do me. i cant sit here stressed and depressed because im not married. that would be a slap in God's face i look back at my life and i can truly say im blessed. if i were to know all of the good God has done for me i would cry and i would feel utter shame because if you only worry about what you dont have you will never get anywhere. i dont have time for that instead i thank Him for all that i do have and all that he blesses me on a daily basis. sorry im letting it all out but I just have to give Glory to God.
I did. I learned I can't worry about. It really really didn't help. I would try to force the issue.

I honestly think now, I didn't before, that in God's time. Our steps are ordered by God. The Lord has my back.( Fred Hammond CD influence right here, lol) To worry or question, is a lack of faith and I can not afford to do.

Building my relationship with God( having a stronger spiritual foundation) has made me stronger in my belief that as I'm working on this path God has placed, I'll find that One who will complement me and we will grow our fam in God and love. I'm not giving up hope and I'm not settling.

My mom worries about that for me. All that worry is draining. Nope can't do it anymore.
I'm 27 and I worry. I could write a whole thesis on this, but I'm not going to right now. Let's just say that pickings are real slim round these parts. :nono:

ETA: I don't worry too much because it would drive me crazy. My best bet is to up and move elsewhere, which I'm planning to do within the next year. Hallelujah.
I'm 27 and I worry. I could write a whole thesis on this, but I'm not going to right now. Let's just say that pickings are real slim round these parts. :nono:

ETA: I don't worry too much because it would drive me crazy. My best bet is to up and move elsewhere, which I'm planning to do within the next year. Hallelujah.

Sunshine where you at
at one point i worried. the worrying is what gets you in trouble. you will make bad decisions. try to enjoy all the phases of your life.
I'm not single now...but i may be soon
are you worried you may never find a good match?
will you settle for less to have a family?

I'm not single but I'm not married so take that however you like.

I'm not willing to settle under any circumstances. I've already decided that if I don't marry my current SO then I will most likely never get married.

I'm not bothered by that. You can be loved by more than just a *husband* and your children.

I know I'm difficult to deal with and I refuse to alter myself for a man so if I end up never getting married then it is what it is.
I'm like seeminglysweet- not single and not married.

I will not settle. My guy knows that my expectations and standards are high (sometimes extremely high, granted :look:) but he seems willing to meet them. I do want the husband, kids and a doggie. But on my terms, without slaughtering my morals. . . I want my man to have his career/life path going, to be satisfied with himself and love himself so that he can love me and any kids we bring into the world.

Until then, I will remain unmarried. I'm not scared, my life's plan is in God's hands and I'm willing to let HIM work on it, on my behalf.
Sunshine where you at

Ann Arbor, Michigan. :nono: It's a college town. I think we *may* have a 10% Black population. And most of those are undergrads. Nice to look at, but I'm too old to be dating 19 year olds. :look:

On the grad school level, the selection of men is just pitiful. Unless you're willing to date clear. I just don't see it happening for me.

Detroit is up the road, but I haven't had any luck there either :rolleyes:. Or online in the metro area.

It's been 4 years so I'm giving up and moving on to sunnier pasteurs. Literally.
Hecky naw!
I'm freshly divorced and I'm settin my standard a little higher for whoever I may end up with next. There are too many men in the world to settle. I think settling for someone who is not what you want (or need) only makes things worse, especially if you desire a family.

If I'm single for the rest of my life, it would not be the end of the world. I'd like to have uhhh... I don't know how to say it? "Another" family? Meaning I would like to have another child but NOT unless I'm married. If I can't find a person who I feel has or can attain everything I am looking for I will take it as a sign.

Same here...I refuse to settle. Settling is NOT an option!:nono: Boo is gonna have to bring it. I don't see why he shouldn't bring it....after all he won't be settling when he marries me.:grin: