Since joining LHCF.....

Wigging it, moisturizing, deep cons, igging people at work who do not understand my regimen, finally Big chopping and wearing my hair in its natural state no matter what the naysayers think and leaving my hair alone!
Moisturizing/sealing 2x's/day
Ayurvedic oils and powders!!
Making my own and/or using hand-made products

There are many more I could mention, but these 3 immediately come to mind.
1) Ingredients- learning about sulfates, mineral oil and learning to avoid those
2) sealing after moisturizing- I always moisturized but the sealing step really does it for mw
3) coconut oil- I had it before but I didn't know how to use it right
4) deep conditioning- only did it at the salon
I'm fairly new and have just begun my regimen, but there are a few things I have seen that have made a difference already:

1) moisturize and seal--oh. my. god. this technique is AMAZING. I was VERY skeptical about using EVOO because I had never used oils on my hair. It seemed like such a foreign practice and like it would make my hair greasy. I tried it and the exact same day, I realized the difference in my hair and just how wonderful the ends felt, I was entirely sold on this.

2) Co-Washing: it works great. nuff said.

3) The realization that black hair is dry hair and constantly in need of moisture. I know that this sounds weird, but honestly I never put moisture on my hair and ends daily. It just didn't happen. But now I feel like I better understand how to get moisture and retain it.
1. Cowashing
2. Protective Styling
3. Minimal Heat

These are the ONLY things that keeps me retaining length, and I had never heard of the before I got on to the hair boards.
My top three things are:
1) Moisture and protein balance
2) texlaxing my hair twice a year has really thickened my hair
3)the baggy method has made my hair grow without protective styles!!!!!
Proper way to use henna
finger detangling/ minimal manipulation
Co washing/limited shampoo usage
Deep conditioning / steaming
1. Co-washing
2. Castor oil and shea butter
3. Finger combing only...didn't know it was possible, looooove it
* Low to no manipulation

All of these things have helped me retain everything I've grown. It's so amazing how low maintenance my hair really is...I never knew
moisturising with water or products with water listed as the first ingredient as opposed to hair grease.

co washing (i love it soooo much :D)

henna and indigo

shea butter and coconut oil

Deep conditioning every week with heat
