Naturals: Did joining LHCF make you consider relaxing again in the future?

Not really. Joining LHCF helped me realize I could have healthy hair no matter what state it is. Relaxing just requires too much work for me. For me, natural hair is easier.

ETA: As BMP said, I do not like the commitment either. The idea of chemically changing my hair, and then having to wait to grow my hair back out and chop it off, is unappealing. If I ever feel in my life that I must have straight hair for a long period of time, I'll have to weave it up. I just need to be able to dump the straight hair the moment I am ready.
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Yes, twice and both times it was a disaster.

Interesting.. was it because the relaxed hair didn't live up to your expectations, or you experienced damage?

I'm over my flirty relaxer thoughts now and I think that if I relaxed again I would get bored quickly and regret it.

Not really. Joining LHCF helped me realize I could have healthy hair no matter what state it is. Relaxing just requires too much work for me. For me, natural hair is easier.

ETA: As BMP said, I do not like the commitment either. The idea of chemically changing my hair, and then having to wait to grow my hair back out and chop it off, is unappealing. If I ever feel in my life that I must have straight hair for a long period of time, I'll have to weave it up. I just need to be able to dump the straight hair the moment I am ready.

I feel the same way :yep: So true about weaves.. I'm realizing I sometimes crave drastically changing my look and the only way I could really do that in a realistic way is with weaves and wigs. Neither relaxed or natural has been that versatile for me where I could switch up without a lot of time and effort.
Joining LHCF has tempted me to get a texturizer. I see so many heads with long straight hair.:yep:
I don't see myself getting a relaxer because I burn too easily.
No, I used to relax and my hair never thrived. Since I've become natural my hair is where I want it to be health wise. I'm speaking for myself because I know several ladies with relaxed healthy beautiful hair. It just wasn't for me : )
LHCF played a role in my decision to transition to natural, even though there were just a small handful of natural heads back then. I'm not tempted to relax my hair, I don't have a desire to, I love my natural hair. Whenever I'm craving the 'straight' look (which isn't too often) I can ponytail rollerset my hair or flat iron it, it's simple and easy.
Good question. I was never afraid of relaxing before. I went natural simply because I'd never tried it before. I'm definitely loving it but I don't make long-term hair decisions. I'm happy with being natural for right now but to me it's just hair. It's not life or death. :ohwell:

LHCF definitely showed me that u CAN have healthy, long, relaxed hair. Which I didn't know because for me my relaxed hair never went past SL. But that was probably because I knew NOTHING about taking care of it. :wallbash:

My mom is kind of a tomboy so she didn't care much about hair at all. Don't get me wrong, as a kid she ALWAYS kept my hair neat and cute (I'm just gonna let that time she put that Just For Me in and had to cut my hair down to little trees slide. lol.) but once I got old enough to do my own hair she didn't warn me about the cotton scrunchies, the excessive heat, the harsh gel, or over combing. :nono:

Anyway, I said all that to say I'm not afraid of relaxing my hair later in life. After a few years, I may do just that. #kanyeshrug Lol.
Oh no!!!!! Actually lhcf confirmed my descision to go natural. I choose to stay natural b/c it only makes sense for me-there is no temptation....

Did you see the big hair thread? A big afro is tempting to me...permanent straight hair is just not my answer...

no offense to my straight haired sistas :kiss:
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No it was the opposite for me. I came here relaxed and ended up being natural. I will never relax my hair again. My natural hair is just "me" :yep:

So did I.
My relaxer stretch turned into the BC and I've been natural every since and it was the right choice for me. I heart my coily hair.
well not LHCF but once i started my hair care journey i have been tempted to relax. max i would texlax. i am trying to btk now and see if that will give me the ease that i desire with styling options
I can't lie sometimes but then I have flashbacks to all of the burning the scarring. It's amazing I'm not bald because of all the scarring and scabbs (thinking about it gives me the shivers)
I came hear natural looking for natural ways to loosen my curl and was afraid to use lime and yogurt. That is when I learned about texlaxed hair . I am happily texlaxed!!!!!
Nope. Not even back then when majority on the forum with long flowing tresses were relaxed. Once I saw that my natural hair could grow longer than I imagined it could, I didn't give relaxers a second thought. And when I became familiar with how to handle my hair, my whole plan of transitioning so I could relax healthier hair went out the window faster than a speeding bullet.
We were the minority for real for a long time:yep:
So what say you LHCF naturals, do all these progress pics test you? :lachen:

They don't test me only because I considered relaxing again well before joining LHCF. What the progress pics teach me is that the "relaxer equals evil" mantra is just BS; Whether you're relaxed or natural, you have hair on your head if you maintain your hair's health and use proper techniques.
I have not ruled out relaxing again in the future. I'm pretty sure that I'll at texlax again before it's all over. But not before I reach my goal.
I've never been relaxed, but being here hasn't made me want to relax.
The fact that a relaxer is permanent frightens me. I can't even flat iron my whole head without missing my natural hair... if I relaxed it, I'd have to cut it off and start over, and that thought makes me sad.
No, it hasn't so far. I see way too many beautiful natural heads over here, and can't wait for my hair to look like one of theirs! I'm still natural for life! :yep:
I can't lie sometimes but then I have flashbacks to all of the burning the scarring. It's amazing I'm not bald because of all the scarring and scabbs (thinking about it gives me the shivers)

True.. my scabbing/burning experiences weren't s bad as yours but still unacceptable when you think about it , it's easy to romanticize the process when you see beautiful heads on here.
it is all the natural pictures and threads that made me decide to go natural. When my hair was relaxed it was pretty healthy and pretty but I jsut don't have as much versatility. I know I can straighten if I want and I love that option
not really although honestly, I used tothink when my hair gets long enough, I might relax. I know my texture and I see others who are the same texture and have long hair and it's a lot of work. Even then I'm not sure, because even though I was relaxed for 2 years after finding this board, my hair still never thrived until I BCed. It took me like 2 years to reach from halle berry to CBL when I was relaxed. I BCed, and it took me less than a year (it's not even my nappyversary yet) to get past CBL and on my way to APL. I just don't think relaxers agree with me.

I guess I'll see when I have the length.
I've been natural for 4 1/2 years and am now locked. When I first went natural I said I'd never get a relaxer neva eva eva again. Now I just require whatever hair state I choose to be healthy and hawt..

Joining LHCF made me see that my relaxed hair could be all that and more wht the proper techniques. I've never had a problem with growth whether relaxed or natural but overprocessing and heat made me shed like crazy while relaxed and my hair would get thinned out.

I've recently concluded that if I ever take my locs down I'll probably relax because going back to loose hair isnt' that appealing to me. But I'm a bit conflicted because I love love my natural texture and how being natural makes me stand out from others.

So what say you LHCF naturals, do all these progress pics test you? :lachen:

Yes, after joining LHCF and seeing so many beautiful heads of relaxed hair, I took the plunge and relaxed (I'm about 10 wks post now). I was natural for 15 years prior and absolutely do not regret my decision... but who knows? I may be singing a totally different tune in 1 mth, 1 year, etc. I'm not really worried about it because at the end of the day, the beautiful ladies of LHCF have reinforced the idea that I'm capable of having gorgeous, healthy hair in its relaxed or natural state. At this point of my life, I don't really have the time to dedicate to my mega thick (BSB/BSL?) hair the way I used to. Relaxed hair is simply more convenient for me and my current lifestyle. The interesting thing is I preferred to wear my hair in straight styles as a natural (flat ironed every 1-2 wks), but as a relaxed head, I prefer more textured styles... lovin' my braid outs!

To each his/her own - the beauty of our hair is its diversity... if I do decide to stop relaxing, this board has shown me that I shouldn't be afraid of the transitioning phase which was one of the biggest fears I had to overcome before going through with my relaxer.

HHG all! ;)