Silkycoils is . . .the BLACKchorette. :-D


Well-Known Member
Y'all . . .I'm lowkey poppin'! :lachen: I have taken the advice of my friends, my Son, and ya'll, and just chilled the fudge out! :lachen: I have been on three dates in the past two weeks, and I'm getting ready for a lunch date now. I also have ANOTHER date on Sunday before the Super Bowl!!!! :lachen: They have all been first dates with different men (obviously), but two of the three wanted to see me again, and the third was cool, he messaged me afterwards. I wanted to wait until I'd had at least second and third dates, but I'm having so much fun, I couldn't wait to share. :) I joined Hinge last week, and it's been a flurry of activity. Now I wouldn't be me if I wasn't truthful and didn't tell y'all that I've encountered at least one narcissist and one sociopath, but nevermind that for now. :lachen: I will try to give y'all a synopsis of each encounter (even the ones that are already done), but Lordt, that takes time, and I'm on my schmoney grind right now! Anywho, if y'all are interested, I'll start with my story of the "Bible-thumping Hotep" that I met back in December. :lachen:

But single ladies, I suggest giving Hinge a try. It's only been one week, but the men "seem" more intentional about meeting. :) See y'all later. :lachen:

we ready for story-time!
Hotep Bible-Thumper

So, in spite of all of the trash nakers I have encountered in my life, I am still very much of a Romantic. HBT has an email address that is verrrry close to mine. Mine only has my middle initial as well. As such, he often accidentally gets my emails, and he is courteous enough to forward them. This has been going on for YEARS . . .maybe even since college (not quite sure, but it’s been a long time). Anywho, last year around January, he forwarded me yet another email, and I replied, “HBT :lachen:, I feel like we are old friends. Thanks so much for forwarding my emails all of these years.” He replies, “It’s all good Ms. (Silkycoils), just treating others as I want to be treated. This is me so you know who I am. Have a blessed day.” He attaches a picture of himself and I am surprised that he is a Black Man. He’s alright looking . . .like a regular-degular Black Man, but not a gremlin :lachen:. I send him a picture of me in my Flight Attendant uniform with my “good wig” on :lachen: . . .no response. I was like, “Aiight den Ni-- . . . :lachen:”, but it was all good.

So anyway, fast-forward to December 2020 and he hits me up stating that he will be in Georgia and would like to meet up. I didn’t have anything else going on :lachen:, so I was like cool. Now, I ain’t doing no blind meetup just because . . .you gone have to feed me! :lachen: I picked this brunch spot not far from me (I wasn’t driving too far either) and we’re all set. I told him that I started locs, just so he wouldn’t expect me to look all wigalicious like my pic. On the set day, he’s a bit late because his hotel is downtown. I get to the restaurant on time, but I have to wait for him for like 20 minutes . . .no biggie. I’m playing on my phone. When he finally comes in, he is SUPER tall (6’9”). My server had come over to check on me, and then to check on us as soon as he arrived. I could tell that he was feeling me because he was just staring. :lachen: I said, “You might want to look at the menu to see what you want to order.” Anywho, it’s time to order, and he says, “You can get what you want, but I don’t eat pork.” I ask, “Oh, are you Muslim?” and he says that he isn’t. This struck me as kind of weird because in my mind I was like, “I KNOW I can get what I want . . .and you’re gonna pay for it!” :lachen: He says that he’s trying to eat more plant-based. So I get what I’m getting (a smoked salmon frittata) and I’m still my usual bubbly self. He then asks me what I think about Corona. I said, “I feel like the government had something to do with it (my thoughts), but I think it’s real. He says that he thinks it’s not that serious. Here we go . . .

I said, “But people are dying.” He says he believes they are spreading the propaganda because they want us to get the vaccine. I’m sure we have some anti-vaxxers on this board, but I’m not one of them. I respect people’s beliefs as long as they don’t try to impose them on me.

Then he compliments my locs and I thank him of course. I said that I can’t wait until they mature because I want to color my grays. He says, “Oh no, no! Don’t do that!” I said, “I’m gon do it.” He says that hair color is linked to cancer, and this may be true, but he was killing my vibe for real. I told him that there are all-natural hair coloring products like henna and indigo . . .BLOOP!

He says he likes it when women are natural, with no makeup, and by this time, I’m fighting for my face not to get twisted.

I said that I don’t necessarily wear makeup on the day to day, but that I do wear it to court sometimes. Also, my Flight Attendant job is sort of like a character. I would feel “unpolished” if I wasn’t made up when at work. But in my mind, I’m like, “Ain’t nobody ask you what you like", like Bruh.”

So, he tells me that he’s been divorced since 2017 (I can’t remember), but then he volunteers that he’s been celibate for five years.

He said that the marriage broke up over his beliefs. I couldn’t help but to laugh to myself like, “Good one God (like the joke is on me)."

Anyway, we’re finished and leaving. He asks if he could take a picture with me, and I indulge. I already knew that I was not going to EVER see him again, so why not? He has to take the tape off of his camera to snap the photo. He asks if he can see me again, and I reply, “You know where I am.” He walks me to my car, and I say goodbye and get in. As I’m pulling out, he pulls up to me in his truck and gets out to hand me a piece of paper . . .It’s a handout with scriptures on it. It has scriptures that reference why women should dress modestly, and not want to lead, blah-blah-blah . . .whoo-chile. Needless to say, he wernt it.

He emailed me a week or so later with the photo of us and he said (copied and pasted with name edits), “Hey Silkycoils, how have you been? I want to be open and direct in writing this to you. First of all, thank you for the breakfast we shared together, it was really good to see you. I think you are a beautiful woman and I really like your spirit. There is something about you that I really admire and fond of. I was also impressed by your humility, that’s attractive to me. You are a strong woman in making it through your struggles in life and accomplishing your goals. I didn’t realize you were as tall as you are, nice… (smiling)!

I know we’re about 800 miles (11hrs) apart, and that’s fine. You have a life in ATL and I have one in DAL. I also understand we may differ on a few things, but our foundation is in Christ/Messiah, and we are building on that foundation. I would love to just stay in contact with you, converse, hear your voice and really get to know you and become your friend... and it’s not a coincidence that we met. We are both are grown 1975 babies... (smile). It’s nothing for me to hop on a plane to ATL just to see you and spend time with you. Hope you have a great week and may the Most High bless you abundantly.


I PROMPTY reply, “Hey HBT,
Happy New Year to you! Thanks for the pic. I've been well for the most part . . . just trying to stay on top of my work and get this year off to a great start. Thanks so much for your words. Yes, it was refreshing to be able to "look up" to someone. HBT, I'm certainly open to being your friend, but I must be honest and say that that is where it would end. While we are both believers, I feel that we are very different in our ideologies. I think this could cause discomfort and unease down the line. As such, I would rather keep things as they have been. Thank you again for breakfast and for forwarding my mail all of these years. Best wishes to you for a peaceful and abundant year.
Best wishes,


Y’all, WHY did that naker call me THAT NIGHT?!!!! I had gotten a new phone, and his number was blocked in my old one :lachen:, so I didn’t recognize the number. When he identified himself, I asked, “Did you get my email?” and he replied that he had?!!! In my mind, I’m like, “Then why are you calling?”

I reiterated what I said in my email, but I kept it pleasant before ending the call. Here I was thinking it was gone be like some "Sleepless in Seattle" typa thing . . .but it was not. :lachen:

Y’all, I cannot promise that I will always be this detailed, but this is kind of fun for me. :lachen: Next up is a quick blurb about the 35 year old (I’m 45). He was my first date of 2021.
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The 35 Year Old

So in my previous thread, I mentioned that I was on black people meet. I was getting annoyed by the type of men who were sliding in my inbox . . .for real! I am 45, and I’m not even on my “A” game, but I don’t look “old.” Some of these men would have 44, 46, etc. in their profile, but they would look old and rundown . . .ain’t nobody got time for that! I’m also at a tricky age because I don’t want to date anyone who is too close in age to my Sons (26 and 24). So I came across a message from “35” in my inbox, and I checked out his profile. His profile was short, but seemed sincere. He had one picture, which is usually a “no” for me, BUT you could clearly see his UPS shirt. Listen, y’all know I’ve got two jobs :lachen:, but I’m no job snob. I care about a man’s earnings. I figured that UPS was a good company, so I would give it a shot. We connected on a Sunday and had our first phone conversation the next day I believe. The conversation went well. He was divorced (on his profile) with one daughter. I found out during the conversation that his daughter was from an earlier relationship. He is also a Supervisor for UPS, and hoping to find a truck driving school that doesn’t conflict with his work schedule. He wants to become a driver for UPS. Seems pretty solid, right? I don’t tell people right off the bat that I’m an Attorney, so as far as he knows, I only work as a Flight Attendant (though I did say that I’ve been on leave and furlough). He’s only been divorced for about six months, and he hasn’t really dated since then. He was married for four years (this is important). He is originally from New Orleans, and his Mom and Sister moved to GA after Katrina. He’s also in the Navy Reserves. We meet at the same brunch spot where I met “HBT” and I was hoping that I didn’t get the same server so that she didn’t think I was a floozy. :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: I wore some black high wasted leggings and a denim button down shirt tied at the waist to show a peek of my waist beads. :look: :lachen: I had my locs up in a headwrap. As an aside, my friend recently put me on to this Amber hair and body oil that smells INTOXICATING . . .I think it works (you’ll find out why later :lachen: ). I put it on after my shower, but I put a little on my scalp as well. He’d told me that his Mama was an excellent cook, and that she made him a pound cake. He said he would bring me a piece. :lachen: Okay, I can’t go too far without mentioning that he told me over the phone that he has a roommate . . .
I often try to think the best of people, but I’m trying to get out of that. :lachen: I say, “I get it. I’m not mad at you stacking your coins.” He says, “What coins? They cut my hours after the holidays.” At that moment, the image of Dave Chappelle flashes in my mind.
Even still . . .I agree to go out with him. Before y’all even go there, I was turned off when he told me he had a roommate, but my friend said, “So what, I had a roommate.” She is 33 and also an Attorney. I told her that that’s fine and good, but I’m past that. This ain’t NYC or LA (not that I would accept it then, but I would be more understanding). You can EASILY find an affordable apartment in Georgia! Nevertheless, I went out with him (one day Ima stop being so nice!).

So back to brunch, he arrived before I did, and I could see that he put thought into his look. He was wearing a Polo sweater, some jeans, and some polo boots. We start chatting, and I caught a slight whiff of his breath . . .and it wasn’t pleasant. I feel so mean for saying this, but we might as well air it all out (no pun intended :lachen: ). I also notice that he has some buildup along his gumline. I don’t be in folks mouth like that (okay, yes I do :lachen: ), but it was evident. I immediately think to myself, “He will NEVER kiss my lips :look: until he gets that handled.” But again, I thought maybe he was caught slipping. So he forgets my pound cake, but he says he will bring it back to me. He does most of the talking, but I’m engaged. I ask him when is the last time he’s seen his daughter (she’s 11) and he says . . .FOUR YEARS?!!!

I’m like, “Why not?” He says that because he is in the Reserves, he has to observe the quarantine rules, which means two weeks before, then two weeks after. He said he can’t afford to take that much time off from work. Okay, that’s all fine and dandy, but we’ve only been in a pandemic for a year . . .what about the other three years?! And back to his wife, you mean to tell me that you had a WHOLE wife, and between the two of y’all, y’all couldn’t come up with a plane ticket for your daughter to visit?!!!! I tell him that I hope he reunites with his daughter soon, and that she needs him.

Ladies, I been ready to tap out at this point, but he really presents as “nice.” I feel like he will eventually get his stuff together . . .I’m just not the woman to wait around until that happens. After brunch, I go home and he calls me when he’s on his way back with my cake. :lachen: I told him I would meet him at the supermarket near my house. Blah-blah-blah, he brings me three slices, and one for my friend (her greedy butt asked for a slice when I told her about it). Some of y’all wouldn’t have eaten that cake, but I prayed over it. :look: :lachen:

Anywho, he definitely wants to see me again, and I’m just thinking about having fun and not being so rigid . . .big mistake. :lachen: We have a text conversation that evening, and he asks, “Are we going out this weekend?”. I reply, “We can. Let me know what you have in mind.” Dis Ni- -guy says, “What about a walk in the park?”?!!!!

I immediately (seriously, like one minute later) reply back, “Umm . . .nah.” He then asks if I want to go bowling or shoot pool. I ignore it because I’m LIVID. About 30 minutes later, he texts me, “Is your uncle[‘s] cake better?”. I reply, “Uncle?” I also said that we could go bowling if it was a place not downtown. He replies, “You said your uncle I believe makes a bomb pound cake.” KNEE-GURR . . . I said, “That wasn’t me” to which he replies, “Okay.” At this point, I was DONE done! I said, “I know dis Naker ain’t outchea wooing chicks with POUNDCAKE?!!!!” :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: I told my younger Son about him, and he said the following: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: (see attached texts)

So the next day I deaded it with him, and this was the exchange:
(see attached texts—I gave him my Google Voice number :lachen: )

I don’t know what I was thinking (actually, I do), but I absolutely cannot! After I gave him his walking papers, he texted me the next morning at 6:08 A.M.(?!!!!), and y’all KNOW how I feel about early morning texts! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: He texted me again around 1:47, then CALLED me later that afternoon?!!!! He said because of me, he signed up for truck driving school. He found one on the weekends that wouldn’t conflict with his work. I said, “That’s great, but that still doesn’t have anything to do with why you haven’t seen your daughter.” I told him that I had made up my mind, but that I wished him the best. I told y’all that Amber body oil is intoxicating. :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Next up, the Narcissist.


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I bought it on Etsy, and it’s Black-owned. Let me reorder before y’all buy it up! :lachen: It comes with a pump sprayer, but it comes out in a stream. They give you the option of ordering a nozzle for like, $1, which is great, but it makes it go faster. I HIGHLY recommend ordering at least two for your first order. I LOVE it!!!! :)
ETA: For some reason, the photo isn’t uploading. The brand is B’Amour.
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I bought it on Etsy, and it’s Black-owned. Let me reorder before y’all buy it up! :lachen: It comes with a pump sprayer, but it comes out in a stream. They give you the option of ordering a nozzle for like, $1, which is great, but it makes it go faster. I HIGHLY recommend ordering at least two for your first order. I LOVE it!!!! :)
ETA: For some reason, the photo isn’t uploading. The brand is B’Amour.
I was just coming back to ask about the scent :lol: thank you for the stories and rec :)
I bought it on Etsy, and it’s Black-owned. Let me reorder before y’all buy it up! :lachen: It comes with a pump sprayer, but it comes out in a stream. They give you the option of ordering a nozzle for like, $1, which is great, but it makes it go faster. I HIGHLY recommend ordering at least two for your first order. I LOVE it!!!! :)
ETA: For some reason, the photo isn’t uploading. The brand is B’Amour.
I had to order a bottle before folks saw your post and bought it up lol
I bought it on Etsy, and it’s Black-owned. Let me reorder before y’all buy it up! :lachen: It comes with a pump sprayer, but it comes out in a stream. They give you the option of ordering a nozzle for like, $1, which is great, but it makes it go faster. I HIGHLY recommend ordering at least two for your first order. I LOVE it!!!! :)
ETA: For some reason, the photo isn’t uploading. The brand is B’Amour.
Thanks! I grabbed 2...
@Silkycoils gurlll... you’re a saint dealing with the 35 year old! You’re so nice. I was reading your text exchange with him thinking: stop explaining and cut that ninja off already!! :lol: I don’t have patience for that foolishness. That and the fact that his oral hygiene is lacking would’ve been a wrap for me. His a** would’ve been blocked before we even left the restaurant on that first date. :angeldevil:Btw how tall are you? I’m tall too (6ft) and people are always surprised when they meet me. :lol:
@Silkycoils gurlll... you’re a saint dealing with the 35 year old! You’re so nice. I was reading your text exchange with him thinking: stop explaining and cut that ninja off already!! :lol: I don’t have patience for that foolishness. That and the fact that his oral hygiene is lacking would’ve been a wrap for me. His a** would’ve been blocked before we even left the restaurant on that first date. :angeldevil:Btw how tall are you? I’m tall too (6ft) and people are always surprised when they meet me. :lol:
I’m 5’11”. :-) I need to hurry up with my next entries (The Narcissist and The Sociopath). I’m on Date #2 with one guy tomorrow, and another this weekend. :laugh: I’ll have it up this week. :-)