Silkycoils' Dating Adventure: Who will be the lucky fellow?


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies!

I didn't follow Ediese's entire thread, but was very excited to hear of her love connection. I've been single for a loooong time now (technically all of my life, as I've never been "murried" :lachen: ) and have finally taken out some lingering trash for good! Sooo . . . with that being said, I'm ready to mingle and allow true love to find me. :detective:

What really made me decide to actively date more than one man was b/c I'd recently met this man from We'd spoken a few times and he seems like a nice guy. Well, we met in person for the first time on Wednesday for lunch and I looked super-pretty (if I say so myself :gorgeous: :lachen:). The date went well, conversation flowed and everything was everything. He walked me to my car and opened the door for me and asked if he could call me again. Nice, right? WHY I "ain't" heard from this knee-gro since then?! :fistshake: :lol:

So I'm all into this LOA positive affirmations and stuff, so I REFUSED to question what I might've done wrong. I simply reasoned that he would either a) Call eventually or b) that means he's not for me. In any event, I wasn't going to waste any time moping around letting the grass grow under my feet, so I signed up for Plenty of Fish yesterday and the e-mails have been coming steadily. I figure if I'm busy dating and "taking care of me", I won't have time to ponder such things. I took the advice from someone in the "Online Dating" thread and got me a Google Voice number and it's all good. I've had conversations w/three different men today!!!! Yep, SC is turning her "swag" on for real and getting out there. Who's with me? :)
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Get it girl! lol! I totally believe in not putting all of your eggs in one flakey commitment phobia having basket lol. Date around, have fun & something great will happen when you least expect it :yep:
First of all, I love your writing style, it's lovely. And secondly, I am so excited for you! It sounds like you have a very nice plan. Third, I love your attitude:yep:, I hate when women be like why didn't he call? What's wrong with me? No, he said he he'd call, he didn't, oh well his loss, KIM, and find the guy that wants you. No use spinning wheels over some joker you don't even really know. You keep that positive attitude and you will become a magnet and the right guy will find you:).
YAY! I'm excited to hear about your experiences. I'm living vicariously through you ladies because I've never really dated so it's fun to me to read about your dating adventures:yep:

And I wish you the best of luck!
you guys are making me want to get on the internet matchmaking bandwagon!!! subscribing...good luck girl!!
Hi All! Just checking in. :wave: I'm in FL for Spring Break w/my sons, but I've been receiving a steady stream of e-mails and responding. I must say, I've received 99.9% positive e-mails, and the .1% weren't THAT bad, but they may have turned me off w/"sexy" or too many spelling errors. :lachen:

Here's my story: I never really learned how to "date", but I believe it's important to learn how to deal with/relate to the opposite sex. The more exposed you are, the more comfortable you feel. :)

So, as with anything in which you hope to be successful, you need a plan. Here's mine:

1. Weed out men who state they are not actively seeking a relationship. Surprisingly, most state they are actively looking.
2. Have several "date outfits" that are flattering and flirty. I WILL be repeating them! :lachen: I have work clothing and casual clothing, but I need more "sexy" clothing so I can put together an outfit and feel "on point". I have flattering jeans, but I need more sexy heels.
3. My plan is to make first dates activity dates. That way we will likely be focused on having fun.

That's it for now. This is a work in progress. My goal is to just have fun-fun-FUN! :)

Oh, my profile is short and sweet w/a bit of humor thrown in. :)
First of all, I love your writing style, it's lovely. And secondly, I am so excited for you! It sounds like you have a very nice plan. Third, I love your attitude:yep:, I hate when women be like why didn't he call? What's wrong with me? No, he said he he'd call, he didn't, oh well his loss, KIM, and find the guy that wants you. No use spinning wheels over some joker you don't even really know. You keep that positive attitude and you will become a magnet and the right guy will find you:).

This is such a nice, well thought out, intelligent, positive, encouraging response to OP, hopeful! I had to stop and do a lil more than hit the "thanks" button.


First of all, I love your writing style, it's lovely. And secondly, I am so excited for you! It sounds like you have a very nice plan. Third, I love your attitude:yep:, I hate when women be like why didn't he call? What's wrong with me? No, he said he he'd call, he didn't, oh well his loss, KIM, and find the guy that wants you. No use spinning wheels over some joker you don't even really know. You keep that positive attitude and you will become a magnet and the right guy will find you:).

Thanks so much! I like to write in a conversational tone so that I can "paint a picture" :lachen: I do the same thing in my journal and when I go back and re-read the entries, it's like I'm reading a novel. :lol:

You are sooo right . . . Can't miss what you never had, so no use wasting time thinking about such things. :)
Hey Guys! :wave:

So, I've been on PoF for one full week and it's been interesting. I've "met" a couple of men who "have my attention". I've had a few phone conversations, but I have a few phone calls I've yet to return. I've also had to "block" a couple of folks. :ban: :sekret:

With that being said, I'm back in town from vacation, so I will be meeting some folks (in person) soon. I have a meeting on Monday with a white gentleman (1/2 Turkish, 1/2 Greek). He's hawt in his pic :lick:, but the two convos we've had were :yawn: . We shall see . . .

There's this "young" (29 to my 30-something :eyebrows2: ) cutie that I need to call back. I'm not really "checking" for youngins, as I'm marriage-minded. While I don't think of every guy as my "future husband", I'm inclined to disregard those who couldn't possibly fit the bill. But, there was something about him. His e-mail was very respectful, his profile well written and his pics paint him as someone who genuinely enjoys life (genuine smiles, pics w/friends and family). Plus, he's good-looking. :) Yes, I shall call him back . . . as soon as I look up his name. :lachen:

I must say, some "Cay-uties" have contacted me and their "styles" have run the gamut from the "pretty boys" :smirk: to the "intellectuals" :bookworm: to the "neo-soul" :meditate: to the "Wiz Kalifas" :down:.

Yessir . . . this is going to be fun. :scratchch :woot:
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I did a post like this before on another message board, when I was still in college... I included pics throughout though, even pics while on the dates (it was a good way for me to remember to take more pictures for my personal collection, which was something I was into at that time)... y'all got the market cornered on it on this board tho... I'm gonna sit back and watch...:curtain: :clap:
I will continue to watch for updates.Its exciting for others to find love no matter the race.

ETA ok whats with idiots on this site.You know who you are.If you hate folks who are open minded to different things then please don't post.I understand you paid 6.50 but so did everyone else who wants happiness.Oh I hate dumb broads I really do.
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another im trying to find a white man thread- not surprised





Miss Lady . . . WHERE did it say that I was "trying to find a white man"?!!!! Seriously, just ugly for no reason. :nono:
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she sounds bitter. No need to bog yourself down. I'm still trying to figure out how she feels her post is valid.

Anywho, any updates?

You are so right. Not really. I'm meeting that one gentleman tomorrow. One guy called me this MORNING!!!! while he was getting ready for church. I answered only b/c I'd missed his call yesterday. He seems like a nice guy: well spoken, educated and very polite and gainfully employed. He's attractive as well. Here's my nagging issue with him: he has two sons (ages 7 and 5, respectively) from a previous relationship. I have two sons as well, but shoot . . . mine are dang near grown (16 and 14). :lachen: He asked could I see myself w/someone w/young children and I don't know if I really can :perplexed, but I told him that as long as I was made to feel like an important part of that person's life, I probably could (some truth to this). Anywho, I guess I'll call him Bachelor #1 as we've spoken a few times and he seems interested. He lives in SC so who's to say when we'll meet. So . . . with that being said, here are his stats:

Bachelor #1: 31 y/o, 6' 3", Bachelor's Degree, Chocolate complexion :lick: :lol:, Christian

Bachelor #1 wants a wife (he's made that abundantly clear). He's active in the church and has a good relationship with his boys' mother (self-reported, of course). He and the boys' mother were engaged on two separate occasions, but for whatever reason, it didn't work out. :look: We shall see . . .