
Okay why did I just picture that??? @faithVA you have to explain how on Earth that happened.

hmm.. hadn't really thought about how it happened. I was very suprised by the whole event. So let's see.

I was leaving work and it was a nice, beautiful spring day. I wore my hair in a wrap back then. I was driving down the road and it was breezy so I decided to roll the window up. Now this was years back, my car didn't have automatic windows. It had the handles you turned to open and closed the windows. I didn't do anything special, I reached down to turn the handle to close the window, and when I let go and tried to sit straight up I snatched my neck :blush: and alas my hair was stuck in the window.

I guess it blew out the window in the process of my closing it. :spinning:

Go ahead and laugh now but your day is coming. :lol:

The SO sleeping on it is worse though. I didn't wear a bonnet back in the day. You have to wake them up and tell them to get off your hair. :nono: And if they sleep hard, man you are in lock down for a minute,
NikkiQ and faithVA

Thnks guys! I really dont know whn it happend cause I dont straighten tht often and I've been keepin' a protective style this yr.

But b4 I came on showing pics I wanted to b confident I was at shoulder length b4 I claimed it cause u know how folks on here get abt claiming it b4 ure time lol

Girl, you are APL! Talking about you think!:lol: Congrats!
Rossy2010 Yes! $80+ later, I have realized (kinda what I already knew but forgot ..i guess :ohwell:) that my nape is uber fragile, fine, and sensitive and over the years things that was ok for the rest of my hair, like partial relaxers (for those sleek tapered cuts and such) and (dreadfully) the hot comb, proved to be too much for my nape. Internally all is well with me the doc said my pattern (or lack there of) of hair loss was due to external issues. I do use alter ego and LOVE IT!! I add an egg to mine for a bit of protein but I love that stuff.

Also, I noticed my fallen nape at the end of dec (according to dates on pics i took of it), I'm not sure when it stopped falling, but at a growth rate of a half inch per month from January until August would be about 4 inches of nape is about 3 inches long. So I guess my nape isn't too far off from where it should be as far as the growth rate is concerned. I was plesantly surprised to come this this realization! :yep:... yes, ladies, I have to use any little motivation I can get to help me keep my eyes on the prize!

@missjae, I dont know if you mention but were you able to solve the issue with your nape. I had almost the same issue but i started using garlic on my condish and it really helped. I decided to get some alter ego because of the smell but maybe if you havent tried you should.
Rossy2010 Yes! $80+ later, I have realized (kinda what I already knew but forgot ..i guess :ohwell:) that my nape is uber fragile, fine, and sensitive and over the years things that was ok for the rest of my hair, like partial relaxers (for those sleek tapered cuts and such) and (dreadfully) the hot comb, proved to be too much for my nape. Internally all is well with me the doc said my pattern (or lack there of) of hair loss was due to external issues. I do use alter ego and LOVE IT!! I add an egg to mine for a bit of protein but I love that stuff.

Also, I noticed my fallen nape at the end of dec (according to dates on pics i took of it), I'm not sure when it stopped falling, but at a growth rate of a half inch per month from January until August would be about 4 inches of nape is about 3 inches long. So I guess my nape isn't too far off from where it should be as far as the growth rate is concerned. I was plesantly surprised to come this this realization! :yep:... yes, ladies, I have to use any little motivation I can get to help me keep my eyes on the prize!

My problem area of hair (right above the nape) grows slower than average too. This year I have not been getting anywhere near 1/2 inch a month in that area. Last year it did well, I think I was more dilligent back then with vitamins and putting sulfur on my scalp and stuff. This year I've just been kinda lazy and had other stuff going on in my life. Plus, I didn't need a full 6 inches (only 4) to get to APL by yr end so I guess my sense of urgency went down, and I was like F it, it will get there when it gets there:lol:
See that's the thing, I don't know if my nape is growing slower than average because I'm not sure about when it stopped falling out. It may have still been falling out on into January. i've been using sulfur and I TRY to get it on my nape, but it's kind of hard without looking like I have an oil slick on the back of my neck! lol!! that's a mess!

I feel you with the hair length goals... I've almost given up on that.. I was hoping to be grazing APL by years end, I don't know if I'm going to make that.. It FEELS like I'm going to be FULL SL :-( I guess the bottom line is that I'm going to stick to my healthy hair journey and keep striving for "long hair" until it doesn't feel right anymore. :-)
My problem area of hair (right above the nape) grows slower than average too. This year I have not been getting anywhere near 1/2 inch a month in that area. Last year it did well, I think I was more dilligent back then with vitamins and putting sulfur on my scalp and stuff. This year I've just been kinda lazy and had other stuff going on in my life. Plus, I didn't need a full 6 inches (only 4) to get to APL by yr end so I guess my sense of urgency went down, and I was like F it, it will get there when it gets there:lol:
See that's the thing, I don't know if my nape is growing slower than average because I'm not sure about when it stopped falling out. It may have still been falling out on into January. i've been using sulfur and I TRY to get it on my nape, but it's kind of hard without looking like I have an oil slick on the back of my neck! lol!! that's a mess!

I feel you with the hair length goals... I've almost given up on that.. I was hoping to be grazing APL by years end, I don't know if I'm going to make that.. It FEELS like I'm going to be FULL SL :-( I guess the bottom line is that I'm going to stick to my healthy hair journey and keep striving for "long hair" until it doesn't feel right anymore. :-)

I feel the same Bolded text:yep::sad::sad:
Hoping for retention retention retention. My friends think I'm crazy doing 'all of this stuff' to my hair. Sigh. Am I crazy?
^^^if u r crazy then we all are! Lol.

I think all the extra stuff I do to my hair is absolutely necessary. I am not one of those folks who can do whatever and have hair down my back. I'm just don't got it like that.

However, my next length check is less than a month away. If I'm not blown away by my progress I might reevauate if its all been worth it. I'm getting close to the make or break point (pun intended, lol), if I can get past sl, it will be longest I've ever had, then I'll really know its been worth it.

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Just for fun, I need to try to find some old hair pics before my next length check to see if I made it longer than its ever been.

The only problem is back in my press and curl days (up til 8th grade), I really don't know how long my hair was. For one thing, as soon as it was pressed out, it was always rolled up in some sponge rollers. And usually sweated out from running around playing in about a day or two. So my hair was always shrunken up, lol. I'm fairly certain tho that it was full SL at its longest, and never APL.
for that reason I am DYING to straighten to see for sure.

My temples are collar bone length! lol but my napes is 3 inches long! My bangs are chin length... I have about 10 different things going on, on my head! lol

Anyway Rossy2010 we are going to hope for the best! We still have 2 inches to retain before years end!
I feel the same @Bolded text:yep::sad::sad:
Hoping for retention retention retention. My friends think I'm crazy doing 'all of this stuff' to my hair. Sigh. Am I crazy?

That is why I have decided not to share my regimen with others! lol they don't understand! the general thought is that if you didn't have long hair as a child you can never have long hair. When I've shared my hair goals with people they look at me like I'm trying to catch a unicorn.

I will say that I have tried to simplify all the "stuff" i do to my hair because I don't want an elaborate regi that I can't keep up and I don't want to grow my hair, got tired of the long regi I've created and my hair break off

^^^if u r crazy then we all are! Lol.

I think all the extra stuff I do to my hair is absolutely necessary. I am not one of those folks who can do whatever and have hair down my back. I'm just don't got it like that.

However, my next length check is less than a month away. If I'm not blown away by my progress I might reevauate if its all been worth it. I'm getting close to the make or break point (pun intended, lol), if I can get past sl, it will be longest I've ever had, then I'll really know its been worth it.

Sent from my SGH-T839 using SGH-T839

Ditto! I want to color my hair so bad but I know that I can kiss my retention goodbye if I do. My hair is sensitive.. it just can't take it.

This is the longest my hair has been in my adult life, and I'm sure it was probably full SL when I was a child, I'm really interested in seeing how long it will grow.
That is why I have decided not to share my regimen with others! lol they don't understand! the general thought is that if you didn't have long hair as a child you can never have long hair. When I've shared my hair goals with people they look at me like I'm trying to catch a unicorn.

I will say that I have tried to simplify all the "stuff" i do to my hair because I don't want an elaborate regi that I can't keep up and I don't want to grow my hair, got tired of the long regi I've created and my hair break off

Ditto! I want to color my hair so bad but I know that I can kiss my retention goodbye if I do. My hair is sensitive.. it just can't take it.

This is the longest my hair has been in my adult life, and I'm sure it was probably full SL when I was a child, I'm really interested in seeing how long it will grow.

Lol@ catching a unicorn! I've had people tell me the same thing about long hair as a child, even trained stylists. And I believed it for the longest and probably still would had I not found this site.
Whoot Whoot! Check in!

I have nothing to add, my hair is stuck at Collar-bone length; I think I'm SL but I'm not checking until September 11th!!! Congrats to everybody who has made it and I'm looking for the APL 2012 thread, so if anybody see's it, holla at ya girl...
Whoot Whoot! Check in!

I have nothing to add, my hair is stuck at Collar-bone length; I think I'm SL but I'm not checking until September 11th!!! Congrats to everybody who has made it and I'm looking for the APL 2012 thread, so if anybody see's it, holla at ya girl...

Girl you got me all excited up in here with the Whoot Whoot. :perplexed
Girl you got me all excited up in here with the Whoot Whoot. :perplexed hair is being a big butt head lately :nono: it's kind of stuck, just stuck. I'm afraid I won't make my 1-year SL goal :nono::perplexed:ohwell: (clearly I have a host of emotions where that is involved)
[USER=285954 said:
itsjusthair88[/USER];14135365] hair is being a big butt head lately :nono: it's kind of stuck, just stuck. I'm afraid I won't make my 1-year SL goal :nono::perplexed:ohwell: (clearly I have a host of emotions where that is involved)

I think a lot of us on this post understand how you are feeling at the moment. There are still 4 months left though and often our hair can surprise us in a nice way. So I am hoping for a wonderful surprise for you at the end of the year. Just hang in there.
Missjae09 I totally agree. I only shared with 2 of my friends the different things I've tried. Its the ones who overhear me talking about co-washing or oil rinsing with a fellow hair-obsessed friend, and then are like 'what madness are you guys talking about?' So I've learnt not to talk in public about it. And I guess in a way I understand, because the average black woman out there has deeply entrenched views on hair. And anything that deviates from the norm, even 'thinking that your 4z hair (I.e. Not that 'good hurr') can grow past your shoulder, is seen as alien. To me I don't think I will fully believe I CAN grow long hair, until I've reached past SL :s. I've been there and done that with SL in the past. So if I can move past that it will be a validation to me, that with proper care and love, my hair can be LONG.

Sorry for the epistle. Lol.

That is why I have decided not to share my regimen with others! lol they don't understand! the general thought is that if you didn't have long hair as a child you can never have long hair. When I've shared my hair goals with people they look at me like I'm trying to catch a unicorn.

I will say that I have tried to simplify all the "stuff" i do to my hair because I don't want an elaborate regi that I can't keep up and I don't want to grow my hair, got tired of the long regi I've created and my hair break off

Ditto! I want to color my hair so bad but I know that I can kiss my retention goodbye if I do. My hair is sensitive.. it just can't take it.

This is the longest my hair has been in my adult life, and I'm sure it was probably full SL when I was a child, I'm really interested in seeing how long it will grow.
I'm really itching to start this BSL 2012 thread. But I just reaaaally don't want to keep up with a challenge that big. Oh well, I'm sure it will pop up near the end of the year. Plus I kinda want to make APL before I get my hopes too high to even think of BSL.

In other news I did my first ever natural style attempt. Some sloppy twists pulled back. Its ok, I really just don't know how to make them not be frizzy/unravel. I just got sick of wigs and was curious how they'd look. Now I know that I like them, just need to figure how to do them better.


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I'm really itching to start this BSL 2012 thread. But I just reaaaally don't want to keep up with a challenge that big. Oh well, I'm sure it will pop up near the end of the year. Plus I kinda want to make APL before I get my hopes too high to even think of BSL.

In other news I did my first ever natural style attempt. Some sloppy twists pulled back. Its ok, I really just don't know how to make them not be frizzy/unravel. I just got sick of wigs and was curious how they'd look. Now I know that I like them, just need to figure how to do them better.

You really need to start that BSL 2012 thread Imani. :lol:

Your twist look fabulous. I would have loved to have seen one stretched. It really looks like you may be APL already. I'm SL and my twists are nowhere near as long as that. There is no way I can do a ponytail. I can do a little bunny tail at SL :ohwell:

When you figure out how to preven them from getting frizzy and unraveling please let me know. I wear twist 90% of the time and I am clueless. I did get it once when I twisted with KCCC.

Did you twist on blow dried hair?
^^^No, it was slightly stretched. I washed my hair the night before and put it in big plaits then went to sleep. Before I'd twist a section I'd spray a little water on it. So my hair was wet but not soaking wet.

I generally never blow dry my hair (except for the front leave out hair when I wear half wigs-which I think I've heat damaged from doing that; sigh, its not bone straight, it curls but its really loose/limp) unless its about to get straightened.

I don't have any type of holding product in my hair. I kind of did this on a whim and didn't have time to try to find one. I'm afraid of most holding products bc I don't want them drying out my hair/making it feel crispy. I remember using KCCC on some kinky curly human hair I had and it made it so hard, I am afraid to put it on my real hair.

when I pull sections, I'm not APL. I still have an inch in some places and half an inch in others. Plus I got this trim coming up, so I know I wont be there til closer to year end.
Congrats on trying out a natural style!! By no means have I an expert but I have noticed that the more I twist the better they start to look. Your twist are cute! :-) :rosebud:
I'm really itching to start this BSL 2012 thread. But I just reaaaally don't want to keep up with a challenge that big. Oh well, I'm sure it will pop up near the end of the year. Plus I kinda want to make APL before I get my hopes too high to even think of BSL.

In other news I did my first ever natural style attempt. Some sloppy twists pulled back. Its ok, I really just don't know how to make them not be frizzy/unravel. I just got sick of wigs and was curious how they'd look. Now I know that I like them, just need to figure how to do them better.
yeah, before finding this site I'm sure I would have been ok with sticking to my short do's. Before this site I also thought that most people with long hair were effortless growers, now when I see somenoe with long hair I wonder if they are a member of board! (like it's some kind of secret society! lol )
Lol@ catching a unicorn! I've had people tell me the same thing about long hair as a child, even trained stylists. And I believed it for the longest and probably still would had I not found this site.
Okay Imani you're making me want to put twists in my hair again, but they NEVER look like that!! How many sections did you do? It looks like you have a good amount of twists going on there.
^^^there was no rhyme or reason really. I just grabbed pieces at random and starting twisting. Was stuck inside bc of the hurricane so just went for it and fully expected to look like a fool and never leave the house with them, lol.

I guess I need to do a search on twisting. I think maybe using a hold product like a gel (natural based) at least across the front sections may help. And possibly braiding at the roots for the front as well. I have fine porous strands that r super prone to frizz.

Honestly I'm kind of burnt out on having to learn new stuff all the time w my hair. It took me forever just to get a reggie down that keeps it healthy (or at least appears to be, we'll see in a few wks, lol). That's why I've been wearing wigs the past several months, just put my hair in some quick plaits, slap it on and go. But then I got tired of that. Esp as my hair gets longer its hard getting it under the wig.

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yeah, before finding this site I'm sure I would have been ok with sticking to my short do's. Before this site I also thought that most people with long hair were effortless growers, now when I see somenoe with long hair I wonder if they are a member of board! (like it's some kind of secret society! lol )

U know what, I'm the opposite. I still assume they just got it like that. Now if they r always protective styling and hiding their hair or I hear them mention something about healthy hair practices I may think about this site.

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I'm really itching to start this BSL 2012 thread. But I just reaaaally don't want to keep up with a challenge that big. Oh well, I'm sure it will pop up near the end of the year. Plus I kinda want to make APL before I get my hopes too high to even think of BSL.

In other news I did my first ever natural style attempt. Some sloppy twists pulled back. Its ok, I really just don't know how to make them not be frizzy/unravel. I just got sick of wigs and was curious how they'd look. Now I know that I like them, just need to figure how to do them better.

Imani --- I looooove your twists! I was looking at the twists before I read what you wrote, and you think they look sloppy? No way! I wish I could do this!
I straightened my hair today because I wanted to cut off the last off my color treated ends. I have been doing this gradually for a year and it was getting old. I think it was about a year ago when I realized my hair was jacked up. :yep: So I decided I would trime off the 1" to 2" to get my ends healthy. It hurt a little because I knew I wouldn't make it to APL by December.

So my hair now is the same length or .5" to 1" shorter than it was when I hit SL in April. I'm still SL but just barely. But I think all of my layers now are between chin length and collar bone length.

I don't think I will straighten again this year. My stretched hair and my straightened hair are close enough in length for me to do a length check. I think I will straighten again when my hair in the back fully reaches APL.

So 2011... the Year of Restoration
2012... the Year of Incredible Length :yep:
bajandoc86;14135825 [B said:
To me I don't think I will fully believe I CAN grow long hair, until I've reached past SL[/B] :s. I've been there and done that with SL in the past. So if I can move past that it will be a validation to me, that with proper care and love, my hair can be LONG.

Sorry for the epistle. Lol.

Oh, wow. I think you just said what I've been saying only to myself and didn't want to admit.:ohwell:
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No growth no nothing to my view point.I want to just relax or shave it off bc my hair naturally I guess wasn't made to grow long.The longest my hair has been is a good collar bone length even while growing up.I may need to abandon this hhj since its costing so much on me money wise and emotionally.I love seeing all these pretty heads of hair though.