Charla I am in the same boat! I was only able to make SL because the area right above my nape has grown over it. my nape grows really slow as well, but the reality is that a lot of long haired ladies have really short napes. The nape really only becomes an issue when your trying to make SL! LOL it takes a longer to get there when you don't have the help of your nape. You are a skip away so hang in there.

In other news, I attempted a flexi rod set yesterday: EPIC FAIL! lol I didn't have time to let it dry fully because I had a concert to go to and ran out of time, although I'm not sure it would have been all that cute anyway. Ultimately I ended up wearing a puff! lol

I know that I'm probably late with this but since i've been using my new moisturizer I've been sealing with oil! it's been wonderful! my hair stays nice and moisturized and not oily! I realize that I may still be a little heavy handed/rough on my hair so I'm working on being more gentle with my ends.
Congrats @Charla! I understand about the nape, just take GOOD care and baby that area, or you'll be like me with breakage & having to wait FOR-EV-ER to see growth.

@Charla I am in the same boat! I was only able to make SL because the area right above my nape has grown over it. my nape grows really slow as well, but the reality is that a lot of long haired ladies have really short napes. The nape really only becomes an issue when your trying to make SL! LOL it takes a longer to get there when you don't have the help of your nape. You are a skip away so hang in there.

newnyer Missjae09
Thanks ladies for the encouragement. I shared my concern on another forum before I posted my pics and one lady replied that I was "reaching." She said she expected to see "pepper grains".:huh: It hurt my feelings for a split second, whatever. I assume she meant reaching for compliments.
So, anyway, I'm glad you ladies understand my concern! I have to keep in mind now that it might take me a little longer to reach full SL. My original goal date for it was this December.
I wouldn't at all say that you are reaching! My nape looks just like yours! I was freaked out when my nape was chipping away...

some people can be so insensitive.:sad:
@newnyer @Missjae09
Thanks ladies for the encouragement. I shared my concern on another forum before I posted my pics and one lady replied that I was "reaching." She said she expected to see "pepper grains".:huh: It hurt my feelings for a split second, whatever. I assume she meant reaching for compliments.
So, anyway, I'm glad you ladies understand my concern! I have to keep in mind now that it might take me a little longer to reach full SL. My original goal date for it was this December.
I agree! The whole point of this forum is for advice, listen to others' experiences, learn from others' failures & successes, and most of all SUPPORT. Btw I've claimed SL even though my nape is still signicantly shorter. That area probably won't make it to SL until the rest of my hair is BSL. (Woah-dare I even venture to that length??? Lol)

Keep ya head up and your hair growing! ;)

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Some of the ladies on this forum will make you forget that you're a lady if you catch my drift. Don't worry about their negativity Charla b/c you'll get all the encouragement you need and more in here. We're all in the same boat together and understand what we're going through better than anyone else. Us SL sistas gotta stick together!!!
Some of the ladies on this forum will make you forget that you're a lady if you catch my drift. Don't worry about their negativity @Charla b/c you'll get all the encouragement you need and more in here. We're all in the same boat together and understand what we're going through better than anyone else. Us SL sistas gotta stick together!!!

Amen! NikkiQ
I'm definitely going to let all that roll off! Hitting that first major milestone of SL is hard work and we can definitely use all the support we can all give each other. Thank you!!!
Hey ladies I have a question for those of you that workout often ( like everyday). My hair gets so nasty after working out because of sweat so I would like to start co washing daily but I'm stuck on what to do after. If I air dry how do I prevent my ends from getting messed up from rubbing on my shoulders since they are at that awkward spot? What do you daily co washers do? TIA!
I dry in plaits/braids/ twists/ bantu if you are a no manipulation lady that might be too much for you. I just make sure I'm gentle and well moisturized.
Hey ladies I have a question for those of you that workout often ( like everyday). My hair gets so nasty after working out because of sweat so I would like to start co washing daily but I'm stuck on what to do after. If I air dry how do I prevent my ends from getting messed up from rubbing on my shoulders since they are at that awkward spot? What do you daily co washers do? TIA!
Hey ladies I have a question for those of you that workout often ( like everyday). My hair gets so nasty after working out because of sweat so I would like to start co washing daily but I'm stuck on what to do after. If I air dry how do I prevent my ends from getting messed up from rubbing on my shoulders since they are at that awkward spot? What do you daily co washers do? TIA!

Hello @sarathu, since last week i have been cowashing frequently given that before i had issues with shedding but thks to alter Ego this is all in the past.

I use the T-shirt dry method and it works very well. I have used it for 3 weeks and my my my why did I not know about it before. Someone mentioned it somewhere with a video link from sunshine (hairlista). This is what i do After I wash and DC or co-wash, I dry the hair with an old t-shirt then take another dry t-shirt and tie it on my head. I walk with the tshirt around doing my morning duties and by the time Im done my hair is almost 60% dry. I tie it up in a messy bun after moisturising and sealing. In the evening it super soft. BUT a word of caution, Im relaxed.
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missjae, I dont know if you mention but were you able to solve the issue with your nape. I had almost the same issue but i started using garlic on my condish and it really helped. I decided to get some alter ego because of the smell but maybe if you havent tried you should.
I think, like everyone else, I will stay here while on the road to APL.^^
I put some coconut oil and Lustrasilk Cholesterol with a little Darcy botanicals Deep conditioner on my hair for about an hr and a half. Didn't feel moisturized at all so I co-washed with Aubrey Organics GPB that I just got in the mail today. WOW. This stuff is amazing! My hair is so soft.:blush: I'm so glad I purchased it! Then I applied HE LTR leave in, made 8 parts, clipped them back and letting them air dry now.

sarathu, I wear my hair in cornrows most of the time so I just co-wash my hair like that, let them dry about 70% then put a silk scarf on so it doesn't look frizzy or I let them dry fully and re-braid them individually. But I definitely don't rebraid my hair everyday. I think cornrows are great for daily workouts.
I dry in plaits/braids/ twists/ bantu if you are a no manipulation lady that might be too much for you. I just make sure I'm gentle and well moisturized.

Thanks a bunch. I don't think my hair likes to be braided/ messed with while it's wet. I hear little snaps and rips. Maybe I'll try again since it's a bit longer.
Hello @sarathu, since last week i have been cowashing frequently given that before i had issues with shedding but thks to alter Ego this is all in the past.

I use the T-shirt dry method and it works very well. I have used it for 3 weeks and my my my why did I not know about it before. Someone mentioned it somewhere with a video link from sunshine (hairlista). This is what i do After I wash and DC or co-wash, I dry the hair with an old t-shirt then take another dry t-shirt and tie it on my head. I walk with the tshirt around doing my morning duties and by the time Im done my hair is almost 60% dry. I tie it up in a messy bun after moisturising and sealing. In the evening it super soft. BUT a word of caution, Im relaxed.

Hmmm I've never heard of this method. I'm relaxed also. I'll do some research. Thanks!!!!
sarathu, I wear my hair in cornrows most of the time so I just co-wash my hair like that, let them dry about 70% then put a silk scarf on so it doesn't look frizzy or I let them dry fully and re-braid them individually. But I definitely don't rebraid my hair everyday. I think cornrows are great for daily workouts.[/QUOTE]

Oh! I never thought of doing it that way! It just might work! Thank you very much!!
sarathu Are you natural?

If you decide to try it, just remember to be as gentle as possible, make sure its detangled before you try to style/stretch it. I'm still learning how to be gentle with my hair.

Thanks a bunch. I don't think my hair likes to be braided/ messed with while it's wet. I hear little snaps and rips. Maybe I'll try again since it's a bit longer.
I need to do a GOOD shampoo, DC and detangle session before I get this install done for my wedding. I'm gonna keep my hair hidden away until the end of the year so it's a surprise to me too. Honestly, it's the best thing for me to do anyway. Bridal shower this weekend, bachelorette party trip next weekend, wedding on the 10th, honeymoon the week after and birthday on the 24th so all of September is just done for me. I won't have the time to give my hair the attention it needs and maybe leaving it alone will be what it needs.
sarathu Are you natural?

If you decide to try it, just remember to be as gentle as possible, make sure its detangled before you try to style/stretch it. I'm still learning how to be gentle with my hair.

No I'm relaxed. And ok i do tend to get sloppy with detangling so I'll do a more thorough job this time. Do you think I should comb my new growth too?
I think I made it yall heres the last time I straightend


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^^^yeah really. You are already a sneeze away from APL woman. Talkin about you THINK you made it. You must be blind :lachen:
I have been following this challenge from the guys are a supportive, lovely group of ladies! I would like to join this challenge, I am hoping to make it to an undeniable SL by Dec 2011.

I have been following this challenge from the guys are a supportive, lovely group of ladies! I would like to join this challenge, I am hoping to make it to an undeniable SL by Dec 2011.


Welcome bajandoc86. I agree it is a lovely group of ladies. Not a bit of drama in this thread. Wonderful, wonderful :yep:

Do you have a starting pic?
Come on in bajandoc86! We're one big happy SL family in here. Most of us are staying in here until APL too so you might as well grab a Snickers...b/c we're gonna be here a while!
NikkiQ and faithVA

Thnks guys! I really dont know whn it happend cause I dont straighten tht often and I've been keepin' a protective style this yr.

But b4 I came on showing pics I wanted to b confident I was at shoulder length b4 I claimed it cause u know how folks on here get abt claiming it b4 ure time lol
@NikkiQ and @faithVA

Thnks guys! I really dont know whn it happend cause I dont straighten tht often and I've been keepin' a protective style this yr.

But b4 I came on showing pics I wanted to b confident I was at shoulder length b4 I claimed it cause u know how folks on here get abt claiming it b4 ure time lol

Lord don't we know it. Gotta be halfway to BSL before you claim grazing APL these days :lol:
faithVA thanks! yep I have a pic on my computer somewhere. I will post it when I get on tha innanet via the comp. I'm using my phone right now. I have been SL (never full SL tho) while relaxed, I never was SL while natural as far as I can remember. So it will be a definite milestone for me. So to think that I could be full SL while natural and then APL is like whoa!

Thanks! NikkiQ
I was SL once when I was relaxed. I really liked to cut my hair. Not sure what that was about. And I guess I wasn't impressed because I don't have on picture with my hair at SL. The only reason I know I was SL because I remember rolling my hair up in the window.

I was SL, maybe close to APL when I had a curl. I always chopped off the top so it was EL. I must not have been impressed with that either. My SO at the time would roll over and fall asleep on my hair and then I would almost break my neck when I tried to turn over. I have pictures of that. It just seems like a distance memory but nothing I was excited about.
I was SL once when I was relaxed. I really liked to cut my hair. Not sure what that was about. And I guess I wasn't impressed because I don't have on picture with my hair at SL. The only reason I know I was SL because I remember rolling my hair up in the window.

I was SL, maybe close to APL when I had a curl. I always chopped off the top so it was EL. I must not have been impressed with that either. My SO at the time would roll over and fall asleep on my hair and then I would almost break my neck when I tried to turn over. I have pictures of that. It just seems like a distance memory but nothing I was excited about.


Okay why did I just picture that??? faithVA you have to explain how on Earth that happened.