I want retain all my growth until the new yr so I am getting only roller sets, no blow outs when I go to the salon and wear my hair up most if not all week. However I will probably washing my own hair twice a month and I'm still gonna bun. The issue I have is how to make my relaxed hair look slick when it dries. The part that's in the bun. Should I air dry for about 80 percent then blow-dry, then use my hot rollers?? I need to put a little heat in my head bc I have air dried all types of ways and the hair dries crunchy. Any suggestions relaxed ladies? Btw I don't like posting n the other threads about hair issues cuz I'm most comfortable w u ladies.
anyone struggling to get their crown hairs to grow to their shoulder?

My crown is one of my most troubled areas. It has thinned, its coarser, has the most shrinkage and the most breakage. It is growing though but I have to give it special attention. I oil my crown more often, make sure it doesn't get dry and give myself scalp massages on a regular basis. It's slow going but it is progressing.
For some reason while doing my hair this weekend, I became anxious about not making APL in December. :perplexed: I would love to make APL but I also know I want healthy hair and my colored ends really need to go. Maybe I feel anxious because I think I will really need to let go of more than the 1" I had planned on. It may be more like 2 or 3" that have to go.

I will feel better if I just stick to my dusting schedule: next dusting end of September and the following in December. :yep: In the meantime, just stick to what I am doing.
So I was feeling weird about my hair the other day... my ends were crispy and crunch feeling.. so I decided to start looking for moisturizers, particularly something I could mix. I did a little bit of research and found that homemade leave-ins and moisturizers were pretty much one n' the same. I looked up some recipies and what I found sounded very much like the Kimmytube leave-in... so I went back to that, tweeked it (added about 2 tbsp of distilled water, MSM, gylcerine, and maybe a slightly less amount of oil and I LOVE it! It heavy enough to moisturize, light enough so that after I moisturize a section of hair I seal it with a drop or two of oil and it not leave my hair feeling super oily. For those who are into the pH thing, the pH of my conditioner/moisturizer was 4.5

Anyway of course, you have to use a product for more than 2 days to call it a staple for this has definitely gotten off to a good start as far as I'm concerned!

Hope all is well!!
Oh and one more thing! Although I haven't actually measured the distance from my currently length to APL but just by eyeballing it, it looks like its about 5 inches!!! I'm feeling like SL all over again! I'm hoping my guestimate is off! lol
Oh and one more thing! Although I haven't actually measured the distance from my currently length to APL but just by eyeballing it, it looks like its about 5 inches!!! I'm feeling like SL all over again! I'm hoping my guestimate is off! lol

How tall are you?

I'm 5"2, and I'm guessing when my hair was your length, APL was about 3 inches away.
I just want to say that my flat iron/length check failed big time. I did the tension method with a cool blow dryer (uh, bad move for my 4z hair). My ends wouldn't get straight, but I continued on ... it was a sad sight. As soon as I blew one section dry, it would start to shrink back up. I was determined to succeed, so I tried to flatiron the back row at the nape, however, I was afraid to go past 300 degrees on my flat iron, so my hair just laughed at me. I still had little curls at the ends of my hair and didn't want to flat iron them flat (while they were still curled up). I think I'm just going to wait until December to have my hair professionally flat ironed.

I wanna say that I'm should length (using the pull method), but I don't want any doubts, so I'm not going to claim anything until I know for sure!

Sorry guys .... I suck! *hangs head in shame*
[USER=3585 said:
PittiPat[/USER];14023077]I just want to say that my flat iron/length check failed big time. I did the tension method with a cool blow dryer (uh, bad move for my 4z hair). My ends wouldn't get straight, but I continued on ... it was a sad sight. As soon as I blew one section dry, it would start to shrink back up. I was determined to succeed, so I tried to flatiron the back row at the nape, however, I was afraid to go past 300 degrees on my flat iron, so my hair just laughed at me. I still had little curls at the ends of my hair and didn't want to flat iron them flat (while they were still curled up). I think I'm just going to wait until December to have my hair professionally flat ironed.

I wanna say that I'm should length (using the pull method), but I don't want any doubts, so I'm not going to claim anything until I know for sure!

Sorry guys .... I suck! *hangs head in shame*

You definitely don't suck. The reverting hair scenario seems to be quite common. And I tried blow drying my hair first on cool and boy did my hair get hard and dry. So you are not alone in any of this.

If you are willing to take a pic of the stretched hair we can give you some feedback and some encouragement. But definitely understand if you aren't ready.
You definitely don't suck. The reverting hair scenario seems to be quite common. And I tried blow drying my hair first on cool and boy did my hair get hard and dry. So you are not alone in any of this.

If you are willing to take a pic of the stretched hair we can give you some feedback and some encouragement. But definitely understand if you aren't ready.

I agree. There is no way in the world my hair would even think about getting straight with a cool blow dry even using the "tension method". It looks cool when you see folks on youtube or wherever doing stuff like that, but it doesn't work for every hair type.

Your hair doesn't have to be bone straight to get a good idea of where you are length wise. If you pull it and its SL, go ahead and celebrate:yep:
I third that! with a blow dry alone I'm guaranteed to be rocking a fro within 30-40 minutes or less if I don't flat iron immediately after, in fact the better blow dry you have have the better your flat iron results will be.
I agree. There is no way in the world my hair would even think about getting straight with a cool blow dry even using the "tension method". It looks cool when you see folks on youtube or wherever doing stuff like that, but it doesn't work for every hair type.

Your hair doesn't have to be bone straight to get a good idea of where you are length wise. If you pull it and its SL, go ahead and celebrate:yep:
LOL. Thanks, ladies. When I pull it, I feel like I'm forcing it. That's why I wanna straighten it and just "let it haang". Therefore, I'm gonna wait as long as I can (Dec. 31, 2011) and then try again. If I'm close now, I should definitely be there in December. Thanks for the support you guys. *kisses all around*
I say top of the pit. Where the arm and shoulder meet. That little crease. I know I'm APL when my hair hits that little fat pocket right there :lachen:

I was looking at that fat pocket last week. I was trying to figure which one of the fat rolls I wanted to measure to. :blush: I was living contentedly not having every noticed them until I tried to figure out where APL was. :sad:
I was looking at that fat pocket last week. I was trying to figure which one of the fat rolls I wanted to measure to. :blush: I was living contentedly not having every noticed them until I tried to figure out where APL was. :sad:

I had not an ounce of doubt in my mind that I would have one. Everyone on my mom's side of the family has matter if you're skinny as a beam pole or big sexy.
So I had my roommate re-measure & it looks like I have 5 more inches until APL :shocked: I don't get how you can measure your hair & it is 5.5 inches in the nape, you can measure from the nape to APL at 10 inches & yet still have over 5 inches to grow?!?! :confused: Something is amiss :lol: Damn being so tall :cry2: I'm 5'8.5" and have a long torso...APL is nothing compared to how much hair I need to grow to achieve full WL (22 inches!!!!) I quit :lachen::lachen:
So I had my roommate re-measure & it looks like I have 5 more inches until APL :shocked: I don't get how you can measure your hair & it is 5.5 inches in the nape, you can measure from the nape to APL at 10 inches & yet still have over 5 inches to grow?!?! :confused: Something is amiss :lol: Damn being so tall :cry2: I'm 5'8.5" and have a long torso...APL is nothing compared to how much hair I need to grow to achieve full WL (22 inches!!!!) I quit :lachen::lachen:

Something sounds amiss. :yep:
I was looking at that fat pocket last week. I was trying to figure which one of the fat rolls I wanted to measure to. :blush: I was living contentedly not having every noticed them until I tried to figure out where APL was. :sad:

You have me crackin' up over here !!! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: Maybe its b/c I can relate...

Not sure if this is true for everyone, but I just noticed that my armpit is slanted.. When I look in the mirror, the front crease is about an inch or two higher than the back crease...:perplexed So if I measure from the back, I will have to wait longer to claim it ... Oh well
[USER=302453 said:
Chiquitita[/USER];14034797]You have me crackin' up over here !!! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: Maybe its b/c I can relate...

Not sure if this is true for everyone, but I just noticed that my armpit is slanted.. When I look in the mirror, the front crease is about an inch or two higher than the back crease...:perplexed So if I measure from the back, I will have to wait longer to claim it ... Oh well

hmm, I think you are onto something Watson. Good detective work. I think I noticed that too but I got so caught up into "Where'd that roll come from?" that I got distracted.

Now, here's a thought, when you pull your hair across your shoulder to measure from the front, you have to do it t angle, so the distance is different from measuring straight down. Perhaps the over the shoulder distance will cancel out the back crease and give you the same measurement? Possible?

Sounds like something to check on the next length check. :yep:
I had not an ounce of doubt in my mind that I would have one. Everyone on my mom's side of the family has matter if you're skinny as a beam pole or big sexy.

I never looked at my back that closely. And I don't appreciate being made to look at it now. :tantrum: pouty face.
Hey ladies! Okay got a touch up/dusting and I'm feeling good about my progress! Definitely not as thin as it was 5 months ago and I'm inching my way towards my goal! I'm still thinking about 3 more inches to APL but can't really tell to be honest-it's hard trying to eyeball it without assistance! I need a SO! :) (in due time due time). My hair isn't fully straightened here- I was trying to smooth down my rollerset since it was going right back up into bun. But this gives me hope!!!

P.S. sorry about throwing ya'll the middle finger- I was just trying to keep the tresses down! You know I love ya'll. ;)
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Hey ladies! Okay got a touch up/dusting and I'm feeling good about my progress! Definitely not as thin as it was 5 months ago and I'm inching my way towards my goal! I'm still thinking about 3 more inches to APL but can't really tell to be honest-it's hard trying to eyeball it without assistance! I need a SO! :) (in due time due time). My hair isn't fully straightened here- I was trying to smooth down my rollerset since it was going right back up into bun. But this gives me hope!!!

P.S. sorry about throwing ya'll the middle finger- I was just trying to keep the tresses down! You know I love ya'll. ;)
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I can't believe you gave us the finger. :lol: Your hair looks healthy and thick. Great progress.
Well, so far I'm claiming "grazing SL"! lol!
Anyone else's hair grows like this? These pics were taken the same day. 1st one is fresh wash, no product. Second one is blown out a few mins later.
I always felt like my nape grew the slowest--which is a bummer if that's what I have to measure to determine my milestones -- at least until the areas above it over grow it -- which means a delay in me claiming my LC goals :(
Now it's confirmed in pics that my nape is super slow growing and everything above it will overgrow it. Look at how much longer the hair in the green circle is compared to the hair in the red circle. Poopoopoo!


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Congrats Charla! I understand about the nape, just take GOOD care and baby that area, or you'll be like me with breakage & having to wait FOR-EV-ER to see growth.

faithVA Thanks chica!! And you know that middle finger was an accident- I am going to stay on good terms with ya'll! My mama taught me to never bite the hand that feeds me- I still need good info from ya'll! Lol

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