I took off about 1/2 inch to 1 inch today. My ends feel better. I think I may still have an inch or 2 of colored ends that need to go but I will wait 8 weeks to see if I need to trim any more. I decided I would rather take off more now than waiting until I reach APL and then having to take too much off.

So back to hiding my hair so I can take my mind off of whether its growing or not.
I put in a set of pretty small Celie braids yesterday. I'm hoping that they'll last me at least a week or 2. Now that I have access to my scalp,I can start applying my Bee Mine serum. Worked pretty well last year so we'll see.

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Put in my 1st set of box braids. They look raggedy :lol: :ohwell: They will do for two weeks I think. They seem more solid than the kinky twists. I think long term protectives styles are too much. I think I will stick to 2 weeks at a time.
Having my hair loose, I keep pulling it and not seeing any change and feeling discouraged. I feel much more optimistic about reaching APL with my hair up. I think not being able to see my hair and constantly pulling it allow me to think more positively.
Having my hair loose, I keep pulling it and not seeing any change and feeling discouraged. I feel much more optimistic about reaching APL with my hair up. I think not being able to see my hair and constantly pulling it allow me to think more positively.

I feel the EXACT same way. When my hair is hidden away, I don't think about how much longer I have til I get to APL. I just think like the Little Engine That Could "I think I can! I think I can. Dammit I know I can!!!" Okay...I added that last part, but you get the idea lol
I totally agree with what you ladies are saying. I have been in lurk mode for this very reason. I feel like my hair is at a stand still. I kept waiting for my summer growth spurt but it never happened. :nono: Come to think of it, I think my hair grows more in the Fall/Winter season.

Even so, I feel confident I can make APL by December. We have to keep in mind that stretching natural hair for length checks can be misleading. But I REFUSE to straighten before December.

I've been keeping my hair in pinned up flat twists to keep it out of sight for awhile.
How is the challenge going ladies?

I'm still hanging in there, will do a length check in August when I do my touch-up..can't wait ;)
I totally agree with what you ladies are saying. I have been in lurk mode for this very reason. I feel like my hair is at a stand still. I kept waiting for my summer growth spurt but it never happened. :nono: Come to think of it, I think my hair grows more in the Fall/Winter season.

Even so, I feel confident I can make APL by December. We have to keep in mind that stretching natural hair for length checks can be misleading. But I REFUSE to straighten before December.

I've been keeping my hair in pinned up flat twists to keep it out of sight for awhile.

I haven't seen you in a while Chiquitita. You have some nice length going on in that pic. Can't wait for your December length check. :yep:
How is the challenge going ladies?

I'm still hanging in there, will do a length check in August when I do my touch-up..can't wait ;)

I can't wait either TLC1020. But your in that dang HYH challenge. I hate those things :tantrum: :lol:

Well let us know how it goes. We are rooting for you.
I'm probably going to do a pull test at the end of the month and get an exact measurement as to how much further before I get to APL. SO was no help last time so I'm going to have my bestie help me out.
I'm probably going to do a pull test at the end of the month and get an exact measurement as to how much further before I get to APL. SO was no help last time so I'm going to have my bestie help me out.

girl you got to train him! it took a couple of times for dh to get it right! tell him that is going to be part of his husbandly duties! (is that a word? lol)
girl you got to train him! it took a couple of times for dh to get it right! tell him that is going to be part of his husbandly duties! (is that a word? lol)

So true! I'm the only girl in the house, so I'm training my DH and son. They were impatient at first, but they've gotten a lot better!
faithVA Thank you... I was admiring your kinky twists the other day. I so wish that I could do my own...

I don't know. I may cave in and straighten before December... Maybe I should join the HYH Challenge for some moral support to stay away from heat... :lol:
Definitely shoulder length but still too thin for my liking. I do have about 4-5 inches mid-length that are underprocessed, & I'm surprisingly more into that section of my hair than the rest. Maybe I should consider texlaxing-I'm just deathly afraid of DIY. Anybody want to hook a cousin up? Lol! The pic taken is on dry, previously bunned hair- I'll do a real length check after my next relaxer/texlax sometime next month.

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newnyer.. Yep, you're definitely shoulder length..:yep:.. Your hair actually looks pretty thick to me..

I used to texturize my hair several years ago, after my first attempt at going natural. But from what I've learned on here texturizing and texlaxing are two different things. Plus, I'm probably not the best source because I used to texturize my whole head every time.. :nono:

Hopefully, one of the other ladies will chime in..
newnyer.. Yep, you're definitely shoulder length..:yep:.. Your hair actually looks pretty thick to me..

I used to texturize my hair several years ago, after my first attempt at going natural. But from what I've learned on here texturizing and texlaxing are two different things. Plus, I'm probably not the best source because I used to texturize my whole head every time.. :nono:

Hopefully, one of the other ladies will chime in..

Aww, thanks Chiquitita! Dare I actually claim SL now before touch up?! Yay! But dang- that means next stop is APL- and dude that's not for another 4 inches....I'll never get there! Lol! *crosses fingers for some serious retention* Oh & thanks for the thick hair comment-but it must be an optical illusion because when it's all down the thinness is more apparent. That comment made me feel like there's hope though!

The more I'm researching on LHCF the more I'm seriously considering texlaxing. I'll keep looking to see the salon recs, if any, in my area that is good at this technique, because again, I'm NOT confident in my own skills right now in that area. Wish I was though-I think I'm getting to a point (thanks to you lovely ladies!) where I am learning better hair practices than a lot of my previous stylist experiences.

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Aww, thanks Chiquitita! Dare I actually claim SL now before touch up?! Yay! But dang- that means next stop is APL- and dude that's not for another 4 inches....I'll never get there! Lol! *crosses fingers for some serious retention* Oh & thanks for the thick hair comment-but it must be an optical illusion because when it's all down the thinness is more apparent. That comment made me feel like there's hope though!

The more I'm researching on LHCF the more I'm seriously considering texlaxing. I'll keep looking to see the salon recs, if any, in my area that is good at this technique, because again, I'm NOT confident in my own skills right now in that area. Wish I was though-I think I'm getting to a point (thanks to you lovely ladies!) where I am learning better hair practices than a lot of my previous stylist experiences.

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Claim it girl, claim it !!!

As for APL, it is a hurdle, but we DEFINITELY can do it... I just have to make sure I don't do anything drastic or stupid to my hair.

But make sure you post those beautiful results after your touch up ...
Definitely shoulder length but still too thin for my liking. I do have about 4-5 inches mid-length that are underprocessed, & I'm surprisingly more into that section of my hair than the rest. Maybe I should consider texlaxing-I'm just deathly afraid of DIY. Anybody want to hook a cousin up? Lol! The pic taken is on dry, previously bunned hair- I'll do a real length check after my next relaxer/texlax sometime next month.

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Congratulations on making SL. And you dont have as far to APL as you think. I think you will be really pleased on your next touch up. :yep:
Thank you so much FaithVA!! I'm hoping for a couple of inches of NG next month so I'll definitely keep you guys updated. This forum/site has done more for me than ya'll could imagine. Whenever I'm beginning to get frustrated or stumped about my hair ya'll are so supportive, honest, & helpful! Long way to go but I'm taking you folks with me! Lol

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^^^ I had to laugh at myself tonight because I just received word that an old friend is dropping into town & wants to hang out this weekend- and all I could think about was how they were messing up my poo, DC & nail pamper plans. LOL
Yes it's that serious. :)

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I decided to stretch a few pcs and take pics to see how close I am to APL. (yeah I know this isn't the APL thread, but ya'll can't kick me out, I'm the challenge leader, darnit!). I needed some type of validation and/or motivation that my hair is actually growing since I'm on this no heat stretch and just wearing wigs all the time.

First pic is the left side, I pulled a pc a little above the nape. Second pic is middle nape.


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I'm not officially in the challenge but I'm following along. I hope to be full SL by September...I'm praying that I will!
I decided to stretch a few pcs and take pics to see how close I am to APL. (yeah I know this isn't the APL thread, but ya'll can't kick me out, I'm the challenge leader, darnit!). I needed some type of validation and/or motivation that my hair is actually growing since I'm on this no heat stretch and just wearing wigs all the time.

First pic is the left side, I pulled a pc a little above the nape. Second pic is middle nape.

Giiiiiiirrrrrrrl you are CLOSE!!!
Giiiiiiirrrrrrrl you are CLOSE!!!

:lol: I got a trim coming up in September and my official goal deadline isn't until Dec 31, so I feel good to be this close with still 5 months to spare.

I was just skimming thru the hair p0rn thread looking for inspiration, but almost every last one of them has uber thick hair so I can't realistically expect my hair to look like that. So I took some pics of my progress, I'll just have to inspire myself, :lol:.