Shorthaircareforum discussion board - Post #1

Siren said:
I'm happy I found this thread. I have short hair and its hard for me to put it in any protective style. Even when I wear a scarf at night the thing slides off :lol:
I tried the baggie method but that slid off my ends as well. Currently I wear a a wig when I go out. I don't want to wear my hair out for awhile because I have a chubby face. Short hair doesn't look too good on a chubby full face.
Any tips for protective styles for short hair is appreciated. :)

I :love: my falls, I will allways keep them even when my hair grows out. My problem is transitioning from the fall to my workout. I don't have time to stop at home. I workout in a MA studio and their are some handsome men in there so I don't want to look toe up, I don't care about gym so much..
Invisible Braiding (also called Tree Braiding) - This popular cornrowed technique allows weaving hair to be put in without threads or glues. Weaved hair is braided in with the clients hair in cornrowed braid layers close to the scalp. At the braid goes in place, the weave hair is separated from the natural hair in small sections and pulled away from the braid in a close pattern. The natural hair ends up fully braided and serves as a support for the weaved hair.

Invisible braids are a great choice for anyone wanting to give their natural hair a break from chemicals. Invisible braids go in fast but do not last as long as more traditional braids. This particular type of braid will need to be redone more frequently. For this reason we recommend that synthetic hair be used for this type of braiding.

This is the type of braids I'm thinking of getting... a totally protective style with some curly or wavy hair... that would give me and my hair a break
Protective Style

Invisible Braiding (also called Tree Braiding) - This popular cornrowed technique allows weaving hair to be put in without threads or glues. Weaved hair is braided in with the clients hair in cornrowed braid layers close to the scalp. At the braid goes in place, the weave hair is separated from the natural hair in small sections and pulled away from the braid in a close pattern. The natural hair ends up fully braided and serves as a support for the weaved hair.

Invisible braids are a great choice for anyone wanting to give their natural hair a break from chemicals. Invisible braids go in fast but do not last as long as more traditional braids. This particular type of braid will need to be redone more frequently. For this reason we recommend that synthetic hair be used for this type of braiding.

I'm thinking about this.. I can take care of it in between braidings and keep it moisturized during the braids...
AtlantaJJ said:
First of all OMG you are so pretty! Second of all, you just answered a question I posted in another tread.... I am now in the exact same place you were in a year ago. I am 5 weeks post with an inch of NG. I workout 5 days a week... I was wearing my UPA clip at first which was working but I went to a hair dresser and she cut 3 or more inches off (which needed to go) but it just jacked my protective styling method up! My hair is popping all out the sides and my bangs are too short. On top of that I have like new baby hairs all mixed in to my hair line that's about 1.5 to 2 inches long that look crazy after I work out. This is good news because my edges are growing back in :yay: but they look funny after a good sweat!

I feel like I'm punking out for some reason though, but judging from your progress, I know I wouldn't be....:look:

:-D thank u!!

Initially I didnt want to confined to weaves & braids for so long, I wanted to have the the ability to start my "regimen". But at that length, I wouldn't have been able to accomplish much..especially a stretch. I was determined to grow my hair out beyond the point of damage, the only way to do it was 100% protective 100% of the time
SummerRain said:
:-D thank u!!

Initially I didnt want to confined to weaves & braids for so long, I wanted to have the the ability to start my "regimen". But at that length, I wouldn't have been able to accomplish much..especially a stretch. I was determined to grow my hair out beyond the point of damage, the only way to do it was 100% protective 100% of the time
Well you helped me out of a quandry today. I understand about wanting to do a regimen! I will still have one, I'll just do it less often. I don't plan on relaxing while up and I can do cassia and or protein / moisture treatments between braid ups. Now that I have my falls, and one wig, I can go a couple of days between braid ups to do deep conditioning and all that before I go back up. I didn't have a clue about any of this before I came to the board. I'll be getting my tree braids redone every 6 to 8 weeks, depending on my growth rate (which is pretty good right now). I'll still be taking my carrot juice, ALLONE, Biotin, etc, etc. I'll just be able to retain the fruits of my labor... :grin:

I saw they are starting a braid / weave challenge thread for January.. right on time for me to get my new dooo.
i just wanted to post the style i've beenrocking as a sort of "protective style"...i basically oil my scalp with a mixture of 4% mn/mtg/anything by hollywood beauty...then i spray on my s-curl/glycerin/rosewater mixture...then i coat my ends with profectiv megagrowth or healthy ends...i twist and make little pin curls but i use the mini scrunchies to secure them...i get lots of compliments (especially from white folk) - people think it's my natural texture...

i love the low-maintenance care because my scalp is SO sensitive due to the amount of growth i'm experiencing, so i really don't have to comb my hair at all.

just thought i'd share.
here's to reaching bun-length soon!
from36to38 said:
i just wanted to post the style i've beenrocking as a sort of "protective style"...i basically oil my scalp with a mixture of 4% mn/mtg/anything by hollywood beauty...then i spray on my s-curl/glycerin/rosewater mixture...then i coat my ends with profectiv megagrowth or healthy ends...i twist and make little pin curls but i use the mini scrunchies to secure them...i get lots of compliments (especially from white folk) - people think it's my natural texture...

i love the low-maintenance care because my scalp is SO sensitive due to the amount of growth i'm experiencing, so i really don't have to comb my hair at all.

just thought i'd share.
here's to reaching bun-length soon!

Sounds cute! I've been wanting to do some kind of pincurl style but I keep forgetting/taking naps.
I've noticed that since my hair is short again I have to do my hair more. When my hair was a lot longer my wraps would last longer. Now my hair is cut short and in layers so I have to do my hair everyday. My hair isn't long enough to put in a ponytail, but to long to just slick it down w/o looking crazy. I hate this in between stages it can be quite annoying.:perplexed
Wuz going on ladies longing for long hair?....I mean long, healthy hair? I hope everyone is finding the right products and regimens to reach their hair goals. I'm in a much better mood these days since my shedding stopped. I'm in love with Qhemet Sidr Butter and Heavy Cream Olive Oil and Honey. Very moisturizing and softening.
Cayenne0622 said:
Wuz going on ladies longing for long hair?....I mean long, healthy hair? I hope everyone is finding the right products and regimens to reach their hair goals. I'm in a much better mood these days since my shedding stopped. I'm in love with Qhemet Sidr Butter and Heavy Cream Olive Oil and Honey. Very moisturizing and softening.

I am in my last week of a very difficult stretch but I can feel all the great growth I have. I should have very good progress once I relax. My ends looks good too.
I am so glad this is here. I've posted my regime to discover I have protein use issues.

I do have one concern that I hope someone can address: I have been using the C&G method (I found that site before I found this one) wearing cornrows with extensions. So many ladies have indicated that wearing extensions has thinned their ends and made their hair fragile. I am washing, conditioning, and moisturizing regularly, but now I am very apprehensive about this style.

I can tell that I've gotten a lot of new growth, which is very good, but I do not want to do this at the expense of maintaining length. I plan to take my hair down on Sunday afternoon and do the intense treatment - oil, mask, wash, condition - and then put it back up on Wednesday as I am going to a conference on Friday.

I've been using C&G since December and want to be a part of the challenge, will this be good for my ends?
I understand how it feels and how frustating it is to have short hair, but I also know how it was to have long hair. When I left germany in 2005 my hair was 4 inches from my bra strap and I'm 5'1, then I moved here to Arizona and my hair has broken off. My hair was shoulder length earlier this month then as I posted earlier I had a bad relaxer and I had to do the BC. Being here in Arizona I can't seem to grow my hair past my shoulders @ all. My hair should have been longer by now, but instead it's short again. To do my hair I either have to flat iron my head or roll it with the really little velcro rollers. The only thing that I can say from someone who's had a nice length of hair is patience, moisture, vitamins, patience and moisture. A nice length of hair can be achieved u just have to find wut works for u!
Shine-On said:

Many of us have long, healthy hair goals but some of us are much further away than others. Please share your tips for maintaining healthy, growing short hair (growing being the key word).

My hair is ear length. I am having difficulty in the following areas:

Stretching relaxers
Exploring the method of texlaxing
Finding no-heat styles that are still "stylish",
Resisting the urge to trim hair to maintain style as it grows
Rollersetting without looking like a UFO landed on my head (I guess hair isn't long enough yet)

And the list goes on . . . Does anybody hear me? :perplexed

I truely feel you on this one. My hair is probly shorter than yours. I am happy with it right now because I am so glad to get those braids out. I think that the trick is to not think about hair growth and before you know it two weeks will pass by and you'll notice new growth. Just style it the best you can and enjoy what you have and it will be tracking on before you know it. I know you asked for people with long hair opinion but I had to add my two cents and what I am trying right now. Good Luck Girl;)
Short haired lady signing in.

Right now my problem is unevenness. My back is a little past my shoulder, sides at my chin, front just short and my crown which was broking is about 4 inches right now.

I style my hair either rollersets or buns. I am so excited because right now I can make a little bun without any fake hair (in my signature). For rollerset I use the rollers with the covers. My rollerset usually comes out nicely, however maintaining them is another problem. I have been trying pincurling but it just doesn't look right to me. I usually just re-roll my hair every night and that seems to work.

I am having a problem with a little breakage and I am trying to get that under control.

I'm glad I finally came in here.
I don't know how I missed this thread, but I definitely belong here. I started out in December with hair at the tip of my neck and now my hair is at the bottom of my neck. I am so happy to see some progess. I hope to be shoulder length by the end of the year.

I'm wearing phony ponies and am about to buy me a wig. That will be part of my daily care throughout the summer.

We can do this, especially with the support from all of our short-haired sisters.

Let's grow, grow, grow!!;)
princessdi said:
I don't know how I missed this thread, but I definitely belong here. I started out in December with hair at the tip of my neck and now my hair is at the bottom of my neck. I am so happy to see some progess. I hope to be shoulder length by the end of the year.

I'm wearing phony ponies and am about to buy me a wig. That will be part of my daily care throughout the summer.

We can do this, especially with the support from all of our short-haired sisters.

Let's grow, grow, grow!!;)

Yupp..yup. I started off with LHCF in July 06 first pic and with regular trims (for shedding) and gentle care, I'm now here Mar 07 second pic. Can't wait to get to shoulder length and APL.
July 06 side.jpg

Hair 012.jpg
Cayenne0622 said:
Yupp..yup. I started off with LHCF in July 06 first pic and with regular trims (for shedding) and gentle care, I'm now here Mar 07 second pic. Can't wait to get to shoulder length and APL.

Wow, I hadn't seen your March pic until now Cayenne, GREAT JOB!!!
What do you guys do with your hair when its bed time? My hair is too short to go into a lose bun and I'm having difficulty sleeping with rollers!
Jbirds1 said:
What do you guys do with your hair when its bed time? My hair is too short to go into a lose bun and I'm having difficulty sleeping with rollers!

I cross wrap or pull my hair back and then pin it up with a large bobby pin.
Jbirds1 said:
Hmmm thanks!! Anyone have any pics on how to cross wrap hair??

There should be some pics if you use the search option for crosswrap. I posted a pic of mine in a thread somewhere. I think it was a thread I started about my first experience doing the whole head baggy. Sorry, I don't exactly where my own post is. lol I'm too lazy to go look for it right now...I'm supposed to be working. :lachen:
Hi everyone. I'd like to ask some advice. Do you ladies grease your scalps? I have a light moisturizer but since I relaxed(ish) my hair - it looks like a short blown out afro, the texture just can't seen to carry the moisturizer, the hair just sticks together if I put it on my scalp it ends up being too much compared to if I rub a little bit in palms and just rub it on the tops of my hair. I used to grease religious but since this change in texture I wish I wouldn't have to. Is it bad if I don't grease my scalp?
Hi Foxy! No, it's not bad, I've gone years without greasing my scalp and my hair still grew nicely.

foxy_brown said:
Hi everyone. I'd like to ask some advice. Do you ladies grease your scalps? I have a light moisturizer but since I relaxed(ish) my hair - it looks like a short blown out afro, the texture just can't seen to carry the moisturizer, the hair just sticks together if I put it on my scalp it ends up being too much compared to if I rub a little bit in palms and just rub it on the tops of my hair. I used to grease religious but since this change in texture I wish I wouldn't have to. Is it bad if I don't grease my scalp?
Question - Im trying to avoid putting heat in my hair as often. But while its so short, if I wrap it under the dryer or let it air dry, its usually very flat and straight. I was thinking of doing a rollerset this weekend for the first time ever. Looking for roller suggestions? Type/size/brand, etc. I have NO clue where to start. Also, looking for a good product for use for the setting lotion. I normally use Wrap & Roll (The Jane Carter collection) when I wrap my hair but its almost gone.
kels823 said:
Question - Im trying to avoid putting heat in my hair as often. But while its so short, if I wrap it under the dryer or let it air dry, its usually very flat and straight. I was thinking of doing a rollerset this weekend for the first time ever. Looking for roller suggestions? Type/size/brand, etc. I have NO clue where to start. Also, looking for a good product for use for the setting lotion. I normally use Wrap & Roll (The Jane Carter collection) when I wrap my hair but its almost gone.

Wish I had some suggestions for you on the rollerset, but I don't. Sorry. I did want to say that when my hair was shorter, I would wash it, tie it down with wrap strips and then curl it. At night, I would just tie a silk scarf, bandana style, around my edges (the nape and above the ears) and leave the top exposed. The bandana tie would keep my edges flat and smooth and the top of my hair wouldn't be touched. I would just get up in the morning and run my fingers through and go. I didn't have to curl it again until after I washed. My hair grew really fast, with NO breakage, with that routine.

Hope that helps some.
Thanks so much for the response!!!!

I normally do that and it works GREAT! But Ive been hitting the gym about 3 - 4 x a week. I dont want to have to flat iron my hair every day after a workout, thats prolly not healthy. So Ive been trying so hard to find alternative methods so I dont look SO crazy every day...