Shorthaircareforum discussion board - Post #1

kels823 said:
Thanks so much for the response!!!!

I normally do that and it works GREAT! But Ive been hitting the gym about 3 - 4 x a week. I dont want to have to flat iron my hair every day after a workout, thats prolly not healthy. So Ive been trying so hard to find alternative methods so I dont look SO crazy every day...

Oh man! That's a hard one. It seems like the only thing you can do is wear it in a sleek flat kinda swoop style. If you are working out that often I would still find a cute wrap to tie the edges down and work out and then if the scarf is wet from working out, I'd change it to a dry one when I got home. If you hair has fallen (on top) from the work out, you probably should invest in the caruso rollers I keep reading about. That way you can still get curl everyday but you'd get it from steam instead of damaging flat/curling irons.
Cayenne0622 said:
Wish I had some suggestions for you on the rollerset, but I don't. Sorry. I did want to say that when my hair was shorter, I would wash it, tie it down with wrap strips and then curl it. At night, I would just tie a silk scarf, bandana style, around my edges (the nape and above the ears) and leave the top exposed. The bandana tie would keep my edges flat and smooth and the top of my hair wouldn't be touched. I would just get up in the morning and run my fingers through and go. I didn't have to curl it again until after I washed. My hair grew really fast, with NO breakage, with that routine.

Hope that helps some.

Really?! I must be doing something wrong then because my hair sometimes gets crushed in the middle!! I really need to get myself a larger silk scarf! Maybe thats what the problem is... lol...
Cayenne0622 said:
Wish I had some suggestions for you on the rollerset, but I don't. Sorry. I did want to say that when my hair was shorter, I would wash it, tie it down with wrap strips and then curl it. At night, I would just tie a silk scarf, bandana style, around my edges (the nape and above the ears) and leave the top exposed. The bandana tie would keep my edges flat and smooth and the top of my hair wouldn't be touched. I would just get up in the morning and run my fingers through and go. I didn't have to curl it again until after I washed. My hair grew really fast, with NO breakage, with that routine.

Hope that helps some.

Really?! I must be doing something wrong then because my hair sometimes gets crushed in the middle!! I really need to get myself a larger silk scarf! Maybe thats what the problem is... lol...
Cayenne0622 said:
Wish I had some suggestions for you on the rollerset, but I don't. Sorry. I did want to say that when my hair was shorter, I would wash it, tie it down with wrap strips and then curl it. At night, I would just tie a silk scarf, bandana style, around my edges (the nape and above the ears) and leave the top exposed. The bandana tie would keep my edges flat and smooth and the top of my hair wouldn't be touched. I would just get up in the morning and run my fingers through and go. I didn't have to curl it again until after I washed. My hair grew really fast, with NO breakage, with that routine.

Hope that helps some.

Really?! I must be doing something wrong then because my hair sometimes gets crushed in the middle!! I really need to get myself a larger silk scarf! Maybe thats what the problem is... lol...
i have a question...i was trying to find out what the difference was and why my curls dont last the two weeks like they used to before when i had my hair cut short..i thought at first i have to train my hair again...i had a short cut last year...and i truly miss my old stylist....but i would get it done and would be good for two weeks with out going back to her....even when the curls dropped my hair still was in the shape of the cut....

so here's somethings i notice that my new stylist uses compared to the last one..and please tell me if this maybe it...because this is the only difference...that ive noticed..

my last stylist used the irons where you had to put them in the gray stove to get them hot....they come in about 50 different sizes....

the stylist that i go to now i think is using like those plug in flat irons that come in differest sizes....(chi flat irons i think thats what they are called)

so has anyone with short hair had this problem before...

i mean its gotten to the point where ive actually told her that i want to grow my hair out...and its getting kind of expensive to be running to her every about to go back to going every two weeks and just throw a wig on on the week that im not going to her...
ok, i've found my spot now. most of the other stuff on here just does NOT apply to me since my hair hardly fits in a ponytail. i cannot put tons of moisturizing products in my hair everyday and the baggie thing just doesn't work. I've gotten a lot of good tips in this thread from the little bit I've read so far. Thanks Shine-on for starting it.

p.s. Imani you hair is awesome!!
hi are the short hairs still here? now thats it growing the ends or thin:eek: i going to grow out my prem i havent had one in almost a year:eek: but its growing i wear braids but i am sick of them i bag every night and use bt so that helps but i need to find some a way to were it i not ready to lose my prem end yet i need it to grow some more before i cut them:(
I am still here. Been deep conditioning weekly and moisturising every two days; my hair is alot healthier and growing nicely. I should have a visual update on June 6, after ending my 24-week stretch. How's everyone else doing?
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I am still here. Been deep conditioning weekly and moisturising every two days; my hair is alot healthier and growing nicely. I should have a visual update on June 6, after ending my 24-week stretch.
baby, how is your hair holding up with the two textures? Is it breaking or hard to take care of, you must have a whole lot of natural hair after one yr without a perm?! maybe its longer than you think, remember shrinkage will be more evident now... you could probably get advice from the transitioners thread...?

lusa, it's good to hear about your progress! i can't wait to see your pics!! I'll have some updates around that time too, I get my next relaxer june 21st, will only be a 10-wk stretch for me, this is my first time going beyond 7 wks...

alundra, how often do you wash and moisturize? maybe you have to change your regimen as it grows?

as for me, i'm hanging in there. right now, i'm having fun trying different stuff. TOO much fun, i am manipulating and combing my hair a lot which i know isn't good. but everything i read, i want to try!!!
Hey ladies!

Been moisturizing like crazy. Last week I went for 6 days w/o heat at all/!!!! I KNOW that prolly doesnt sound like alot but for me it is - I usually do heat at least 3 times a week to keep my style fresh, etc. But I did WNG's last week (only 1 turned out okay :lachen: ) and it really helped.

My next relaxer is about the same time as you guys' - June 15th or something. That will put me at 10 weeks which is the longest Ive stretched in years. I used to relax my sides and back every other week!!! And my whole head every 4-5 weeks.... Yeesh!! Im all embarrassed to admit that... :p I never really gave my hair a chance to get new growth w/o attacking it with chemicals.... :(

I dunno if I have growth. I FEEL new growth in some areas tho. That makes me feel better. My crown area is still bone straight... :( Thats the slowest growing area. Im hoping w/ more moisture, BT, massages and a few more weeks of stretching, I will actually have some growth in my crown. And if I dont have ne growth in my crown by the time for my next relaxer, Im not gonna relax that area. I want to let it try to thrive. Im really worried that its never gonna grow again but Ill have to be patient and see. Patience... oy! Thats something you MUST have on this journey!!

Okay Ive been talking far too much... really cant wait to see everyones' update pics!!!!!! :D Keep this thread alive ya'll....
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dillard said:
alundra, how often do you wash and moisturize? maybe you have to change your regimen as it grows?

I wash once a week, and moisturize twice daily. It's like my hair eats moisture. I'm going to try another moisturizer, this time the shealoe one FNWL, I hear it's good. I just can't order it until Friday.

I want to try everything too!! I want to try Eluence, Neutragena Triple Moisture, and some emu oil! I need to stop. :lol:
Is there anyone out there that is struggling and needing some encouragement? Being conscious of hair health can be frustrating, and I am more than happy to help (if possible). :)
kels823 said:
My next relaxer is about the same time as you guys' - June 15th or something. That will put me at 10 weeks which is the longest Ive stretched in years. I used to relax my sides and back every other week!!! And my whole head every 4-5 weeks.... Yeesh!! Im all embarrassed to admit that... :p I never really gave my hair a chance to get new growth w/o attacking it with chemicals.... :(

kels i looked at your fotki, your hair is gonna grow out so pretty!! it looks beautiful now you have a great start, i can only imagine.

yes ladies we need patience! ok cool so we all gotta post some pics in june so we can encourage each other and see the progress...

alundra, maybe you can wash twice a week instead? maybe a conditioner wash and a shampoo wash each week? just an idea, i hear a lot of ladies doing that. i'm thinking of doing that too actually.

i said last week that i wasn't gonna even drive by CVS because i didn't want to be tempted to go in and get more hair stuff, and you know what i did?! i ordered stuff from!!! :eek: i think i have a real problem y'all. i ordered nexxus emergencee for protein treatment, i'm trying to decide if i should do this right BEFORE or right AFTER my relaxer...?? i also bought NTM soothing conditioner and serum. plus 3 packets of ORS replenishing pak...
Lusa - Thanks so much for checking in!! Right now its getting hard for me becuz my hair is GROWING.. which is a good thing! But you know w/ short hair its usually LAID... uhhhh.. my stuff aint layin. :look: I just have to get past these next few months of awkwardness I guess. Plus its too short to really roller set so I havent figured out how to wear my hair besides a headband. My sis was supposed to help me w/ a braid out but she played me (gotta love it!). Newho, Im rambling. But I love your fotki, its so inspirational!! What did you do w/ your hair in the meantime until you got some length?

Dillard - Thanks so much!!!!!! LOVE your hair!! I love the texture and the health of it! :D Love that pincurl look too.. its so sexy and glam to me! LOL @! :lol: That is too funny!!! As far as the Emergencee - Im not an expert but I think most ppl here do it a couple weeks after their relaxer. Thats how I was going to do mine (I use Emergencee too). Then you can DC w/ the ORS paks. But again, Im just learning myself so hopefully someone else will chime in.. :D
dillard said:
alundra, maybe you can wash twice a week instead? maybe a conditioner wash and a shampoo wash each week? just an idea, i hear a lot of ladies doing that. i'm thinking of doing that too actually...

I'm also thinking of doing a co-wash. I want to whenever my work hours get better. Right now I work ten hours a day Monday - Thursday. I'll try it after my relaxer though. It's a jungle in there, I'm 9 weeks post (with BT growth!) and I've never stretched this long succesfully!
kels823 said:
Lusa - Thanks so much for checking in!! Right now its getting hard for me becuz my hair is GROWING.. which is a good thing! But you know w/ short hair its usually LAID... uhhhh.. my stuff aint layin. :look: I just have to get past these next few months of awkwardness I guess. Plus its too short to really roller set so I havent figured out how to wear my hair besides a headband. My sis was supposed to help me w/ a braid out but she played me (gotta love it!). Newho, Im rambling. But I love your fotki, its so inspirational!! What did you do w/ your hair in the meantime until you got some length?

Hey girl, after joining the board I got back into a braid regime to help my hair grow. You've probably seen how damaged the back was, it was difficult to pull off any decent styles and having it in braids was wonderful. Doing this also meant that I didn't get a relaxer for 39-weeks, and when I did, I got it done professionally to reduce the chances of overlapping and to ensure all the hair was done properly. I can't self-relax to save my life. :grin: I continue to get braids, and I am getting my relaxers every 20-24 weeks.

Hope that answers your question and I am glad you find my album helpful! ;)
Shine-on I am totally feelingyou when you say that it is hard to work with short hair. My hair is shorter than yours. What I do is I get it rollersetted and when I get tired of that I get cornrows and when i get tired of that I get micor for a few months. Right now I am on my second set this year. I hope that when I take them out I have about six inches. I had four in some places more in some places less. I will see Mid July when I take them down.
dillard said:
lusa, it's good to hear about your progress! i can't wait to see your pics!! I'll have some updates around that time too, I get my next relaxer june 21st, will only be a 10-wk stretch for me, this is my first time going beyond 7 wks...

as for me, i'm hanging in there. right now, i'm having fun trying different stuff. TOO much fun, i am manipulating and combing my hair a lot which i know isn't good. but everything i read, i want to try!!!

Girl, I am glad we're still in this. I am loving my hair again, and I think it's reciprocal! I'll let you know when I have my visual updates. I can't wait to see yours too. :D
This is a great thread!!!!:) I am currently sporting a short cut again after wearing braids and weave for 7 months. I decided to relax my hair and went to a stylist who used a relaxer called Paasha, which is suppose to help with dryness. My hair is a mess....:mad: When I left her shop my hair looked okay but the next day it was a mess. I guess you could say that it is texlaxed, texturized and relaxed on different parts of my head. Has anyone else had this problem?

I looked at my neighbors hair at the supermarket and it was gorgeous. Mine looked like a hot mess. It is broken in the front, the crown, the edges and the nape. I know I need a corrective relaxer but not sure when to let someone do it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am using BT, lots of moisture and i know that it simply takes time. I'm planning on braiding/weaving it back up as soon as it is strong enough and won't break. I bought a new wig today and felt like crying when I got back home.

This board is great and i keep thinking that oneday I will have long healthy hair. I only want thick shoulder length hair, I am presently at just below my ears and she cut it in a short bob. I guess I'm ranting and thanks for letting me do it. I love you guys.....:grin:
I ordered some shealoe butter recently - from nature with love. (From From Nature with Love? :lol:) It's great!! I think this is the moisturizer that I've been looking for forever. I'm glad I ordered a 8oz of it too, next time I'll get more. I have a feeling it won't be for a while, this stuff looks like it'll last for ages. Looks like I won't have to wash twice a week...
I was orginally planning on stretching for 24 weeks, and getting a retouch on June 6th but there's a series of family events coming up and I am currently in braids. So, to make the braids worth the money and to survive all the travelling I am re-scheduling my retouch, and will be getting my hair done on either the 20th or the 27th of June.

I will update my Fotki then with progress pics. So, until then I will keep moisturising my hair under the braids and a week before my appointment I take down my braids, deep condition, and rollerset.

Shoulder length 2007 here I come. :party:
Lusa said:
I was orginally planning on stretching for 24 weeks, and getting a retouch on June 6th but there's a series of family events coming up and I am currently in braids. So, to make the braids worth the money and to survive all the travelling I am re-scheduling my retouch, and will be getting my hair done on either the 20th or the 27th of June.

I will update my Fotki then with progress pics. So, until then I will keep moisturising my hair under the braids and a week before my appointment I take down my braids, deep condition, and rollerset.

Shoulder length 2007 here I come. :party:

So you will be about 26 weeks stretched?!?!? awesome. I wonder how long I can successfully stretch? This is my first try and I thought 10 weeks was gonna be too much but I'm at 6 weeks now and my new growth straightens out just by tying my silk scarf on after this stretch I'm gonna try for a longer one.

carolb21:girl, hang in there and in no time you'll be at your goal. Many of us are at the same stage you are now. Even though it's tough and it might seem like your goal is so far away, it's really not. Start snapping those pics so you can do a comparison shot every month or so and see the progress. It is a great motivator!! You can also do a search to find some more tips on what you can do now to stop more breakage, I'd say lay off the relaxer for awhile the last thing you want to do is overprocess.
dillard said:
baby, how is your hair holding up with the two textures? Is it breaking or hard to take care of, you must have a whole lot of natural hair after one yr without a perm?! maybe its longer than you think, remember shrinkage will be more evident now... you could probably get advice from the transitioners thread...?

lusa, it's good to hear about your progress! i can't wait to see your pics!! I'll have some updates around that time too, I get my next relaxer june 21st, will only be a 10-wk stretch for me, this is my first time going beyond 7 wks...

alundra, how often do you wash and moisturize? maybe you have to change your regimen as it grows?

as for me, i'm hanging in there. right now, i'm having fun trying different stuff. TOO much fun, i am manipulating and combing my hair a lot which i know isn't good. but everything i read, i want to try!!!
Ladies, how do you dry your hair? I'm having huge problems with the rollerset. I just. Can't. Get it. :( When my mother does them they turn out OK, but when I do them they look terrible. Do you wet wrap? I don't want to use a flat iron. (I don't own a flat iron.)
Hey ladies! :D

Allundra - Thats my exact same issue! I cant do a roller set to save my life (plus my back is still too short to get in a roller).

Ive just been doing Wash and Gos to get me thru. Today Im wearing a pretty scarf and I have some conditioner+oil in my hair. Im pretty frustrated w/ my hair... for alot of reasons. Trying to be patient and consistant. I would like to get cornrows or kinkytwists but I dont think I have enuf length in the back to grab. So I dunno. I keep telling myself this is the rough part and that hopefully by the fall Ill have enuf length to be more versatile. Just gotta wait. :look:
Kels, can you do a dry rollerset? I can and did dry rollersets from the time I was about 11 until I was nearly 17, but I can't do a wet rollerset. I'm thinking about blowdrying my hair on cool and then using steam rollers or dry rollersetting. I wonder if this will work. Either I'll look like a lion or have beautiful curls.

I may have to try a wash and go...
I just really dont know how to rollerset. I think maybe Im using too large rollers... but I cant figure out how to clip my hair to the rollers.... my brain doesnt get the concept. :look: I said when I get a bit more length I was gonna go get one done professionally and see how she does it...

Your hair in your siggy pic or GHORJUS by the way!!!
Thanks kels! :)

My old hairstylist does rollersets with the quickness. :eek: It's like the towel is on my head and a minute later my hair is full of rollers.

My old hairstylist didn't use end papers. I think she used the little clips and stuck them close to my roots, but not enough to pull them.

You may want to try the rollers with the clamps on them, maybe smaller ones to begin with. I can do a rollerset if I have those little clamps. Someone made a thread about an e-bay store where you can buy clamps for larger rollers, but I can't find it now. :( Good luck kels, and everyone else on the "short hair care" forum.