Shorthaircareforum discussion board - Post #1

alundra said:
Ladies, how do you dry your hair? I'm having huge problems with the rollerset. I just. Can't. Get it. :( When my mother does them they turn out OK, but when I do them they look terrible. Do you wet wrap? I don't want to use a flat iron. (I don't own a flat iron.)

Rollersetting is the only way I can get my hair to look how I want it without using heat... I use the green magnetic ones with the cover. It was difficult at first but it's getting a little easier each time...Just make sure the hair ends are smoothed onto the roller and that hair is still dripping wet. I wash on Wed nights and sleep in the rollers. I also wash Saturday afternoons and by bedtime my hair is dry. So I take them out and cross wrap for the night...
I like all lengths of hair and I've worn my hair in all lengths over the years. As long as it's healthy its all good to me. So in short, this is a really good thread. :)
How you ladies doin?? :)

Im kinda frustrated w/ the issue of my ends.. its very hard to protect them cuz theyre always "out"! Ive been baggying at nite w/ ORS Carrot Oil Cream + EVOO to try to impart moisture to my hair and ends (its been dry l8ly which I chalk up to protein overload). I know Im prolly gonna have to search and destroy a couple splits boys.. I dunno. Trying not to get super frustrated. But Ill just wait and see next week. 10 weeks... whoo! :p

Really hope everyone else is progressing with the health and length of their hair! :D
I'm doing ok. Tonight, since I don't have to work tomorrow and it doesn't matter if my hair turns out poorly, I'm trying something new: KeraCare and also trying coconut milk. I'm going to clarify since I'm using a new product so I can make sure I have good results.

I'm getting a little bit of new growth in some areas. It could be BT, but it could also be the biotin I put in my conditioner last time. :)

I also hope all of you short hair ladies are doing well.
kels823 said:
Im kinda frustrated w/ the issue of my ends.. its very hard to protect them cuz theyre always "out"! Ive been baggying at nite w/ ORS Carrot Oil Cream + EVOO to try to impart moisture to my hair and ends (its been dry l8ly which I chalk up to protein overload). I know Im prolly gonna have to search and destroy a couple splits boys.. I dunno. Trying not to get super frustrated. But Ill just wait and see next week. 10 weeks... whoo! :p

keep it up! sounds like you are doing what you need to be doing. Since it's almost 10 weeks it makes sense that it is starting to look/act differently. maybe you need to change the moisturizer you use during the day time? I've realized that now at 8wks post, I can't use my ORS olive oil anymore, I've had to switch to NTM silk touch which is much lighter and more watery.

alundra said:
I'm doing ok. Tonight, since I don't have to work tomorrow and it doesn't matter if my hair turns out poorly, I'm trying something new: KeraCare and also trying coconut milk. I'm going to clarify since I'm using a new product so I can make sure I have good results.

I'm getting a little bit of new growth in some areas. It could be BT, but it could also be the biotin I put in my conditioner last time.

I also hope all of you short hair ladies are doing well.

you put biotin in your conditioner?!?! how does that work exactly? and let us know how the keracare works out!

right now my struggle is that i'm working out every morning before work so of course my hair is sweaty and gross, so i've been co-washing daily and just doing a sort of french roll thingy with bobby pins stuck in it. not pretty but fitness is key right now. so i just poo and DC once a week oh, and i tried doing lemonjuice and coconut milk as a sort of temporary relaxer, and itdid NOT work for me. It felt ok the next day but then got dry and felt like straw. i'm also taking biotin and B50 everynight. so far, no noticeable results except i'm having stomach pains, kinda like cramps that will last about 10-15 minutes... :( i'm drinking like 70oz. of water, maybe i need to drink more?! anywhoo, that's all for now.

dillard said:
you put biotin in your conditioner?!?! how does that work exactly? and let us know how the keracare works out!

I read about it here:

What I did was crush up some of my biotin and mix it with the conditioner. Someone on another thread said that you should take it on / off so that your body becomes "deficient" in it and it works again. I've been taking it for ages, but I didn't want my bottle to go bad.

It seems like I did have less shedding last week than I did this week, maybe I need to do it again.

KeraCare worked VERY well. I mixed it with a lil Coconut milk. My hair was very soft.

I hope the excersize is working out for you! What are you doing each day? I need to do some excersize myself. I just started Oil Pulling and I have a bit more energy.
Hmmm maybe Ill do the biotin 3 weeks internally then 3 weeks externally so my body doesnt get 'used' to it. I just started taking them Friday nite and havent had a breakout so far. I take 1000 mcg I think. But I do take B Complex 50 so Im not sure if that is why I havent experienced breakouts. Or maybe its just too early to tell. :p We shall see.

Dillard - I feel you on the working out thing! Right now Im all about my body; my hair style comes 2nd. Id rather be fit w/ regular hair than out of shape w/ a slammin do. :lol: Its annoying sometimes cuz there are days I feel extra un-cute. But my Wash and Gos have been turning out a little better.
Yeah! There are some short hair sisters on this forum! I find that rollersetting even short hair is very healthy. I always use a leave in conditioner. I will make a ponytail anyway that I can in a heart beat even if it's half and inch long and held back by pins. I always have a wash and go style in case of emergencies. The product that I have found that works really well is Smooth n' shine curl activator gel, I used it for the curly pic in my siggy. When my hair was short and natural I used Paul Mitchell foaming pomade and when my hair became too poofy for that I always had an elastic headband to push that big ol' fro back. Fantasia IC hair polisher gel is a lifesaver too.
This is a hot thread! I wish i would have bumped into this alot sooner in my 1 yr. Kels your new growth is so looks like baby hurr!:babyg: Keep it growing girl.

kels823 said:
Hey ladies!

Been moisturizing like crazy. Last week I went for 6 days w/o heat at all/!!!! I KNOW that prolly doesnt sound like alot but for me it is - I usually do heat at least 3 times a week to keep my style fresh, etc. But I did WNG's last week (only 1 turned out okay :lachen: ) and it really helped.

My next relaxer is about the same time as you guys' - June 15th or something. That will put me at 10 weeks which is the longest Ive stretched in years. I used to relax my sides and back every other week!!! And my whole head every 4-5 weeks.... Yeesh!! Im all embarrassed to admit that... :p I never really gave my hair a chance to get new growth w/o attacking it with chemicals.... :(

I dunno if I have growth. I FEEL new growth in some areas tho. That makes me feel better. My crown area is still bone straight... :( Thats the slowest growing area. Im hoping w/ more moisture, BT, massages and a few more weeks of stretching, I will actually have some growth in my crown. And if I dont have ne growth in my crown by the time for my next relaxer, Im not gonna relax that area. I want to let it try to thrive. Im really worried that its never gonna grow again but Ill have to be patient and see. Patience... oy! Thats something you MUST have on this journey!!

Okay Ive been talking far too much... really cant wait to see everyones' update pics!!!!!! :D Keep this thread alive ya'll....
hmm. i'll have to try the Biotin externally too. Sounds like a good idea. i haven't had a breakout yet either and it's been about 2 wks now. I'm so relieved. I realized it's my flaxseed oil that's making my stomach hurt so I've stopped for awhile.

alundra, i've been going walking/jogging atleast 4 mornings/wk - it's about 1.5-2 miles. and the other 3 days in the evenings i've been doing taebo and strength exercises. so i do something everyday for about 30 min - 1hr. also i just ordered hip hop abs dvds, can't wait to get them!!

kels, glad your wash and go's are getting cuter, mine are hopeless!!

tetbelle ur hair looks grrreat!!!
Dillard - How are you doing your WNGs? You may just have to tweak the technique.. I know thats what I had to do. :yep: Its trial and error tho!

Hope all my short haired ladies are having a great week! :D
i've just been doing a kinda french roll thing, pinning up the back with bobby pins and attempting to leave the front out...

so i know we're supposed to be giving some updates soon right?!?! i'm getting my hair done Thursday so I'll have pics soon after that. looking forward to seeing the updates ladies!!
kels823 said:
I posted my update pix in my fotki!! :D no password! cant wait to see you guys'!!

wow, you GREW!!! are you going to texlax from now on, or is that just a trial run? :) i was thinking of not going bone straight this time either but i don't know...

where are you other short haired ladies??!
dillard said:
wow, you GREW!!! are you going to texlax from now on, or is that just a trial run? :) i was thinking of not going bone straight this time either but i don't know...

where are you other short haired ladies??!

Thanks!! This was just a trial run to see if I liked it. I DO love that I was able to do a wash and go today. But its too much hassle when Im trying to wear straight looks. So Ill never go bone straight again (my hair wouldnt hold a curl for NETHING when its bone straight!!) but def. not texlaxed. Ill find a happy medium. :) You gotta find what works for you!!!

Short haired ladies... where are youuuuuu...?
I wonder if any of the ladies who posted here have seen results since their last post in this thread. Any other tips especially for hairstyles for short hair?
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gorgeoushair said:

Your wash n go's look good. Can you tell me how you did this and what is your hair type?

Thank you boo. I used Smooth n' Shine Curl activator gel. I ran it through my hair and then I scrunched. My hair is relaxed and it's natural texture is 3C kinky.
hopeful said:
Well nothing much to say except thanks for starting this thread. I have never had really long hair. As a child it was close to shoulder length, but since relaxing for forever it never went past neck-length and whenever it got that long it broke off. So I'm natural and dreaming of long, natural hair. I have been pursuing long hair for what seems like my entire life. I have succeeded pretty much at everything I have ever pursued or wanted badly. Sometimes I find it embarrassing that I have never been a success at this hair thing, in my weak moments I wonder if my dream will ever be realized. However, most days I am optimistic that I will achieve my goal of long hair, going natural was a big step.

*Hug* You sound so sincere!
i just updated my fotki with two comparison pics. sorry my hair isn't styled nicely, i just included it mainly to show the growth i've had in 2 months. it appears from the pics that it grew about 2 inches or more but i haven't actually measured it. i only wish it were 1 length all around :( the front and sides are barely earlength and the back is touching shoulders now.

i've decided that roller setting is a must, i think my vitamins and all the water made a huge difference also. still haven't found products that i love yet... i'm thinking of trying Keracare because I found out that that is what my stylist uses when I get a relaxer and I really like the results.
WOW you really got alot of growth! And it looks so healthy... I already posted a comment so I wont re-repeat myself.. But youre doing really well. :) Im glad that rollersetting is working for you. Im still looking for those perfect products but its trial and error. Keep it up, youre an inspiration! :yep:
Wow, dillard! That's some good growin!! :lol: Are you going to cut your hair or just leave it? Can you wear it in a bun or french twist until it grows the same length (if it bothers you)?

Does anyone use a denman brush? I want to use one to smooth my hair out during the air drying process. I somewhat successfully air dried last week except my hair is a little puffy. I'm exactly five weeks post now, trying to get to nine again.
I hear you Shine On, I'm with you sistah!! I have been growing my hair out for about a year after keeping it pixie short or shorter for approximatley 20 years. And to add insult to injury, my hair is very soft, fine and thin. Yet, I believe that I too should be able to have shoulder length hair that is healthy and fuller. My hair is a bit longer than ear lenghth,so I totally understand where you are coming from. Since i'm new to this board too, I really can't offer any advice, just support.

So many days, especially in this warm weather, my hair looks a HOT mess. I have never had braids or weaves, so my style options have been limited, especially since i'm trying not to use a lot of heat and trying to avoid extensions.

In the not so distant past, I visited a dominican shop on a few occassions, but I can't stand the unflattering style that I end up with when they do the blow out. When they finish, it's as if you could count the strands on my head!!! Not cute!! After reading this board and seeing so much about the protective styles, i'm actually considering buying a bun!

I wish you luck with your hair growing process, all he best!
I've been reading this thread under the radar. I'm also a short hair chick. For 7 months I've been protective styling with a wig. My hair is growing nicely. I still need to work on the thinning spot in the middle of my head. I can get my hair in a banana clip. I'm going to take a break this summer from the wig. Check out my progress on my fotki. Leave comments if you like.
Thanx ladies. I will probably be getting braids put in when I go to Jamaica and I plan to keep them in for awhile. So after I take them out, I might get a trim/cut to even it out. But I might change my mind if it grows a lot :ohwell:
Its gettin' rough ya'll....... :(

Typically the length that Im at now is the length where I get frustrated and cut it all off. Im not going to this time but its very difficult. Im going to try to gather my hair up in a teeny pony tonite to see if MAYBE I could get away w/ a phony pony or UPA. I doubt it but we shall see. I also think my back is too short for cornrows right now. I guess thats the frustrating part - I cant use heat, my rollersets just DO NOT WORK (trust me, I tried yet again last nite and yep, Im wearing a wash and go cuz it was terrible), my wNg's are turning out crazy, my hair is too short for most protective styles, etc. I was thinking of trying a wig but they havent worked out for me in the past. Im trying very hard to just tough it out tho, I know in a few months Ill have more options re: protective styling. This is just the very very hard time for me. I wanna be cute too. :(

Okay.... done w/ my rant/vent. :) I really hope everyone is progressing well, I try to check on everyones' fotki as often as possible!
kels823 said:
Its gettin' rough ya'll....... :(

Typically the length that Im at now is the length where I get frustrated and cut it all off. Im not going to this time but its very difficult. Im going to try to gather my hair up in a teeny pony tonite to see if MAYBE I could get away w/ a phony pony or UPA. I doubt it but we shall see. I also think my back is too short for cornrows right now. I guess thats the frustrating part - I cant use heat, my rollersets just DO NOT WORK (trust me, I tried yet again last nite and yep, Im wearing a wash and go cuz it was terrible), my wNg's are turning out crazy, my hair is too short for most protective styles, etc. I was thinking of trying a wig but they havent worked out for me in the past. Im trying very hard to just tough it out tho, I know in a few months Ill have more options re: protective styling. This is just the very very hard time for me. I wanna be cute too. :(

Okay.... done w/ my rant/vent. :) I really hope everyone is progressing well, I try to check on everyones' fotki as often as possible!

just hang in there, gets much, much better. try a wig - i NEVER wore OP hair until i got on this board last fall for the first time. although i don't wear them everyday, they've helped me drastically in growing out my hair as well as keeping my hair healthy. i started with falls but cut back on them due to having to manipulate my hair in the front. as you can see in my avatar, my hair was not ponytailable for a while. i've grown it shoulder length since and have cut it even and now i can gather it comfortably without a phony pony.

hang in there, sista.
kels823 said:
Its gettin' rough ya'll....... :(

Typically the length that Im at now is the length where I get frustrated and cut it all off. Im not going to this time but its very difficult. Im going to try to gather my hair up in a teeny pony tonite to see if MAYBE I could get away w/ a phony pony or UPA. I doubt it but we shall see. I also think my back is too short for cornrows right now. I guess thats the frustrating part - I cant use heat, my rollersets just DO NOT WORK (trust me, I tried yet again last nite and yep, Im wearing a wash and go cuz it was terrible), my wNg's are turning out crazy, my hair is too short for most protective styles, etc. I was thinking of trying a wig but they havent worked out for me in the past. Im trying very hard to just tough it out tho, I know in a few months Ill have more options re: protective styling. This is just the very very hard time for me. I wanna be cute too. :(

Okay.... done w/ my rant/vent. :) I really hope everyone is progressing well, I try to check on everyones' fotki as often as possible!

hang on kels!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you'll be past this in no time, and I just know you will have the most beautiful pony-tailable flowing hair :D !! Didn't your big sis give you advice about bantu-knotting it, how is that working for you? and maybe wear it curly with some cute headbands?? you can do it, you can do it!!! :yay: :yay:
36to38 - Thanks so much for the encouragement!! *sigh* I may just bite the bullet and wear a wig. I just DONT look right in wigs, I look very awkward. But its what I may have to do. I found someone to do braids for me (not zillions, theyre like the thickness of a pencil) but she cant do them til August 1. So between then and now I have to figure out what to do.

Dillard - You know my struggle ma... *smh* Its rough. Yep, Ella did suggest the bantu knots!! I tried them but they still didnt turn out well. Im gonna give them another go but this time on dry hair instead of wet. I have been wearing WnGs but I think its too much manipulation. So Ill just keep trying to work it out....
kels823 said:
36to38 - Thanks so much for the encouragement!! *sigh* I may just bite the bullet and wear a wig. I just DONT look right in wigs, I look very awkward. But its what I may have to do. I found someone to do braids for me (not zillions, theyre like the thickness of a pencil) but she cant do them til August 1. So between then and now I have to figure out what to do.

Dillard - You know my struggle ma... *smh* Its rough. Yep, Ella did suggest the bantu knots!! I tried them but they still didnt turn out well. Im gonna give them another go but this time on dry hair instead of wet. I have been wearing WnGs but I think its too much manipulation. So Ill just keep trying to work it out....

Oh kels I usually do them on dry hair.
When I had shorter hair I airdried in them or under a scarf and then redied them on my dry hair for curl defintion