Relaxer-scarred scalp update


Well-Known Member
Hi all -

I wrote a few months ago about a scarring of the scalp diagnosis after a biopsy. I was losing my hair kind of around the crown area; the dermatologist advised me that the scarring was from relaxing and to go natural.

I stretched for two months and in that time concluded that with my 4a texture, natural is definitely NOT for me. When it started tying around itself in knots, I knew it was time. Today I saw my stylist, explained my situation, she based my scalp with globs of the thickest grease she had and applied the ORS relaxer. I probably gained 2 inches since August. The length is great (I'm now a wee bit past bra strap in back, tho my personal goal is to reach nipple in front!), and the hair that's up there is healthy... it's just so THIN. :ohwell:

Friday I see the derm for another round of cortisone shots in the thinning areas. I wanted to wait on the relaxer until I'd seen her (so I wouldn't have to hear her mouth about relaxing my hair, frankly :lol: ), but I knew I couldn't wait another few weeks while my scalp healed from all the needle pricks. I am NOT looking forward to more shots--but the steroid can thin scar tissue and can stimulate regrowth, so I gotta do what I gotta do.

I've decided to stretch my relaxers for as long as I can. I use S-Curl, black castor oil, MTG, essential oils like Rosemary and lay off the growth vitamins cause my active hair grows plenty fast on its own and the last thing I need now that I'm stretching is a bunch of fast-sprouting new growth. Nothing seemed to cause regrowth in the thin areas so I don't think I'm missing anything. I've also asked God if he might be so kind as to not let me go bald.

I remain optimistic. The doc says it's scarring, I have to wonder because I was not shedding until the most highly stressful period in my life; never experienced anything like it, and my hair came out by the handfuls. I don't recall any sort of chemical burn in the areas that are thinning--tho I do worry about putting chemicals on my scalp. My mom thinks it could be hormones, because I am managing depression and have terrible soaking night sweats most nights, even when I'm freezing. Had my thyroid checked and that's fine.

We shall see... I continue to pray for success with growing back whatever I can!
Blu217 said:
Hi all -

The length is great (I'm now a wee bit past bra strap in back, tho my personal goal is to reach nipple in front!), and the hair that's up there is healthy... it's just so THIN. :ohwell:
This had me :lachen: ! BSL, WL and now nipple length! Don't mind me, I'm just being silly! :lol:

In all seriousness Blu, I hope that your prayers are answered and that your hair will recover very soon.
balisi said:
This had me :lachen: ! BSL, WL and now nipple length! Don't mind me, I'm just being silly! :lol:

In all seriousness Blu, I hope that your prayers are answered and that your hair will recover very soon.

That was always my Last year I would look in the mirror and wish so bad that my hair could reach my nipples and cover them. I think that should be a length as well.
sylver2 said:
That was always my Last year I would look in the mirror and wish so bad that my hair could reach my nipples and cover them. I think that should be a length as well.

Nipple length is EXACTLY what I want! :lol: I just assumed it was the same as BSL except maybe 2 inches longer.

BTW, Blu, I'm sending up a prayer for you, too
Lol... thanks, ladies. I have big ole melons, so I'm figuring a good goal is bra-free nipple length--THEN I'll be doin' something! With bra, I've got about 2 inches to go. Without... I'm not tellin'! :lol:

I want to post pictures of the thin/bald areas, but my digicam died. I'm hoping to get my girlfriend to take some shots. It's alarming to see, to tell the truth. I'm trying to make peace with the fact that I still have the rest of my hair, that what I've got is healthy and growing and I can hide the bald spot. It sucks; I take comfort in length.

Nipple or bust! Hah--that's kinda redundant, no? :grin:
blu217, you should google scarring alopecia for more info on your condition. From my understanding the scarring can be caused by a number of factors including inflammation. So you may never have had a burn from the relaxer that caused the scarring. Also, stress can cause your hair to fall out as well. So you should do a little research on your own. Also, I want to know why you haven't considered flat ironing instead of relaxing. Maybe then you could find a compromise and have straight hair without chemicals.
I was also going to comment about alopecia. Also, just to throw it out there (not to scare you, mind you), have you considered being tested for lupus? The hairloss, combined with the other symptoms you mentioned, are not uncommon in women with lupus.
preciousjewel76 said:
I was also going to comment about alopecia. Also, just to throw it out there (not to scare you, mind you), have you considered being tested for lupus? The hairloss, combined with the other symptoms you mentioned, are not uncommon in women with lupus.

I was just thinking the same thing...the depression, the extreme night sweats...I believe those are signs of that disease.

Blu, I know you and your hair are going to be fine, I'm sending up a prayer for you right now.
Blu, I too am sorry to hear of the health issues you are dealing with. I once suffered alopecia as a teenager. Mine was definitely due to stress. One day I suddenly noticed a small round smooth area on my scalp in the back of my head. It just kept getting bigger and bigger and stayed round for some reason. The doctor asked if I was twisting my hair in that area, but I could not recall twisting my hair. He said when people do that due to nervousness they may not ever notice they are doing it, but I never recalled twisting my hair. He prescribed a tranquilizer and a keratin gel for my scalp. I wish I could recall the name, but I know it was in a jar and was by prescription only. I had to rub the cream in the area and apply a hand-held vibrating massager to the area. The massager had an attachment that had all these little nubs on it. I would hold it there for at least 10 minutes, even though it felt like my brain was vibrating. And as God's blessings would have it, I went away to summer camp and they noticed me sleeping late from the pills. A nurse there taught me some relaxation exercises which starting in the swimming pool and then outside. And before I went home, I was off the tranquilizers. My hair also started coming back really wispy with the use of the gel and massager. Once it started coming back, it grew back in really quickly.

I sincerely hope yours will grow back quickly as well, as I know firsthand about hairloss trauma. You are in my prayers.:)
Hey there, Blu!:)

Just wanted to let you know that I am still praying for you.
You know I'm in the same boat.
Thank God you have enough hair for coverage in the scarred area, I hope you can find some comfort in that.
Prayerfully the health of your scalp will be restored.

Be blessed,
Blu217 said:
Hi all -

I wrote a few months ago about a scarring of the scalp diagnosis after a biopsy. I was losing my hair kind of around the crown area; the dermatologist advised me that the scarring was from relaxing and to go natural.

I stretched for two months and in that time concluded that with my 4a texture, natural is definitely NOT for me. When it started tying around itself in knots, I knew it was time. Today I saw my stylist, explained my situation, she based my scalp with globs of the thickest grease she had and applied the ORS relaxer. I probably gained 2 inches since August. The length is great (I'm now a wee bit past bra strap in back, tho my personal goal is to reach nipple in front!), and the hair that's up there is healthy... it's just so THIN. :ohwell:

Friday I see the derm for another round of cortisone shots in the thinning areas. I wanted to wait on the relaxer until I'd seen her (so I wouldn't have to hear her mouth about relaxing my hair, frankly :lol: ), but I knew I couldn't wait another few weeks while my scalp healed from all the needle pricks. I am NOT looking forward to more shots--but the steroid can thin scar tissue and can stimulate regrowth, so I gotta do what I gotta do.

I've decided to stretch my relaxers for as long as I can. I use S-Curl, black castor oil, MTG, essential oils like Rosemary and lay off the growth vitamins cause my active hair grows plenty fast on its own and the last thing I need now that I'm stretching is a bunch of fast-sprouting new growth. Nothing seemed to cause regrowth in the thin areas so I don't think I'm missing anything. I've also asked God if he might be so kind as to not let me go bald.

I remain optimistic. The doc says it's scarring, I have to wonder because I was not shedding until the most highly stressful period in my life; never experienced anything like it, and my hair came out by the handfuls. I don't recall any sort of chemical burn in the areas that are thinning--tho I do worry about putting chemicals on my scalp. My mom thinks it could be hormones, because I am managing depression and have terrible soaking night sweats most nights, even when I'm freezing. Had my thyroid checked and that's fine.

We shall see... I continue to pray for success with growing back whatever I can!
I am so glad that you are working through your hair problems, and using faith to get through the rough spots. You have just touched my heart to remind me that God can help us with EVERYTHING, even the hairs on our heads!! Seriously. I was a mess Sept. 16th when I took my never ending braids down and looked in the mirror and said now what. You can't imagine what my hair looked like... I'm glad I didn't take pictures. This site has been such a blessing for me, and I feel like prayer brought me here...sorry for getting all mushy <snif>
Candiss your siggy line made me cry because that is SO where I am in my life today... :cry:I'm just emotinal today I guess!!
AtlantaJJ said:
Candiss your siggy line made me cry because that is SO where I am in my life today... :cry:I'm just emotinal today I guess!!

Wow :D I was close to tears when I wrote it. It just came straight from my soul. I really feel like when I was writing that, it was one of the most authentic moments of my life. Like God was just touching me right then and there. I am trying so hard to grow as a child of God. I used to think that meant being perfect or pretending to be happy or knowing certain Bible versus. But I'm starting to realize God loves me for me and wants joy in my heart and soul in a way that is authentic and unique to me. He does not ask for perfection. He just wants us to to be the best person he knows we can be when we give our life to Him. I am so touched that you were touched by my siggy. Thank you.
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Hi ladies -

I saw the doc on Friday. She elected to give me a shot of Kenalog (steroid) in my rear rather than the scalp cortisone shots I was anticipating. She said my hair looked... stable. No visible regrowth in the affected area, but no worsening of loss. She also talked to me about improving my diet (I admit I exist on chocolate and one square a day) to help improve my hair. I keep thinking that can't possibly help, that only a miracle pill will restore my hair. Eating more iron-rich veggies might thicken my hair? I know some ladies say diet helps, but... aside from the chocolate, I'm not a junk foodie and I do lik veggies and fruit. I don't know how much that might help, but perhaps I'm being naive.

The doc also said my scalp looked irritated. I told her I'd elected to continue relaxing but was stretching, and she was adamant that I not do that. She said stretching can cause more stress on the scalp because of the tightness of the hair and the stress on it when detangling. She said if I'm going to relax, I need to relax regularly. She continues to advocate going natural. I remain uncertain that that's the right direction for me, but I'll continue to soul search on that one. She said she could tell I mess in my hair a lot and told me to absolutely keep my hands out. No excessive trimming, fussing, pulling, yanking... and she advised wearing my hair up in different ways to reduce the stress on my hair. Because my hair is so fine, she told me to consider that length may only be adding more stress and I might want to cut some off. I do NOT want to cut off my hair--this is all or nothing for me. Either I can wear my hair long, or I will cut it ALL off and try the natural thing. I hate my hair short.

The night before my visit, I noticed a weird indentation in my scalp! It felt like someone had gently pressed a thumb into the skin and actually pressed my skull in a little; it's sore and it scared me half to death. The doc said it's probably from cortisone shots, even tho I had those shots two months ago and just noticed the dent. I know that's a side effect, so I'm monitoring it. She said to give it a few months. NOT COOL...

My oldest friend in the world surprised me with a video of us from 1988. I marveled tonite as I watched it, because my hair was sooo full and thick then--I kept telling my mom it was a different head of hair. I put my hands in my hair now and my fingers slip right thru to the scalp--even when I need a relaxer. I'm heartbroken, but I don't know if this is genetic for me or if it's from stress and maybe in a few years I will thicken up. I'm trying to make the best of it, but I admit it's pretty tough to face.

Anyhoo, I'm staying strong and sticking with my goals and plans. I believe this can turn around. And I'm OK with it if it doesn't, because... what else can I do? Thanks for all the support I've received in these threads. I'm hangin' in.
Blu, God is so good he will take care of your stress and hair problems I promise you, but you already know that---

Just wanted to say I love your dog he/she is so cute!
Thanks about the dog--that's Pharaoh; he's THAT big! 145lbs of pure love!

Incidentally, last night I was looking at the indentation in my scalp with a magnifying mirror. It's gone bald right in that sore spot.

I'm going nuts over whatever is going on with my hair. This is just getting weird. The doc said the biopsy excluded a lot of posibilities, including lupus and a bunch of other diseases. I'm starting to wonder if I don't have some sort of hormone imbalance they haven't detected. I'll be off to the doc soon to see if we can figure out what's going on with me--I've also got really sore back muscles and have had this problem for years and always thought it was the 32e's I've got up front. But last night my back pain kept waking me up. I'm also hot, then cold, then hot... and the night sweats drench me most nights now. That, with the considerable hair loss means I need a full, ridiculously complete physical...
Candiss said:
Wow :D I was close to tears when I wrote it. It just came straight from my soul. I really feel like when I was writing that, it was one of the most authentic moments of my life. Like God was just touching me right then and there. I am trying so hard to grow as a child of God. I used to think that meant being perfect or pretending to be happy or knowing certain Bible versus. But I'm starting to realize God loves me for me and wants joy in my heart and soul in a way that is authentic and unique to me. He does not ask for perfection. He just wants us to to be the best person he knows we can be when we give our life to Him. I am so touched that you were touched by my siggy. Thank you.
I need to be reminded of this so so so very often....

I have been having so many challenges lately...I'm feeling pretty beat up... I'm glad I saved this thread for multiple reasons. Thank you for your words of truth.

I am also wondering how Blu is doing too....
Hey Blu, I am in the same boat with you with the scarring alopecia. I have not been officially diagnosed per say. However, i am certain that is what is causing the bald spot in my crown. I have made up my mind to go natural because 1) natural hair is beautiful, we are blessed with the most versatile hair of all the people on the planet and 2) I trust in HIM, what he has given me is what's best for me. I plan to see the dermatologist soon and hopefully he/she will come up with something to help me, God willing. If you need a partner to go natural with, I'm here maybe 2000+miles away but I am here none the less. I do have more questions for you that are personal. I am interested in chatting a little more with you about our condition. Hey, check out my pics. You may PM for the password to my fokti that has my hairloss pictures in it.
Blu217 said:
Hi all -

My mom thinks it could be hormones, because I am managing depression and have terrible soaking night sweats most nights, even when I'm freezing. Had my thyroid checked and that's fine.

We shall see... I continue to pray for success with growing back whatever I can!

If you are on meds for the depression note that some can cause hair loss. Just a thought, but I'm glad to hear you are doing well! Keep up the streching!
Blu---how are you doing? Did your doctor find/conclude anything?

I am going through the same thing you are with some very weird symptoms. I have been tested for lupus twice and so far it hasn't shown up on tests. My dr. however, said that this doesn't mean it might not show up in the future.

Since having kids, I've suffered from extreme hives and redness from touch (this has kind of subsided now), hair thinning in certain areas, fantom achy joints (no swelling or damage), lethargy, difficulty staying asleep/anxiety, and watery/dry eyes. I really think there's an imbalance.

My doctors know that I can be a hyperchondriac of sorts--I am trying not to be--so they don't want to send me for a trillion tests. But I just want to get treatment and start feeling better.

I'm praying you are well, sister. I hope you can give me some insight.:)