Shorthaircareforum discussion board - Post #1

SummerRain, is that you in your avatar? (it could be a picture of an actress for all I know). You consider your hair short? Either way, it looks pretty and healthy to me.

My hair is a little past collarbone at its longest. It grows very unevenly and I've had to dust it frequently because the back was damaged and grows slowly... but its all getting there. Its looking better, healthier and is longer than its every been. Although some of you, Cayenne and Saratess, make me want to chop! (How cute are you two?!)

Anyway, thanks to the OP for starting this subclub. I have returned to Biotin and WGHO to speed up the growth; GPB and mayonnaise to improve the strength. I've also changed from Super to Regular or Mild relaxer and relax the back last. I always thought it was resistant and coarse and was breaking from stretching but it was exactly the opposite. Its fine and was breaking because the relaxer was too strong and staying on too long. :perplexed

jrae said:
SummerRain, is that you in your avatar? (it could be a picture of an actress for all I know). You consider your hair short? Either way, it looks pretty and healthy to me.

My hair is a little past collarbone at its longest. It grows very unevenly and I've had to dust it frequently because the back was damaged and grows slowly... but its all getting there. Its looking better, healthier and is longer than its every been. Although some of you, Cayenne and Saratess, make me want to chop! (How cute are you two?!)

Anyway, thanks to the OP for starting this subclub. I have returned to Biotin and WGHO to speed up the growth; GPB and mayonnaise to improve the strength. I've also changed from Super to Regular or Mild relaxer and relax the back last. I always thought it was resistant and coarse and was breaking from stretching but it was exactly the opposite. Its fine and was breaking because the relaxer was too strong and staying on too long. :perplexed


Jrae, yes this is me in my avi - but thats a weave I'm rocking :(
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Hey shorthaired ladies!! I'm checking in! How is everyone? Got progress pics? What obstacles have you encountered? Mine below are from July06, Sept06, and Oct06. I'm doing okay despite the severe shedding setback and multiple trims. :)
IMG_2615.jpg127_2746.JPGMy Hair 004.jpg
Last pic is right after a henna treatment..loved it.
I am so glad to see this topic started. I am going thru the same frustration. Growing out a short cut a stretching relaxers. Not sure how cute I will look for the next year, but we'll see, LOL! Good luck to you ladies!
Current length pic attached and my avatar is fairly recent as well.


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I am doing well.

I am having a struggle with my trimming addiction. :ohwell:

I was having a mental downer a few weeks ago about it, but I am better now.

I did something that messed up my moisture balance and I am not sure what. That is back in order now and even better than before.

I realize that me and my hair just don't get along with daily moisturizers that contain lots of different oils, petroleum, glycerin or mineral oil. Either my hair feels greasy, hard, dirty, sticky or any combination of the above - but not soft. Also, I cannot use the moisturizers that contain lots of different silicone oils or silicone as one of the first couple of ingredients.

That has narrowed me down to only like 2 moisturizers that I like and one has been discontinued. :perplexed

Anyway, whatever works.

I am just happy that I have conquered my battle with dryness and I hope that can help me retain more length this year.
I'm sorry you have had to struggle with finding a moisturizer. It is difficult. Have you ever considered making your own? I don't know what it would take but if you have the ingredients list from one of your favorite moisturizers, maybe you can pick out somethings to try. I don't think shorter hair demands as much moisture. We'd probably be good adding moisture and oil a few times a week just to maintain. Anyway, glad you are back to happier times with you hair. Hang in there!

Good luck everyone.

HoneyDew said:
I am doing well.

I am having a struggle with my trimming addiction. :ohwell:

I was having a mental downer a few weeks ago about it, but I am better now.

I did something that messed up my moisture balance and I am not sure what. That is back in order now and even better than before.

I realize that me and my hair just don't get along with daily moisturizers that contain lots of different oils, petroleum, glycerin or mineral oil. Either my hair feels greasy, hard, dirty, sticky or any combination of the above - but not soft. Also, I cannot use the moisturizers that contain lots of different silicone oils or silicone as one of the first couple of ingredients.

That has narrowed me down to only like 2 moisturizers that I like and one has been discontinued. :perplexed

Anyway, whatever works.

I am just happy that I have conquered my battle with dryness and I hope that can help me retain more length this year.
You are making great progress Cayenne! Keep up the good work.

I know my hair has grown because of all the new growth I have, but it's hard to see because I'm transitioning, so it actually looks like my hair is getting shorter, lol.
Cayenne0622 said:
I'm sorry you have had to struggle with finding a moisturizer. It is difficult. Have you ever considered making your own? I don't know what it would take but if you have the ingredients list from one of your favorite moisturizers, maybe you can pick out somethings to try. I don't think shorter hair demands as much moisture. We'd probably be good adding moisture and oil a few times a week just to maintain. Anyway, glad you are back to happier times with you hair. Hang in there!

Good luck everyone.

You know, I was thinking about that today. I think I want to just make my own moisturizer in the future. I have 5 bottles of my moisturizer left and that should last a while, but after that I may consider just creating one that is perfect for me.

Thanks for the encouragement!!
I was just thinking about posting a "roll call" thread for short-haired ladies the other day! I'm really glad this thread exists!:D You can see my length in my siggy pic. I usually wear it pulled back into a small French twist or wear a fall over it. I also plan to try a phony pony. I don't like wearing my hair "out" because it just never looks right to me (not to mention that I'm tired of all of my layers). Hopefully, I'll see some length next time I relax and it will get easier to find ways to wear my hair during the awkward grow-out phase.
Well if you do a roll call, I'd def be checking in. I just did my hair and realize I need about an inch trim. I justs can't trim as good as my stylist (that retired, hence the hair struggle). My hair is also mid neck, but my sides are always shorter, chin length.

Since I'm in the Windy City, I prob only wear my hair down 1x/week (around my SO cause he fusses about my bun). Other than that, I also find that the bun works well for protecing my ends. However I just struggle with getting past this length! My bun is simply a phony pony wrapped around my own very short ponytail and secure with the no breakage ponytail holders (in black).

preciousjewel76 said:
I was just thinking about posting a "roll call" thread for short-haired ladies the other day! I'm really glad this thread exists!:D You can see my length in my siggy pic. I usually wear it pulled back into a small French twist or wear a fall over it. I also plan to try a phony pony. I don't like wearing my hair "out" because it just never looks right to me (not to mention that I'm tired of all of my layers). Hopefully, I'll see some length next time I relax and it will get easier to find ways to wear my hair during the awkward grow-out phase.
Cayenne0622 said:
Hey shorthaired ladies!! I'm checking in! How is everyone? Got progress pics? What obstacles have you encountered? Mine below are from July06, Sept06, and Oct06. I'm doing okay despite the severe shedding setback and multiple trims. :)
View attachment 3082View attachment 3083View attachment 3084
Last pic is right after a henna treatment..loved it.

Hey Cayenne!! I totally forgot about this thread, glad you ressurected it!
I posted these same pictures in my "Am I making progress?" thread. They are from September, October & November. during my 8week stretch-a-thon. It's getting fuller, and for once in my life the back is growing faster then the front, typically my back would have broken completely off by this time. So it's a personal milestone for me - I'm excited and cant wait to see how much progress i make by the end of my next stretch (pushing for 9 weeks). Hopefully i'll figure out how to do roller sets in that time.

z60302383.jpg this thread for lil' ol' me with me lil' ol' hair that made my esteem little and old? LOL!
I'm glad I decided not to cut! The shedding that I was getting after my virgin relaxer is now under control! I've found a staple conditioner (for now) that I love on my relaxed hair (but my natural hair hated)--the ORS Olive oil pack. O wear my hair out since it's not long enough to do a bun. But it is long enough to pull into a pony so I may look into getting a phony pony to keep my ends covered. I'm happy with the progress my hair is making. I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel!
oh my God Cayene you are so much my short hair inspiriation i wouldnt even consider your hair as being short...your hair is so full and beautiful...Cayene where is the album at and what is your regimen....such beautiful growht...okay i'll have to post my pics and differences....
hi now that i know i am not alone i am so sad over my hair cause its so short now i will not post pic:( but it i got some growth from doing some of the things that i learn from here so now i have put in braids and will take care of them every two month redo them until next may and NO MORE CUTTING FOR ME:lol: but looking at everbody pic and growth keep me up beat hopeing one day i can bag bun ponytail do a rap lol and thank u so much for this post so i am washing deep conditions and con and moisturiing and oil up the you know what:eek: my hair has not had this much love scents i was a baby that sisters was a loooooooog time a go :lachen: so thanks again looking forward to hearing from the shortie soon;)
my hair is about neck length and i havent seen any progress. my left side is damaged and it's always dry for some reason despite moisturizing every day and deep conditioning every week. i decided to drink more water and eat healthier and hopefully that will help my hair. i hope to get two more inches my september. i think if i stick with my regimen i will.
I'm glad this thread popped back up too! Back when it started, my hair was super short so it was easy to manage. Now it's in this weird stage where it's too long to just slick back and just lay there on my head, and too short for a pony or bun. I'm gonna read through the rest of this.
We'll get there (wherever we want to be) ladies!
I'm lovin this thread. Right about now my hair is neck length, I'm almost at the end of an 8 wk stretch, that's alot for me. The do is not lookin too cute, and I can't comb through my hair, but I'm anxious to see if I've made any progress. I am a little scared about the shedding I've been having. Hopefully, I can keep that at bay until next Sat (relaxer day.) It's really encouraging to see that there are others going through what I am. I'll be lookin out for this thread. Thanks much.
bluediamond0829 said:
oh my God Cayene you are so much my short hair inspiriation i wouldnt even consider your hair as being short...your hair is so full and beautiful...Cayene where is the album at and what is your regimen....such beautiful growht...okay i'll have to post my pics and differences....

Look at all my fellow short haired sisters tryna get our
grind on and get some long hur. lolol I'm so inspired.
I can see us all there this time next year!
Bluediamond - thank you so much for such a sweet
compliment. I've been working on a fotki but
its not ready yet. I started growing out from a
really short Halle Berry kind of cut. Hmmm...
My regimen. Right now, I'm heading toward the
end of my battle with the shedding monster.
I've lost so much hair, its ridiculous. So, I'm
currently using a prescription shampoo called
Nizoral to stop the shedding. So, I prepoo
my hair with Queen Helene Garlic Conditioner,
then I wash with Nizoral, after that I do a deep
conditioner that usually consists of Elasta QP DPR11,
EVOO, Honey, Amla Oil. My deep conditioning varies
with products because I have so many. lol I do this
twice a week. I then use NTM leave in and Sebastian
Potion #9 and comb my hair straight back and tie down
with wrap strips. I airdry and will either flatiron the
next morning or bun my hair.
Daily styling is usually a phony bun.
I have to add that Neutrogena Triple Moisture
Conditioner and the leave in are my lil hair saviors..
don't know what I'd do without them. I also use henna
every two weeks. That's when my hair really shows
out!!! I love it sooooo much!
Hope that helps. If not, please feel free to PM me.
B_Phlyy said:
You are making great progress Cayenne! Keep up the good work.

I know my hair has grown because of all the new growth I have, but it's hard to see because I'm transitioning, so it actually looks like my hair is getting shorter, lol.

Thanks B Phlyy. I can't wait to see your progress. I know its beautiful. I
hope I can have the courage to do a transition one day wayyyyy
down the road. lol Too chicken right now.

Honey Dew - let me know how your homemade moisturizer works out.
I get the feeling you are going to be very happy with it. You
should start experimenting before you run out of old faithful. :cool:
I HAVE A HOME!!!:p But anyway, I'm short too, and hating it. I just really wish my hair was long enough to even wear a phony poni. The back of my hair is slightly touching the back of my shoulders, yet the getting on my nerves. I have had some major breakage in the crown of my head, that is frinally under control, or so I thought. However, this shedding is not the business. These last couple of weeks I broke my no heat regime and have been flat ironing my hair. My last relaxer did not get my hair straight enough, so in order for my hair to look like something I have to flat iron. I am thinking about going to get a sew-in. Before that I am going to get it thought I have to get a much needed trim (which will take some of my length away) and hopefully this will stop me from having to deal with my own hair for now.
you have such an inspirational fotki...keep it up, girl!

TeeKay21 said:
Hi everyone. I am new to posting but I have been lurking for a while. This was just the post make me take the plunge and join, cause I just HAD to get in on this thread!:D

Feelin It, I am feelin you. I just started my hair journey in April and I am getting frustrated because I can't stretch relaxers like everyone else since my KITCHEN is exposed:lol: ! It is the thickest, most corse area of my head and I just have to relax it or it starts to break (found that out this week at 7 weeks post:( )

Also, like someone else said, we have to use other methods than the bun or ponytail if our hair won't lay right. I do have a wig and some quick weave, but I just hate it when I want MY hair to be a certain way and now I have to put up with a hot "hair mask" instead:wallbash:. I wore braids and weaves for a year and a half and "I just want to be free!".

No heat hasn't really been a problem for me except that kitchen area makes me want to fry it (but I havn't). I try to slick it down with moisturizer, but that isn't working now that I am at 7 weeks. I wish I didn't have to relax so often, but that just makes me want to take even better care of it so it can grow faster and COVER UP THAT KITCHEN!!:lol:

Okay, my semi-rant is over. That felt good to get it off my chest! Thanx Shine On!!:)
Cayenne0622 said:
Look at all my fellow short haired sisters tryna get our
grind on and get some long hur. lolol I'm so inspired.
I can see us all there this time next year!
Bluediamond - thank you so much for such a sweet
compliment. I've been working on a fotki but
its not ready yet. I started growing out from a
really short Halle Berry kind of cut. Hmmm...
My regimen. Right now, I'm heading toward the
end of my battle with the shedding monster.
I've lost so much hair, its ridiculous. So, I'm
currently using a prescription shampoo called
Nizoral to stop the shedding. So, I prepoo
my hair with Queen Helene Garlic Conditioner,
then I wash with Nizoral, after that I do a deep
conditioner that usually consists of Elasta QP DPR11,
EVOO, Honey, Amla Oil. My deep conditioning varies
with products because I have so many. lol I do this
twice a week. I then use NTM leave in and Sebastian
Potion #9 and comb my hair straight back and tie down
with wrap strips. I airdry and will either flatiron the
next morning or bun my hair.
Daily styling is usually a phony bun.
I have to add that Neutrogena Triple Moisture
Conditioner and the leave in are my lil hair saviors..
don't know what I'd do without them. I also use henna
every two weeks. That's when my hair really shows
out!!! I love it sooooo much!
Hope that helps. If not, please feel free to PM me.

thank you so much....yea im growing out also of a Halle Berry cut too...hopefully sometime next year i will be where you are right sorry to hear about the shedding...i get the worst shedding when it comes close to me needing a relaxer...i dont bother with trying to stretch my relaxers no more than 6 to 8 weeks...and i like to be able to comb thru my hair and plus im the type that worries about rather my hair is breaking or not too...
Shalilac said:
I am so glad to see this topic started. I am going thru the same frustration. Growing out a short cut a stretching relaxers. Not sure how cute I will look for the next year, but we'll see, LOL! Good luck to you ladies!
Current length pic attached and my avatar is fairly recent as well.

I'm a sucker for a cute short hair cut and I love this one. I always try to grow out my hair and then cut it supershort due to all these nice hair styles.

I'm short hair sister struggling to be all shoulder length. I am doing my touch up this week (9 weeks post) so I will see how far i've come.
CoCoGirl821 said:
I HAVE A HOME!!!:p But anyway, I'm short too, and hating it. I just really wish my hair was long enough to even wear a phony poni. The back of my hair is slightly touching the back of my shoulders, yet the getting on my nerves. I have had some major breakage in the crown of my head, that is frinally under control, or so I thought. However, this shedding is not the business. These last couple of weeks I broke my no heat regime and have been flat ironing my hair. My last relaxer did not get my hair straight enough, so in order for my hair to look like something I have to flat iron. I am thinking about going to get a sew-in. Before that I am going to get it thought I have to get a much needed trim (which will take some of my length away) and hopefully this will stop me from having to deal with my own hair for now.
have you considered wigs?
i am TOTALLY gonna go that route until i am at a suitable length and strength...i don't care if anyone thinks it's phony or even if it looks a bit unreal - i'll just have to rock an over-the-top persona to match! :D
nadz said:
I'm glad this thread popped back up too! Back when it started, my hair was super short so it was easy to manage. Now it's in this weird stage where it's too long to just slick back and just lay there on my head, and too short for a pony or bun. I'm gonna read through the rest of this.
We'll get there (wherever we want to be) ladies!

Sound like me. I have been pinning/clipping mine up in the back.

This is the stage where you get tempted to cut it. :look:
Shine-On said:

Many of us have long, healthy hair goals but some of us are much further away than others. Please share your tips for maintaining healthy, growing short hair (growing being the key word).

My hair is ear length. I am having difficulty in the following areas:

Stretching relaxers
Exploring the method of texlaxing
Finding no-heat styles that are still "stylish",
Resisting the urge to trim hair to maintain style as it grows
Rollersetting without looking like a UFO landed on my head (I guess hair isn't long enough yet)

And the list goes on . . . Does anybody hear me? :perplexed
Oh my, how did I miss this thread!! Great points... I'm taking notes now...