Well-Known Member
My co worker and I are cool. We take breaks together and talk and what not. Anyhow, we took a break yesterday to get some coffee and the subject of hair was brought up by her. Her questions to me were, "Are you going to grow your hair out longer?" Like it's so fawking easy. "Do you like having it short?" The way she was talking in my opinion, made it seem like I have no hair at all. She is Asian and has normal length hair. I know my hair is short in comparison to hers, but I consider my hair to be a decent length. I would like it to be a little longer though. She asked me if my hair was ever longer, I told her maybe a little bit longer back in the day.
A few months back when I got my hair done, I told her that my hair stylist said that my hair grew. My co worker thought that it looked shorter. If she thinks it's short now, imagine if I ever get a Halle Berry or Malinda Williams type short cut.erplexed
Here is a snap shot of what my hair looks like now:
Some people are just a little on the blunt side and aren't the best when it comes to having a way with words.