Every Black Man's Dream

What I Think Black Men Want

  • Long hair~mid shoulder blades

    Votes: 265 99.3%
  • Short hair

    Votes: 2 0.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
most men i know prefer long hair. i say prefer because its not a deal breaker usually. if a chick is hot she's hot you know. but if you have the same chick (twins lets say) and one had short hair and the other long but both equally hot... a good number of men would probably point to the long haired one and say "i want that one"

just my thoughts

I completely agree. I have friends that r twins and years ago one cut her hair ro a chin length bib, the other had APL hair..lets just say APL twin got alot more attention than chin. Not to say chin didnt get attention but they noticed her after..along those same lines, the twin that was chin length yrs ago was rockin a pretty remy beyonce type of curly/big weave last summer while APL twin was still rockin APL with layers. Dudes were flockin to Beyonce twin like crazy..so maybe every man's dream is lots of lush hair:look: ? (It was a believable weave tho)

Disclaimer: This is all in fun.
Who cares what men think lol

But to answer the question, a lot of guys I know put the emphasis on having REAL hair, whether its short, long, purple, blue just as long as it looks good
Most of the men I know prefer long hair. I can't think of one that's ever said he preferred short hair. I don't necessarily think short hair is a deal breaker. But I do know quite a few men who thought Amber Rose was ugly because she had no hair. I think she's stunning, far better looking nearly bald than when she had long hair.
Long lush hair is an instinctive sign of good health. It's one of those things they look for in a mate without really thinking about it. Like someone else stated, short hair isn't an absolute deal breaker, but I've never heard a man say he preferred short hair.

I asked my DH about it and he said as long as it's healthy and all hers it doesn't matter. When we met I had EL bob so I believe him. He does comment a lot about not liking "all these black women cutting their hair off". He doesn't get it when I tell him they're cutting the perm out and going natural. All he sees is a lot of AA women cutting their "long" hair off to sport twa's. He obviously has a preference, subconscious or not, to longer hair (long hair to him = SL or longer).

I think this is a myth that stuck and sold, and its a bunch of bull:ohwell:. What 'cave' are they referring too? NO doubt 'they' as in Europeans did research on their own history which dates back to 'cavemen' times. African women always wore their hair short which is why I think its is more forgiving on us than Europeans. Which is why some black men like it on us. I don't think they deal with shot hair cause they 'have to'. I think they deal with it because just like the Hottentot Venus body with the big but and narrow waist which is so admired in the black culture is beautiful, so can short hair be on a black woman, its genetic.
I think most black men do prefer long hair and so do most other people on the board seeing as 99.19% voted for the longer haired option in the poll. Which is why a lot of the responses in this thread are making me scratch my head.

But as with everything, it's up to the individual and having short hair definitely isn't a deal breaker for most black men as hair can be grown out longer.
Most Black men prefer a big ole donkey butt. Then long hair. If the two come together then he is in heaven.
I would say that some black men prefer long hair, but sometimes they don't care as long as the womans hair looks nice or whatever. I can see where they're coming from because it's not cute to have raggedy hair whether it's long or short and he just wants his woman to look good ya know. Some guys tell me that they can't stand fake hair it makes them itch lmao. Every man has their own preference so to each his own, but most would go after the girl with the long hair!
I would say my SO loves long hair. I possess a respectable healthy beyound shoulder length and he understands my need to "weave to retain" but he is clear that ultimately he wants my hair all natural long and all mine.
I think basically most men love long hair--and out of those men, some of them like short hair TOO. I think this for all races.

I think a lot of black men (or ppl for that matter) don't believe black women can really grow long hair, so they are able to look past it, but that doesn't mean they still don't love long hair.
I think that it varies. Some women look better with short hair.... ie halle and melinda williams. They will always turn the heads of men.
Honestly, I think race does play a role in this.
Since in general, outside of this forum, I and most other people I know rarely see BW with long hair, so I feel like black men might not be so inclined to consider hair length as a big deal, as opposed to the way the hair is styled, since many of us know a sistah can hook up some hair (whether or not it's healthy is another story). I think since they might not be used to BW with long hair, they might just "settle" for good-looking hair.
I say that because I have never in my life heard a BM say he prefers short hair where I'm from (and even in college and where I am now) and those few girls that did have longer-than-average hair were always getting lots of attention, even if they themselves weren't that attractive, if you get my drift. So I feel like some BM might say they don't really care about length because chances are, they haven't dated any with long hair, but I have seen more often than not that length does play a role in what they view as beautiful, or what they chase.
I don't know if what I'm trying to say makes sense, but yes, I think men in general like long hair. Like Whimsy said, you rarely see a short-haired woman being marketed to men through mags, porn, videos, TV, VS fashion shows, etc (and Halle doesn't count because people would sweat her even if she was bald).
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I think most black guys want long hair. But what I think they want more is real, healthy hair...
I feel that men like/love healthy hair short or long...shiny, bouncy, soft, sexy, movable hair...and alot of men notice nice ends.
I think it depends. Halle Berry is admired for her ridiculous beauty. No matter what the length of her hair is at a particular moment she is considered attractive. Angela Basset is beautiful and usually rocks a short cut. Honestly, I think men care more about how you carry yourself inside and how that shows on the outside not what length your hair is. At least a man that is not shallow. My hubby gives me the sexy look no matter what length my hair has been because I own my personal style. I encourage every woman to do the same.

Do whatever makes you feel confident and that is the most attractive thing to a man.