Sigh.. well in his topic Ten Things Men Find Unattractive in Women But Probably Won’t Tell You , single black male speaks candidly on this.
#6. Random hair cuts or attempts to go natural – Have you ever seen that look a man has when he’s been caught cheating? It is NOTHING compared to meeting up with his boo and she decided to cut all her hair off. Your hair was down to the middle of your back yesterday, but now you sporting a Kobe fro. We will not be partying like it’s 1999 boo.
Some of the responses from men and women.
"I can agree with all apart from #6. As a person/woman/individual I reserve the right to change my appearance at a moment’s notice – just as a man does.
I really hate the thought of women not being about to go natural for fear of their man leaving or cheating on them, especially when it relates to using harmful chemicals or tools to straighten or weaves.
I don’t care too much for a man’s hang up – about my hair skimming my butt! When I chose to go natural I shaved my hair and didn’t tell a soul – and I got more play than my straight hair/weave wearing friends!! So don’t listen ladies if you want to go natural do you it for you and **** him!!!"
"All that works when you are single sister. Sure I’ll holla at a bald chick if I like it. But when you are in a relationship such a drastic change will get you the Chris Brown treatment. You can’t make drastic decision on your looks OR ANYTHING when you are someone’s LIFE PARTNER.
There is no you, just us. We are not telling you that you can never got natural, once you have been nice and nap free. But there should be a conversation about this and were WE as a couple are going with your hair. What are we looking to accomplish by going short or natural? How long with this phase last? Will you wig it?
and excuse me, when do men randomly change their looks? I’ve been getting ceasars since ’96 … now that I am growing a fro it shouldn’t surprise anyone, you can see it growing in genius.
S Curl.. Memorial Day ’10.. WATCH OUT!"
SBM responds
"Its not “just hair”. While you love someone for more than just hair, it is a major change to your look and appearance and I don’t think anyone should be faulted for not wanting to see drastic changes every week.
Hair is important … sorry …"
"#6 seems to be true from my experience, tho I dont understand it. Its just hair, it will grow back. When I did my chop I got some compliments from Black men, but a lot of them hit me with the “what happened to the long hair?”. Oh well, their preference isn’t my problem, I wear my hair for myself, not for anyone else."
"Interesting list–all except for #6 the hair part. She shouldn’t need permission to change her hair if that’s what she wants. If she’s bold enough to do that much a drastic change, then she probably’s not concerned with your opinion at that point; otherwise, she would mention it."
"Ladies, follow this advice at your own risk. This advice ties directly into point 10. which is"
Women who think they can do WHATEVER they want – These are the women screaming at the promoter outside the club. These are the women who will break things in your house because they are having a temper tantrum. These are the women who say things like, “And I will tell him to do it, and he will do that ish.” These are the women who end up at the Chesapeake Rest Area because their man didn’t make it out of Maryland before he put her out the Range.
"LOL..I’m number 6 all day long ( I don’t ask but I do inform him.) I change my hair like I change my draws (lol), especially when it comes to cutting it off *shrugs* he’s used to it and actually looks as me sideways when I have long hair for more than a minute, lol. He knows something is up when I say “I’m getting my hair done.” Which usually means “I’m getting this hair cut off!” When I told him I was growing out my relaxer, he asked why and what it meant , I told him, he shrugged “ok” and went on about his business."
"Yea know you know you wrong for #6 about going natural or cutting your hair…it’s not happening to you so deal wit that ish!!"
"Everything but #6"
"Question… is the shorter hair unattractive, or is it the fact that she didn’t confer with you first? or both?"
And finally men
"for some reason i feel like being honest, imma carry this torch so a lot of dudes dont have to.
to me, i don’t like short hair. i have met very few chicks with short hair that i found attractive. that’s me, i like long hair, that’s my ish. i’m entitled.
but i’d say the issue is not the short hair, its not conferring.
but either way, i’ve been known to say to a girl, “if you cut your hair, i’m breaking up with you.” i was only half-serious. but that 50% was from the heart SON."
"its funny to me how a lot of women are agreeing with everything except #6. the list is “things men find unattractive but probably won’t tell you”. how are you (as a woman) going to tell a man what he deems attractive/unattractive? hilarious."
Ten Things Men Find Unattractive in Women But Probably Won’t Tell You | Single Black Male