Same Sex Wedding

People keep saying you should support your friend and how could you not just because you don't agree with their lifestyle. I think what's being missed (as far as from a religous standpoint) is that to most Christians, a wedding is not simply a party.

Guests at a wedding are acknowledging, confirming, supporting and validating the couple being married before GOD. Guests at a wedding have a responsibility, they are standing as witnesses to a covenant being made before GOD. They are as much witnesses as the bridesmaids and groomsmen. How can you stand before GOD and condone something that (from a Christian pov) is wrong in GOD's eyes? It's not about the magnitude of the sin or even your personal feelings toward it.

Exactly. That's exactly where I stand.
I'm lost, too, but I'm straight on this. Please forgive me, it's a slight derailment.

The Jesus of the Bible never rejected anyone except Satan himself. He was commonly found among murderers, liars, thieves, the lame, people who had demons, etc. He did not turn them away, but He called them to Him. The Jesus we study never commanded his disciples to force God's perfection on people. He wanted us to SHOW God's perfection to anyone by being an example (that means, fix YOURSELF first). He never asked us to help Him judge. I'm sure God is capable of doing that Himself.

I'm not trying to convince anyone else of my viewpoint, but I wanted to state clearly what it is. Thanks, and carry on.

Absolutely. Further, when Jesus was among those that He called, He was ALWAYS doing what was right in His father's eyes. Thus, those of us who choose not to go to the wedding for religious reasons are following just that. How can we be an example and support homosexuality? Judging has nothing to do with it. What people do is their own choice and they have to answer to God for that. However, God reviews my record and I am responsible for that which is support or engage in.
Absolutely. Further, when Jesus was among those that He called, He was ALWAYS doing what was right in His father's eyes. Thus, those of us who choose not to go to the wedding for religious reasons are following just that. How can we be an example and support homosexuality? Judging has nothing to do with it. What people do is their own choice and they have to answer to God for that. However, God reviews my record and I am responsible for that which is support or engage in.

You are the example by not being a homosexual.
You are no longer fornicating if you are married, so that is what i meant by righting a wrong with that issue. and i thought it was ok to compliment someone, but i will throw in NO HOMO next time so certain people won't get the wrong idea, and i have never been tempted to do drugs, but why would i want to be surround myself with those type of demonic and evil spirits. that is like going into a pit of viper snakes hoping not to get attacked. and i didn't call or compare anyone to animals. i said the sexual sin, all forms of sexual sins. now some of you are picking and choosing, because i mentioned porn as well. is anyone going to bring that up or is that ok too? and no i wouldn't go to a homosexual couple's baby shower, but i would by the gift for the baby. see , maybe i didn't make myself clear, i don't want to have anything to do with a homosexual couple relationship.

Hmmm...ok. My thing with the fornicating is that it's only not sinful now BECAUSE the 2 people are point is that had the wedding been delayed by 1 week, 1 month or 1 year, they would have STILL been having sex. The two people getting married could (and often do) not honestly believe that there was something so sinful about what they were doing that they should stop. They may say "Jesus knows our hearts" or "We just can't help it" or "Celibacy was for Bible times" and keep right on doing the horizontal polka with absolutely no conviction. I agree with Viv that repentence is what makes the difference in this situation...your POV seems to be that any couple who gets married is in the clear simply because they are married. I mean, if that's the case, then they should have the green light to do other "immoral" sexual acts since the marriage bed is undefiled and now that they are married, that's cool. I'm just not understanding how intention and awareness has nothing to do with your decision to support or not to support.

I didn't catch what you said about porn, but I HAVE wondered why homo relationships are not permissible while porn, OOW babies, and everything else is. buy a gift for the baby but don't go to the shower...but you'd attend the shower of a baby born out of wedlock to a hetero couple? (Honest question)
I'm not sure that is the same. The baby shower is about the child who is innocent in the situation.

Ok, well isn't the baby of a homosexual couple just as innocent?

SD stated that she would buy a gift for a baby of a homosexual couple but not attend the shower. I understand that an OOW baby of a hetero couple is innocent...isn't a baby of a gay married couple just as innocent?
Ok, well isn't the baby of a homosexual couple just as innocent?

SD stated that she would buy a gift for a baby of a homosexual couple but not attend the shower. I understand that an OOW baby of a hetero couple is innocent...isn't a baby of a gay married couple just as innocent?

Yes, the baby certainly is just as innocent. However, I thought that you may have been comparing the baby situation with a heterosexual couple to the wedding. My apologies.
Since when did getting married right any wrong doings?

That's a good question, and I'm trying to figure that out too.

To me, it's like if you steal something and then pay for it 10 years later or return it to it's rightful owner:lol:

Sure, you were correct to go back and pay or give it back, but you stole.

I mean, IMO, God forgives us of our sins, so even though it's great that you pay for the stolen item, asking for his forgiveness and Him giving it to you wipes the sin
Well He did say its better to get married than to burn. But IIRC after the sin has been committed, its been committed. Action taken to correct the sin after is irrelevant to the sin itself. (Besides asking forgiveness)

But I believe Paul meant this in terms of marrying so that you won't fall into the sin of fornication, not as a way of "cleaning" yourself from it. At least that's how I always interpreted it. I interpreted him to be saying that some will be able to remain celibate for life, but for those that can't might as well marry, instead of living a life of lust. But I could have misinterpreted it
But I believe Paul meant this in terms of marrying so that you won't fall into the sin of fornication, not as a way of "cleaning" yourself from it. At least that's how I always interpreted it. I interpreted him to be saying that some will be able to remain celibate for life, but for those that can't might as well marry, instead of living a life of lust. But I could have misinterpreted it

Thats how I interpreted it. But I that was the only scripture that I could come up with as to halfway explain what Classy was asking :lol:
But I believe Paul meant this in terms of marrying so that you won't fall into the sin of fornication, not as a way of "cleaning" yourself from it. At least that's how I always interpreted it. I interpreted him to be saying that some will be able to remain celibate for life, but for those that can't might as well marry, instead of living a life of lust. But I could have misinterpreted it

Yes, that's how I've always understood it and how preacher/teachers in the church have explained it. Only Christ can cleanse sin....
Absolutely. Further, when Jesus was among those that He called, He was ALWAYS doing what was right in His father's eyes. Thus, those of us who choose not to go to the wedding for religious reasons are following just that. How can we be an example and support homosexuality? Judging has nothing to do with it. What people do is their own choice and they have to answer to God for that. However, God reviews my record and I am responsible for that which is support or engage in.

Your logic makes sense.

Would you go to the wedding, as I said earlier, if it was a couple remarrying for any reason other than infidelity, such as physical abuse, drug abuse or abandonment? Because, by them remarrying, they are committing adultery. So, would you attend that one?
Since when is 2 people of any sex being married a sin? I thought that was not a sin?

Hmm...does the Bible speak on gay marriage specifically or gay sex? What happens when a gay couple gets married and is sexless????


Just kidding. :look:
Because I am not gay and have never considered it, I honestly don't know whether there are specific passages on sex vs. marriages among gays in the Bible.
I was about to respond like that but I thought I was the only one who may feel that way. I know several Christian people who were having premarital sex, and now that they are married, it is not sin for them to have sex anymore, but for as long as they are unrepentant of their past action, the marriage hasn't undone it, merely precluded the future repetition of it. They didn't get married because they were trying to make things right, they were going to anyway, and if they didn't, you best believe they'd still be screwing each other.

Only God knows everybody's hearts, and that, at the end of the day is all that matters.

Your whole post in on point, but the bolded speaks the real truth!!!!!!!

Our hearts is what matters to HIM, in my opinion!

I admit, I don't understand everything about homosexuality, and I don't think the bible is "wrong," but I've prayed to God to be more like HIM, and in my experience, what He's shown me is your bolded. He's shown me that, Cocoberry, you don't know everyone's hearts, only I do.

I'm not trying to get all preachy up in here, but sometimes I think we (Christians) like to look at a situation, whatever it is, and take the bible and slash people with it. Of course God created his commandments, and I don't deny that. But, how can I (or anyone) truly know what makes someone the way they are. This doesn't just apply to homosexuality. This applies to other things like pathological liars, thieves, child predators (this is something I also had to pray about b/c I just could NOT understand how someone could do this to a child), murderers, etc.

Only God was there from the beginning to the end of someone's life, and only HE truly knows the who, what, when, where and why of every situation (like only God knows where Jimmy Hoffa is:lol:). In knowing that, I am able to say, this is why I, would be able to attend a friends wedding if he/she was homosexual. But, everyone has the right to think what they want on this subject, and if you truly believe the Lord has spoken to you and told you not to go, then don't!:yep:
Your logic makes sense.

Would you go to the wedding, as I said earlier, if it was a couple remarrying for any reason other than infidelity, such as physical abuse, drug abuse or abandonment? Because, by them remarrying, they are committing adultery. So, would you attend that one?

Nope. See below...

I believe that you can certainly be friend to someone, and be honest about when you believe something to be wrong. That's actually being a friend. To be completely honest, I would not attend a wedding for a divorced person, remarrying after something other an infidelity. Neither do I have any friends who are shacking.

It's not weighing of sins, and no one is perfect. However, Christ was always honest about whether something was right or wrong. He loved and respected all people, without supporting wrongdoing.

At this point in time, many people want to pull homosexuality out and make it different from the other sins, but it isn't. Adultery, homosexuality, fornication etc....none should be supported. And not because a person might struggle with certain sins, does that mean that he or she should then support the others.
Nope. See below...

At this point in time, many people want to pull homosexuality out and make it different from the other sins, but it isn't. Adultery, homosexuality, fornication etc....none should be supported. And not because a person might struggle with certain sins, does that mean that he or she should then support the others. is it better for a woman whose husband has walked out on her to fornicate than to marry?
Where exactly are you getting that from?

The post you quoted before mine. I'm asking because from what I gathered, the folks who wouldn't attend a gay wedding also wouldn't attend the wedding of a woman who had been abused/abandoned (as mentioned in Viv's post) so I'm asking if a woman has been abandoned by her husband...what is she to do? Biblically, she's instructed that it's better to marry than to burn with if her husband will not reconcile with her and he divorces her, should she fornicate or marry?

And if the answer is marry, do you attend that wedding?
Yes, I would attend. Though, its not my preference, if thats my friend than Im going to support him or her whether I agree or not. Its hard enough to have friends let alone good friends these days so why lose a friend over small differences, because if this were true alot of you would be losing good friends over a small difference. Hayle! If you all dont agree with same sex marriage (m and m/ f and f) would you even be friends with someone who was gay? Im assuming whomever said they didnt agree doesnt agree or has a problem with homosexuality. But anyhoo, to each their own. :ohwell: I'd go to support my friend.
Maybe some good ole fashioned smiting would clear things up. The silence would be deafening....
