Same Sex Wedding

I'm all late but, yes, I would attend.

ETA: Ok, I just read the thread and one thing I don't understand is why not just let God do his job? He seems to be pretty good at judging people and I can't imagine that He needs help in doing so. Thank goodness for that because I certainly don't need another thing to worry about. The only thing that matters to me is that I love the person/people involved, that they love me, and that I am not helping them cause physical harm to another person.
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WOW!... I don't really have an answer to this whole gay marriage thing..I do believe however that marriage was an institute intended for ONLY man and woman.. I don't care what 21st century we live in..that hasn't changed... I'm sorry but had that had been the way God had intended it to be, there would be SOMETHING in the Bible, the Torah, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Essences; that this practice is acceptable. But you do what is good for you. I don't judge people, these are just my beliefs.

Regarding the act of "cohabiting"; that is not the sin. I have never understood why people were so die hard on this. It is the SEXUAL INTERACTION that takes place that makes it sinful.. If you ain't doin the "do" you are not sinning. IT DOES NOT SAY THAT IN THE BIBLE. you can have sex wherever and more often that not, it takes place when two people are NOT living together, so lets stop using "living together" as some sinful act that is un Godly.

True, we ALL sin, daily. A thought of something that is not God like is sinning. Gossip is a sin (and I know some die-hard Christians that religiously pratice this), hell I know some people that may feel that all the things we do to our hair is a sin (ever heard of vainity). Point is, God knows that we are born into sin, but we are supposed to do our best to FLEE from things that not like Him.

That's why I can understand the Muslim culture. They really try their best to not put themselves in a "temptation" situation and use measures to prevent it. (Women covering themselves entirely, living megarly)

Like one poster said (and I am not quoting exactly) Everyone receives a different understanding from God. If in your heart you feel that you are not doing something right you don't have to justify those reasons to anyone. That is between you and God. Because had the entire world had the same enlightment, there would not have been a need for Jesus to be crucified, the world would have been perfect and carried on seamlessly.
God can heal anything. Even AIDS. I've seen complete healing from this. Not low levels of the virus. COMPLETE. I won't ever say that as if to hinder God's power...He's all powerful! Don't forget that! You can repent of ANYTHING, save that one unforgivable sin!

And umm yes, for a 1000 Alex, :rolleyes:, you can let her have the free will GOD gave her to do with as she will. God will NOT drag us kicking and screaming into heaven if we don't wanna go. He won't bully us into doing His will. So who am I, a mere mortal going to sit there and say "Well, I'll make her fornication SAFE so as not to save her from AIDS."

Sometimes God lets us do what we do and have us on the bed of affliction to see the light (and some still don't) and then we get complete healing.

I have witnessed this for myself as well. But I think the difference with him was not that he was more Christian than others, as some in this thread have tried to interpret, but that he simply BELIEVED that he will live and not die. He believed that God could heal anything.

Believe it or not, it is hard to keep the faith when doctors, parents, cousins, neices, nephews all say that you will die! But he did, and I also believe God tested his faith, because he got worse, I mean losing 50 some odd pounds in a month type worse, before he was healed. I remember over hearing a woman in church talking about him, he was really bad at this point walking with a cane because he was too weak to hold himself up, the woman said, Lord, it won't be much longer for him.

And I'm sure you can only imagine how our church celebrated when he came pack 100 percent better and 100 percent negative. I'm surprised the carpet didn't burn as much dancing as we did lol!

Believing and having faith, even the size of a mustard seed...
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