Same Sex Wedding

i agree and i'm not Jesus, so i can't go where He can go. i can't go to sex parties, hang out at the crack house, sit up and watch porn with someone, etc... i have to be on guard at all times and not surround myself of things that could lead me astray.

So you find crack tempting?
I'm lost, too, but I'm straight on this. Please forgive me, it's a slight derailment.

The Jesus of the Bible never rejected anyone except Satan himself. He was commonly found among murderers, liars, thieves, the lame, people who had demons, etc. He did not turn them away, but He called them to Him. The Jesus we study never commanded his disciples to force God's perfection on people. He wanted us to SHOW God's perfection to anyone by being an example (that means, fix YOURSELF first). He never asked us to help Him judge. I'm sure God is capable of doing that Himself.

I'm not trying to convince anyone else of my viewpoint, but I wanted to state clearly what it is. Thanks, and carry on.

love all of this..... just to add, the only sexual behaviors Jesus Christ Himself condemned was adultery, people need to get their facts straight. Don't tell me nonsense authored by some backsliding minister or prophet, Christians are to live according to Christ..... with that being said, any marriage consisting of unconditional love between two people with God as the foundation of the relationship will be blessed by God---regardless whether or not hypocritical human beings think so or not.
well let me get this straight. are you trying to compare heterosexuals righting a wrong by becoming married to same sex people getting it on? because once man and woman unite under God what they do is no longer sin. and yes sexual sin comes in all forms: premarital, same sex, sex with animals, sex with the dead, etc... God doesn't like any of it. see what i'm getting from your question is that you feel that having same sex is ok and that sin is not as bad as having sex with animals. both of those sins are unnatural, going against creation.

and remember you said had sex before marriage. now i would go to wedding to someone who used to be a homosexual, but is not anymore.

I do feel the analogy of the premarital sex wedding is logically flawed.

How about, a couple who is remarrying after a divorce for any reason other than infidelity? Would you attend that wedding? According to Jesus they are committing adultery by getting married. I saw this happen at a church I went to.

I do understand the viewpoint of homosexuality being unnatural (IMO) but I am weary of using the "natural" viewpoint to argue. Once we go down the 'natural' route, we should all stop using any form of birth control, and men should have sex with as many partners as they want to, because it is only "natural."

At the end of the day I have to concede though, that going to a marriage ceremony is affirming the couple, and nobody should have to attend any ceremony they don't support. But sometimes, you preach more love by being there for people, and perhaps they will even be more open to what you have to offer/advise than if you stick around.
i agree and i'm not Jesus, so i can't go where He can go. i can't go to sex parties, hang out at the crack house, sit up and watch porn with someone, etc... i have to be on guard at all times and not surround myself of things that could lead me astray.

SD, my statement wasn't directed at you, but I will agree with you that you shouldn't go. I think you should always avoid whatever activities that you find tempting. :yep:
I'm lost, too, but I'm straight on this. Please forgive me, it's a slight derailment.

The Jesus of the Bible never rejected anyone except Satan himself. He was commonly found among murderers, liars, thieves, the lame, people who had demons, etc. He did not turn them away, but He called them to Him. The Jesus we study never commanded his disciples to force God's perfection on people. He wanted us to SHOW God's perfection to anyone by being an example (that means, fix YOURSELF first). He never asked us to help Him judge. I'm sure God is capable of doing that Himself.

I'm not trying to convince anyone else of my viewpoint, but I wanted to state clearly what it is. Thanks, and carry on.

This is true. This is why I can be friends with people folks may not expect me to be friends with. I show God's love by living it everyday. EVERYONE has sinned including me. Hate the sin, love the sinner. Jesus also rebuked the "acts" of people while loving them and providing correction and guidance. I also think the word judging is thrown around way too much in threads in general when it is not the case but I just wanted to co-sign and put in my 2 cent. Q
I'm lost, too, but I'm straight on this. Please forgive me, it's a slight derailment.

The Jesus of the Bible never rejected anyone except Satan himself. He was commonly found among murderers, liars, thieves, the lame, people who had demons, etc. He did not turn them away, but He called them to Him. The Jesus we study never commanded his disciples to force God's perfection on people. He wanted us to SHOW God's perfection to anyone by being an example (that means, fix YOURSELF first). He never asked us to help Him judge. I'm sure God is capable of doing that Himself.

I'm not trying to convince anyone else of my viewpoint, but I wanted to state clearly what it is. Thanks, and carry on.


so eloquently put!
Since when did getting married right any wrong doings?

Ok, since you asked, I'm gonna go ahead and initial here indicating that I wanna know this too. This came to mind, but I decided not to ask.


I don't understand how fornicating up until the morning of the wedding and then swapping vows somehow makes said fornicating ok because it ended in marriage. :confused:
And should the woman getting the snot knocked out of her every night stay and submit in her marriage?

And if the gay married couple adopts a baby, do you attend the baby shower?
Since when did getting married right any wrong doings?

Well He did say its better to get married than to burn. But IIRC after the sin has been committed, its been committed. Action taken to correct the sin after is irrelevant to the sin itself. (Besides asking forgiveness)
Since when did getting married right any wrong doings?

I was about to respond like that but I thought I was the only one who may feel that way. I know several Christian people who were having premarital sex, and now that they are married, it is not sin for them to have sex anymore, but for as long as they are unrepentant of their past action, the marriage hasn't undone it, merely precluded the future repetition of it. They didn't get married because they were trying to make things right, they were going to anyway, and if they didn't, you best believe they'd still be screwing each other.

Only God knows everybody's hearts, and that, at the end of the day is all that matters.
Ok, since you asked, I'm gonna go ahead and initial here indicating that I wanna know this too. This came to mind, but I decided not to ask.


I don't understand how fornicating up until the morning of the wedding and then swapping vows somehow makes said fornicating ok because it ended in marriage. :confused:
And should the woman getting the snot knocked out of her every night stay and submit in her marriage?

And if the gay married couple adopts a baby, do you attend the baby shower?

ITA!!!!!! Only repentance does.
You are no longer fornicating if you are married, so that is what i meant by righting a wrong with that issue. and i thought it was ok to compliment someone, but i will throw in NO HOMO next time so certain people won't get the wrong idea, and i have never been tempted to do drugs, but why would i want to be surround myself with those type of demonic and evil spirits. that is like going into a pit of viper snakes hoping not to get attacked. and i didn't call or compare anyone to animals. i said the sexual sin, all forms of sexual sins. now some of you are picking and choosing, because i mentioned porn as well. is anyone going to bring that up or is that ok too? and no i wouldn't go to a homosexual couple's baby shower, but i would by the gift for the baby. see , maybe i didn't make myself clear, i don't want to have anything to do with a homosexual couple relationship.
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ITA!!!!!! Only repentance does.

and you are right about that. maybe i wasn't clear about what i meant by that, by a homosexual wedding is embracing two homosexuals being together, like a man and wife and that means the sins continue.
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You are no longer fornicating if you are married, so that is what i meant by righting a wrong with that issue. and i thought it was ok to compliment someone, but i will throw in NO HOMO next time so certain people won't get the wrong idea, and i have never been tempted to do drugs, but why would i want to be surround myself with those type of demonic and evil spirits. that is like going into a pit of viper snakes hoping not to get attacked. and i didn't call or compare anyone to animals. i said the sexual sin, all forms of sexual sins. now some of you are picking a choosing, because i mentioned porn as well, is anyone going to bring that up or is that ok too? and no i wouldn't go to a homosexual couple's baby shower, but i would by the gift for the baby. see , maybe i didn't make myself clear, i don't want to have anything to do with a homosexual couple relationship.[/quote]

Then, why buy the baby a gift? The baby is part of the homosexual couple's relationship.
You are no longer fornicating if you are married, so that is what i meant by righting a wrong with that issue. and i thought it was ok to compliment someone, but i will throw in NO HOMO next time so certain people won't get the wrong idea, and i have never been tempted to do drugs, but why would i want to be surround myself with those type of demonic and evil spirits. that is like going into a pit of viper snakes hoping not to get attacked. and i didn't call or compare anyone to animals. i said the sexual sin, all forms of sexual sins. now some of you are picking a choosing, because i mentioned porn as well, is anyone going to bring that up or is that ok too? and no i wouldn't go to a homosexual couple's baby shower, but i would by the gift for the baby. see , maybe i didn't make myself clear, i don't want to have anything to do with a homosexual couple relationship.[/quote]

Then, why buy the baby a gift? The baby is part of the homosexual couple's relationship.

no baby is part of anything sinful. a baby is a blessing from God.
I was about to respond like that but I thought I was the only one who may feel that way. I know several Christian people who were having premarital sex, and now that they are married, it is not sin for them to have sex anymore, but for as long as they are unrepentant of their past action, the marriage hasn't undone it, merely precluded the future repetition of it. They didn't get married because they were trying to make things right, they were going to anyway, and if they didn't, you best believe they'd still be screwing each other.

Only God knows everybody's hearts, and that, at the end of the day is all that matters.

:yep: I personally agree with that.

ITA!!!!!! Only repentance does.

Correcto! I've heard that phrase about marriage several times on this board. Most of the time, it was in the context of having a baby OOW and hurrying up and marrying the father of the child. While I see how in a worldly sense, creating a good family structure is attempting to do what is best, I still didn't understand where they were coming from religiously. Some instances sound more like saving face more than pleasing G*d. JMO.
Yeah our definition of friend is quite different. I wouldnt even call that person a friend, but just a cool classmate. But I understand what you are saying.:yep:

That's how we got to know each other, not the extent of our friendship...