Same Sex Wedding

Of course. I'd be honored to attend a special occasion of any one I loved.

Maybe a question could be, would you be friends with someone whose lifestyle you do not agree with. Because if you feel so strongly that you would not attend their wedding, why have them in your life at all.

Good point!!!

I do not associate with any gay people although I have nothing against them personally. I just dont know any on a personal level. So I guess it would be safe to say I wouldnt be invited to any same sex marriages.

I respect your beliefs because I know that the Most High is limitless and thus large enough to have a personal relationship with EACH of us. Who would any of us be to ask you to step outside of what has been spoken to YOUR heart? :)

I also want to ask out of strict curiousity (and it goes without saying feel free to ignore me LOL!): Since you would not attend the wedding of someone who was divorced, would you attend the wedding of someone who you knew had engaged in premarital sex?

Now thats a VERY good point!
The post you quoted before mine. I'm asking because from what I gathered, the folks who wouldn't attend a gay wedding also wouldn't attend the wedding of a woman who had been abused/abandoned (as mentioned in Viv's post) so I'm asking if a woman has been abandoned by her husband...what is she to do? Biblically, she's instructed that it's better to marry than to burn with if her husband will not reconcile with her and he divorces her, should she fornicate or marry?

And if the answer is marry, do you attend that wedding?

Biblically, that woman is to remain remain single/abstain. Her option is not to marry. Not everyone's instruction is to fornicate or marry; that isn't even the option for all single people but rather for those eligible for marriage who have difficulty not having sex before marriage.
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He without sin cast the first stone .... and make sure you board up your glass house whilst at it.

:nono: at some of these responses.

That's irrelevant. Just because a person sins, that is no reason for accepting every other sin. This verse is used too many times without a real understanding of its purpose/message. God holds an individual responsible for all of he/she actions, that includes supporting things that he/she know are not in His Word.

But moving on, someone earlier said something about being wrong for picking and choosing what we want to follow, and it is a form of it when we pick want sins we want to call sin and ignore the others because it's more accepted by greater society.
Biblically, that woman is to remain remain single/abstain. Her option is not to marry. Not everyone's instruction is to fornicate or marry; that isn't even the option for all single people but rather for those eligible for marriage who have difficulty not having sex before marriage.

Yeah but the implication I was making was that she IS having said difficulty not having sex outside of marriage. Then what?

My point to all of this is that there are grey areas and I don't think the Bible gives us enough detail on some things to really know all the answers...this is why the spirit of the law is so important.

I've dealt with enough grey areas first hand to know that we don't have the luxury of having everything be spelled out in God's Word and that our spirituality is an extremely personal and subjective thing.

I appreciate you for exchanging with me, divya. This was interesting. :yep:
Why are folks debating about what two consenting adults with free will do? If you condone it, attend the wedding. If you don't condone it don't go. For Christians who amazingly feel you should attend READ YOUR BIBLES!!!

As far as the bible is concerned there is no such thing of it being silent on any issue nor are there any gray areas.
The law says the sexual act (not the person) is an abomination. Jesus says He didn't come to change one iota of the law. Meaning it's still an abomination. If the OT is too vague/gray for you then in Romans 1:24-32 it says For even women did change the NATURAL use into that which is AGAINST NATURE and likewise also men leaving the Natural use of the woman, men with men working that which is unseemly. So yes the NT says homosexual relationships are still ungodly. BUT it's no more ungodly than any other sexual sin and folks need to stop acting like it is. Homosexuality is no worse nor better than heterosexuals having sex with folks they're not married to whether it's pre-marital sex or adultery. I don't see how folks come up with that conclusion. It's all equally bad and the same wages are earned, death.

For those non Christians who want to state that Jesus never rejected anyone you need not quote what you do not practice, that goes for the Christians too. When Jesus showed compassion to sinners He forgave them and told them to SIN NO MORE. So yes, Jesus accepts you in the state you come to Him in but He also tells us to stop sinning or He will say "I never knew you. Depart from me you worker of iniquity(sinner). Luke 7:21-23. That is a statement of rejection, correct? So Jesus will reject us. He said this Himself, it's not something ministers made up.

Christians and other opposers to homosexuality you need to let this go. Sinners sin, that's why they're called sinners, that's what they're supposed to do. Let them do their job and let us do ours. Stop getting drawn into these foolish debates. Let's remember that we weren't born saved and believed some of this same stuff before we converted.

Christians that are so PC that you've turned the truth of God INTO A LIE, please stop telling folks you're Christians. That's where most of this confusion comes from in the first place. It amazes me how some of you claim to be Christians in one post and then in another you say, "Well I do believe in some of the Christian teachings but I'm not open-minded". Stop being lukewarm. All riding the fence accomplishes is getting you scorn from both sides. Man up, pick a side and stick with it. You either follow Jesus or you don't.

Unbelievers, you need to stop worrying about what opposers to homosexuality feel. Just because you feel it's okay doesn't mean that everyone should feel it's okay too. Why do y'all care what grosses folks out? The majority of y'all aren't even gay in the first place and all up in arms. And before you start posting about worrying about how others are treated, that's a lie because alot of you are some of the nastiest, meanest, most crap instigating chicks on this forum. You just want to be heard and be messy.

If folks learned how to mind their own business half these threads wouldn't be posted in the first place.
Yeah but the implication I was making was that she IS having said difficulty not having sex outside of marriage. Then what?

My point to all of this is that there are grey areas and I don't think the Bible gives us enough detail on some things to really know all the answers...this is why the spirit of the law is so important.

I've dealt with enough grey areas first hand to know that we don't have the luxury of having everything be spelled out in God's Word and that our spirituality is an extremely personal and subjective thing.

I appreciate you for exchanging with me, divya. This was interesting. :yep:

Actually, the Bible is clear that she should refrain from marrying again. If not, there would have been special provision for a woman in such a provision. I truly believe that Bible has the answers to every issue whether directly or indirectly. It is the Word of God Himself - therefore never insufficient.

Take care and all the best.
Why are folks debating about what two consenting adults with free will do? If you condone it, attend the wedding. If you don't condone it don't go. For Christians who amazingly feel you should attend READ YOUR BIBLES!!!

As far as the bible is concerned there is no such thing of it being silent on any issue nor are there any gray areas.
The law says the sexual act (not the person) is an abomination. Jesus says He didn't come to change one iota of the law. Meaning it's still an abomination. If the OT is too vague/gray for you then in Romans 1:24-32 it says For even women did change the NATURAL use into that which is AGAINST NATURE and likewise also men leaving the Natural use of the woman, men with men working that which is unseemly. So yes the NT says homosexual relationships are still ungodly. BUT it's no more ungodly than any other sexual sin and folks need to stop acting like it is. Homosexuality is no worse nor better than heterosexuals having sex with folks they're not married to whether it's pre-marital sex or adultery. I don't see how folks come up with that conclusion. It's all equally bad and the same wages are earned, death.

For those non Christians who want to state that Jesus never rejected anyone you need not quote what you do not practice, that goes for the Christians too. When Jesus showed compassion to sinners He forgave them and told them to SIN NO MORE. So yes, Jesus accepts you in the state you come to Him in but He also tells us to stop sinning or He will say "I never knew you. Depart from me you worker of iniquity(sinner). Luke 7:21-23. That is a statement of rejection, correct? So Jesus will reject us. He said this Himself, it's not something ministers made up.

Christians and other opposers to homosexuality you need to let this go. Sinners sin, that's why they're called sinners, that's what they're supposed to do. Let them do their job and let us do ours. Stop getting drawn into these foolish debates. Let's remember that we weren't born saved and believed some of this same stuff before we converted.

Christians that are so PC that you've turned the truth of God INTO A LIE, please stop telling folks you're Christians. That's where most of this confusion comes from in the first place. It amazes me how some of you claim to be Christians in one post and then in another you say, "Well I do believe in some of the Christian teachings but I'm not open-minded". Stop being lukewarm. All riding the fence accomplishes is getting you scorn from both sides. Man up, pick a side and stick with it. You either follow Jesus or you don't.

Unbelievers, you need to stop worrying about what opposers to homosexuality feel. Just because you feel it's okay doesn't mean that everyone should feel it's okay too. Why do y'all care what grosses folks out? The majority of y'all aren't even gay in the first place and all up in arms. And before you start posting about worrying about how others are treated, that's a lie because alot of you are some of the nastiest, meanest, most crap instigating chicks on this forum. You just want to be heard and be messy.

If folks learned how to mind their own business half these threads wouldn't be posted in the first place.

I actually appreciate that people that aren't gay or bi are supporting homosexuals.

Hi, Ms.Honey. Luv ya :lick:
Here's a very informative book that some people may find useful-- particularly for those that have issue with attending the wedding:

"Sexuality and the Black Church: A Womanist Perspective" by Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas
Don't you just luv it! just gives me butterflies when I read some of the viewpoints in this thread in defense of all types of marriage :love:

Yup, reminds me when the whites finally backed up the blacks. Kind of gives more foundation to the argument when the "majority" supports the "minority"
Why are folks debating about what two consenting adults with free will do? If you condone it, attend the wedding. If you don't condone it don't go. For Christians who amazingly feel you should attend READ YOUR BIBLES!!!

As far as the bible is concerned there is no such thing of it being silent on any issue nor are there any gray areas.
The law says the sexual act (not the person) is an abomination. Jesus says He didn't come to change one iota of the law. Meaning it's still an abomination. If the OT is too vague/gray for you then in Romans 1:24-32 it says For even women did change the NATURAL use into that which is AGAINST NATURE and likewise also men leaving the Natural use of the woman, men with men working that which is unseemly. So yes the NT says homosexual relationships are still ungodly. BUT it's no more ungodly than any other sexual sin and folks need to stop acting like it is. Homosexuality is no worse nor better than heterosexuals having sex with folks they're not married to whether it's pre-marital sex or adultery. I don't see how folks come up with that conclusion. It's all equally bad and the same wages are earned, death.

For those non Christians who want to state that Jesus never rejected anyone you need not quote what you do not practice, that goes for the Christians too. When Jesus showed compassion to sinners He forgave them and told them to SIN NO MORE. So yes, Jesus accepts you in the state you come to Him in but He also tells us to stop sinning or He will say "I never knew you. Depart from me you worker of iniquity(sinner). Luke 7:21-23. That is a statement of rejection, correct? So Jesus will reject us. He said this Himself, it's not something ministers made up.

Christians and other opposers to homosexuality you need to let this go. Sinners sin, that's why they're called sinners, that's what they're supposed to do. Let them do their job and let us do ours. Stop getting drawn into these foolish debates. Let's remember that we weren't born saved and believed some of this same stuff before we converted.

Christians that are so PC that you've turned the truth of God INTO A LIE, please stop telling folks you're Christians. That's where most of this confusion comes from in the first place. It amazes me how some of you claim to be Christians in one post and then in another you say, "Well I do believe in some of the Christian teachings but I'm not open-minded". Stop being lukewarm. All riding the fence accomplishes is getting you scorn from both sides. Man up, pick a side and stick with it. You either follow Jesus or you don't.

Unbelievers, you need to stop worrying about what opposers to homosexuality feel. Just because you feel it's okay doesn't mean that everyone should feel it's okay too. Why do y'all care what grosses folks out? The majority of y'all aren't even gay in the first place and all up in arms. And before you start posting about worrying about how others are treated, that's a lie because alot of you are some of the nastiest, meanest, most crap instigating chicks on this forum. You just want to be heard and be messy.

If folks learned how to mind their own business half these threads wouldn't be posted in the first place.

Beautiful post, Ms.Honey. Actually, it sums up the whole thread!!! :yep:
Why are folks debating about what two consenting adults with free will do? If you condone it, attend the wedding. If you don't condone it don't go. For Christians who amazingly feel you should attend READ YOUR BIBLES!!!

As far as the bible is concerned there is no such thing of it being silent on any issue nor are there any gray areas.
The law says the sexual act (not the person) is an abomination. Jesus says He didn't come to change one iota of the law. Meaning it's still an abomination. If the OT is too vague/gray for you then in Romans 1:24-32 it says For even women did change the NATURAL use into that which is AGAINST NATURE and likewise also men leaving the Natural use of the woman, men with men working that which is unseemly. So yes the NT says homosexual relationships are still ungodly. BUT it's no more ungodly than any other sexual sin and folks need to stop acting like it is. Homosexuality is no worse nor better than heterosexuals having sex with folks they're not married to whether it's pre-marital sex or adultery. I don't see how folks come up with that conclusion. It's all equally bad and the same wages are earned, death.

For those non Christians who want to state that Jesus never rejected anyone you need not quote what you do not practice, that goes for the Christians too. When Jesus showed compassion to sinners He forgave them and told them to SIN NO MORE. So yes, Jesus accepts you in the state you come to Him in but He also tells us to stop sinning or He will say "I never knew you. Depart from me you worker of iniquity(sinner). Luke 7:21-23. That is a statement of rejection, correct? So Jesus will reject us. He said this Himself, it's not something ministers made up.

Christians and other opposers to homosexuality you need to let this go. Sinners sin, that's why they're called sinners, that's what they're supposed to do. Let them do their job and let us do ours. Stop getting drawn into these foolish debates. Let's remember that we weren't born saved and believed some of this same stuff before we converted.

Christians that are so PC that you've turned the truth of God INTO A LIE, please stop telling folks you're Christians. That's where most of this confusion comes from in the first place. It amazes me how some of you claim to be Christians in one post and then in another you say, "Well I do believe in some of the Christian teachings but I'm not open-minded". Stop being lukewarm. All riding the fence accomplishes is getting you scorn from both sides. Man up, pick a side and stick with it. You either follow Jesus or you don't.

Unbelievers, you need to stop worrying about what opposers to homosexuality feel. Just because you feel it's okay doesn't mean that everyone should feel it's okay too. Why do y'all care what grosses folks out? The majority of y'all aren't even gay in the first place and all up in arms. And before you start posting about worrying about how others are treated, that's a lie because alot of you are some of the nastiest, meanest, most crap instigating chicks on this forum. You just want to be heard and be messy.

If folks learned how to mind their own business half these threads wouldn't be posted in the first place.

Thank you!!! :yep: What a great summation of the issues raised in this thread.
Why are folks debating about what two consenting adults with free will do? If you condone it, attend the wedding. If you don't condone it don't go. For Christians who amazingly feel you should attend READ YOUR BIBLES!!!

So, what do you say to Christians who do not have the same understanding you do and have their own confirmation from their own relationship with G*d about what the scripture says?
So, what do you say to Christians who do not have the same understanding you do and have their own confirmation from their own relationship with G*d about what the scripture says?

I would advise them to actually READ the bible and sees what He says and stop it with that my own relationship crap. He says He and His Word are one. STUDY His word to show ourselves true. We are to conform to His Word and stop trying to make Him conform to ours because we "feel" something.
So, what do you say to Christians who do not have the same understanding you do and have their own confirmation from their own relationship with G*d about what the scripture says?

Apparently you are not a Christian. That's what I gathered from that post.

ETA: It angers me when Christians try to define who others are and are not based upon what they have chosen to believe.
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So bible interpretation is the measuring tape for Christianity? :perplexed:

If that's the case then all Christians should be forced to read the original text, not translations. The gist is obviously not good enough.
I'm Christian, and I don't believe every single thing the bible says. That is blasphemy to some, but it is just a realization I've come to as an adult. I'm not even referring to the homosexuality issue. I have several doubts, and there are several things in the bible I abide by/respect even though I don't agree with them. If that makes me not a Christian, then I guess I'm not.
I would advise them to actually READ the bible and sees what He says and stop it with that my own relationship crap. He says He and His Word are one. STUDY His word to show ourselves true. We are to conform to His Word and stop trying to make Him conform to ours because we "feel" something.

How is that crap? It appears your own relationship with Christ has led you to your own understanding. Do you not respect that relationship others have? And if someone's studying leads them to something different than yours, what do you say?

Apparently you are not a Christian. That's what I gathered from that post.

That's what I gathered too.
Apparently you are not a Christian. That's what I gathered from that post.

ETA: It angers me when Christians try to define who others are and are not based upon what they have chosen to believe.

Seeing that I never called anyone by name, if you don't fit why trip? I only repeated what the bible says, problem is many people pick and choose and that's who Jesus calls luke warm. Another problem is people have made God into an idol that they have formed in their own minds. He says He changes not. What's the debate?
I'm Christian, and I don't believe every single thing the bible says. That is blasphemy to some, but it is just a realization I've come to as an adult. I'm not even referring to the homosexuality issue. I have several doubts, and there are several things in the bible I abide by/respect even though I don't agree with them. If that makes me not a Christian, then I guess I'm not.

Off Topic Rant: Lord knows we do the best we can. So we cant be as allegedly sanctified as other women in here. The Lord I know is forgiving and understanding. That's why I'm happy He is who He is and not one of us. If he thought like some human Christians :nono: Heaven would be EMPTY

K. I'm done being off topic
Seeing that I never called anyone by name, if you don't fit why trip? I only repeated what the bible says, problem is many people pick and choose and that's who Jesus calls luke warm. Another problem is people have made God into an idol that they have formed in their own minds. He says He changes not. What's the debate?

Ms. Honey I promise I'm not tripping:lachen: I have not yet begun to ascend a level on
my trip-o-meter
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How is that crap? It appears your own relationship with Christ has led you to your own understanding. Do you not respect that relationship others have? And if someone's studying leads them to something different than yours, what do you say?

That's what I gathered too.

He says the bible is not for our own interpretation. I don't see how any one can seriously say that they read Romans and came up with He's ok with it?

Anywho. Grown folks are gonna do what grown folks do.
So bible interpretation is the measuring tape for Christianity? :perplexed:

If that's the case then all Christians should be forced to read the original text, not translations. The gist is obviously not good enough.

The bible is the standard not interpretations and translations. When all else fails pray. If He's tells folks it's ok then cool, right? If they lie and said He did when they know He didn't then that's cool too.

Anywho I won't be hypocritical and argue about what the Word say. Enjoy ladies:drunk:
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He says the bible is not for our own interpretation. I don't see how any one can seriously say that they read Romans and came up with He's ok with it?

Anywho. Grown folks are gonna do what grown folks do.

@ bold Because, like you advised, there are some people who actively studied, researched, and sought confirmation for understanding.:yep:

You just paraphrased scripture yet turned around and said it's not up for interpretation.:spinning: But at any rate, I just wanted to ask some key questions so I know where you stood.
He says the bible is not for our own interpretation. I don't see how any one can seriously say that they read Romans and came up with He's ok with it?

Anywho. Grown folks are gonna do what grown folks do.

While I have my own thoughts I often wish we could ask David and Johnathan. Ruth and Naomi. Daniel and Ashpenaz. They know how.
He says the bible is not for our own interpretation. I don't see how any one can seriously say that they read Romans and came up with He's ok with it?

Anywho. Grown folks are gonna do what grown folks do.

what's your take on different Christian denominations? they interpret the Bible differently.....
what about the methodological training of ministers and clergy in different Biblical schools of theological thought? they interpret the Bible differently as well
what's your take on different Christian denominations? they interpret the Bible differently.....
what about the methodological training of ministers and clergy in different Biblical schools of theological thought? they interpret the Bible differently as well

I'll send you a pm.