Same Sex Wedding

He says the bible is not for our own interpretation. I don't see how any one can seriously say that they read Romans and came up with He's ok with it?

Anywho. Grown folks are gonna do what grown folks do.

Girl, they've already been put over to a "reprobated mind" and in God's permissive will. Basically they wanna do it? God's like ok, go do you! Bible says PLAIN AS DAY about homosexuality, fornication and adultery and they want to say "What he MEANT to say was..."

You know what the word says and you want to ignore it because you wanna have one foot in the world, one foot in heavenly places. You don't wanna crucify that old nature. But you know what? These ARE the last days. The bible does say that people will wax cold, having a form of Godliness and denying the power there of...seeking teachers and having itching ears to hear what THEY want to hear so they can feel they're in right standing with God while justifing what they KNOW in their heart is wrong. Written on the tables of our HEARTS is God's word, we KNOW. Who do you think Jesus said "Depart from me" to? Those who claimed Christ, saying I did this and that and the next in your name, claimed to be doing his will yet STAYED sinful. WILLINGLY.

Keep on keeping on. We only have ourselves to account for. Pray for them and keep it moving. The word of God shouldn't even be debated, they KNOW and chose not to follow. :yep:
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So to be a real and true and authentic Christian it dictates that if you have a friend who is gay, the friendship stops at the point where that gay friend gets married b/c being gay is sinful? That's what I don't get, Christian or not -- because we are all sinners. And judging by the amount of OOW births that plague the black community, there's no question as to the amount of sinning taking place. So that's why I find it ironic when people want to point stone and call out sins. He without sin cast the first stone!

I am not going to argue anyone down about what they should believe and whose wedding they should attend based on their beliefs. But I do not like the insinuation that those who would attend a gay wedding are somehow any less Christian. I am straight as an arrow and a devout Catholic. I would attend the wedding of a gay friend ... because that person is my friend. Just like attended the baby shower of my little cousin who got knocked up as a teenager and didn't get married to "sanctify it." Just like I can sleep at night although I'm on BC. One sin does not out trump the rest.
I don't think people of the same faith should come across as being pitted against other people who share the same faith. I've never understood the them versus us mentality.
So to be a real and true and authentic Christian it dictates that if you have a friend who is gay, the friendship stops at the point where that gay friend gets married b/c being gay is sinful? That's what I don't get, Christian or not -- because we are all sinners. And judging by the amount of OOW births that plague the black community, there's no question as to the amount of sinning taking place. So that's why I find it ironic when people want to point stone and call out sins. He without sin cast the first stone!

According to some people on here, you cannot be friends with anyone who is gay in the first place because that would mean you support what they "do."
So to be a real and true and authentic Christian it dictates that if you have a friend who is gay, the friendship stops at the point where that gay friend gets married b/c being gay is sinful? That's what I don't get, Christian or not -- because we are all sinners. And judging by the amount of OOW births that plague the black community, there's no question as to the amount of sinning taking place. So that's why I find it ironic when people want to point stone and call out sins. He without sin cast the first stone!

I am not going to argue anyone down about what they should believe and whose wedding they should attend based on their beliefs. But I do not like the insinuation that those who would attend a gay wedding are somehow any less Christian. I am straight as an arrow and a devout Catholic. I would attend the wedding of a gay friend ... because that person is my friend. Just like attended the baby shower of my little cousin who got knocked up as a teenager and didn't get married to "sanctify it." Just like I can sleep at night although I'm on BC. One sin does not out trump the rest.

I don't understand this logic?

You said: I'm a devout Catholic. The word says Homosexuality is a sin. And also that marriage is sacred.
We are to not intentionally sin.
I'm going to intentionally sin by going AGAINST God's word for a FRIEND.

Unless you can tell me you don't believe homosexuality is a sin, you doing that is pretty much saying I'm chosing man over the God I claim to devoutly serve.
WE ARE ALL SINNERS, YES. BUT WHY intentionally participate in sin? Stop throwing around that we are all sinners thing as if it's like "Well, we gone sin anyway, lemme do whatever" We are not perfect, but we are to PRESS to perfection in Christ Jesus. If you're going to sit there and intentionally sin and yet claim Christ, you apparently DON'T need Jesus because what? He died in vain to save you from the very SIN you're going to sit there and...wait for it...not spur of the moment, God please forgive me...But a calculated, planned and devised, I'm gonna wear this dress and these pumps and sit in row 3a at this wedding that you know FULL WELL God is NO part of blessing.

But you're a Christian, right? Lord, Lord...And I would say the SAME THING if this thread was "Would you go get condoms for someone who you knew was about to go have sex unmarried?'
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So to be a real and true and authentic Christian it dictates that if you have a friend who is gay, the friendship stops at the point where that gay friend gets married b/c being gay is sinful? That's what I don't get, Christian or not -- because we are all sinners. And judging by the amount of OOW births that plague the black community, there's no question as to the amount of sinning taking place. So that's why I find it ironic when people want to point stone and call out sins. He without sin cast the first stone!

I am not going to argue anyone down about what they should believe and whose wedding they should attend based on their beliefs. But I do not like the insinuation that those who would attend a gay wedding are somehow any less Christian. I am straight as an arrow and a devout Catholic. I would attend the wedding of a gay friend ... because that person is my friend. Just like attended the baby shower of my little cousin who got knocked up as a teenager and didn't get married to "sanctify it." Just like I can sleep at night although I'm on BC. One sin does not out trump the rest.

It's just the sin that's picked on right now. It used to be fornication but too many Christians were shacking and their pastors had to keep the rolls up. Before that it was drinking. It goes round and round. God never told us to correct the world for sinning that's what they're supposed to do but we are to correct our brothers and sisters in Christ who know the Word.
The bible is the standard not interpretations and translations. When all else fails pray. If He's tells folks it's ok then cool, right? If they lie and said He did when they know He didn't then that's cool too.

Anywho I won't be hypocritical and argue about what the Word say. Enjoy ladies:drunk:

If the Bible you read is in English, it has been translated. :perplexed:
I don't understand this logic?

I'm a devout Catholic. The word says Homosexuality is a sin. And also that marriage is sacred.
We are to not intentionally sin.
I'm going to intentionally sin by going AGAINST God's word for a FRIEND.

Unless you can tell me you don't believe homosexuality is a sin, you doing that is pretty much saying I'm chosing man over the God I claim to devoutly serve.
WE ARE ALL SINNERS, YES. BUT WHY intentionally participate in sin? Stop throwing around that we are all sinners thing as if it's like "Well, we gone sin anyway, lemme do whatever" We are not perfect, but we are to PRESS to perfection in Christ Jesus. If you're going to sit there and intentionally sin and yet claim Christ, you apparently DON'T need Jesus because what? He died in vain to save you from the very SIN you're going to sit there and...wait for it...not spur of the moment, God please forgive me...But a calculated, planned and devised, I'm gonna wear this dress and these pumps and sit in row 3a at this wedding that you know FULL WELL God is NO part of blessing.

But you're a Christian, right? Lord, Lord...And I would say the SAME THING if this thread was "Would you go get condoms for someone who you knew was about to go have sex unmarried?'

Honey let it go. You aren't gonna change any ones mind. We ALL have free will including Christians.
I don't understand this logic?

I'm a devout Catholic. The word says Homosexuality is a sin. And also that marriage is sacred.
We are to not intentionally sin.
I'm going to intentionally sin by going AGAINST God's word for a FRIEND.

Unless you can tell me you don't believe homosexuality is a sin, you doing that is pretty much saying I'm chosing man over the God I claim to devoutly serve.
WE ARE ALL SINNERS, YES. BUT WHY intentionally participate in sin? Stop throwing around that we are all sinners thing as if it's like "Well, we gone sin anyway, lemme do whatever" We are not perfect, but we are to PRESS to perfection in Christ Jesus. If you're going to sit there and intentionally sin and yet claim Christ, you apparently DON'T need Jesus because what? He died in vain to save you from the very SIN you're going to sit there and...wait for it...not spur of the moment, God please forgive me...But a calculated, planned and devised, I'm gonna wear this dress and these pumps and sit in row 3a at this wedding that you know FULL WELL God is NO part of blessing.

But you're a Christian, right? Lord, Lord...And I would say the SAME THING if this thread was "Would you go get condoms for someone who you knew was about to go have sex unmarried?'

I am not going to get into a defense of my religion with you. The Catholic church that I belonged to in NYC had a gay outreach program. Guess those priests were sinning too. :look: Yup!

I do not "sit anywhere and intentionally sin." But feel free to make those assumptions about me if you would like.
Honey let it go. You aren't gonna change any ones mind. We ALL have free will including Christians.
I am. And like I said, God's word isn't to be argued. I just GOD honestly wanted to see where they can justify this.
It's just sad. I knew the state of the unsaved world, but my God seeing people who claim the faith being so blind to the very handbook of LIFE God gave us. Last days.
Free will is a wonderful thing...I just wish more believers would come to the knowledge of what they're following and realize how very deceitful Satan is. The bible says the VERY ELECT would have been I shouldn't be surprised.
Guess that's that. Praying for everyone that posted in this thread and calling it a day.
But you're a Christian, right? Lord, Lord...And I would say the SAME THING if this thread was "Would you go get condoms for someone who you knew was about to go have sex unmarried?'

Umm yes for $500 Alex. I cant stop my friend from having sex. If she chooses to then what can I do? But I CAN make sure she does not die from having sex. I'm sure He would not want me to let someone cause FURTHER harm to themselves just because I was not in agreeance with their actions. That would be an even bigger tragedy. On my part. She can repent and be saved from fornication. She cant repent AIDS.
If the Bible you read is in English, it has been translated. :perplexed:

Don't even go there. :nono: One person told me that because the Bible is divinely inspired, the English translation is perfect the way it is. Hinting that there is a discrepancy between the English and original languages attempts to say the Word is within error.
I am not going to get into a defense of my religion with you. The Catholic church that I belonged to in NYC had a gay outreach program. Guess those priests were sinning too. :look: Yup!

I do not "sit anywhere and intentionally sin." But feel free to make those assumptions about me if you would like.

If that's the case, I have a list of hundreds of Catholic and Protestant churches in the US and an equally long list of prominent ministers that are clearly sinning just by existing... they perform same-sex marriage ceremonies, Christenings, affirm LGBTQ sexuality as natural.... guess we need to go ahead and do like another poster mentioned, SMITE EM ALL!

while we are at it we might as well smite the divinity schools and seminaries they were trained in as well.
Umm yes for $500 Alex. I cant stop my friend from having sex. If she chooses to then what can I do? But I CAN make sure she does not die from having sex. I'm sure He would not want me to let someone cause FURTHER harm to themselves just because I was not in agreeance with their actions. That would be an even bigger tragedy. On my part. She can repent and be saved from fornication. She cant repent AIDS.

Right! LOL. You won't promote sex, but you'll promote STDs transmission and OOW pregnancy? :lol:
I am not going to get into a defense of my religion with you. The Catholic church that I belonged to in NYC had a gay outreach program. Guess those priests were sinning too. :look: Yup!

I do not "sit anywhere and intentionally sin." But feel free to make those assumptions about me if you would like.
You said you would go. Am I correct?
Since you responded, I'll respond back.The bible (unless you follow a different word) says it's a sin. Right?

You would go to a wedding to cheer on sinners who, after marriage would stay in their sin. Intentionally. So that's not an assumption, that's pretty much reiterating what you said, isn't it? If I just randomly said "YOU'RE PRACTICING SIN" without a backstory, that's one thing, shame on me. But if you say (for example alone) I'm unmarried and my boyfriend and I worked it out last night! And I say "Doesn't the word say don't fornicate" and you say I'm making

And yes, the priests, if gay, are sinning. BUT...Gay outreach? GREAT. Outreach for those incarcerated, even for life for mass murder? AWESOME. The prostitute? WONDERFUL. Everyone deserves God preached to them. From gays, to fornicators, to murders. But to sit there and act as if it's OK is another story all together. They have to KNOW. Our purpose isn't to KEEP God's word to ourself. We have to let our light SHINE to EVERYONE. And let them know what the word says. Because how can I say I love someone, they are a friend and allow them to sin and sin without correction. What if they die in their sin? Their blood (and the word SAYS THIS) is on YOUR hands.

I'd honestly love a Christian who's saying it's ok explain themselves then doing the "I don't want to discuss it thing." Preferably with the word since that's where I'M coming from. What say anyone?
Don't even go there. :nono: One person told me that because the Bible is divinely inspired, the English translation is perfect the way it is. Hinting that there is a discrepancy between the English and original languages attempts to say the Word is within error.
I wonder why the Christians have a problem with this and the Muslims and Jews dont? Muslims are quick to get mad when people say that a translation of the Quran is The Quran. Even on the front you will find things like"The Interpretation of the Quran" because folks know its not real deal. There is no way you can translate something without making an interpretation. Many find it down right insulting to even think that a translation could be God's actual word, since God sent it down in the way he meant it to be. Folks are highly encouraged to learn Classical Arabic, and all reading/prayers throughout the world no matter what country you go to will be in the classical Arabic. I find it interesting how the Jews and Muslims are able to sustain this, and its been totally lost on the Christians. I know this off topic but Im just thinking aloud.
Umm yes for $500 Alex. I cant stop my friend from having sex. If she chooses to then what can I do? But I CAN make sure she does not die from having sex. I'm sure He would not want me to let someone cause FURTHER harm to themselves just because I was not in agreeance with their actions. That would be an even bigger tragedy. On my part. She can repent and be saved from fornication. She cant repent AIDS.
God can heal anything. Even AIDS. I've seen complete healing from this. Not low levels of the virus. COMPLETE. I won't ever say that as if to hinder God's power...He's all powerful! Don't forget that! You can repent of ANYTHING, save that one unforgivable sin!

And umm yes, for a 1000 Alex, :rolleyes:, you can let her have the free will GOD gave her to do with as she will. God will NOT drag us kicking and screaming into heaven if we don't wanna go. He won't bully us into doing His will. So who am I, a mere mortal going to sit there and say "Well, I'll make her fornication SAFE so as not to save her from AIDS."

Sometimes God lets us do what we do and have us on the bed of affliction to see the light (and some still don't) and then we get complete healing.
God can heal anything. Even AIDS. I've seen complete healing from this. Not low levels of the virus. COMPLETE. I won't ever say that as if to hinder God's power...He's all powerful! Don't forget that! You can repent of ANYTHING, save that one unforgivable sin!

And umm yes, for a 1000 Alex, :rolleyes:, you can let her have the free will GOD gave her to do with as she will. God will NOT drag us kicking and screaming into heaven if we don't wanna go. He won't bully us into doing His will. So who am I, a mere mortal going to sit there and say "Well, I'll make her fornication SAFE so as not to save her from AIDS."

Sometimes God lets us do what we do and have us on the bed of affliction to see the light (and some still don't) and then we get complete healing.

This post should be a sticky in the Health & Fitness Forum. :lol:
I am. And like I said, God's word isn't to be argued. I just GOD honestly wanted to see where they can justify this.
It's just sad. I knew the state of the unsaved world, but my God seeing people who claim the faith being so blind to the very handbook of LIFE God gave us. Last days.

Pause! This sounds like you are predicting and stating that we are in the last days. Um how do you know? We do not know the day nor the hour. There are MANY signs and what you INTERPRET as one, may not be so. There have been many times before where people thought the same. That's not cool imo and these sweeping statements really are sad and if it were a better world, would cease.
God can heal anything. Even AIDS. I've seen complete healing from this. Not low levels of the virus. COMPLETE. I won't ever say that as if to hinder God's power...He's all powerful! Don't forget that! You can repent of ANYTHING, save that one unforgivable sin!

And umm yes, for a 1000 Alex, :rolleyes:, you can let her have the free will GOD gave her to do with as she will. God will NOT drag us kicking and screaming into heaven if we don't wanna go. He won't bully us into doing His will. So who am I, a mere mortal going to sit there and say "Well, I'll make her fornication SAFE so as not to save her from AIDS."

Sometimes God lets us do what we do and have us on the bed of affliction to see the light (and some still don't) and then we get complete healing.

I agree that God is all powerful. But there are people dying from AIDS everyday who have not been delivered. Would you be willing to chance me sticking you with an infected needle right now?

To the bold: A good friend.
Pause! This sounds like you are predicting and stating that we are in the last days. Um how do you know? We do not know the day nor the hour. There are MANY signs and what you INTERPRET as one, may not be so. There have been many times before where people thought the same. That's not cool imo and these sweeping statements really are sad and if it were a better world, would cease.

We don't know the time and the hour Jesus will come. Right? Unless I said "Jesus will come back THIS YEAR!" then I'd be in the wrong.
If you interpret last days to mean literally "Last days" as if 14, 15 and 16, no.
But everything has come to pass that the rapture could happen ANY minute AND hour, ANY DAY. We ARE in the last days.
*presses play* ;) Carry on.
We don't know the time and the hour Jesus will come. Right? Unless I said "Jesus will come back THIS YEAR!" then I'd be in the wrong.
If you interpret last days to mean literally "Last days" as if 14, 15 and 16, no.
But everything has come to pass that the rapture could happen ANY minute AND hour, ANY DAY. We ARE in the last days.
*presses play* ;) Carry on.
How do you know? Please forward me that e-mail from jesus because I think it got caught in my spam by accident.
I agree that God is all powerful. But there are people dying from AIDS everyday who have not been delivered. Would you be willing to chance me sticking you with an infected needle right now?

To the bold: A good friend.
I'm with you 100%.

It seems somewhat irresponsible to portray Aids in that light when there have been many, many devout Christians who passed from Aids related diseases.
I agree that God is all powerful. But there are people dying from AIDS everyday who have not been delivered. Would you be willing to chance me sticking you with an infected needle right now?

To the bold: A good friend.
Once again...people will do what they want. But why put yourself in a position to sin just to "save someone" from something. As far as I know, only Jesus saves. Our purpose is to let people know the way. The bible doesn't say let your salvation be hindered because to save another person. In the end we have only ourselves to account for. It may sound mean and "Omg, not a good friend (as was said about the wedding issue.) but it's not. People have free will. People have the choice to exercise it.

If she's dumb enough not to march her behind to the store to get HER condoms, who am I, against fornication going to go get an instrument to allow her to carry it out. Then say "God, you know!" The bible says we shouldn't sin so grace may abound. You shouldn't sin in hopes that she'll get saved and not have a disease she won't be delivered from.
It's just the sin that's picked on right now. It used to be fornication but too many Christians were shacking and their pastors had to keep the rolls up. Before that it was drinking. It goes round and round. God never told us to correct the world for sinning that's what they're supposed to do but we are to correct our brothers and sisters in Christ who know the Word.

Yup -- imagine all the back chicks that would be offended if pastors were still talking about OOW pregnancies.

Umm yes for $500 Alex. I cant stop my friend from having sex. If she chooses to then what can I do? But I CAN make sure she does not die from having sex. I'm sure He would not want me to let someone cause FURTHER harm to themselves just because I was not in agreeance with their actions. That would be an even bigger tragedy. On my part. She can repent and be saved from fornication. She cant repent AIDS.

You are a sinner. Go and repent.

If that's the case, I have a list of hundreds of Catholic and Protestant churches in the US and an equally long list of prominent ministers that are clearly sinning just by existing... they perform same-sex marriage ceremonies, Christenings, affirm LGBTQ sexuality as natural.... guess we need to go ahead and do like another poster mentioned, SMITE EM ALL!

while we are at it we might as well smite the divinity schools and seminaries they were trained in as well.

Wow, I didn't know that. I didn't know that any Catholic churches actually sanction gay unions. But I know that from my area in the East Village they were very compassionate, especially when it came to HIV/AIDS issues. Either way, I am sure some smart alek will come in here and tell me Catholicism is not a real religion anyway and quote the priests who are sinning with the alter boys as proof.

Right! LOL. You won't promote sex, but you'll promote STDs transmission and OOW pregnancy? :lol:

Is it any wonder why the black community is plagued with so many, many things.

This post should be a sticky in the Health & Fitness Forum. :lol:

:dead: I guess all those people dying from AIDS are just not Christian enough or else they would have been healed. :rolleyes: