Relaxed Hair Thread

Listen, sis, we are gonna find a wig regi that works for YOU! I have no doubt.

I'm taking what @Theresamonet said and I'm gonna raise it - I don't think your can go two weeks in between washings. I think that's what she (your hair) has been trying to tell you. I think you have to wash and DC weekly. You might even have to do a water rinse mid week or something but your hair needs more water than you're giving it.

And I absolutely agree that you can't afford to stretch your relaxers this long anymore!! lol
Until I have time to find some links to old school success stories/trends, here's my little two cents on a possible regi. Take what you want, throw out the rest:

In this simple regi, you only have 4 products and whatever hair oil you like.
-moisturizing DC
-Protein tx
-daily moisturizing condish

**** Braid up your hair for your wig using your moisturizing deep conditioner. I like Queen Helene cholesterol and I add Infusium 23 for protein. Your hair does NOT have to be freshly washed or anything when you do this. Honestly, that only makes the task more daunting if that's a requirement.


1- Pick ONE shampoo and moisturizing DC and use them weekly.

Shampoo is easy. Even if it's stripping, you can recover bc it's not on your hair long. Also, it can be mixed

As for a moisturizing DC make sure you look for the key words you're supposed to see. Usually words like "nourishing" or "hydrating" or its synonyms. Stay away from "repairing" and "strengthening" conditioners, those are proteins.

During your not-so-hot mental days, before your shower, you could also try greasing your dry scalp w your shampoo and rub some into your braids. Then jump in the shower, leather it and rinse it out. Then all you have to do in the shower is slather on your "DC" and cover w a plastic cap/bag while you clean your body and rinse it all off. lol It's a short cut that still gets what you need done. You can also just rinse it out later in the sink if that works better. ORRR, you could just leave it in! :eek: It's not gonna hurt your hair.

2- Protein.
If THIS is your Redken 5 min mask, I say to alternate it in (instead of your moisturizing DC) once a month to start. The description says bonding and strengthening. Yes, it also says "hydrating" but IME, products with those other two descriptors are definitely proteins. I'm not sure if it's a light or heavy one. It sounds like some kind of reconstructor to me. Yes, I know relaxed hair needs protein bc protein bonds were broken/weakened BUT when you go overboard, it is HARD to correct. Your hair sounds like protein overload to me. Tangling and clingy hair is also a sign of protein overload. Use it a 2nd time for one month if you feel you need more protein.
Also, it may be the wrong TYPE of protein for your hair. Maybe your hair would do better with a silk protein or like a keratin product. My hair loooves amino acids. I use Braggs amino acids (from the food aisle) after every relaxer with baking soda. And I've used that combo as my go-to protein tx over the years when Motions stopped making CPR in the bottle. That combo also allows me to blow dry or flat iron if I have a lot of new growth.

3- for DAILY moisturizing, find a cheapie moisturizing condish.
Instead of water, try slather your braids with a cheapie condish and then lightly sealing it with an oil each day before you attach your wig.

Hear me out! When this board originated, type 4 ladies were growing BSL, WL, HL hair JUST ON CHEAPIES!!! V05 and Suave were the GODS on the hair boards! That's what attracted me to the hair boards in the first place! bc I was encouraged by seeing these ladies have success using cheapie drug store condishes. Over time, I'm noticing that more and more ladies seem to have hair that "only respond to salon products" or specialty products. And I'm not really seeing that trend correspond with more long haired ladies. We don't have HL or WL challenges anymore like we used to. And that's cool. But we're not seeing ladies reach those really long lengths on here like we used to. There are other variables that could explain that but, in my heart, I feel like it's bc we got away from practicing techniques that grow and retain and drifted toward relying on products to grow and retain. Resulting in ladies constantly switching up products and then blaming the technique for not working.

My personal anecdote is I've learned that technique matters more than product. I've stuck with using cheapies for most of my HHJ and my hair has thrived even through neglect, as someone who has NEVER had long hair before I found the hair boards. What I do is what the old school ladies used to do, which is stick to cheapies and beef up them up with whatever I need to add to my hair at the time. For me, this involves mixing in Ayurveda herbs and powders. For a lot of the old school ladies it involved mixing in EVOO, glycerine, aloe or honey to get what they needed. They used those mixes to DC w heat.

4- Mid-week quick wash

THIS will be your water instead of spritzing it on. I think your hair needs a good soaking instead. Also, I know you were working out at one point. You've gotta regularly clean that salty from sweat off of your scalp too. So midweek, try using your shampoo and condish as one step for a quick wash while you shower!

5- sleep in a satin scarf!

Silk is obviously the best but I don't think you can go wrong w satin. I've personally survived pretty well on satin and don't feel the need to upgrade.
I've tried the whole skip the scarf thing and my hair just wasn't as nice as it is when I scarf up every night. EYE actually alternate between the satin scarf and using a satin men's skull cap with a bandana over it.


Washing more often will likely mean refreshing more often. I play it safe and refresh every 2 weeks. You could probably get away with doing it every 3-4 weeks - which is pretty darn awesome!

*** DO NOT EVER take down your cornrows while wet or damp. AND, don't do it on clean, naked hair. There should be some product in your hair before you take it down. Your should be moisturized from doing your daily M&Sing. And then go ahead and put you some oil in a pointed tip bottle. Drench those braids in the oil and cover with a plastic cap or bag. Do some chores or watch some TV and then about an hour later (or more) you can start taking down your braids.

I take mine down one at a time, detangle and then rebraid it before going on to the next. That way if I don't finish in one sitting, my hair isn't sticking up all over my head. lol. And, yes, I rebraid w cholesterol + Infusium 23.

Once you're done, it's back to your simple regi!

That last step is how I would start this whole process. On "dirty," moisturized hair, do your braid base.
I’m screenshotting this. I will start making pivots now. I do remember those cheapie herbal essence, v05 condish times. I got product so it’s time to use it. Bless you so much.
Man I love the convenience (the spelling of this word makes me wanna shake my fist) of my mini braids, but I don't enjoy the hours and days it takes to put in. But my head gets too hot when it's not in a style that gets airflow. But it's not really my hair that's giving me problems. I have other stuff going on and it's just my hair that I'm picking at.
Yall, my hair has reverted a lot since I first relaxed… it’s still behaving better than natural but I don’t think anyone would assume I’m even texlaxed at this point. If I go for straight maybe I’ll get the level of texlaxed that I actually want. It’s just way too curly right Now and shrinking back up to ear length :-(
I feel bald


Yes the strengthening/ bond building products are probably a culprit but I don’t want to give them up since I feel safer with them being part of my regimen
I'm so happy to hear that @Plushottie !! :D:D

I've grown my hair from 4" to WL when I first started my HHJ by alternating full synthetic wigs and mini braids. And since then, I've grown to WL multiple times using the same concepts. I absolutely believe that this can work for you too!

I dunno why I couldn't think of anyone when we first started talking about this but one of the relaxed ladies that I think of who used wigs to grow her hair to HL was PreMedical Rulz or something like that! Her regi was super simple bc she was busy in medical school (I believe) and I don't believe that she took any special hair vitamins or anything. She wore wigs all day, every day. I didn't follow closely enough to see if she rocked lace wigs but I believe she did. And everytime she revealed her hair, my jaw would hit the floor!! Not exaggerating.

I actually have some of her progress and hair pix saved in my hair inspo file.

This was when she first started growing it. I used to be in hair challenges w her when I first noticed her hair and growth. But I was natural at the time and using wigs as well to grow my hair so I didn't really follow her regi then. I remember how much she surprised herself with the milestones she hit as she was hitting them.


Watching her progress under wigs while relaxed was one of my inspirations to go ahead and texlax after being natural for 5 years. I was never able to grow my hair beyond ear or chin length with relaxers before and I thought being natural was the only way to grow long hair. But seeing her hair made me feel I could do it by mimicking her simple regi. As I was in the length challenge threads with her, I started noticing that ALL of the long haired ladies had really simple regimens and they were overall consistent with the products they used. Some might switch up cowashing condishes or something small like that but for their major steps, things were consistent. It was no different with her.

This was after she had grown her hair to HL and cut it, I believe, and started growing it again.


Then she started maintaining it shorter and playing around with her hair more. I believe one of her go-to out styles throughout her hair journey was braidouts. I don't have a pic of her braidout from the back but it was the stuff of dreams!

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So I'm gonna go check as many of the wig challenge threads and length challenge threads from that timeframe bc I know she rarely changed up her regi. Again, I absolutely believe that once you get your regi set, you can meet and exceed your hair goal too!! Wigs are really one of the ultimate high retention PSs. The only thing to watch out for is your edges. And that's why I alternated in extensions and mini braids (no extensions) to give my edges a break from attaching my wig. BUT if you primarily glue your wig down, I don't see that being a problem for you :)
I'm so happy to hear that @Plushottie !! :D:D

I've grown my hair from 4" to WL when I first started my HHJ by alternating full synthetic wigs and mini braids. And since then, I've grown to WL multiple times using the same concepts. I absolutely believe that this can work for you too!

I dunno why I couldn't think of anyone when we first started talking about this but one of the relaxed ladies that I think of who used wigs to grow her hair to HL was PreMedical Rulz or something like that! Her regi was super simple bc she was busy in medical school (I believe) and I don't believe that she took any special hair vitamins or anything. She wore wigs all day, every day. I didn't follow closely enough to see if she rocked lace wigs but I believe she did. And everytime she revealed her hair, my jaw would hit the floor!! Not exaggerating.

I actually have some of her progress and hair pix saved in my hair inspo file.

This was when she first started growing it. I used to be in hair challenges w her when I first noticed her hair and growth. But I was natural at the time and using wigs as well to grow my hair so I didn't really follow her regi then. I remember how much she surprised herself with the milestones she hit as she was hitting them.

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Watching her progress under wigs while relaxed was one of my inspirations to go ahead and texlax after being natural for 5 years. I was never able to grow my hair beyond ear or chin length with relaxers before and I thought being natural was the only way to grow long hair. But seeing her hair made me feel I could do it by mimicking her simple regi. As I was in the length challenge threads with her, I started noticing that ALL of the long haired ladies had really simple regimens and they were overall consistent with the products they used. Some might switch up cowashing condishes or something small like that but for their major steps, things were consistent. It was no different with her.

This was after she had grown her hair to HL and cut it, I believe, and started growing it again.

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Then she started maintaining it shorter and playing around with her hair more. I believe one of her go-to out styles throughout her hair journey was braidouts. I don't have a pic of her braidout from the back but it was the stuff of dreams!

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So I'm gonna go check as many of the wig challenge threads and length challenge threads from that timeframe bc I know she rarely changed up her regi. Again, I absolutely believe that once you get your regi set, you can meet and exceed your hair goal too!! Wigs are really one of the ultimate high retention PSs. The only thing to watch out for is your edges. And that's why I alternated in extensions and mini braids (no extensions) to give my edges a break from attaching my wig. BUT if you primarily glue your wig down, I don't see that being a problem for you :)
This was hair goal artifacts because I remember that hair. I was natural for the longest thinking my hair would be omg but was not it. I can say just from this week I feel my hair isn’t just saw dust and I’m enjoying my time. I think my challenge will be the mental part but as I have invested so much I need to just do.

I have much gratitude for your gentleness and graciousness.
Getting started looking through some threads now. Mostly seeking inspo threads some are wig related and some are not.
And I tried to stick to relaxed hair threads as much as I could although some are just really good general hair practices. A lot of the older threads have pix missing and we know how pix help us soo much. BUT you'll see common threads in the maintenance tips that ppl give/use to maximize their growth and retention. A lot less quick grow formulas and more consistent good practice leading to good results. That will be the best way to come up with a regi that works for you. Because only YOU know what you can reasonably keep up and what you can't. :)

I personally resort to HYH self-challenges for daily styling to retain bc if I'm taking pix every couple of weeks or even every month, I'm gonna be discouraged.
Sometimes, I'm not encouraged by my annual pix. I like looking at pix 2+ years apart to help me see how far I've come.

Any lurking relaxed ladies looking to do some full PSing to maintain and retain, this is for you too!

Personal HYH helped this lady reach a milestone in a four months. Imagine if she had done six months or one whole year!

Here's a short thread about half wigs with tips about how to wear them and ladies sharing their experiences

This lady suffered a setback bc of a botched corrective relaxer. She used wigs to help retain. Even with no pix, the thread is still informative

Super sweet post about one relaxed lady's experience baggying under wigs to overcome protein overload. And OMG, horrible stylist story and another outrageous update on pg 6. smh

Growth aid mix, relaxed lady under wigs. Pix don't show, but one commenter noted that the OP went from NL to APL in that year.
OP is hilarious too. Lots of nuggets in the thread.

For growth, lots of OG ladies swore by sew ins! Also, additional cowashing and DCing - a common theme on the hair boards.

Oldie but goodie relaxer stretching thread. Lots of OGs in there and great tips!

Thread on cowashing and bunning

Again, a lot of the "results" are either buried in challenge threads (which are very long) or, if they're in a standalone thread, the photos aren't there anymore :(

One interesting thing about looking back at these threads and reading the posts is that I recognize some of the ladies whom I later came to associate with having long hair. Some of them I had no idea that they used wigs and weaves early on in their journeys. By the time, I noticed them, as their hair hit super long lengths, they had stopped using those methods and were just chugging along. PreMedicalz was one of the few ladies who had WL-HL hair and still rocked wigs primarily. I found that interesting. I think that's why she stood out to me, in addition to being one of the few long, relaxed heads that posted regularly on the board. Bring back the long haired relaxed ladies!! I'll try to search for those next.
Yall, my hair has reverted a lot since I first relaxed… it’s still behaving better than natural but I don’t think anyone would assume I’m even texlaxed at this point. If I go for straight maybe I’ll get the level of texlaxed that I actually want. It’s just way too curly right Now and shrinking back up to ear length :-(
I feel bald

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Yes the strengthening/ bond building products are probably a culprit but I don’t want to give them up since I feel safer with them being part of my regimen

I'm sorry, I don't remember - what's the strength of your relaxer?
Having had TWO not-so-good corrective experiences, I'd recommend waiting until the next time you plan to relax and then treating it like a virgin relaxer but using a MILD formula. If it's REGULAR, I'd cut it 10%-20% with EVOO or a cheapie condish and then apply it like a virgin. The oil should slow the processing time which would allow you sufficient time to quickly apply to your whole head and then focus on smoothing the length of your hair until you see the texture close to what you want. Then allow the hair to process for 2-3 minutes more as you warm up your rinse water.


I have this exact same issue. But I'm afraid of over straightening if I try to fix it. I haven't yet made up my mind on what I'll do.

IIRC, was it 1/3 cup of oil you used in your relaxer mix right? What if you cut it back to 1/4 cup or 3 tbsp and apply like a virgin?

I posted a really good texlax video a couple of months back, lemme try to find it. She was a member her and I rmber her as one of the long-haired relaxed ladies I used to admire. Her texture was straight but crinkled but I don't remember what or how much she added to her relaxer. lol I'm gonna find it again and repost it to see if it'll help. ((BIG HUG))
Y'all know how the YT rabbithole goes. :giggle:

I found another one I watched a few years ago and her hair is still so pretty to me!

Also, this screenshot is a really good representation of how I see relaxed vs texlaxed hair too. Relaxed hair is NOT skinny, limp and lifeless like how some ppl describe it. Even bonelaxed.
Texlaxed hair is fuller or fluffier.


OK, sorry, I'll be back with the video I'm looking for. :blush:Lol

WHOHOO, found it!

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This was hair goal artifacts because I remember that hair. I was natural for the longest thinking my hair would be omg but was not it. I can say just from this week I feel my hair isn’t just saw dust and I’m enjoying my time. I think my challenge will be the mental part but as I have invested so much I need to just do.

I have much gratitude for your gentleness and graciousness.
Using a shampoo and conditioner 1-2x a week is what helped me the most with growth during my relaxed years. I wore buns, roller and rod sets, and I am not scared of heat. Keeping things simple, but consistent is the key to healthy, long hair. And I do not use bonnets. Scarves are so much better in my opinion. I think they are better for your edges and keeps your hair smooth and in place. You will find your groove on what works for you.
I may self relax next week out of laziness and being cheap. I haven’t sat in the chair in years, and I don’t have that type of patience like I used to. I don’t like sitting getting my nails done (I do go now), since it takes up time as well. I also feel if I go, I’m going to want her to cut my hair into a pixie. I want a pixie, since it’s quicker to style and works better with night sweats and hot flashes..
I may self relax next week out of laziness and being cheap. I haven’t sat in the chair in years, and I don’t have that type of patience like I used to. I don’t like sitting getting my nails done (I do go now), since it takes up time as well. I also feel if I go, I’m going to want her to cut my hair into a pixie. I want a pixie, since it’s quicker to style and works better with night sweats and hot flashes..

Ooohh :love::love:

and, and, and then I can live vicariously through you while you do this:


and this:
and this:

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and this:

And then you can bust out the finger waves for special events:

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I'm soo excited for us!!!!!! I mean, you, @Evolving78 . :look:

But, really, I'd love to see some relaxed pixie styles in here.

@MzSwift thanks for the trips down memory lane! It's funny that I posted in some of those threads! Lol!

All the "new" things I've tried over the years and I always end up going back to my same routine:
  • Relax every 16 weeks
  • Clarify/shampoo/dc weekly
  • Protein dc every 3 weeks
  • Cowash 2-3x a week
  • Honey dc weekly
  • Bunning daily
It may seem like I'm doing a lot (especially for those not on a hair board), but this is a basic hair routine that works for me to keep my hair healthy and retain what I grow.

I'll be back to posting long relaxed hair again!
I don’t think that’s too much @sunnieb. It’s not the natural hair wash day Olympics that I have seen.

I took my braids down to make them smaller and I don’t think my hair is thick by any means but my head got cold after splitting each of the 4 braids into 2. I want to make sure I’m getting my whole head.

Now I’m watching relaxed YouTube and I’m like ok I’m doing most things.
Ooohh :love::love:

and, and, and then I can live vicariously through you while you do this:

View attachment 496865

and this:
View attachment 496867
and this:

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and this:
View attachment 496871

And then you can bust out the finger waves for special events:

View attachment 496875 View attachment 496877

I'm soo excited for us!!!!!! I mean, you, @Evolving78 . :look:

But, really, I'd love to see some relaxed pixie styles in here.

You ain’t right… :lachen:
Ooohh :love::love:

and, and, and then I can live vicariously through you while you do this:

View attachment 496865

and this:
View attachment 496867
and this:

View attachment 496869 View attachment 496873

and this:
View attachment 496871

And then you can bust out the finger waves for special events:

View attachment 496875 View attachment 496877

I'm soo excited for us!!!!!! I mean, you, @Evolving78 . :look:

But, really, I'd love to see some relaxed pixie styles in here.

You know she has scissor happy disorder don’t encourage her.
I’m definitely relaxing in about 1.5 weeks (8 weeks post vs 12-16 weeks in the future) wherever I can simplify things in my life right now, it’s best that I do. Straight, simple to detangle hair is my goal right now.

I used a mild relaxer cut with conditioner (3/16) for my Virgin relaxer so this time I think reduce to less than 1/16 with olaplex/ k18 steps included still using a mild relaxer. I also have some silk amino acids I always wanted to try in a relaxer.

You guys are really amazing and it motivates me to keep me going with the hair journey. ❤️