Relaxed Hair Thread

@levette your hair looks gorgeous! Take care of your scalp girlie!

I cowashed with WEN Pomegranate and my hair loves it. I notice that as long as I keep up with weekly dc's and cowashes, my newgrowth doesn't mat together in one big 'helmet' of hair under my previously relaxed hair.

Hope to relax in a couple of weeks. :)
I self relaxed though somewhat texlaxef. My hair is so soft and bouncy.. after neutralizing I poured Jbco on my scalp to help my scalp from tingling which could mean a. Scalp burn with hair sticking to my head

I dunno if this works days later but vinegar (ACV and white) helps to reduce and stop scalp burns. It stinks but it definitely helps to soothe the scalp.
I have been in crochet braids/box braids for a year so I'm back!

At the salon getting a professional relaxer and Rolla set.

I will maybe post pics but yall hair gives me pause it's soo pretty

Girl, you'd better post them pitchas!!!
*grabs lawn chair and popcorn*
-My hair needs to be DC'ed but it's gonna have to wait until Sunday. It's long and healthy so hopefully it doesn't hate me for this :look:

-My air drying days are over. I know I've mentioned this twice already but I'm still brainstorming products and stuff to buy/new techniques but yeah :ohwell:

I'm thinking of trying wet bunning for a month or so after I take out these mini braids. I've seen so many ladies on the boards over years retain a lot of growth this way.

Is anyone familiar with the regi for wet bunning? I plan to take it down at night to let it dry but I don't want to sleep with my hair loose. I also know I have to move the bun around to prevent breakage.
Right now I'm going to be washing my hair 2x a week. I plan on using flat ironing my hair and wearing it out for a day or two, then I will just pin the back up, wear bangs until wash day. I plan on washing Tuesdays and Saturdays. Once my hair gets longer, I will start to roller set and bun. Hopefully I will be able to do that in 4-6 months.

I'm thinking of trying wet bunning for a month or so after I take out these mini braids. I've seen so many ladies on the boards over years retain a lot of growth this way.

Is anyone familiar with the regi for wet bunning? I plan to take it down at night to let it dry but I don't want to sleep with my hair loose. I also know I have to move the bun around to prevent breakage.
I was never able to wet bun. I would just let my hair air dry 90% then put it in a loose bun. I used NTM leave in, CON serum, and shea moisture spray in the peach/pink bottle. I need to get those products again. Right now, the products I have are decent. I will buy that stuff when I run low.
@MzSwift My ends are not my friends right now so I silently shuddered to myself at the thought of wet bunning :lol: I remember reading about that technique when I first joined and yes, the retention in those threads was always amazing :yep:
Wrong thread. Sorry.

Aww c'mon.


We'd love to have you :angeldevil:
I stupidly bought the conair hot rollers in acticipation of my new regime starting with my next touch up

You see, I'm going to learn from scratch how to rollerset my freshly washed hair, but I meant to do it on wet hair. Like its done traditionally. I wisely decided to do some research on how these hot rollers work. After the purchase. Now I know I can't use it on wet hair.

Unless LHCF tell me otherwise :cry3: