Relaxed Hair Thread

I'll be relaxing in the morning. Idk why I'm so dramatic about it. It takes 20 minutes total which is roughly the same amount of time it takes to detangle and add my conditioner :rolleyes:

I still have plans to switch my styling methods soon but I'm waiting until I get a new job to start. If you pray, say a prayer I get it please :)
I'm in twist extensions now, trying to stretch one more month. Laziness and the cooler weather was making it difficult to wet bun. Too much manipulation. :(
Okay I'm relaxing for real in the morning :lachen: My hair looks an entire mess and I can't tell if I need it trimmed or if the shrinkage from the newgrowth is making it look that way. I planned to trim away a bunch of hair this year anyway so I've hovered between bra strap and middle back for most of 2016.

I contemplated a birthday hair cut (January) but ion know :look:
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Okay I'm relaxing for real in the morning :lachen: My hair looks an entire mess and I can't tell if I need it trimmed or if the shrinkage from the newgrowth is making it look that way. I planned to trim away a bunch of hair this year anyway so I've hovered between bra strap and middle back for must of 2016.

I contemplated a birthday hair cut (January) but ion know :look:
I bought a hot comb for my new growth. You ladies are good when it comes to stretching. One area of my hair has an inch of new growth already! It's the crown that grows fast, but breaks due to it being the driest.
I have box braids to take out and a hair cut appointment Wed. afternoon. I'm not sure when I should take down my braids and relax. Braids now and relax later? Both later? What do you ladies think?

Update: Nevermind. I googled it. The consensus seems to be wait at least three days.
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Just washed, blow dried, then hot combed my hair. I'm going to curl it now. Gotta figure out how to pin curl my hair where it comes out looking nice and not smashed the next day. Or I might run out and get some satin rollers.
To all the ladies who self relax at home, do you just airdry or you go ahead and blow dry and flat iron and how long does that take in total? I'm asking because I have a 2 year old who just can't go for 30 minutes without looking for me.
To all the ladies who self relax at home, do you just airdry or you go ahead and blow dry and flat iron and how long does that take in total? I'm asking because I have a 2 year old who just can't go for 30 minutes without looking for me.

I just air dry. I relax early enough and hair is usually dry by bedtime.
I'm trying to decide now about self relaxing or going to the salon.
My Reggie consist of washing and deep conditioning twice a week. I'm a firm believer in using shampoo and having a clean scalp.
I usually do an oil treatment with avocado oil and coconut oil. I put a plastic cap on and sit under the dryer for 15-30 mins.

It depends if I gotta go somewhere. But I usually do stuff super early, or at night. All hell breaks loose if I'm in the bathroom too long