Relaxed Hair Thread

I use the texturizer and I LOVE IT! My hair is always soft/uniformed (all the same texture) when I use this product. I've never used the actual relaxer, but the texturizer is all that and more :yep:.

I use the shea butter texturizer & I luvvvvvv it!! I have no burns & lots of texture w/o the coarseness. In my opinion this is by far the best relaxer. I used to use Mizani butter blends sensitive scalp but it got my hair too straight & it felt chemically processed (if that makes sense).

See, y'all ain't right. :nono: The texturizer is lye, right? I've never used lye and have no idea how to switch. I don't wanna end up bald-headed. :ohwell:

I'm slowly approaching the decision to use the no lye and just dilute it with some oil. I have about six weeks until I have to make a decision, I'll be 11 wks post, so I should have 1.5- 2" of new growth. I usually touch up between 8-10wks post unless I'm having crazy growth.

Whatch'all think? pelohello, EnExitStageLeft

OAN, why has no one reviewed the no-lye relaxer? Somebody must be using it, I mean, they're still selling it, right?

FelaShrine, You switching, too? From what to what?
@Honey Bee

Girl we all stress when it comes to our hair because we're all obsessed :lachen:. I did the same thing I went back and forth between the Linange and Just for Me and opt'ed for linange because my hair next doesnt feel like I just chemically processed my hair afterwards. just for me left my hair limp and then texture magically appeared out of nowhere :perplexed.

ETA: corrected some things. Really messed this post up lol
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See, y'all ain't right. :nono: The texturizer is lye, right? I've never used lye and have no idea how to switch. I don't wanna end up bald-headed. :ohwell:

I'm slowly approaching the decision to use the no lye and just dilute it with some oil. I have about six weeks until I have to make a decision, I'll be 11 wks post, so I should have 1.5- 2" of new growth. I usually touch up between 8-10wks post unless I'm having crazy growth.

Whatch'all think? pelohello, EnExitStageLeft

OAN, why has no one reviewed the no-lye relaxer? Somebody must be using it, I mean, they're still selling it, right?

FelaShrine, You switching, too? From what to what?

I switched from no-lye (Mizani butter blends) to lye (linange shea butter texturizer) w/o any problems. The main thing is you have to make sure you stretch enough so that its not a problem. When I switched, I stretched for 6mths, but your 10-12wks is fine. The other thing is you don't want to keep going back in forth switching from no lye to lye.
Honey Bee

Girl we all stress when it comes to our hair because we're all obsessed :lachen:. I did the same thing I went back and forth between the Linange and Just for Me and opt'ed for linange because my hair next feels like I just chemically processed my hair afterwards. Linange left my hair limp and then texture magically appeared out of nowhere :perplexed.

I was going through the same thing!! I was trying to decide between linange & just for me. I read the entire alter ego thread & watched tons of utube of the just for me. I preferred the reviews of linange. My hesitation was b/c I never ordered a relaxer on line & never self relaxed before.
Honey Bee, you might of answered this but do u want bone straight or texture? The texturizer left me lots of texture & I didn't have to add oil. However, the front of my hair are 3s (more wavy than curly) & the texturizer got it a little straighter than I preferred, but it got my 4 sections just right.

Have u checked out the alter ego thread? I have posted pics of my hair texture before & after the texturizer. Btw I ordered my texturizer on amazon. I also bought the neutralizing conditioner.

Good luck with ur decision.
Finally relaxed. Doing a much needed protein treatment because I left the relaxer on for 30 mins cause I was distracted by the television. Oops.
Bought a cleansing conditioner to use once a week so my hair can get that extra little bit of love. Starting a 16 week stretch so I'm going to have to give my hair that extra love and attention
I am one week post plan on doing my next relaxer in January I use the creme of nature argan oil no lye relaxer it processes my hair fast I like it because I dont get scalp burns like I do with ors, just for me, motions and what not but I want to telax since my hair is a bit fine Im scared to do it myself I always make my mom relax my hair so I want to dilute it should I use oil or conditioner and how much ?
Are you switching to texlaxed divachyk?

Thanks divachyk

Thinking of the regular. was looking at the sneitive scalp one...i wonder if that's mild lye or just no-lye. cant find ingredients.

SuchaLady, no I'm not thinking of it. I will remain relaxed for now. I'm not interested in fighting 3 textures (relaxed / texlaxed / natural ng) and all that breakage that comes along it.

FelaShrine, my stylist considered sensitive as low-lye so I would assume that would fall into the mild lye category.
Its 10:43PM and I am still under the steamer. It's too late to air dry, but I just want this to be over already!. Bigger rollers it is. Thats what I truly get for waiting til the last minute to do my hair. I just never learn.
@Honey Bee, you might of answered this but do u want bone straight or texture? The texturizer left me lots of texture & I didn't have to add oil. However, the front of my hair are 3s (more wavy than curly) & the texturizer got it a little straighter than I preferred, but it got my 4 sections just right.

Have u checked out the alter ego thread? I have posted pics of my hair texture before & after the texturizer. Btw I ordered my texturizer on amazon. I also bought the neutralizing conditioner.

Good luck with ur decision.
pelohello, I want some texture to remain. As of now, it looks similar to enexitstageleft's wet hair in her siggy. My hair is 4a in the front, 4b in the middle, with a patch of some 3-something stuff at my nape. I only tu the nape every other relaxer.

I did read the big AE thread. The impression I got was that the texturizer was strong for a texturizer, but the the relaxer is weak for a relaxer.

I think I'd rather dilute the no lye relaxer than switch to lye. I think. :look:
pelohello, I want some texture to remain. As of now, it looks similar to enexitstageleft's wet hair in her siggy. My hair is 4a in the front, 4b in the middle, with a patch of some 3-something stuff at my nape. I only tu the nape every other relaxer.

I did read the big AE thread. The impression I got was that the texturizer was strong for a texturizer, but the the relaxer is weak for a relaxer.

I think I'd rather dilute the no lye relaxer than switch to lye. I think. :look:

I read the thread too. I used the no lye on my cousin and it left her hair with nice texture. Im going to try the lye, only because I prefer lye relaxers and the texture it leaves. I read reviews where it does leave the hair with good texture. Then again, I leave relaxer on for 10 minutes, including smoothing, so Im hoping I can't mess it up.

divachyk, the three textures are no joke. Ill be glad when Im back to 2 again. I look at my texlaxed hair and want to chop all the relaxed hair off, but I only want to do that when wet. When my hair is dry, Im sitting on top of the world!
Lol yes ma"am. I posted a pic update in the HL 2014 thread hours ago.

Girl you posted it in the HL thread not the relaxer reveal thread.. you know I have no business in there? lol.. Nice reveal babe... I agree with you, your ends a lil thinner compared to the other pictures in your siggy... Did you do anything differently? Maybe that darn serum you put on your head.... It doesnt look bad though (your ends) nothing that is worth losing sleep over...

I want my hair to be like yours when it grows up... lol
Girl you posted it in the HL thread not the relaxer reveal thread.. you know I have no business in there? lol.. Nice reveal babe... I agree with you, your ends a lil thinner compared to the other pictures in your siggy... Did you do anything differently? Maybe that darn serum you put on your head.... It doesnt look bad though (your ends) nothing that is worth losing sleep over...

I want my hair to be like yours when it grows up... lol

Lol thanks. Yea I've been doing a lot of bad things to my hair. Instead of detangling, I have been just cutting the tangles out. I have cut my nape area a few times from tangles & not putting in the work to detangle that area as well. I expected something but I didn't expect this drastic change. You live & you learn. ;)
How many box of relaxers do you ladies use during one process? I use 2 boxes completely and Im always running out of applying time. Do you ladies have time to apply, sit & wait for your process time to run out?
How many box of relaxers do you ladies use during one process? I use 2 boxes completely and Im always running out of applying time. Do you ladies have time to apply, sit & wait for your process time to run out?

Nice reveal. IDC how you ends look, Im still like :lick:

I use lye, so I usually buy the large jar and that last me almost a year. I also do the half and half method so I usually just apply relaxer, smooth once and rinse. I time myself for no more that 13 minutes, but it actually comes out to 10 minutes. Not sure if I helped, but that how I get around it.