relationships.......& married men


Well-Known Member
plain & simple....we have to learn more & more about the black family unit


HAVE YOU EVER BEEN INVOLVED WITH A MARRIED MAN? was it just a fling, or a full blow "relationship"?
IF YES....for how long? if no, do you think that you could??? How did it end? Did the other person find out?

Who approached who (initiated) the relationship??? Would you/ have you ever lied to their partner for them??? you feel it is pretty much the same if that been involved with a man in a committed relationship? living with a SO? engaged?
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Gurl you are killing me! You're going hard on this topic! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

I have never been involved with a married man. But i have been with someone in a relationship and I don't think that's any better. He had made a committment to somebody else and I Chose to ignore it to get the 'prize'.....that's a HAM:rolleyes:

I was young and I think i wanted a 'tragic love' that makes the distance no matter what.:nono: Romantic films have a lot to answer for...
Gurl you are killing me! You're going hard on this topic! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

I have never been involved with a married man. But i have been with someone in a relationship and I don't think that's any better. He had made a committment to somebody else and I Chose to ignore it to get the 'prize'.....that's a HAM:rolleyes:

I was young and I think i wanted a 'tragic love' that makes the distance no matter what.:nono: Romantic films have a lot to answer for...

:blush::blush::blush: apparently the truth hurts (lol)'s all good, of course there are no cheating married men out there....
I ALMOST got into a "thing" with a married man. We were extremely compatible, but I didn't want that kind of drama in my life. I can't say that it was easy saying no to him, but life is made up of hard choices...

I stand by my decision. :grin:
I ALMOST got into a "thing" with a married man. We were extremely compatible, but I didn't want that kind of drama in my life. I can't say that it was easy saying no to him, but life is made up of hard choices...

I stand by my decision. :grin:
i know it's much worse if they lie in the beginning & you don't realize their married ...until u fall for them :nono:
Am I the only one who notices that these types of threads (cheating women, dating men who are involved) don't get as many responses as the cheating men threads? :look:

I have never dated a married man, but I have dated someone who had a live in gf/baby mama :wallbash:. I was 16, he was 19. He approached me and I thought I was in love :rolleyes: After adults noticed that I (good girl :rolleyes:) was dating him (thug :lachen:), they started calling my mama up and telling her that he lived with his child's mother and sold drugs. My mama was not having it and made me break it off! I was devastated, but I kept sneaking & dating him until I went away to college :nono:. I know, young & dumb. You live and you learn.

Since that time I haven't dated anyone else who was involved. I don't like being second to anyone. I don't know if I feel that dating someone who is married is better or worse than dating someone who has a SO. I think it all boils down to a self-esteem issue if you feel like the only person you can have is someone who belongs to someone else.
Am I the only one who notices that these types of threads (cheating women, dating men who are involved) don't get as many responses as the cheating men threads? :look:

I have never dated a married man, but I have dated someone who had a live in gf/baby mama :wallbash:. I was 16, he was 19. He approached me and I thought I was in love :rolleyes: After adults noticed that I (good girl :rolleyes:) was dating him (thug :lachen:), they started calling my mama up and telling her that he lived with his child's mother and sold drugs. My mama was not having it and made me break it off! I was devastated, but I kept sneaking & dating him until I went away to college :nono:. I know, young & dumb. You live and you learn.

Since that time I haven't dated anyone else who was involved. I don't like being second to anyone. I don't know if I feel that dating someone who is married is better or worse than dating someone who has a SO. I think it all boils down to a self-esteem issue if you feel like the only person you can have is someone who belongs to someone else.

Because nobody does anything wrong round here:rolleyes:
No I have never been involved with a married man and I have no intention--that's not me and it never will be me. I know in a lot of cases you can never say never, but with this topic I know it will NEVER happen.

There are too many single men in the world to get attached to a married one.

I have no respect for women/men that get involved with folks that are married :nono:
No I have never been involved with a married man and I have no intention--that's not me and it never will be me. I know in a lot of cases you can never say never, but with this topic I know it will NEVER happen.

There are too many single men in the world to get attached to a married one.

I have no respect for women/men that get involved with folks that are married :nono:


I can't take on that role and hurt another woman like that.

Also, I'm too selfish. I can't share time with another woman. And if he's trifling enough to be cheating with me, who knows how many other women he has?

I've had married men approach me. The last time was at work. He was telling me all the things he can do for me ( :rolleyes: ) and all that other stuff. Then he said "My marriage has been over for a while. We're just playing our roles."
I was like "Interesting...Does your wife know this? Better yet, does your wife know that you're trying to get some while she's at home taking care of your newborn?" That shut him up.
i am very far from perfect, but i tend to avoid married men like the PLAGUE!

one of my close friend's husband tends to be very friendly with everyone in general so i take extra precaution to keep him at arms length. if i have any reason to communicate with him, i go through his wife as much as possible. on his birthday, i addressed his card to him AND his wife :rofl:

if i see someone approach, i immediately survey the wedding finger. some people may think that I'm paranoid. i think i'm investing in a drama free romantic existence. :lachen:

what goes around comes around, so i hope people will respect my FH as well as I try to respect others' marriages :yep:

I can't take on that role and hurt another woman like that.

Also, I'm too selfish. I can't share time with another woman. And if he's trifling enough to be cheating with me, who knows how many other women he has?

I've had married men approach me. The last time was at work. He was telling me all the things he can do for me ( :rolleyes: ) and all that other stuff. Then he said "My marriage has been over for a while. We're just playing our roles."
I was like "Interesting...Does your wife know this? Better yet, does your wife know that you're trying to get some while she's at home taking care of your newborn?" That shut him up.

Some married men can be a trip, and I've been approached many times by married men as a single woman and as a married woman. I'm sure most women have.

I immediately shut it down. I don't want to be their friend, I don't want to get to know them better, I don't want to have breakfast/lunch/dinner with you and I will not put myself in a position where that could happen.
I once dated a guy who said he was divorced, but after researching I found out he wasn't, dumped his arse and never looked back.
i am very far from perfect, but i tend to avoid married men like the PLAGUE!

one of my close friend's husband tends to be very friendly with everyone in general so i take extra precaution to keep him at arms length. if i have any reason to communicate with him, i go through his wife as much as possible. on his birthday, i addressed his card to him AND his wife :rofl:

if i see someone approach, i immediately survey the wedding finger. some people may think that I'm paranoid. i think i'm investing in a drama free romantic existence. :lachen:

what goes around comes around, so i hope people will respect my FH as well as I try to respect others' marriages :yep:

Because nobody does anything wrong round here:rolleyes:
And the ones who have aren't going to share. People know how elephants like to throw stuff in your face later around her.

Poster A: My edges are thinning out, help.
Poster B: They thinning because Karma is a ******. If you wasn't laying up on that side of your head messing with that married man, you might have your edges still.
And the ones who have aren't going to share. People know how elephants like to throw stuff in your face later around her.

Poster A: My edges are thinning out, help.
Poster B: They thinning because Karma is a ******. If you wasn't laying up on that side of your head messing with that married man, you might have your edges still.

:rofl: :rofl:
And the ones who have aren't going to share. People know how elephants like to throw stuff in your face later around her.

Poster A: My edges are thinning out, help.
Poster B: They thinning because Karma is a ******. If you wasn't laying up on that side of your head messing with that married man, you might have your edges still.

Oh yes. That's the way it goes around here. I pity anyone who admit such thing on LHCF. Anything you say will be used against you.
never got involved with a married man. :nono: I had ample opportunity -esp in college, it seems like some married men prey on younger women because some of them tend to be naive and not hip to the game.

I chose not to get involved with married men simply because I wanted to be married one day & karma can be a "b". Plus, I know I would act a fool if some chick was fooling around with my dh & she KNEW he was married. :nono: I mean, I might just catch a case if that were to ever happen.:censored:

I think any intentional involvement with an attached man is a serious offense, but I think it's more severe with a married man. IMHO.
never got involved with a married man. :nono: I had ample opportunity -esp in college, it seems like some married men prey on younger women because some of them tend to be naive and not hip to the game.

I chose not to get involved with married men simply because I wanted to be married one day & karma can be a "b". Plus, I know I would act a fool if some chick was fooling around with my dh & she KNEW he was married. :nono: I mean, I might just catch a case if that were to ever happen.:censored:

I think any intentional involvement with an attached man is a serious offense, but I think it's more severe with a married man. IMHO.


my sister dated one for a few years....of course she referred to him as "my boyfriend"....i was like ain't that someone's .........? can he be both? idk


wow, so can we grow (reminds me of how much our community denies incest & molestation in our own families) deny homosexuality (like its a disease).....its crazy

SHOOT don't get started on HIV rates & behavior

i am not on a high horse, but i can't be afraid if what's really, look at the growing statistics in the media!!!

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I've never been involved with a married man and have no desire to. The fact that I don't like to share is one factor, the fact that I respect the institution of marriage is another.
plain & many more celebs divorcing now so i wanted to pose a question

HAVE YOU EVER BEEN INVOLVED WITH A MARRIED MAN? was it just a fling, or a full blow "relationship"?
IF YES....for how long? if no, do you think that you could??? How did it end? Did the other person find out?

Who approached who (initiated) the relationship??? Would you/ have you ever lied to their partner for them??? you feel it is pretty much the same if that been involved with a man in a committed relationship? living with a SO? engaged?

I have a bff that's involved with a married guy.

HE initiated it--all started at work....then FB....then exchanged numbers, until.....the bedroom. I'm sure he keeps my friend a secret from his wife, lol......smh. I dunno if it's a relationship, but from what she said, HE said other than his wife, SHE is the only one. If that make sense?:perplexed

She doesn't call him "boyfriend" or I'm not sure WHAT it feels like for her. And the others on here are right--ppl will throw stones at you for sleeping with a married partner, but, ppl do what they do. That's not to say she or anyone else don't have morals/respect...they just fall off the wagon at times, lol. She's my friend at the end of the I don't tell her what to do/vice-versa. I just hope she'll learn on her own.:yep:
I have a bff that's involved with a married guy.

HE initiated it--all started at work....then FB....then exchanged numbers, until.....the bedroom. I'm sure he keeps my friend a secret from his wife, lol......smh. I dunno if it's a relationship, but from what she said, HE said other than his wife, SHE is the only one. If that make sense?:perplexed

She doesn't call him "boyfriend" or I'm not sure WHAT it feels like for her. And the others on here are right--ppl will throw stones at you for sleeping with a married partner, but, ppl do what they do. That's not to say she or anyone else don't have morals/respect...they just fall off the wagon at times, lol. She's my friend at the end of the I don't tell her what to do/vice-versa. I just hope she'll learn on her own.:yep:

u're actually right sis'

but as my friend...MUCH LIKE WHEN MY SISTER WENT THERE....(old *** 25 years older pound puppy looking married......SORRY, FELL OFF TRACK):lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:


....i JUST HATE...HATE....HATE!!!!!!!! (OH DID I SAY HATE????) LOL

but when we ask ourselves...WHERE ART THOU FEMME (oh ****, sorry i may have failed that Shakespearean era)..... WHERE ARE THE WOMEN ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THOSE EQUATIONS......hushhhh!!!! EVERY1 DIES DOWN! lol

WE MAY NEVER HEAR A COUGH, a SIGH........or hell a breath for the fear of the guilt
being a woman mean being more than condescending

I MEAN IF IT'S IDRIS ELBA....then....naaahh
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Oh yes. That's the way it goes around here. I pity anyone who admit such thing on LHCF. Anything you say will be used against you.

LOL...i guess...until it happens with their husband....maybe they'll wish
they talked about it

like race relations, conversations open minds....expands reality

but i guess ur right sis!

However, I am the product of an affair. Many people are. While infidelity is wrong and hurts many people, what is even more sad is that I and many others wouldn't be here without it. Makes it a little harder to look at it the same way others look at it when I consider that fact.
It would be interesting to see what the responses would be if this was an anonymous poll. Unlike the current thread where it would appear that no one here has been involved with a married person knowingly, I tend to think you would see that some people, actually more than some, have been. But alas we will never know.
Interesting topic..I would love to share but Im already looked down upon on this site enough..and yes if black women were real with themselves and about the **** they put up with and do the world would be a better place..heck if all women would do this it would be awesome..
you are very admirable

now if i can just get my damn grandma to talk about all the incestuous ...molestation acts that rumor within our family when we were younger....i believe we could grow!

i hate seeing these "secrets" destroy women (well men as well) as they become older b/c they were abused & then ostracized b/c of it
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as i said...this isn't a judgement zone

it's a invite to growth

FOR INSTANCE....on another confessional thread...i was near tears b/c of the number of girls/women admitting to being abused as a child. I get angry b/c they were confessing that the **** was still never dealt with to this day.

I don't understand the union of our families at times. Trust me...i kinda wanna blow **** up when i here of women & children being abused

but they are usually abused by our own men (in the family) but ....i forgot
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i''m kinda new here....lurker no...member yes!
but who's looking down on you? gurl please...everybody on her is paying that same $6 dollars....:lachen::lachen::lachen:

please always be true to yourself...if you don't care to talk about it, ok (hopefully next time) but please don't allow anyone to stand in the way of your glory...only god can judge

we're here to share, and learn from each other....encourage, mentor, motivate
trust's as many women on her lurking with men as there are women on here who's men are LURKING. NOT intending to be humorous or hurtful

I just pray for my future, and others. Growth

Interesting topic..I would love to share but Im already looked down upon on this site enough..and yes if black women were real with themselves and about the **** they put up with and do the world would be a better place..heck if all women would do this it would be awesome..