Married Ladies & Committed Relationships: Can Alpha Men Make Good DH/SO?

I checked out that blog....interesting. Anyhow, I found one of the interracial dating comments interesting:

i had a white male friend who dated black women almost exclusively…he eventually …admitted that he felt less pressure from them and felt like they expected “less” of him…as in less of his time, energy, money….no pressure to be exceedingly ambitious at the office… with the pressure off…he had more fun…
anyway…thats what he told me….
and oh yeah… the sex was awsome…

I'd love to hear ladies comment on this...

Incognitus: With all the examples of great trolling available online, this is what people come up with? Trolls have just got to do better in 2011. Claiming that black women are whores in bed who expect little is so...first decade of the 2000s...even colonial. Whichever jealous racist wrote that really needs to huddle with the rest and come up with something more provocative in the future.
That Roisy guy is sick minded, saying "Women at 35yrs have reached their expiration date?" What a loser way of thinking
Ageism. You'd be surprised the number agree with this sentiment. You may not like it...but I actually think his list is pretty honest.

But that gives us black women a leg up, because no one ever knows how old we are until we tell 'em! :lol:

White girls on the other hand...after about 25, I tend to think they're older than what they actually are...

@Incognitus: With all the examples of great trolling available online, this is what people come up with? Trolls have just got to do better in 2011. Claiming that black women are whores in bed who expect little is so...first decade of the 2000s...even colonial. Whichever jealous racist wrote that really needs to huddle with the rest and come up with something more provocative in the future.
(trying to bring the thread back on topic)

Or maybe we've come full circle in that because we expect men to do all of the work in relationships, relatively speaking, some of us expect less in return. For example, many of us are afraid to send texts and call men, because these acts are perceived by some of us as "pursuing men". So when we receive texts and calls from men, we believe we're being pursued.
Ageism. You'd be surprised the number agree with this sentiment. You may not like it...but I actually think his list is pretty honest.

But that gives us black women a leg up, because no one ever knows how old we are until we tell 'em! :lol:

White girls on the other hand...after about 25, I tend to think they're older than what they actually are...

I know! I have women in my family whose real ages I know for a fact and even I'm still skeptical. :laugh: I was recently stopped by a bar attendant who told me I had to be 21 to enter a certain part of the restaurant. :look: I'm like, Hmm...let's see how long I can ride this train.
Beta. The fact that he operates with one persona in some fields of his life, and another in his personal life. Beta.

Strong, successful, ambitious, loving his woman and family to pieces Beta. :yep::yep:

I think Trumpy is an Alpha; there is no compromising with him. My SO works in commercial real estate and says that Trump's reputation is interesting because he is so demanding of his vendors/partners but within the industry he's also known for cheap construction and poor foundational quality (he does the bare minimum to slap "luxury" on his properties). And he tends to marry Alpha women - Ivana is a pitbull, Melania supposedly is no better and word on the street is Ivanka is equally bullish.

All this alpha and beta talk has my head :spinning:

I say as long as your man is providing you with what you need, whether alpha, beta, gamma then it's all good.
For me personally, I never went into marraige looking for a type. I knew what I was attracted to, and what mattered to me wasn't some important looking man, but a man who was a great provider and was able to assist me in life in getting to where ever we needed to be. If he was an alpha male, fine, a beta male, okay.

I agree. I never knew anything about types. I just knew I like a certain swag in a man.

Its funny when I tell a man I'm easily bored and about the kind of woman I am, they try to switch it up and become more Alpha-like. :lachen:Its so laughable because I'm you, be you, dont change for me PLEASE (gosh thats so unattractive). But they feel like they gotta act mysterious, macho, or domineering for me :lachen:to remain interested. EXAMPLES:

1st Guy Dropped: I ask him a question trying to get to know him better. His response was commonly "I plead the fifth." He thinks I am trying to "figure him out" and if I "figure him out" I'll get bored. :nono:

2nd Guy Dropped: I tell him I'm difficult to get close to. He proceeds to tell me about his manliness, his accomplishments, and his incredible physique. lose.:yawn:

3rd Guy Dropped: He could tell I was a "free-spirit" :look: so in order to tame me, he tries to require after work check-ins, making sure I never compliment a man, and even tried to grab me up a lil once. Oh NO!!!:nono: He got dropped a week later.:yep:

Little do they know their interpretation of a A type is so far off they get dumped even quicker.
So, I'd first say that alpha and beta are purely abstractions. I don't have any loyalty to the concept of "alpha" or "beta", so I don't think it's offensive to say that one is less than or greater than the other. Besides, I see a lot more room for "alpha" to manifest itself in different ways than other people might. I would say, though, that regarding the internal v. external distinction, to pay attention to external influences doesn't mean that a person doesn't have morals, it means that they will often make decisions based on what other people want and expect. That doesn't mean that they'll do something evil because someone asks them to! :laugh: It means that generally, they will pay attention to external influences. And being internally motivated doesn't automatically mean that someone makes the right choices, it means that they do whatever it is they deem best. Nor does it mean that the choices are selfishly motivated, only that they aren't motivated by a desire to please. It is very possible to do altruistic things on an internal, principled basis.

Thanks for clarifying. These are good points (bold)

I make the distinction there because I think it forms the foundation for how the rest of the traits of alpha and beta end up manifesting themselves and it makes sense of their respective weaknesses. An alpha who hasn't incorporated respect of women or family devotion into his internal framework will live life hurting those closest to him. A beta who prizes consensus building may end up being ineffective when hard decisions must be made, or grappling with insecurity when others don't approve, or yes, conforming to whatever is currently "in" for a man to do and be.

In really thinking about it, everyone likes to believe that they exemplify high standards, uncompromising morals, independence, etc. But those traits are not at all possessed by all. Many (and probably most) people will recognize them as ideals without actually holding themselves to them in an uncompromising fashion. In the example of women, we compromise and lower our standards all the time for whatever reason. Or, the standards aren't that high in the first place. We slack on personal standards. And it's precisely on these points that women get played (most likely by an alpha male). The question of whether an alpha male can be a good husband, then, would be yes, so long as he's not able to run roughshod over the woman in question. But that takes perfecting those traits mentioned above.

With the bold, yeah. I agree and directing it to the OP, I think that's simply compatibility. Some women will be more suited to a particular alpha man, some woman to no alpha man, and if the OP thinks she's a good fit for 'em, why settle? They can make good husbands I think; it just depends on what you want out of a man. Make sure your alpha male is able to provide you with enough of that (whatever it is). You'll feel him out as the relationship / pre-engagement period progresses. Good luck with your alpha, OP! :grin:
ITA with this...Alpha traits are simple that...traits. They do not determine level of success. Alpha's tend to be on top but Beta's do it too. Alpha-ness isn't about that you can see on the surface nor is it what you can read about them on paper. Its an attitude and a way of viewing the world.

BTW...This thread was never intended for a debate about BETAs and ALPHAS...Thats silly. To each its own. Love who you want.

My question: Will an Alpha make a good husband? The answer I am getting....Yes they can with the right woman.

Exactly. Alpha males assume leadership roles with ease. They are quick-minded and assertive. They do not need or require appeals to their emotions in their decision-making processes most of the time, but they can be pragmatic and empathetic when they need to be. This can apply to any man regardless of his social status or life achievements. This is not limited to adults, either. These traits can be identified when observing groups of young children interacting with one another.
I think the President is an Alpha by definition: top dog. Alpha is a status or social position, Type A or B is a personality type. Lots of people have Type A personalities but are not the top dog. He is the top dog, but may or may not have a Type A personality (personally I suspect he does, but don't know). Your personality type is a more fixed part of who you are. Your status fluctuates, and you can be at the top one year and down the next, though many people have long, almost permanent runs of being at or near the top.

Personally, I don't really want an Alpha. It sounds cold and stressful just thinking about it. Beta is fine with me. As long as he ain't Omega.
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Basically, to end my super long post, many women like a man that is A MAN (conjure up your stereotypes and typical gender roles if you'd like) ... and that alpha screams MAN!

Completely agree. The choice can be fulfilling or can be ruining. I understand the mystique. But personally, I'll be asking for a lot of arguments.

Beta males handle me better.

^^^It's quite alright. Good conversation though. I just hope no one remains offended if they have a B or A or G or whatever. Like I said, Love who you want and makes you happy.

LOL, I don't think anyone is offended at all. It's just evident by the early posts that the conversation celebrated Alphas more and placed Betas in the position of a "lesser" man. Of course, these positions have been clarified, but it's not something that I haven't seen before IRL either.

I'm of the opinion that many women would probably overlook President Obama before he became what he is due to this. They'd look at him and think boring or corny. His wonderful/extensive resume be damned.

Personally, I feel that if I had a discussion about introverts/extroverts, I'll probably hear similar strands of thought.
I think the President is an Alpha by definition: top dog. Alpha is a status or social position, Type A or B is a personality type. Lots of people have Type A personalities but are not the top dog. He is the top dog, but may or may not have a Type A personality (personally I suspect he does, but don't know). Your personality type is a more fixed part of who you are. Your status fluctuates, and you can be at the top one year and down the next, though many people have long, almost permanent runs of being at or near the top.

Personally, I don't really want an Alpha. It sounds cold and stressful just thinking about it. Beta is fine with me. As long as he ain't Omega.


By this definition, any one individual can be an Alpha then?

By this definition, any one individual can be an Alpha then?

Are you asking if only one individual can be alpha? Or are you asking can anyone be an alpha? For the first, not one individual in the whole world, no. But one or two in a given group, yes. For the second question, well, not anyone can be an alpha because it takes a certain type to become one.

Of course humans aren't wolves, so we have to adjust it to better suit our own social structure. But I think a frequent comparison is to a wolf pack. Here's the basics of wolf pack structure:

A wolf pack has a definite social structure and rules of conduct. The pack leaders are the alpha male and female. These two animals are dominant over all the other wolves in the pack. The alpha male and female are the only wolves that breed and produce pups in the pack, and they also get to eat first at kills.
. . .
The social structure of the wolf pack changes from year to year. Wolves in the pack move up and down in the "pecking order" or hierarchy. A wolf lower down in the pecking order may challenge an alpha wolf for pack leadership. If the alpha wolf loses this challenge, it will likely go off on its own, find another mate, and start a new pack. Wolves very low in the pecking order (that are constantly picked on by the other pack members) may also leave the pack. They become lone wolves until they either form their own pack or on rare occasions join an existing wolf pack.

Of course we can't take all of this for humans. :lachen: But the basics to me is that they are leaders of their group, but they don't necessarily keep that position all their lives. So I think of Alpha as a position or status that is changeable, while personality types are more the core of who you are. That's how I see it, but we all see the world differently . . .
Are you asking if only one individual can be alpha? Or are you asking can anyone be an alpha? For the first, not one individual in the whole world, no. But one or two in a given group, yes. For the second question, well, not anyone can be an alpha because it takes a certain type to become one.

Of course we can't take all of this for humans. :lachen: But the basics to me is that they are leaders of their group, but they don't necessarily keep that position all their lives. So I think of Alpha as a position or status that is changeable, while personality types are more the core of who you are. That's how I see it, but we all see the world differently . . .

No worries. And sorry if my question wasn't clear. I'm trying to hustle to get out of my office right now, but I'm becoming more fascinated by this conversation since it's pretty interesting how varied definitions are.

My question is the 2nd. So not anyone can be an alpha since it takes a certain type to be one. I guess that goes back to which type of qualities results in a person assuming an alpha position.

I still believe that Obama is a Beta. Or, a Beta-type man. Although he's in an Alpha position, his personality and style do not coalesce with the Alpha-type group.
No worries. And sorry if my question wasn't clear. I'm trying to hustle to get out of my office right now, but I'm becoming more fascinated by this conversation since it's pretty interesting how varied definitions are.

My question is the 2nd. So not anyone can be an alpha since it takes a certain type to be one. I guess that goes back to which type of qualities results in a person assuming an alpha position.

I still believe that Obama is a Beta. Or, a Beta-type man. Although he's in an Alpha position, his personality and style do not coalesce with the Alpha-type group.

I wonder if people are mixing extroversion and introverstion with Alpha and Beta. For instance, can one be introvert and Alpha and vice verse?

Or is charisma only granted to alpha men?

And you brought up a good point. From the outside it would seem Obama is an Alpha, but he is an Alpha position. Which is a trick, lol. Women want the take charge man, but the position may fool us. Some men just have Alpha positions. Or depending on the group, some men shine more. But, does that make them and Alpha male?
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I swear I love you insightful. I do have a clearer picture of what an alpha male is, and I'm positive I'm dealing with one. Is it always easy? No...He's definitely a challenge. But reading this thread made me realize that I havent really been dealing with alphas in the past, they just seemed that way. Merely having an assertive and confident personality and being a man's man is not enough. All of which I love by the way, lol. The motivation behind everything a true alpha does is what lies in question and I see those things described here in him. It's almost scary. But I love it.

Some of you guys need to write a book, you are so well spoken, somewhat technical but easy enough for someone to read, stay interested and get a good understanding.
I checked out that blog....interesting. Anyhow, I found one of the interracial dating comments interesting:

i had a white male friend who dated black women almost exclusively…he eventually …admitted that he felt less pressure from them and felt like they expected “less” of him…as in less of his time, energy, money….no pressure to be exceedingly ambitious at the office… with the pressure off…he had more fun…
anyway…thats what he told me….
and oh yeah… the sex was awsome…

I'd love to hear ladies comment on this...

Interesting. I have not found that to be the "no maintenance thing" to be the case personally, and from what I have observed. There actually seems to be a reverse stereotype, at least amongst AA muslims. The stereotype is that a white husband will work and provide for his family successfully and without excuses, and will not be overbearing, lazy about the house, and inconsiderate. (To the extent that one woman was saying that all AA muslim women think that AA muslim women married to White muslim men are living in a "dreamland", "utopia". I don't remember the exact word but it was something like that.

No such stereotype exists about AA husbands.

Let me insert my caveat that I know, AA muslim women married to AA muslim men who don't seem to have those issues. :look:

Now if these wm are saying that bw are simply less stress, less materialistic and lower maintenance than ww in their experience, that is another matter and one I couldn't speak to. I'd have to see the post to see if it's clear that the guy is saying whether bw don't expect anything and therefore he doesn't have to give it, or that they are simply more reasonable in their expectations.

Either way it's a bit silly.

As for what goes on in people's bedrooms, clearly I haven't observed that and I surely don't inquire.
And I'm glad you brought up extroverts and introverts because another misconception is that introverts are shy, socially inept and would prefer to be alone when none of the above is true. I would also say that Obama is an introvert. They say that before he gives a major speech, he sits, by himself - not with Michelle, not with the kids, not with anyone. By himself. He's drawing his strength from within, and that is quintessential introvert. Being an introvert does not mean one can not be social and gregarious...
Yesss.... I'm a die hard introvert and often time people will miscontrue it. Even at work, i'm friendly, talkative to people, but when I tell them I'm introverted they are shocked.. they'll say something to the effect of "oh, but you're not shy, etc"... I get this all the time from people when I tell them I'm an introvert. They think introverts are socially awkward. Shy people have a deep desire to want to speak to others and express themselves but are too shy to do so ... I sometimes simply do NOT have desire to do so.

I swear I love you insightful. I do have a clearer picture of what an alpha male is, and I'm positive I'm dealing with one. Is it always easy? No...He's definitely a challenge. But reading this thread made me realize that I havent really been dealing with alphas in the past, they just seemed that way. Merely having an assertive and confident personality and being a man's man is not enough. All of which I love by the way, lol. The motivation behind everything a true alpha does is what lies in question and I see those things described here in him. It's almost scary. But I love it.

Some of you guys need to write a book, you are so well spoken, somewhat technical but easy enough for someone to read, stay interested and get a good understanding.

Yes, I agree.. I learn so much from this board.
I like the article. I especially like his description of the High-Beta male. It's like the Alpha - Beta sliding scale. I know I like Alpha types but the Low-Alphas steal my heart. From this article, I can definitely see myself with a High-Beta because I like men that seek quality.

I am the kind of girl that will ask about your past to see if you are recycling "game". Its an immediate turn off. Men that seek quality tend to be more geniune and value themselves because they don't just give up the goods to anyone.

I can also DEFINITELY see myself with a white man. I do not discriminate at alll. EVER!!:yep:

Found it! Damn this was a tough blog to find. I thought I bookmarked it. It's pretty good and positive, made a lot of since to me. Enjoy and let me know what you think. I almost posted the entire entry here but it was kind of long.

.......and something cute:
Yesss.... I'm a die hard introvert and often time people will miscontrue it. Even at work, i'm friendly, talkative to people, but when I tell them I'm introverted they are shocked.. they'll say something to the effect of "oh, but you're not shy, etc"... I get this all the time from people when I tell them I'm an introvert. They think introverts are socially awkward. Shy people have a deep desire to want to speak to others and express themselves but are too shy to do so ... I sometimes simply do NOT have desire to do so.

I read your post and I swear I can right them myself. Especially the bolded. I pull from within, am often content being alone (sometimes a little to comfortable), express myself when I want, and when I dont want...well...I don't.
I read the articles early this morning but didn't have time to respond til now. I thought that the author comments on if you are a more educated/higher earning/successful person that said person might be more likley to date interracially was a bit thought provoking. My friends that married early (most I can't think of one) didn't marry/date interraccial but my friends that are now post many degrees do, some exclusively. I still think that some of this is a marker or a man's attraction to a certain ---let's say look.

Most WM that approach me (and other non BM) like/are attracted to/wanna bang (sorry couldn't help myself) BW or a certain look or person.

Quick story dated a WM, arichitect/bussiness owner asked me out and we dated for a bit. It didn't work out. The next woman I saw him with look very similar to me. So you could infer from that he liked a certain look (see the second article for a man's oppinion). Men sseem to have a certain type that they are looking for, I think much more that women. At least me.

I just realized this is totally off topic. Sorry. I answer I have dated both. There were plus and minuses. I'm an alpha woman. My longest relationship (two plus years) was with an alpha male as well. We had things that we clashed about. To note he did not have a lot of hte bad alpha traits, but he was much older and in the past I know did. He just grew up a bit.
In an either/or scenario with no gradation of characteristics, an alpha male would NOT work for me. :nono: I'm all for people asserting themselves, but I don't want every discussion to turn into a battle for "control" where dissension is seen as an attack on his "manhood", no thanks, no ma'am. :nono: Where some seek "weakness", I see a willingness to compromise and comfort with acknowledging his own weaknesses... I'd choose the beta male hands DOWN.
Found it! Damn this was a tough blog to find. I thought I bookmarked it. It's pretty good and positive, made a lot of since to me. Enjoy and let me know what you think. I almost posted the entire entry here but it was kind of long.

.......and something cute:

read this and it said beta men don't like the chase. Is that true? I assumed most all men liked the chase.
I think he means B types are not skirt chasers. Not that they don't like a challenge. They do. Their selection of women is just pickier.


Thats stood out to me in the article because I have noticed that. One would think Alphas(although they probably like the best). But Betas aren't trying to hollar at everything that looks good or walks.
I came in this thread ready to call my FH a beta (well a high beta) because
-He is selective with women (Alpha men usually rack up their share of lays)
-He is caring and affectionate in private
-I didn't have to work hard to get him to commit (young alpha men usually like to play the field)
-He compromises with me and considers my point of view (where alphas tend to be their way or the highway)
-In a crowded room though people tend to shut up when he talks, he's not usually the center of attention

But now I think he may be Alpha because
-He is relentless at being at the top of his game/ career for the money and the prestige, not for the good of humanity, and he's quite successful at it.
-He is relentless in his world views and tends to think he is right/ doesn't see it from other people's perspective
-He compromises only when he knows that it's in his best interest (basically lets me get little wins when it doesn't really affect him or he knows that he will be getting something much better in return)
-Though he committed easily (and I know he loves me), he is fairly upfront about his expectations of me as they relate to beauty/ status/ perception.

Someone psychoanalyze him. What category does he fall under?
I came in this thread ready to call my FH a beta (well a high beta) because
-He is selective with women (Alpha men usually rack up their share of lays)
-He is caring and affectionate in private
-I didn't have to work hard to get him to commit (young alpha men usually like to play the field)
-He compromises with me and considers my point of view (where alphas tend to be their way or the highway)
-In a crowded room though people tend to shut up when he talks, he's not usually the center of attention

But now I think he may be Alpha because
-He is relentless at being at the top of his game/ career for the money and the prestige, not for the good of humanity, and he's quite successful at it.
-He is relentless in his world views and tends to think he is right/ doesn't see it from other people's perspective
-He compromises only when he knows that it's in his best interest (basically lets me get little wins when it doesn't really affect him or he knows that he will be getting something much better in return)
-Though he committed easily (and I know he loves me), he is fairly upfront about his expectations of me as they relate to beauty/ status/ perception.

Someone psychoanalyze him. What category does he fall under?

I still think he is high beta or (low alpha?):look:. As has been mentioned a thousand times over, there is a sliding scale. Men can def be Betas with Alpha tendencies.
read this and it said beta men don't like the chase. Is that true? I assumed most all men liked the chase.

Well, according to the author High Beta men are selective. But honestly in my experience, Beta men tend to be aloof, laid back yet financially secure and highly sought after by Alpha females. So why chase when you don't really have to work for it? :look: