Rapid hair growth b/c of exercise?


Well-Known Member
What do you ladies think, is this the real way to get more inches in a shorter time? Is exercise the "secret" growth aide? Or is ot that when you workout regularly your nutrition is usually on point?
Those of you who do workout on the regular, how many days do you workout and what kind of training do you do?
Has your hairgrowth slowed down when you slacked off your workouts?
Do you also take supplements: vitamins, protein shakes etc...
good thread hun. i just did a search on this, but i guess it's good to start a more current one. i've been working out a lot for the past two months (4-5x/week), and i believe i see a big diff. but i'll know for sure in two more months when i take down these braids. but, i do know that i had these braids in for 4 weeks, and i have close to, if not, an inch of NG. so, i believe there is definitely some truth to this..
yes, i can testify to that... i started working out regularly in aug 2009.. thats whn i started my hhj as well... but i definitly notice that it increases my growth rate... in jaunuary i recorded 1 inch of growth, i believe it was due to my cardio regimine and vitamins.. i workout 3 days a week now becuz of school, but would like to fit in 4-5 times... i usually do 35 minutes of cardio.
Working out has always made my hair grow ..... Gets the blood pumping....also I find scalp massages just as effective...on my hair anyway
I work out 3-5 days a week. When I did the big chop the first time, I went from barely 1 inch of hair to shoulder length in 6 months. Was mid back soon after! I'm definitely a believer! I do lots of cardio and strength training.
Yes it does. The only time in my life I grew hair to almost armpit length was in 2008 when I had in a weave from mar - jul (too long I know). I had started getting a little fat and didn't like it so I joined a gym and worked out devotedly 3 times a week for roughly 2 hours each time. When I took the weave out, I had gone from SL to almost APL. Of course my SHS took care of the NG over the next few months and I went back to SL. I guess it was a combination of the exercise and leaving my hair alone.
yes....yes.....a thousand times yes! Working out (especially cardio) dramatically accelerates my growth. It makes perfect sense; you're increasing bloodflow to the scalp regularly. :yep:

I've been working out 2x a day and plan to keep this up thru the summer while in a sew-in; If I'm not BSL by September, boy oh boy......:fistshake:
Evercise is good for improving the circulation to all parts of the body, including hair follicles. It also promotes overall good health, so I'm pretty sure it promotes hair growth. The fact that more blood is pumping to your hair follicles during the work out, coupled with improved circulation, overtime this would most definitely lead to better nourished and more stimulated follicles, and therefore improved hair growth rates. Whether the improvement is drastic or not remains to be seen, but I believe that coupled with length retaining practices over a period of time results would be seen. I'd even go so far as to say anything that's good for your overall health is going to have a similar affect on your hair. After all, healthy, growing hair is an indicator of good health.
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Now that I've seen this thread, I have put two and two together. My hair had always been what people would call "stife", short and brittle. But while I was in military school, we exercised all the time, sometimes 2 and 3 times in a single day. At this time I reached shoulder length--that was the longest and healthiest my hair has ever been. Maybe I should start working out again. Not just for hair, but overall health.
Since I started working out a few years ago I've noticed the difference mostly in my skin, but there have definitely been improvements in my hair and nail growth as well. Not to mention the pre-poo potency! I run 5-7 miles a day 3-4 days per week on an elliptical I have at home. By far the best $500 bucks I ever spent. We've all probably spent more than that on conditioner easily.
Evercise is good for improving the circulation to all parts of the body, including hair follicles. It also promotes overall good health, so I'm pretty sure it promotes hair growth. The fact that more blood is pumping to your hair follicles during the work out, coupled with improved circulation, overtime this would most definitely lead to better nourished and more stimulated follicles, and therefore improved hair growth rates. Whether the improvement is drastic or not remains to be seen, but I believe that coupled with length retaining practices over a period of time results would be seen. I'd even go so far as to say anything that's good for your overall health is going to have a similar affect on your hair. After all, healthy, growing hair is an indicator of good health.

IA w/this. if you treat your body optimally, its gonna perform/grow optimally.:yep:
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I work out 3-6 days a week I take a multi vitamin, fish oil, garlic and, msn. I drink protein shakes, or eat a protein bar when I lift. I have noticed no increased hair growth but I know others have noticed different.
I noticed this also beacause around the time I did my bc in 2008 I was going to the gym 3x a week and was eating correctly and my hair was growing like freaking weeds. Also including the field work I was doing also was helping that also. I stopped going to the gym in Sept 09 and noticed my hair wasn't growing as fast but really didn't put 2 to 2 together until recently when I started doing more cardio that my hair looks like it's longer and I've only been working out a little more than two weeks faithfully.
Well, working out increases the blood flow everywhere in the body, which means more nutrients are brought to the hair. So based on that, I can confirm that working out can increase the hair growth to a certain degree but it all depends on your previous lifestyle. You might see a greater difference if you pass from not working out frequently to working out several day in a week... hum... don't know if my thoughts were clear but....
I work out 3-6 days a week I take a multi vitamin, fish oil, garlic and, msn. I drink protein shakes, or eat a protein bar when I lift. I have noticed no increased hair growth but I know others have noticed different.

Perhaps you have always had a healthy lifestyle and were always at optimum growth?
yes....yes.....a thousand times yes! Working out (especially cardio) dramatically accelerates my growth. It makes perfect sense; you're increasing bloodflow to the scalp regularly. :yep:

I've been working out 2x a day and plan to keep this up thru the summer while in a sew-in; If I'm not BSL by September, boy oh boy......:fistshake:

ITA!!! Exercise has always helped my hair to get growing in the past. I can't wait to see what type of progress I'll have by the end of the summer. THe extra hair growth will be an added bonus!
I don't do supplements or anything- other than prenatal vitamins right now due to lactation, but I can say in my experience I retain more hair the healthier my lifestyle is. My hair grows regardless, but bad eating habits/exercise & stress certainly take their toll on me.
I am stepping up the intensity of my workouts....i hope that working out all summer, eating right, drinking water, gives me the 2 more inches I am yearning for
I work out 3-6 days a week I take a multi vitamin, fish oil, garlic and, msn. I drink protein shakes, or eat a protein bar when I lift. I have noticed no increased hair growth but I know others have noticed different.

Glad I'm not alone.

I workout 4-5 days a week. 45 - 60 mins on the Elliptical before weights. I also spend 15 mins in the sauna.

1200-1500 high protein diet.
I consume 3 servings of green veggies, 3 whole fruits, and a protein shake daily.
I take multi vitamin, biotin, and hair, skin, and nails vitamins.

I've lost weight, but my hair is still growing very slow (.25" month).

ETA: I also drink 80 oz of water a day.
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I think it helps boost your current growth up to it's natural maximum potential. I do not believe it increases your growth dramatically though - simply when you workout you improve the conditions for your hair to grow. I believe that what you eat will have more of an impact on your growth than exercise though.
I think it helps boost your current growth up to it's natural maximum potential. I do not believe it increases your growth dramatically though - simply when you workout you improve the conditions for your hair to grow. I believe that what you eat will have more of an impact on your growth than exercise though.

I think that since exercise increases cardiac output, since more blood is being pumped out to reach different parts of your body, you experience more growth. The blood carries nutrients there (to the hair follicles). The nutrients come from your diet. So yeah, a balance has to be going.
also, i think working out during the summer will be more of a dramatic chg because your body works more to keep your body cool, increase in blood flow i assume. so working out during the summer would probably be the most beneficial as well. or if you live in a place where its always hot, your body will work more to keep you cool as well too...i need to move to texas:lachen:
I'm cosigning with everyone else. When I exercise consistently with cardio, taking my vits, drinking lots of water and eating right, my hair growth is impressive.
i better get back to sports... i bought a jogging today,plus t shirts but...i gotta get to it! i wanna by myself some dvd's too. does anyone know any good ones for exercising??
Yes. Periods when I'm actively working out, I tend to eat healthier..more protein, vegs, protein shakes, supplements, etc. and my growth was MUCH faster then it's been now since I've entered a lazy period.