Rant: Sex and the city


Active Member
Sorry long rant, but I had to get this off my chest!

So lately I’ve been watching sex and the city. I’ve rewatched it multiple times through out the years (usually after a break up).

this time around is different. The last time I watched it I wasn’t in a healthy long term relationship and I hadn’t gone through my self love journey yet.

with that being said, my goodness this show did not age well. Carrie’s relationship with Big was so toxic. She was so desperate and wouldn’t let their relationship grow organically. Freaked out over any little thing that went wrong. Charlotte wanted the perfect idea of a guy rather than who he truly was. Samantha had commitment issues and low self esteem. And Miranda found something wrong in every guy she dated. Even Steve, but he stuck around for her emotional abuse.

I can’t believe I ever watched this show hoping that it would give me clarity into what went wrong with any of my relationships. I used to be like Carrie when I was younger. But I grew up and learned from my mistakes. She was well into her 30’s still pulling this crap! She even told Miranda “I don’t act like myself when I’m with Big...what if he doesn’t like the real me” What?!?!?! “Then he doesn’t really like you and he’ll eventually leave because no one can act 24/7. You deserve a man who loves you for exactly who you are” But that advice wasn’t given.

Or things like Samantha saying we aren’t suppose to be human in front of men. I wish I would not fart or eat food in front of my boyfriend. How are you suppose to be with someone for multiple years and not be able to be yourself. That’s exhausting and everyone loses in that situation. It’s a partnership, you are not his second mother nor are you his sex slave/eye candy to parade around having to be “perfect” all the time.

sorry, rant over lol
I was ok with Carrie and Big's story until he married Natasha. He was a bleep boy but I just wrote it off to him being a NY dude. But when your boyfriend gets married to somebody else while he's still your bf, ISSA wrap. I hate watched the show and movies with them from that point on. Just when I thought I could not be more done Big stood Carrie up at the alter and I learned it was possible to be quadruple times 10 done.

The older I get the more I appreciate Samantha. I wrote her off as just a hoe when the show was on. My hypochondria would never have allowed me to sleep with as many men as she did but I understand how and why a woman with her pooh and money together, who made the choice to avoid motherhood would find men disposable. Samantha knew who she was and who she wasn't and lived accordingly. I ain't go lie, the episode where Samantha revealed to Carrie that she had cancer had me bawling and I didn't think I even liked her character at the time.

It's funny how I identified most with Samantha back then but more with Charlotte now.
I never got the universal appeal of this show bc I could never identify with a bunch of white women and their love lives.
If it was just about their love lives the show wouldn't have been successful. Every episode was high fashion, NY oddities and bleepery. SITC taught me about Manolo Blahniks, Apple Martini's, naked sushi, pubic area toupee's and the rabbit vibrator.


I couldn't get through a whole episode of girlfriends.

Living Single > Girlfriends
If it was just about their love lives the show wouldn't have been successful. Every episode was high fashion, NY oddities and bleepery. SITC taught me about Manolo Blahniks, Apple Martini's, naked sushi, pubic area toupee's and the rabbit vibrator.
Lol! Exactly!!!! Plus they’re human. Every human more or less goes through the same experiences in general. Every American woman has complained about dating.
I was ok with Carrie and Big's story until he married Natasha. He was a bleep boy but I just wrote it off to him being a NY dude. But when your boyfriend gets married to somebody else while he's still your bf, ISSA wrap. I hate watched the show and movies with them from that point on. Just when I thought I could not be more done Big stood Carrie up at the alter and I learned it was possible to be quadruple times 10 done.

The older I get the more I appreciate Samantha. I wrote her off as just a hoe when the show was on. My hypochondria would never have allowed me to sleep with as many men as she did but I understand how and why a woman with her pooh and money together, who made the choice to avoid motherhood would find men disposable. Samantha knew who she was and who she wasn't and lived accordingly. I ain't go lie, the episode where Samantha revealed to Carrie that she had cancer had me bawling and I didn't think I even liked her character at the time.

It's funny how I identified most with Samantha back then but more with Charlotte now.
I still don’t like Samantha. My hypochondria would never allow me to sleep with that many men either. But her blasé attitude annoys me. I’m def. not any of them anymore
If it was just about their love lives the show wouldn't have been successful. Every episode was high fashion, NY oddities and bleepery. SITC taught me about Manolo Blahniks, Apple Martini's, naked sushi, pubic area toupee's and the rabbit vibrator.


I couldn't get through a whole episode of girlfriends.

Living Single > Girlfriends
I already knew about alladat except Manolo Blahnik’s probably bc I hosted a couple of sex toy parties in college :look:

I agree about Living Single- never got into Girlfriends.
I loved the show back in the day, but whole heartedly agree that it did not age well. At all. Big was a walking, talking red flag, but when he came back from Paris with a fiancé and didn't bother to call her that should have been her cue to forget the man ever existed. Carrie was the center of the show, but the biggest mess out of all of them. No savings, living paycheck to paycheck but walking around in designer clothes and shoes. It didn't make sense. All the ladies were deeply flawed, but Carrie was a mess deep down to the core. Don't even get me started on how she treated Aidan.

Girlfriends was decent enough, but Joan's whining was annoying. I hated that things didn't work out with her and Brock.
They're finally moving forward with a reboot on HBO. Kim Cattrall isn't coming back. I wonder if they'll add a new friend to bring that same energy or go on with just the 3 of them.

I can't imagine it being the same with them being older and their lives changing.
I was ok with Carrie and Big's story until he married Natasha. He was a bleep boy but I just wrote it off to him being a NY dude. But when your boyfriend gets married to somebody else while he's still your bf, ISSA wrap. I hate watched the show and movies with them from that point on. Just when I thought I could not be more done Big stood Carrie up at the alter and I learned it was possible to be quadruple times 10 done.

The older I get the more I appreciate Samantha. I wrote her off as just a hoe when the show was on. My hypochondria would never have allowed me to sleep with as many men as she did but I understand how and why a woman with her pooh and money together, who made the choice to avoid motherhood would find men disposable. Samantha knew who she was and who she wasn't and lived accordingly. I ain't go lie, the episode where Samantha revealed to Carrie that she had cancer had me bawling and I didn't think I even liked her character at the time.

It's funny how I identified most with Samantha back then but more with Charlotte now.
I agree with this!
That foolishness with the Carrie and Big's wedding I was mad...

Girlfriends, sigh... I tried rewatching and lawd it doesn't age well. Lynn was a mess but I realized that I really like her the most. The rest of them uggh!
I used to watch sex and the city religiously! One reason was because I had just moved to New York for college, and that show was sort of like a tour guide for me. But yeah the show did not age well. What annoyed me the most was Carrie finally got Big to settle down and be with her, and she was bored with him in the second film! Miranda should have just been a lesbian in the show, I felt bad for Steve because she was awful to him. I respect Samantha just being herself, but yeah she def had commitment issues.

My favorite was Charlotte because at least she found growth by letting go of the idea of a perfect man and chose a man who truly loved her.

Now Girlfriends was also a show that didn’t age well. Toni was a materialistic , Joan was the biggest desperate and crazy mess, Maya was a mess for constantly chasing after her emotionally abusive ex husband. Even the scene where he leaves his fiancé at the alter to run off with his ex wife was disgusting to me. I think Maya was the worst to me because when she finally had success , she became bougie even dragging Lynn for filth at every chance just because she didn’t respect her. And since Lynn is my fave i

The only one who had real growth and I absolutely loved was Lynn. Sure she was a mooch and that was annoying, but eventually she did work her butt off to make it and she did.

I’ve never really gotten into living single. My sister used to watch it and I would kind of watch with her, but I was way too young to understand what was happening. Maybe I should revisit it as an adult.
I don't either. If I don't fart in front of complete strangers, why would I subject my husband to that?
Because you live with your husband and should be comfy in the place you pay half for and he should love you for who you are and understand that you’re human. Complete strangers don’t even know you let alone love you.
Not judging, but the logic of why doesn’t make sense
Because you live with your husband and should be comfy in the place you pay half for and he should love you for who you are and understand that you’re human. Complete strangers don’t even know you let alone love you.
Not judging, but the logic of why doesn’t make sense
I think I'd be the last person accused of being soft on men but knowingly farting while somebody else is in the room is rude. When my parents were alive, they fell into the category of loving me for who I was and understood that i'm human. Barring a medical problem, I would have got cussed out for letting one rip in earshot and yeezy shrugging about it, doubly so in smell-shot of either one of them. I can already hear the "have some decorum bout yoself".

Has a poot or 10 slipped out while we have been together in almost 10 years of marriage? Yes. Do I just lift a cheek and let it roll with him in the room. :nono: Same on his end. When either of us is asleep doesn't count.
I think I'd be the last person accused of being soft on men but knowingly farting while somebody else is in the room is rude. When my parents were alive, they fell into the category of loving me for who I was and understood that i'm human. Barring a medical problem, I would have got cussed out for letting one rip in earshot and yeezy shrugging about it, doubly so in smell-shot of either one of them. I can already hear the "have some decorum bout yoself".

Has a poot or 10 slipped out while we have been together in almost 10 years of marriage? Yes. Do I just lift a cheek and let it roll with him in the room. :nono: Same on his end. When either of us is asleep doesn't count.
Ahh I see. Upbringing plays a role. I grew up with a father who would let one rip with pride. He would fart in the grocery store and loudly blame it on me or my sisters and run out the aisle laughing. Plot twist is I grew up upper middle class and went to a private school, but behind closed doors everyone was chill. Well except for my mother, she was very big on image but that’s another story for another day.
my boyfriend lets it rip the same way my dad did so I’m used to it. I personally let them out slowly so they don’t make noise, but smell may happen. That’s life *shrugs*. He could care less. He always says don’t ever be afraid to be 100% yourself around me. Also, nothing about the human body disgusts him. He could have been a doctor if he didn’t detest the hours.
Ahh I see. Upbringing plays a role. I grew up with a father who would let one rip with pride. He would fart in the grocery store and loudly blame it on me or my sisters and run out the aisle laughing. Plot twist is I grew up upper middle class and went to a private school, but behind closed doors everyone was chill. Well except for my mother, she was very big on image but that’s another story for another day.
my boyfriend lets it rip the same way my dad did so I’m used to it. I personally let them out slowly so they don’t make noise, but smell may happen. That’s life *shrugs*. He could care less. He always says don’t ever be afraid to be 100% yourself around me. Also, nothing about the human body disgusts him. He could have been a doctor if he didn’t detest the hours.
Gross or not, the adage usually holds true that girls grow up to date and/or marry our fathers whether they are absent or present. If I just farted in front of my father or husband like whatever, I'd get hit with one of these
I lived and breathed this show when it was on the air. I was in my twenties and though I wasn’t living in NYC, I was navigating the dating world and going through the same issues as them so the show really resonated with me. Interestingly, once the show ended, I have never gone back and watched it ever again. Surprising, since I loved it so much. I’ve watched the movies several times though.

I’m very excited for the reboot. It will be interesting how they handle it without Samantha being involved. I’m not expecting anything too deep from it, just a nice little catch up to see what the ladies are up to and of course, the killer clothes. Like 80% of the reason I’ll be watching is for the clothes.
I didnt know my DH had mucho gas until recently.

I didn't go into work and he was home and didn't realise I was in the house. He did one big long fart in the morning which started at the top of the stairs and didn't end till he reached the bottom:rofl:. I'd never heard even a parp or burp out of him for 8 long years, clearly the fart party starts when I'm not around lol.

It was funny, but I didn't say anything.
Because you live with your husband and should be comfy in the place you pay half for and he should love you for who you are and understand that you’re human. Complete strangers don’t even know you let alone love you.
Not judging, but the logic of why doesn’t make sense
Well, it makes sense given the fact that I was brought up to believe that it's rude; like belching with your mouth wide open in someone's face is rude; like sneezing without covering your mouth is rude; like spitting on the ground is rude. My husband knows that I'm human just like I know he's human, but we're happy not sharing that aspect of humanity with each other. I'm not "comfy" with people farting around me and I don't feel like I need to be that comfortable around anybody. As far as strangers are concerned, why would I treat them better than my husband? I think I owe him more common courtesy than people I don't know.
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I lived and breathed this show when it was on the air. I was in my twenties and though I wasn’t living in NYC, I was navigating the dating world and going through the same issues as them so the show really resonated with me. Interestingly, once the show ended, I have never gone back and watched it ever again. Surprising, since I loved it so much. I’ve watched the movies several times though.

I’m very excited for the reboot. It will be interesting how they handle it without Samantha being involved. I’m not expecting anything too deep from it, just a nice little catch up to see what the ladies are up to and of course, the killer clothes. Like 80% of the reason I’ll be watching is for the clothes.
I think that's my story too. I was in my mid to late 20's when SITC was on. I also checked IMDB and the last season of Living Single was the first year of SITC so it was easy to hop into another single ladies show.
I never got the universal appeal of this show bc I could never identify with a bunch of white women and their love lives.
I was thinking about this comment after I somehow spent an hour watching Golden Girls clips on YouTube yesterday. It occurred to me that Golden Girls was the closest that you could get to SITC on network tv in the 80's. During that time you couldn't have had young or young-ish women playing talking like this on tv. Rose, Blanche, Dorothy and Sophia shuffled so Charlotte, Samantha, Carrie and Miranda could fly.
