Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

Today someone had the most beautimus puff i have ever seen! I had to give her a compliment! She seemed newly natural. I try to give compliments to as many newly naturals to give them a lil confidence boost.
i rocked a twist out today to a wedding! i was so nervous about wearing my hair out like that with a formal dress. but it came out fine. i need someone to send me some dang pics so i can post!
@AlliCat, for blogspot, do you know how to properly align pictures where you want them? I'm having difficulty doing this successfully every time I want to update.

theres an option to put the pic to the left or right of text...just hover over the pic after you insert it and you'll see all the options
Aireen I'm babysitting and sleeping over while the parents are celebrating their anniversary. They are the most adorable boys ever. I think the post you're referring to is my fantasy minimal list lol
Aireen I'm babysitting and sleeping over while the parents are celebrating their anniversary. They are the most adorable boys ever. I think the post you're referring to is my fantasy minimal list lol

Aw lol, cute. Sorry bout your hair though. I was thinking, "Huh?! Since when is Alli slipping with her hair?!"

Yeah probably...
Oh btw AlliCat, I got a sample of the Macadamia Natural Oil Deep Repair Masque. I'm still contemplating when to use it though since I want to keep it simple with this stretch but I'm excited to try something new since I didn't buy anything this month, I don't think. The package smells good so far.
Found "Peter Coppola Body Builder Pump Up Conditioner With Soy Complex" in the guest bathroom...the ingredients look good and it smelled nice, so I applied it to my hair as a moisturizer and made 5 braids for bed. Hair feels juicy again :lick:
Found "Peter Coppola Body Builder Pump Up Conditioner With Soy Complex" in the guest bathroom...the ingredients look good and it smelled nice, so I applied it to my hair as a moisturizer and made 5 braids for bed. Hair feels juicy again :lick:

The parents allow you to use their stuff or are they very close family friends so it's okay? :lol:
examining my ends...I don't have any splits/ssk's but I'm itching to trim...wonder if I should trim gradually or just get cut @ final goal
RT 1: Doing on overnight HOT with evco because wash day is tomorrow. Excited to try a new conditioner. HairVeda Sitrinillah.

RT 2: I'm gonna need my post-TU shedding to calm down like stat. My beloved AE garlic normally controls it immediately but not this time around. Maybe it's shed season. I haven't been on my HHJ long enough to know when my shed season is, if there is such a thing.
I thought my beloved sedu was ruined. I flatironed with apex pressing oil and it left residue on the iron.


I am glad I remembered, from this fab site that a bit of lye relaxer will get rid of all residue. I applied it let it sit for a bit rubbed it off, put on some neutralizer rubbed that off and my beloved sedu was back to being a lovely iron with shiney plates again. YEAH LHCF!!!
I saw an Asian lady with a short 4B fro :blush: I've heard of Asians with type 4 hair but I thought it was an urban myth.

These twists are hideous. Why do I bother?
I saw an Asian lady with a short 4B fro :blush: I've heard of Asians with type 4 hair but I thought it was an urban myth.

These twists are hideous. Why do I bother?

There's def this Asian guy on my campus with type 3, if not 4a hair, but I'm no hair typing expert. And nope, he doesn't have a perm. He wears it in a big fro-like bush.

I feel the same about twists. My hair isn't dense at all, so my twists NEVER look good to me. NEVER. i don't even try anymore.
Claiming a milestone early just means it's gonna take longer to get to the next milestone :ohwell:

I wonder if anyone had more growth from that hairdrenaline stuff (think 3+ inches in 7 weeks thread)...I mean...besides the seller :look:
Hennaed my hair last night (trying to do it every 2 weeks) when I got in. It was about 1am, just rinsed it out. I decided to try something different. DC with what's left of my Humecto, Moisturefuse and Kenra x 45min w/heat-trying to use up stuff in my stash, usually use AOHSR or AOWC. Rinsed and still felt I had grit in my hair-hard straw. Put in A3min, detangled and rinsed. Grit free-softer. I used up some Roux porosity contol, I think my hair is overly porous. I still don't know the diff btwn that and rinsing w/acv. My hair felt kind a weird-straw. Shirt dry. Put in KCKT then Giovanni DLI then shea butter. Usually I use Kimmay's or Chicoro's leave in. The way I did it today left my hair soooo soft. I don't know if the Roux PC helped or it was my leave in.

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I love the effect of clean hair that smells good and behaves but I am kinda over the process to get there on wash day sometimes.
I would think it's a perm. :blush:
I don't think so. I went to an Asian forum and there are Asians with afro textured hair.
There's def this Asian guy on my campus with type 3, if not 4a hair, but I'm no hair typing expert. And nope, he doesn't have a perm. He wears it in a big fro-like bush.

I feel the same about twists. My hair isn't dense at all, so my twists NEVER look good to me. NEVER. i don't even try anymore.
This lady's hair was def a 4. It was waaayyyy tighter than mine. She had a lil "Bernie Mac" fro. I wish I had taken a pic.

I rarely get that "unkempt" feeling with a natural styles (unless it's actually unkempt) except twists. Why do mine look so 'flicted? :ohwell: I may post a pic.