Questions about cheating


Well-Known Member
I remember when I was younger this time when my parents separated and at the time I didn't know why. As a adult my mom told me that it was because she had found out dad had cheated. She said she couldn't understand how he could ever have sex with anyone else because she couldn't. She loved him so much that she could never imagine any other man touching her like that and so she assumed it was the same for him. Being younger than I am now and having no real understanding of love I thought her view was very naive. Now that I am married, I feel the same exact way. I love my husband, but I can't imagine ever being with some one else in that way and just imagining having another man touching me makes me want to vomit a little, but I'm a realist. I trust my husband, but I know the only action I can control are my own. So I'm just wondering do any other women feel this way about husbands and SO's because it seem so easy for cheating enter a relationship. I have never (to my knowledge) been cheated on, but I still have trust issues because so many friends and family members have had partners cheat on them and I guess I kinda carry their old baggage. How do you get over that? Ladies that have cheated was it thought out and done on purpose or was it spur of the moment? How do you decide to cheat? Is a bad relationship always a prerequisite for cheating?
Umm it took me months ..almost a year we seperated as soon as I found out. I changed my number and kept it moving. I had to delete him from myspace n facebook n get rid off everythin I had that he gave me. I was beyond livid...I cried my eyes out screamed yelled and got sick.

Worst feeling ever.

I started talking to other guys and went on dates eventually. This entire time he was making every effort and going out his way to get me back. Months later I decided to see how he was doing...he literally cried like I have never seen. I knew he was sincere he lost so much weight from stress and said there will never be another me. I said I know and I just got up and ran to my car and left. I let him suffer for weeks after that and one day I decided to talk yo him cuz I needed answers. Slowly we started seein eachother I was completely spoiled and he went and apologized to each of my bff's and they took a few weeks to actually come around (he was trying to prove to everyone he was never gonna do that again)

We trust eachother with our all...we know what to do and what not to. Although he has a much shorter leeway because of the past and he is fully aware...My heart has not forgotten that pain and he knows all I need is oneeeeee reason and he is finished and will get an a sz whoopin before I depart. He is a new man I look up to him in ways.

Took a lot of time, tears, and efforts to get us where we are and we have reached a point where we are very good and progressing in life. We are connected when am in pain or something is wrong he can feel it too. Its so creepy.

This was 2006 when we first got together... Anddd although we were seperated (not married guys I'm only 20)...april 09 makes 3 years :)
And I agree I cannot even let another guy touch me that way. The thought violates my mind.

....Unless its just some sexy man that is some serious eye candy.
I've felt like that once before and I got cheated on. When they say your heart breaks, it literaly feels like your heart breaks.

I was once told by a man that women and men think differently. Women are emotion and therefore think and act on their emotions that's why we can be into 1 man and not think of having another touch us. Men are more visual and they think and act on that so it makes it a little easier for them to cheat based on what they perceive to look nice. That isn't to say that all men cheat and that all women are faithful.

I have never cheated in a committed relationship never desired to.
Well my mom said cheating is something that people should discuss before they marry and during the marriage because its wrong to assume someone has strong convictions against doing it. I remember I discussed it with my ex and his thoughts were that just because someone cheats that doesn't mean they don't love you. I was shocked he felt that way, although he also said he'd leave me if I cheated. I also discussed this with my husband before we married and it is something we discuss now.
Well my mom said cheating is something that people should discuss before they marry and during the marriage because its wrong to assume someone has strong convictions against doing it. I remember I discussed it with my ex and his thoughts were that just because someone cheats that doesn't mean they don't love you. I was shocked he felt that way, although he also said he'd leave me if I cheated. I also discussed this with my husband before we married and it is something we discuss now.

Great advice. I think many women would be very surprised if they had this talk... and hey, have it as early as possible too!

I was dating this guy (not even thinking of marriage) and I never asked him one thing, but just listened to his stories/statements about others who cheated. He seemed to be very accepting of male cheaters, but said the same thing about detesting the idea of a woman cheating.

I called him out on it once, and he really didn't have much to say.

I decided not to pursue a relationship with him.
I'm not sure how I feel about this too much, but I know I want to vomit when I think about another man touching me besides SO. I really don't know too many men personally that has never-ever cheated. That's why I always wanted to marry a square/dork. :ohwell:
I've never been cheated on to my knowledge either and don't want to know at this point if I have. I try not to think about it but I'm not as naive to the fact as most women. I've known women who were getting cheated on and had no idea AT ALL. So it's scary.
I also wanted to vomit and the thought of being touched by another man besides my husband, but after he cheated, my feelings changed, and i divorced him and never looked back. His whole family is still upset that we're not together and it's been 3 years, and now i like being touched by someone else. We had the "talk" before marriage, so if you want to cheat, don't get married unless it's discussed in advance. If you make the commitment to marriage, just don't cheat. It's not rocket science. If you're never alone with someone, you won't have sex with them. If you put yourself in a situation where it could happen, it's because you wanted it to happen.
guys are pretty backwards....well what we teach in society in general is backwards....pops talked alot to me about men, their actions, emotions, game etc....we would have hours long talks....and to alot of men cheating doesn't necessarily mean they don't love you, however most cannot handle the emotional trauma caused to them if they get cheated on...we tend to teach our women that its okay to express emotion and be emotional and lovey dovey and to act with our hearts.....for men we tend to overly encourage them to act with their egos vs their hearts....from the jump....the sexes are butting heads because for women to go out and just have sex with men just to have sex they get labeled every bottom barrel label the dictionary carries and some more made up ones, while as a mans whole worth can easily be put upon how many women he can get....even when a man finds a woman he loves...his ego is still driven to deflect his heart and still try to conquer women because he can easily fight against love with the assumption it makes him weak...or GOD forbid a woman ever get over on him and leave him like a helpless broken little puppy to be strong is to conquer women, not submit to them or love if they can try to help it (even though it feels like heaven to them when they find it).....and in our society emotional loving men are the "weaker" man....he's not a man's man...he's the simp, the p whipped dude, the sucker who treats a woman like a queen and all he thinks about is the love she gives to him and cherishes it (yes there are men like this, and on the flip some women still want to go after the man's man and try to change him and get caught up or the woman cheats on the good dude with the man's man)....and even for those guys who rather be in love with one woman, get around enough of their so called friends clowing and talkin about them enough they may fall into some destructive behavior....

there are all sorts of reasons people cheat and step out and everything can't be pinpointed down to a few specific reasons because between various psychological problems that stem from childhood on up to the present, esp subconscious ones that we aren't aware of but come out in behaviors not really understood by the person, people living with wounded, divided egos and living and being influenced by others in the same state, the fact that no matter how offended some are by being referred to animals that purely operating from physical natural instincts vs whole being of mind, body and soul that we exhibit way more animal behaviors than not, esp the traits of socialistic animals where monogomy is not the norm, and add to it...collective conscious amounts of negative energy not being really balanced out properly by positive energy people are all over the place

as women, I know we are always more times than not the ones who are always getting the advice, work on yourself, find yourself, love yourself etc...and thats for good reason.....the imbalance of over expressed masculine energy and very repressed feminine energy in the world today is throw
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I've felt like that once before and I got cheated on. When they say your heart breaks, it literaly feels like your heart breaks.

I was once told by a man that women and men think differently. Women are emotion and therefore think and act on their emotions that's why we can be into 1 man and not think of having another touch us. Men are more visual and they think and act on that so it makes it a little easier for them to cheat based on what they perceive to look nice. That isn't to say that all men cheat and that all women are faithful.

I have never cheated in a committed relationship never desired to.

I have never felt the desired to cheat either. I always think if it's to that point why not just let the relationship go? But for some people they don't feel like it's that easy especially if children are involved. I always look at cheating as a physical thing for men and emotional thing for women although I know that's not always the case, but my husband did correct me on this. He told me I always assume men cheat because of the physical sex, but he felt that sharing emotion with someone could be cheating too. This surprised me as I don't know many men that feel that way. I had issues with my husband because in the past before we dated and when were just friends he dated a married woman. I just couldn't understand that. I told him that he must didn't believe in sanctity of marriage. He told me she was married and not him.:ohwell: It surprises me how many people feel this way.

I also wanted to vomit and the thought of being touched by another man besides my husband, but after he cheated, my feelings changed, and i divorced him and never looked back. His whole family is still upset that we're not together and it's been 3 years, and now i like being touched by someone else. We had the "talk" before marriage, so if you want to cheat, don't get married unless it's discussed in advance. If you make the commitment to marriage, just don't cheat. It's not rocket science. If you're never alone with someone, you won't have sex with them. If you put yourself in a situation where it could happen, it's because you wanted it to happen.

I believe my feelings would also change after being cheated on. Was it hard to trust again? For me it seem like it would be. ITA.
guys are pretty backwards....well what we teach in society in general is backwards....pops talked alot to me about men, their actions, emotions, game etc....we would have hours long talks....and to alot of men cheating doesn't necessarily mean they don't love you, however most cannot handle the emotional trauma caused to them if they get cheated on...we tend to teach our women that its okay to express emotion and be emotional and lovey dovey and to act with our hearts.....for men we tend to overly encourage them to act with their egos vs their hearts....from the jump....the sexes are butting heads because for women to go out and just have sex with men just to have sex they get labeled every bottom barrel label the dictionary carries and some more made up ones, while as a mans whole worth can easily be put upon how many women he can get....even when a man finds a woman he loves...his ego is still driven to deflect his heart and still try to conquer women because he can easily fight against love with the assumption it makes him weak...or GOD forbid a woman ever get over on him and leave him like a helpless broken little puppy to be strong is to conquer women, not submit to them or love if they can try to help it (even though it feels like heaven to them when they find it).....and in our society emotional loving men are the "weaker" man....he's not a man's man...he's the simp, the p whipped dude, the sucker who treats a woman like a queen and all he thinks about is the love she gives to him and cherishes it (yes there are men like this, and on the flip some women still want to go after the man's man and try to change him and get caught up or the woman cheats on the good dude with the man's man)....and even for those guys who rather be in love with one woman, get around enough of their so called friends clowing and talkin about them enough they may fall into some destructive behavior....

there are all sorts of reasons people cheat and step out and everything can't be pinpointed down to a few specific reasons because between various psychological problems that stem from childhood on up to the present, esp subconscious ones that we aren't aware of but come out in behaviors not really understood by the person, people living with wounded, divided egos and living and being influenced by others in the same state, the fact that no matter how offended some are by being referred to animals that purely operating from physical natural instincts vs whole being of mind, body and soul that we exhibit way more animal behaviors than not, esp the traits of socialistic animals where monogomy is not the norm, and add to it...collective conscious amounts of negative energy not being really balanced out properly by positive energy people are all over the place

as women, I know we are always more times than not the ones who are always getting the advice, work on yourself, find yourself, love yourself etc...and thats for good reason.....the imbalance of over expressed masculine energy and very repressed feminine energy in the world today is throw

I agree, I think that society, esp. our society, supresses alot when it comes to just human nature, which results in alot of broken homes and hearts.

I feel like if people don't have the same feelings about marriage, cheating, etc, then there will be tension. Me and DH discuss cheating all the time. We have our agreement and it is a non negotiable, but I don't want him to feel like he has to be forced to be with just me, if that makes sense. I wanted someone who made the choice to be with just me, as I did him.

If you feel like you need to be with other women and all that, then good, but I am not in the market for that. I am human too, but I know how to control and place limitations on my desires.
I'm reading and see exactly what you all are saying. I too have trust and abandonment issues. My father has messed with numerous women and he left when I was 12. I suffered and endured a lot sexually in my life (it didnt last long). My grandmother is known for HER behavior. She even got caught by my grandfather once. Now that my gf is gone, she has encouraged my father (then and now) to divorce my mother. I say all of that to say this. I got a speech from him once that I need not 'spend the night' at a bf's house of mine. There I encountered a double-standard. You are married and live with another woman, yet I can't stay at a guy's house? Hmph.

My DH knows about my issues. He's gone through with his father as well. We've had our discussions and we are in it for each other. If there are people in our lives that don't want the best for our relationship, :flush: they have to go.

If it were a casual relationship I were in, I am able to separate emotions from physical needs. In THIS marriage, something else takes over. My LOVE for him, vows, faith in God all stand in the gap for me and us.
Umm it took me months ..almost a year we seperated as soon as I found out.
I started talking to other guys and went on dates eventually. This entire time he was making every effort and going out his way to get me back. Months later I decided to see how he was doing...he literally cried like I have never seen. I knew he was sincere he lost so much weight from stress and said there will never be another me. I said I know and I just got up and ran to my car and left. I let him suffer for weeks after that and one day I decided to talk yo him cuz I needed answers.
This was 2006 when we first got together... Anddd although we were seperated (not married guys I'm only 20)...april 09 makes 3 years :)

If my husband cheated I would leave . . . and I know he would be like this if I left him. I think he is more emotional than I am though you have to get to know him to realize it. So he knows not to cheat because even if we have kids it’s a deal breaker because of past issues.

. . . . If you make the commitment to marriage, just don't cheat. It's not rocket science. If you're never alone with someone, you won't have sex with them. If you put yourself in a situation where it could happen, it's because you wanted it to happen.

ITA. That is my take on marriage as well. My husband says even if he is a situation where some woman is showing even the slightest interest he is out of there . . . because he does not want any woman to misinterpret his actions. I can see that too because he is just the sweetest, most chivalrous guy I know . . . with a killer smile to boot. Not only that I’ve seen women who don’t realize I am his wife try and catch his eye. He will usually come over and silently make it known he is mine.

Before we got engaged, I made it clear to him that to me cheating is . . . as in if it ever happens I will take it as a sign that he doesn’t love me. You can’t tell me that you love me while you are doing something that is the equivalent of ripping my heart out and stomping on it.
If my husband cheated I would leave . . . and I know he would be like this if I left him. I think he is more emotional than I am though you have to get to know him to realize it. So he knows not to cheat because even if we have kids it’s a deal breaker because of past issues.

ITA. That is my take on marriage as well. My husband says even if he is a situation where some woman is showing even the slightest interest he is out of there . . . because he does not want any woman to misinterpret his actions. I can see that too because he is just the sweetest, most chivalrous guy I know . . . with a killer smile to boot. Not only that I’ve seen women who don’t realize I am his wife try and catch his eye. He will usually come over and silently make it known he is mine.

Before we got engaged, I made it clear to him that to me cheating is . . . as in if it ever happens I will take it as a sign that he doesn’t love me. You can’t tell me that you love me while you are doing something that is the equivalent of ripping my heart out and stomping on it.[/quote]

ITA. I don't understand how some can say it's just sex and doesn't mean I don't love you.:perplexed I don't think I could work through cheating because to me that is the ultimate betrayal. I would never love him the same. I would never trust him the same. The relationship would never be the same, so what be the purpose of staying together. I remember how broken my mother was. I remember her being so heart broken that all she would do was lay in the dirt in the yard and cry on the last spot he stepped on.

My mom and dad fought a lot when I was a kid. She would pack and leave him at least once a year. We would have to change school and everything. I never understood that excuse we are together for the kids because they were making our lives a living hell. They were both better people apart. They are still together and their relationship is so good and it makes me feel a little sad because I feel like maybe the strain of having children was what made so much trouble in their relationship. I can't help but think it was my fault some way, but I say that just to say the children (which I don't have) would never be a reason for me to stay with a man.