My best friend believes all men cheat

That is unfortunate. I understand her rationale if that is all she has seen; however, I hope she heals herself before getting into a serious relationship.

I do not believe all men cheat since the men in my family, for the most part, do not cheat and stay married for decades (in several cases until their spouse died). DH's family is the same.
If that is what she puts out there, then that is what will be drawn to her.

^^^ita with this the law of attraction is real. when we tell the universe we don't wan't somethings it like telling it we want it badly and negative thoughts stashed in our subconscious will become reality if we give it tons of energy.:yep: i am in a place in life where i am making a list of what i want in a partner, mentally physically and spiritually. i'm also trying to working on my issues with self worth, resentment/holding grudges, and picking/choosing my battles as they are not all meant to be fought. it takes time to erase these behavior patterns cause they have been engrained for yrs, sometimes a lifetime. i'm a fan of books/audiobooks by louise hay and other books under hay house publishing. if women were more zero tolerance on men's nonsense and people didn't get married until they were ready ( or realized they weren't the marrying kind) the dynamic between men and women would fare so much better.
I truly feel sorry for your friend. When I hear women say this that usually means that they are going to put up with any and everything. I don't believe that all men cheat. I don't even know if I believe that more men cheat than women.
I'm yet to meet a man who hasn't cheated.

Not trying to pick on you, but how do you know this for sure? Or are you just talking about men you have dated? How can you know that all men you have ever met in your life have been unfaithful? Are you aware of all of their romantic histories?
I feel very sorry, because of her environment, but men and women have a potential to cheat. I have come to realise that the men who are having affairs are having with single women, divorced women or other married women. We always hear about the married man and the single woman, but there are lots of married men who have affairs with other married women.

A lot of women have been unfaithful in the past, but they had to keep their mouths shut, how many men are paying for children who they have not fathered.

I hope that your friend can get healing and move away from her family. When she gets married don't invite any of her family members to her wedding. She needs to break away from them.
Honestly, I think that if a woman feels this way she should just leave menfolk alone and focus on having a great career, great friends, consider adoption, etc. and KIM. I don't understand the concept of wanting to be married and believing that basically all men are dogs.

i agree. i would rather be alone. i'm married and it's just not what it's made out to be for me. single life looks better and better. oh and don't feel sorry for me or give me a damn hug. i'm cool with feeling this way! :lachen:
Not trying to pick on you, but how do you know this for sure? Or are you just talking about men you have dated? How can you know that all men you have ever met in your life have been unfaithful? Are you aware of all of their romantic histories?

girl please! i know you are a newlywed and i know you a and your spouse are totally in love. i am truly happy for you, but everybody's reality isn't the same. i haven't met a faith man period. and i am not just talking about men i have dated. i believe at one time or another a man has been unfaithful to a woman. maybe not to all of the women has been involved with, be he has done it. but i don't condone it either. i think folks should be by themselves if they wanna be out there. now that i am older, i am surprised at how many married men i know that cheat on their wives and they have really good marriages and home lives.

it's not all about not getting what they need at home. a lot of them just wanna play around and be greedy. it's really sad too.