Question? Would You Break Up With A Guy If He...


New Member
...liked anal sex? But he claims he only likes it with women? I have two close girlfriends one who's s/o likes to be stimulated back there. He says he's never done it with a man, would never want to, and he got really pissed when she asked. He said he likes the way it feels but it doesn't make him gay. "Sex is sex and I like to get freaky, doesn't mean I want a guy behind me. I can't help it that's where our g-spot is located." My other girlfriend says she should break up with him because he's probably DL, lol. What would you do? Have you ever been in this situation?
...liked anal sex? But he claims he only likes it with women? I have two close girlfriends one who's s/o likes to be stimulated back there. He says he's never done it with a man, would never want to, and he got really pissed when she asked. He said he likes the way it feels but it doesn't make him gay. "Sex is sex and I like to get freaky, doesn't mean I want a guy behind me. I can't help it that's where our g-spot is located." My other girlfriend says she should break up with him because he's probably DL, lol. What would you do? Have you ever been in this situation?

i dont think it makes him gay but i would not go back there. its a personal thing
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I can understand wanting stimulation in that area since it is where the male gspot is located, but I would feel really weird about doing a role reversal and going behind if it is what he wants. To each his own. It is down to your personal preference. I wouldn't do something I am not comfortable with.
True it doesn't make him gay, but would make me wonder what situations he's been in where he's had so much experience w/ that?? :perplexed
its funny but its a lot more people do this than we think thats not gay.

nothing goes in everything comes out sorry TMI but no
Medically speaking he's correct, proper prostate stimulation will increase sexual pleasure for the open male mind.

However, nobody wants to go back there... because of the germ risk, the ideas we've been given on sexuality and our genders and other ideas. There's nothing wrong with it IMO. I think the "he's probably DL" quip is probably what makes "closeted cheaters" more likely to justify themselves when they get caught. We know we don't want to do nothing like that with a male (give or receive) and they know they better not ask, so they'd creep. Not saying it's right, not saying it's an excuse. It takes a strong man, and a strong woman secure in themselves to deal with true sexual wants and desires in an honest upfront manner
I wouldn't necessarily break up with him from that knowledge alone but I'd be clear that it's not something I am comfortable doing and if that's something he can't live with, he is free to find someone more compatible.
True it doesn't make him gay, but would make me wonder what situations he's been in where he's had so much experience w/ that?? :perplexed

Exactly....He had to be doing something to know that it feels good back there...Most guys dont want anything near their butt.
*lighten up my newport one hunnit AND imma pour me some henny..straight, no chasers for dis hea bullshyt*

so ole boy wants u to travel wif him down his hershey highway huh...?~~puff~~

and then he says das where all da men g spots are located huh...?

~~puff n plucks ash....takes a long sip~~

das his story and he's stickin wif it right.....iight...

~~puff n sippin~~

me personally, lemme tell u whata bytch like me would do..... cuz fa real fa real..his story is unda investigation like a mudda....i'd be like iight den...take off ur clothes....and while ur at it..why don'tchu bend ova n grab ya lie, i would walk behind him n take a look...and if dat "brown eye" winks atchu, den it's a wrap....

see, i'm havin a hard time tryna understand why he want someone to play all up in his bootyhole....where did he get da experience from....and i got questions what would u use to fluck him? i mean, how does dat work:perplexed would u use ur fingas? ewww at da thought...a strap on?

~~puff n sip~~

and see, for him to come right out n ask u, he's done dis befo..we just don't know wif who. if u feel comfortable doin it, break his back wide open. hell, make him call out ur name....i guess since you'll be da one fluckin him, he'll be ur bytch. fluck him n feed him beans...(don't give him da beans before tho.....) but afta u do, wash ur hands, log back on, and tell us how it went down. but don't call him no more....

~lights up anotha one~

bottom line, u may wanna leave dat alone...most men don't wantchu playin all up around da bootyhole, let alone in it..... picha it...u screwin him in his arse all for da sake of a nut..dayum dat shyt..... not a good look chile....
I don't think it makes him gay, but I wouldn't be back there.

I have an ex that recently told me that he loves it when women licks his arse. He said someone did it the first time, and he's been hooked ever since. He said he tried to stop the girl, but then when he felt the great sensation he knew it was a wrap. lol
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Wait let me get this straight. So HE is the one that likes to receive the anal??? :look: I thought you were going to say that it was the other way around. It doesn't necessarily make him gay, but I would seriously question our relationship, based off of the fact that I wouldn't be able to do something like that! :nono:
It all depends on context of how it was brought up.

I would prefer to be the first one that did that, since I've never done it before.

I may do that in the future, but if I'm getting exposed to e.coli, he need to put a ring on it.
Does he HAVE to have anal every experience to get off? I don't think I'd be comfortable having him with his booty tooted up waiting for...whatever.
*lighten up my newport one hunnit AND imma pour me some henny..straight, no chasers for dis hea bullshyt*

so ole boy wants u to travel wif him down his hershey highway huh...?~~puff~~

and then he says das where all da men g spots are located huh...?

~~puff n plucks ash....takes a long sip~~

das his story and he's stickin wif it right.....iight...

~~puff n sippin~~

me personally, lemme tell u whata bytch like me would do..... cuz fa real fa real..his story is unda investigation like a mudda....i'd be like iight den...take off ur clothes....and while ur at it..why don'tchu bend ova n grab ya lie, i would walk behind him n take a look...and if dat "brown eye" winks atchu, den it's a wrap....

see, i'm havin a hard time tryna understand why he want someone to play all up in his bootyhole....where did he get da experience from....and i got questions what would u use to fluck him? i mean, how does dat work:perplexed would u use ur fingas? ewww at da thought...a strap on?

~~puff n sip~~

and see, for him to come right out n ask u, he's done dis befo..we just don't know wif who. if u feel comfortable doin it, break his back wide open. hell, make him call out ur name....i guess since you'll be da one fluckin him, he'll be ur bytch. fluck him n feed him beans...(don't give him da beans before tho.....) but afta u do, wash ur hands, log back on, and tell us how it went down. but don't call him no more....

~lights up anotha one~

bottom line, u may wanna leave dat alone...most men don't wantchu playin all up around da bootyhole, let alone in it..... picha it...u screwin him in his arse all for da sake of a nut..dayum dat shyt..... not a good look chile....

ROTFLMAO!!!! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Thank you ThatJerseyGirl. I needed a laugh today.

ETA: For the record, I don't think he's gay, but I really don't want to go back there if I don't "have to". But I'm usually down for making my lover happy, if he's down for me, so strap on it is. LOL!
*lighten up my newport one hunnit AND imma pour me some henny..straight, no chasers for dis hea bullshyt*

so ole boy wants u to travel wif him down his hershey highway huh...?~~puff~~

and then he says das where all da men g spots are located huh...?

~~puff n plucks ash....takes a long sip~~

das his story and he's stickin wif it right.....iight...

~~puff n sippin~~

me personally, lemme tell u whata bytch like me would do..... cuz fa real fa real..his story is unda investigation like a mudda....i'd be like iight den...take off ur clothes....and while ur at it..why don'tchu bend ova n grab ya lie, i would walk behind him n take a look...and if dat "brown eye" winks atchu, den it's a wrap....

see, i'm havin a hard time tryna understand why he want someone to play all up in his bootyhole....where did he get da experience from....and i got questions what would u use to fluck him? i mean, how does dat work:perplexed would u use ur fingas? ewww at da thought...a strap on?

~~puff n sip~~

and see, for him to come right out n ask u, he's done dis befo..we just don't know wif who. if u feel comfortable doin it, break his back wide open. hell, make him call out ur name....i guess since you'll be da one fluckin him, he'll be ur bytch. fluck him n feed him beans...(don't give him da beans before tho.....) but afta u do, wash ur hands, log back on, and tell us how it went down. but don't call him no more....

~lights up anotha one~

bottom line, u may wanna leave dat alone...most men don't wantchu playin all up around da bootyhole, let alone in it..... picha it...u screwin him in his arse all for da sake of a nut..dayum dat shyt..... not a good look chile....

Your *** is off the chain! Loves it!! I agree with taking a peek, but you have to think about how "FREE SEX" is with this new age generation, there are women out there actually putting their mouths on a ****'s *** that might explain him knowing it felt good...Im just saying...Now I am not into anal sex, but I do believe that a solid relationship (as stated above) leaves room for more than a casual exploit...although most times the casual relationship exploit more leaving a woman to have to compete. I would run for the hills because my mind would only think he is GAY.....

Bottom line for me is if you have to justify or get confirmation from someone else, you see something as wrong, our best judgement comes from within.....
gloved finger

Yes, my friend hasn't done this but he said that's what they use. She was happy he was being open and honest about it because most men don't. He claims he's never had a strap on though so IDK. I think the part that pissed her off was that he said his previous gf's did it but "that's because they were white women & they're known to get freaky & do whatever for their man." Shes iffy with him because the bf she was dating in HS turned out to be gay so she just doesn't mess around if any flags go off. She really likes him, he's handsome, sweet, smart, sensitive but it's the anal thing alone that makes her want to drop him. That and she gave him the "Brokeback" test. She tells us he's alright in the bedroom except that he keeps asking her to do it and he's getting frustrated and so is she.

I told her to follow her heart. LOL. I didn't have any advice (Which is weird for me). My other gf keeps saying "Dump him and find someone else. Anal is for gay men and women."
*lighten up my newport one hunnit AND imma pour me some henny..straight, no chasers for dis hea bullshyt*

so ole boy wants u to travel wif him down his hershey highway huh...?~~puff~~

and then he says das where all da men g spots are located huh...?

~~puff n plucks ash....takes a long sip~~

das his story and he's stickin wif it right.....iight...

~~puff n sippin~~

me personally, lemme tell u whata bytch like me would do..... cuz fa real fa real..his story is unda investigation like a mudda....i'd be like iight den...take off ur clothes....and while ur at it..why don'tchu bend ova n grab ya lie, i would walk behind him n take a look...and if dat "brown eye" winks atchu, den it's a wrap....

see, i'm havin a hard time tryna understand why he want someone to play all up in his bootyhole....where did he get da experience from....and i got questions what would u use to fluck him? i mean, how does dat work:perplexed would u use ur fingas? ewww at da thought...a strap on?

~~puff n sip~~

and see, for him to come right out n ask u, he's done dis befo..we just don't know wif who. if u feel comfortable doin it, break his back wide open. hell, make him call out ur name....i guess since you'll be da one fluckin him, he'll be ur bytch. fluck him n feed him beans...(don't give him da beans before tho.....) but afta u do, wash ur hands, log back on, and tell us how it went down. but don't call him no more....

~lights up anotha one~

bottom line, u may wanna leave dat alone...most men don't wantchu playin all up around da bootyhole, let alone in it..... picha it...u screwin him in his arse all for da sake of a nut..dayum dat shyt..... not a good look chile....

You have me crying sometimes. This is why I don't miss your posts. :lachen::lachen:
probably...because eventually he would want it from me and I don't do that.

Additionally, I think it's a bit weird for a straight man to enjoy anal sex.
Yes, my friend hasn't done this but he said that's what they use. She was happy he was being open and honest about it because most men don't. He claims he's never had a strap on though so IDK. I think the part that pissed her off was that he said his previous gf's did it but "that's because they were white women & they're known to get freaky & do whatever for their man." Shes iffy with him because the bf she was dating in HS turned out to be gay so she just doesn't mess around if any flags go off. She really likes him, he's handsome, sweet, smart, sensitive but it's the anal thing alone that makes her want to drop him. That and she gave him the "Brokeback" test. She tells us he's alright in the bedroom except that he keeps asking her to do it and he's getting frustrated and so is she.

I told her to follow her heart. LOL. I didn't have any advice (Which is weird for me). My other gf keeps saying "Dump him and find someone else. Anal is for gay men and women."

so only a female is allowed to get the g-spot treatment. Women are mad mean and selfish

I do find his comparison of her to other gfs disrespectful though. Does he really think that sprouting such mess will make her wanna do it?

he shouldnt try to force her to do it. if she doesnt want to, then he either has to accept that or find someone more open sexually. he shouldnt make her feel bad for it NOR should she make him feel bad for wanting that either