*~Praise Report Thread~*

:D :D my payer for 2007

finally get myself together and staring my path to finishing school while having time for family and god and buy a home for us

thank you god:) :)
My intent was to purchase a car with my tax refund, but I decided to pay off a lot of my smaller bills. But, today I found out that I am getting a rather large amount from Child Support for my Middle son!!!!!!!! This is after a rather hellish court date a couple of days ago in which I had to call on the name of Jesus after this man said all kinds of lies about me and called me out of my name. Thank you Jesus for answering prayers and providing ways when there seems to be none!!!!
Thank you Jesus for answering prayers!! My mother got a financial blessing to make some payments on her mortgage. God truly IS able and so good!!!

And thank you Shimmie for your prayers on our behalf!!!!
God is Good. Sometime ago I posted a prayer request, I had gone for 8 interviews and hadn't got any job. Out of the blue this guy calls me and says "I got your resume from someone who interviewed you 2 months ago." He asked me to come for an interview on Monday. By Wednesday I was wearing a new suit and hot stilletos, sitting at my desk at my new job!!! Jesus is miracle worker. But as if that is not enough, when it came to determining what my pay scale would be, I assumed I would only get an entry level- intermediary range - but no, they are going to pay me 3 times more than I was earning before. I have two years work experience they will pay me the same as someone with 5 years experience!!! God has come through again. I am humbled by His mercy.
Thank you Heavenly Father for being my provider and my waymaker.
Father inspite of everything that the enemy threw at me last year and this year,you have shown me YOU ARE ABLE to meet my every need.
What a great thread..

I thank God life, education- I will be entering my 1st year of graduate school at the age of 20 this fall, family- my wonderful God fearing father and stepmother, my car, the air I breathe, just everything. I love Him! I also thank Him for the progress I see my hair has been making recently! bra strap here I come! LOL

I Thank God for my child's pediatrician.
Thank God for my weight loss of 5 lbs..we have 10 lbs to go until I don't feel fat.
Praise God for answering my prayers about my hair growth. I felt so bad and depressed about my hair appearance which was very short, damaged, and not growing. Now it's growing gradually, healthier compared to before, and just looks better. He answered my prayers with LHCF. Thank you for these ladies whose tips I take, fotkis and journals I stalk, and messages I read. I never would've thought there would be a Christian Fellowship Forum on here, but i guess he answered my other prayer too which was to keep me close and let me be in fellowship with the body of christ. I had meant Church, but I had to sale my car and my church is not walking distance & no bus runs from my place to there on weekends. So this works for now and when I get my next car, I'll have two fellowships. which is great.
Praise God that my bills get paid, even if they get paid late.
Thank God for holding on to me and watching over me and never saying, "there's no place here for her kind." Where I be without your mercy and grace...
Thank God for all my loved ones.
Thank You Lord for answering prayers even if I had to wait on your answer sometimes. Then again--You're God, King of kings, why shouldn't I wait on you?
Thank You for all the wonderful gospel singers and their songs that remind me of who you are, what you are able to do, and how much you love me.
Thanks for creating beautiful me.;) Thanks that The bible tells me I am beautiful.
Let me stop. I am on a roll, but I need to pray and go on to sleep before sunrise. :lol:
I'm soo thankful that I got into graduate school with a full scholarship AND a cool stipend!
GOD IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
I want to praise God for all of the blessings He has given me and my family. The day I arrived in Texas to visit my mom, I found out she has been approved for aid. Thank you Jesus!!!!! :) Thanks to those who prayed.
I praise God because of the victory I will receive on friday. I am 100% confident because I believe in a spiritual HOPE...hoping what things that are unseen not things that are seen. I believe in Jeremiah 29:11, His plans for me to prosper me and to give me HOPE and a future. I believe in Mark 11:24, that whatsoever I ask for in prayer, if I believe it, I SHALL have it.
I praise God for being my light and my Salvation
I praise Him for being the stronghold of my life
I praise Him for the blessings bestowed on you ladies. :)
God is good. :) I've been in this praise report thread a lot lately! Today my manager told me I received a 5% increase in my salary. For a job well done. And my transfer request was approved. :woot: :woot: Thank God!!
Thank God for my 5lbs that i lost. just 21 more to go!
Thank you for my GREAT job paying me a WHOLE lot of money and very stress free.
Thank you for my business idea and my business partner u told me u were going to make a way and i finally see it.....
Thank you for my future husband. U are making me into the perfect Wife now with all the trials i have been going thru lately.
Thank you for my 2 properties for my real estate game..
The list goes on and on and on.....
Thank God for my 5lbs that i lost. just 21 more to go!
Thank you for my GREAT job paying me a WHOLE lot of money and very stress free.
Thank you for my business idea and my business partner u told me u were going to make a way and i finally see it.....
Thank you for my future husband. U are making me into the perfect Wife now with all the trials i have been going thru lately.
Thank you for my 2 properties for my real estate game..
The list goes on and on and on.....
I FINALLY started my own business! God revealed my passion to me and how to start, and I am so thankful. Praise Him!
I praise God for the new man in my life, I thank God for revealing Him to me, and for guiding our steps. Jeremiah 29:11 holds true and I know God is going to hold His show for ages to come.
Naijaqueen said:
I praise God for the new man in my life, I thank God for revealing Him to me, and for guiding our steps. Jeremiah 29:11 holds true and I know God is going to hold His show for ages to come.
Wonderful! Pray that a new man comes into my life as well...not just any ol' man...a man that can potentially be my husband!!! :)
Poohbear said:
Wonderful! Pray that a new man comes into my life as well...not just any ol' man...a man that can potentially be my husband!!! :)

Girl claim it, and leave it to God, He'll AMAZE u! My girl and I are 2007 testimonies to that, we did that at the beginning of the yr, not just any man but the one He has prepared for you! We are glad we did, its very exciting!! Men with a fear of God who check off on other things, and want us to be THE ONE :)
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i praise god for making me full time AND a manager on my job.
Pray about everything
Worry about nothing
Let God DO IT!!!
I just had to give a testimony and a most high praise today.

Well, a few months ago I went to the emergency room because I was not feeling well and thought I would collapse if I didn't make it. I was there overnight and went through a series of tests, etc. I then felt sick a week later and went to another hospital for the same illness. At the first one, I was so scared because I just knew that the bill was going to be higher than what I could afford...I literally was in tears at reception because I was worried about it all (silly me yes but...).

Bills came. I was like ok. What was not covered would have to be paid out of pocket. Thousands of dollars worth to be paid. Well, one hospital has a financial aid program. I got together my paperwork, all sorts of statements, copies of all my hospital/doctor bills, etc. and met with the lady in person to plead my case to have some of it forgiven. She looked at me, at my paperwork, and in less than one minute she said, it will be forgiven 100%. That's right....$6,311.47 forgiven on the spot! I was so shocked that I am still like....really? I questioned it not and ran out of there before she could change her mind.

HE IS WORTHY OF ALL MY PRAISE :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

ETA: HE also allowed me to get a six-month extension on a companion certificate that was about to expire in June. Now, I can pay for one ticket anywhere in the US and have someone fly with me for free...and I have until December to pick that lucky person. PRAISES ALL AROUND!
Words, song, or dance can't express my thanks enough! I praise God for getting me through a tough situation.

Ladies give God all your trust. Have faith in Him 100% and let Him make a change in your life. And once you give your troubles to Him don't worry or feel anxious because God has it under control.
I've posted several times on this board and have cried numerous times in regards to my son have symptoms of autism. It appears sometimes that he is in his ow world ad cluess to whats going on around him. My husband and i just found out on accident that our son knows his numbers:eek::lol:. He has also started signing without being prompted. Prayer DOES work!
I praise God for the victory reports I am seeing here. Its a blessing, nothing is impossible with God. Step out in faith, and trust in Him. Believe and then take action, be like David, Jonathan and Joshua, and put on the full armor of God. He'll bless you even more abundantly.

Today is my day for breakthrough. I sowed a seed bigger than anything I have ever given or could afford. I have faith greater than a mustard seed, I've God's power within me to make things that arent to come to pass, I have His anointing and seal. I cant wait to post updates, but praise Him always from whom all blessings flow. God is too good to us all!! :)
I praise God, cause today is my father's bday, I thank God for his life and for blessing him even more abundantly. I also praise God for my uncle, my dad's twin, for guiding them both as they walk into another yr!
Naijaqueen said:
I praise God for the victory reports I am seeing here. Its a blessing, nothing is impossible with God. Step out in faith, and trust in Him. Believe and then take action, be like David, Jonathan and Joshua, and put on the full armor of God. He'll bless you even more abundantly.

Today is my day for breakthrough. I sowed a seed bigger than anything I have ever given or could afford. I have faith greater than a mustard seed, I've God's power within me to make things that arent to come to pass, I have His anointing and seal. I cant wait to post updates, but praise Him always from whom all blessings flow. God is too good to us all!! :)

I already have testimonies since this post 2 days, my breakthrough is SO real its mind blowing!! I claimed $1000 this morning by end of the week, it sounded crazy to the human mind but I was operating in a spiritual realm and this afternoon I was able to get more than I wanted, I just saved thousands off CC bill.
I was able to offer my young 15yr cousin at least 3page advice on using his talented art skills into a big time business. This was all part of my request for breakthrough, to affect all aspects of my life. I dont just want to receive God's blessings, I want to be able to bless others and for others to look at me in awe, and then come to see God's glory in me

Praise God, He's too good! In Christ I've His grace, blessings and provisions!
NessaNessa said:
I praise God in advance for the victorious news I will receive next week :)

Well, I received good news today!!!! I was waiting on a job and I have another interview tomorrow!!!!! This job is mine and I give GOD the praise!!!
Next week, or possibly tomorrow, I will have even better news to report. Praise GOD!!!!