*~Praise Report Thread~*

Very proud to report I have been planning on attending Howard University for the past two years and let my application lapse so I had to apply again for admission in Fall 2006. Well I received a letter letting me know I had been denied admission. Howard University was my plan A and I didn't exactly know what I would do next.

Well proud to say I received another letter on Tuesday and it states "Congratulations on your acceptance to Howard University." Now you know that was nothing but the Lord working miracles in my life.
Praise God:
I just got the word that I am going to be converted this week from a contractual to a permanent position. Thank the Lord! I will finally have benefits and will be able to see the doctor as needed for myself and my boys!
Yes God is good, I had a horrible terrible thing happen to me in Dec. '05, & now I've had a wonderful awesome thing happen to me in May '06. I never doubted He'd come through for me, that's the only way I was able to not lose my mind after last year. Always remember your Daddy will take care of his children, I'm living proof of that :D
Good Morning Ladies,

Just wanted to praise the Lord with everything I have (and don't have) this morning. I am on a euphoric high just because I fell asleep last night with the goodness of the Lord on my lips. Devoting myself to him mind, body and soul and sure enough I awoke this morning renewed, rejuvenated and simply blessed.

I'm such a spas....but God loves me too much to keep this joy to myself. Have a blessed day
My mother passed her test!!!! The devil tried to knock her down the day before the test, but the Lord stepped in and did His thing. Praise GOD!!! Now, I'm waiting for some breakthroughs in my life :) Thank you for your prayers.
I would like to share with you all about how God has blessed me over the past few months...

In May, I graduated from college with my Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting.

In May, I got the opportunity to travel out of the country for the first time in my to Paris, France with students in my MBA program. God allowed me to have a safe trip to and from.

Last week, God blessed me with another job where I will be making more money. This position is a temp-to-hire position which will give me the opportunity for me and the employer to try each other out.

Go 'head pooh bear!

My praise is that I have been praying for someoe for over 10 years to come to the Lord and he did not know I was praying for him.

Well Guess What he told me 2 weeks ago ???? (Zeal jumping up and down)

Hey!:yay: :yay: :yay: :woot: :woot: :woot: :clap: :clap:
It's so wonderful to hear how God is moving in the lives of others! Gives me great joy to know that you guys are being blessed!
Praise report:
I just realized, how blessed I am just to be breathing!

That I still have love left in my heart after all I have been through and that I am not bitter, mean and hateful. :)
crlsweetie912 said:
Praise report:
I just realized, how blessed I am just to be breathing!

That I still have love left in my heart after all I have been through and that I am not bitter, mean and hateful. :)

um um um!

God is good! God is good! God is good!
I have to tell everyone how He has answered prayers in our circumstance. My husband's cousin has very recently been diagnosed with cancer. He has been hospitalized and has lost a lot of weight and his stomach swelled up like a ballon as the cancer was eating his insides. We prayed and we prayed. He already begun speaking on his specific wishes for his funeral arrangements as the doctors only gave him days to live.
But God....Changed his situation. The doctors are calling it a miracle. He was somehow strong enough to endure chemotherapy and now the swelling is going down and his strength is returning more and more every day.

My husband is so happy about the answered prayer and his spirit is uplifted. He is currently going through a very difficult situation that we constantly pray about. We know that God is faithful and very soon I pray that I will be posting his answered prayer on this praise report thread.
God is good! God is good! God is good!
The LORD gave my husband some excellent news concerning his situation. Things are turning around. God is great! We were high-fiving and dancing and praising all evening. We are still praying that his situation will be taken away but we are one step closer to receiving our total miracle.
I want to give God all the praise and glory for He is truly worthy and able. For the last couple years I've been working on some class prerequisites in order to enter graduate school. I've worked thru a pregancy and illness to do what I needed to do. Well on Saturday I received my acceptance letter. In January I will begin gruduate school and will be working towards a Masters degree in Anesthesiology. This is a competitive and challenging program but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Once I finish this my financial situation will do a total 360. Thanks and praise to the Lord who has given us the ability to obtain wealth. Now I'm believing God for finances to come in so I can pay for school and be able to care for my family as I will not be working for 2 1/2 yrs. He didn't bring me this far to leave me hanging so I will just stand fast in the faith. Our God is an awesome God.
This is my first praise report and I think I should praise him more often for even the littlest things He does in my life :)
I want to give God ALL the Glory and ALL the Praise first of all for second chances and for forgiveness. I want to praise Him because even when I wasn't giving him the place He righteously deserves in my life He still protected me.
And today I want to say Praise the Lord for he has blessed with a job, at a moment when I wasn't really expecting it. Thank you Father God for the opportunity to work in a field that is of interest to me, even if it's only as an office assistant.
Blessed Be The Name of Our Lord Almighty, He is Truly Worthy to be PRAISED :)
I thank God for leading me to this forum! It feels good to talk to people that can uplift and encourage me. Sometimes this walk feels just a little lonely. I pray that God send showers of blessings down on everyone here that you will not have room enough to receive them!!!!!
I thank God for leading me to this forum! It feels good to talk to people that can uplift and encourage me.

I agree! Praise God!
I will give just a little history. I am new to this particular forum,I grew up going to church but as an adult I strayed I always have prayed but as far as my beliefs I had so many doubts. In the recent months I have been getting the feeling that God has been calling me and I have been listening.
In October 05 I got hired permanently for the college I both work for and attended and was so grateful to be able to have earned my AA degree and to be able to work to earn a living for my sons. Needless to say as time moved on I was very unhappy in this position but didn't know what to do because of time limitations that kept me from searching for a more positive position that I can grow with. So I prayed and prayed for help, for direction from God .Well about 2 1/2 weeks ago I could tell something was going on and it had to do with me. I was called into the office by my supervisor and told that I would be transferring to another campus in another department doing something totally different. I was so taken aback by this mainly because that is not how this place works they don't transfer. I knew God was gonna bring me through this but it is never how you imagine it to be. So here I am 2 weeks later in my new position which so far I am extremely happy about I am gettting to learn alot, doing many different things and serve people on a regular basis. I am still so surprise about how it happened. I had to share this with you all. I am grateful for this forum i really need the inspiration that I have been getting from just lurking in my free time because I have been using what I have been reading. Thank you all
Ok, I have been depressed and disappointed because my son, who has a history of hearing and speech problems was discontinued from special education. This year, I have talked to his teacher at least 3 times a week about his poor progress. The school deemed he was age appropriate last year yet this year he's failing everything except art and gym.

I have been praying that God would open up doors so I could help him since the school is turning a deaf ear. I tried to get him in a tutoring program but they were full.

Yesterday while doing some research, I happened upon some new information and called a local hospital for help. Well needless to say, he now has appointments at a very well known hospital in the area that has a new center for children with learning disabilities, and an appointment for Occupational therapy to help with his writing skills.

Then, last night the tutoring program called and said they had an opening for him and he is there now today!

Thank you Lord for answering prayers!
As many of you may remember, I requested prayer for a friend and her unborn child. Well....Baby Noel was born on Thursday 12/28/06 at 1pm. He weighed 6lbs 9oz and his lungs were fully developed. Moms blood clot disappeared. Baby Noel did have to have surgery to connect his instestines and stomach, but the surgery went well and we are now praying that he will recover quickly and join his parents at home very soon. Thank you all for your prayers. God is great!
BmoreBelle said:
As many of you may remember, I requested prayer for a friend and her unborn child. Well....Baby Noel was born on Thursday 12/28/06 at 1pm. He weighed 6lbs 9oz and his lungs were fully developed. Moms blood clot disappeared. Baby Noel did have to have surgery to connect his instestines and stomach, but the surgery went well and we are now praying that he will recover quickly and join his parents at home very soon. Thank you all for your prayers. God is great!

That is excellent news!! Glory to GOD!! :clap:

My prayer for 2007 was that my outlook become more positive and that I stop worring about things and just give them to the Lord. I have had a really difficult 2006 and I never want to be that downtrodden again. So for the past 4 days of 2007 I have started each day with a smile and excitement over what I know that God has in store for me for the day. Well today, a co-worker (saved) walked by and said good morning as she usually does and said, you are doing something different, you have a glow!

It's the GLOW OF THE HOLY SPIRIT! I am finally moving out of the way and letting God do what he wants with me!
Don't laugh, but this is my praise report and it's very important to me.

God is good!
A few weeks ago, my son had his initial appointment at a very good hospital to deal with his learning/health issues. I hadn't heard anything about the test results but I vowed to be patient and just give it to God in prayer. Yesterday when I get home I see a thick envelope from the hospital. My son was below average on EVERY test that they gave him, the therapist recommended to the school that he receive the special help that he was getting before, plus Speech therapy at the hospital and occupational therapy at the hospital, and this is just the first visit. We go back on Tuesday to address the health issues!

I am so happy, not that my son is behind, but that his needs will finally be addressed in the proper manner!
Thank you Lord!!!!!

i like to thank you for saving my children life last year on 12/28/05
in the car accident
my daughter age five had a broken leg for six month and could not attendi school :cry: she's my pride and joy. i love her so thank you.

my son age three had no know injures but was afraid for his sister.

the car i work so hard to get with countless hours missing from my family was gone in 30 days. i was left with no money no car no way to get to work ( have no pubilc tranist in my area) but the things that was most vauleable to be was save my kids:) :) that's all that matters.

but you stay with me 100% after4 months you found me a 2000 mercury cougar for 3200 that is running strong . i spent more time with my family and everyday i am thank you for it.

i don't even want to know what i would have done if it went the other way , but you do

thank you and everyday is yourday in my heart:) :) :)