*~Praise Report Thread~*

sugaplum said:
PRAISE HIM. :woot: He is so worthy of the Praises 24-7. This is wonderfull and a true blessing.

My Grandpa is dealing with lung cancer right now and this is truly an inspiration to me. He is also going through chemo right now, but I'm clinging to God during my hardships and trauma. If God is for us, who can be aganist us. Parise be his Holy name. :angel:

Thank you sugaplum! I'll pray for your grandpa.

My moms cancer is completely gone now. They did several scans of her body and brain and no sign of it AT ALL. :weird:

I appreciate everyones support and prayers.I know they helped my mother heal. Thank you! :kiss:
pink_flower said:
Thank you sugaplum! I'll pray for your grandpa.

My moms cancer is completely gone now. They did several scans of her body and brain and no sign of it AT ALL. :weird:

I appreciate everyones support and prayers.I know they helped my mother heal. Thank you! :kiss:

[size=+2]PRAISE GOD.[/size] :dance7:
He is worthy of ALL the praises.
What a true miracle.
Your mother is a witness to God's glory. :angel:

*sings* God of wonder beyond our galaxy,
You are Holy, Holy
Universe declairs Your majesty
You are Holy, Holy
Lord of Heaven and Earth
I just have to thank God. I was struggling in the area of my finances. I applied for a grant for the summer that would allow me to use the money to help pay for my thesis, registration costs, etc. Well, I applied for 500.00 (250 for summer 1 and 250 for summer 2). I received 1000.00 for summer 1.

I just give God the glory.
I want to thank God for so many blessings. I have a beautiful healthy son. God has healed and strengthened my marriage with my husband (Praise Him!!!!) and our family will be moving into a brand new home very shortly. God blessed us with the strength to make the decision to move, even though we thought we couldn't afford it, and He just keeps making the way. We are truly truly thankful! Amen!
I have a praise report!
I was let go (not for a bad reason) from my job early in May, and have been applying and submitting resumes. I also filed for unemployment, which did not give me any funds after 3 weeks of going back and forth with them. It was taking forever for them to award me unemployment insurance.

Anyway, I got called for an interview. I had been praying for a job, and I got one! Not only did I receive two temporary assignments back to back and on the same day, I have a full-time regular position waiting for me when this assignment is completed! I fell down on my knees at the altar last Wednesday night at Bible Study in continuous praise after my pastor/prophet imparted to me that I would get a job, and it would pay 3 times more than the last one. The next morning (Thursday) I received the two temporary assignments (full-time), and Friday afternoon, I was told I was hired at the full-time regular job I applied for! I tell you God is good. My pastor always says to praise him in spite of your circumstance. That's exactly what I did! :clap:
Praise report: We decided in fall 2004 that we wanted to purchase a home. Now, I'd been praying for years regarding the style house I liked & areas I'd preferred to live in. I even prayed while driving down my favorite streets & neighborhoods. Well, in January I started praying & thanking God daily to place the right people in our path every step of the way, even the steps I wasn't familiar with but HE, of course, was. I praised & thanked him EVERYDAY. In February we started looking on sundays only. At our second open house we met who we knew instantly was going to be our R.E. agent and boy did she educate & work for us for sure! After viewing only 4 homes, we were lead to a house (on one of my fav roads I'd been praying while riding thru) that we had avoided until the end for no particular reason except it was a little pricey. Well, long story short, it's now our new home! It is huge, tons of property, back yard has a grass clearing before u walk into the little mini forest & the old owners who were like 80 kept the house well, the structure is good, it's in it's original condition which is great because we can do all the updates. We made an offer early March & closed April 7th. Our experience was smooth from beginning to end. We had NO PROBLEMS and learned SO MUCH! Although we'd heard of so many home-buying nightmares over the years, I knew God Almighty & him only would make this a positive experience & smooth process. Although my man panicked everytime there seemed a possibility of something going wrong, my faith only got stronger & remained unwavered because I know who is in control of my life. Faith starts with baby steps. I started out building my faith in the Lord with praying for small things like parking spots, non-traffic routes, getting to work on time & learned not to worry about things & placing my burdens in his hands. Now I look back & see how much my faith has grown. Jesus is my everything & the only one I can count on. He is beyond worthy to be praised!
Welcome to the body of christ.

WOW, what awesome praise reports. GLORY TO GOD.

Will keep each of you in my prayers.

hi ladies,
I wanted to give you all an update on my mother. I posted in the prayer request thread as she under went surgery. The doctors removed her right kidney yesterday and she lost only 3 tablespoons of blood (not alot at all, right :D )

The best part is the doctors did more testing a few days including a biopsy before the surgery to see if the cancer had spread or any infections in her uretha or bladder. And there were NO signs of any cancer!!!!! She will not need any chemo or radiation!!! :yay:

Surgery went well and she is resting comfortably. The doctors and nurses are making sure she's not it alot of pain. God is sooo good and has truly smiled down on my mother. Thank you ladies for the prayers and the support!!! God bless.
God is so Good!!! I am supposed to be attending a conference that I honestly can not afford to attend so I signed up to be a volunteer. I feel in my heart my attendance at this conference will be a huge breakthrough for me in my chosen field/career and so it's imperative I attend.

After weeks of not hearing anything I sent a follow up email and was told volunteers had been selected and notifications sent out to those who would be volunteers and to those who would not. I had received neither notification and told my contact so.

As soon as I told her, I immediately began praying to God that they had selected me as a volunteer and I that would receive notification stating such. A couple of hours later... I did! :clap:

Although they did not select me for the volunteer status that would enable me to attend free of charge or even at a discount,I still have a chance to do so (depending on how many hours I am actually used) therefore I am going to back to the throne on this situation and I know that God will move just as he has before!

I just wanted to thank God for getting me over the first hurdle!
I work in a gym, and I noticed one of the regular members hadn't been in one week. This is a guy that is normally in working out rain or shine 5 days/week. Now it's vacation time and I couldv'e just assumed he was away somewhere, but I got a sense that something may have been wrong. I saw him for a brief second yesterday as I was leaving but by the time I saw him he was out the door. Something said don't worry you'll see him tomorrow. Turns out he came in today and the same voice said talk to him, he was busy pumping iron so I just said hi and kept it moving (the men don't like to be interupted while lifting weight :look: Anyway a few minutes later he came up to me and was like check this out and there was a big scar across his throat. I asked him what happened and he told me that his dr. found a large lump on his thyroid which was operated on last week, and that was why he wasn't around. The dr. insisted that it was prob. cancerous so my friend was worried but he never said anything to me about it. But he said he feels great and after operating they realized that it WASNT malignant, he just got the news yesterday and today was his first day back at the gym. I feel like it was the Spirit telling me to talk to him, like I said in the summer most of the gym members aren't around as often due to vacation and working out in the nice weather outside. I recently made a choice to strengthen my committment to God, and have been hearing things from the Spirit more often. I was just really happy that he's okay :p
Praise God because He is good especially when things seem to be going wrong. Praise HIm for showing himself to us and letting us know that we can trust in Him and He will carry us in his arms. Im thanking God for the miraculous breakthroughs that I know are coming through for my family; I thank HIm for these testimonies I see here that reassure me that He heals cancer and He provides jobs and He will continue to bless us. Praise God!
I thank God for when I truly have the faith of a mustard seed that I don't even have to tell the mountain to move because He'll do that too.

Chain of events:
1. I work until 7:30p and so I'm unable to attend midweek service (starts at 6:30)
2. After speaking to my church sister, I had to desire to be there midweek
3. Decided that I will cut out of the office right after my boss leaves to get there and get maybe 1hr of service in
4. Decided I didn't want to be deceitful and I'll just ask
5. I go in and ask my boss if I could come in a 1/2 hr early and leave 1/2 hr early
6. Boss says fine and I feel blessed
7. I need to work quite a bit of OT, so I bank some (don't submit) for when there's a drought
8. On the day to submit OT I say God will provide and submit all that I have pending

9. Co-worker calls out and I'm asked to cover their shift...OT!
10. Boss so grateful that I was so willing to bail them out that I AM LEAVING AT 6P TOMORROW (Wednesday)

Guess where I'll be at 6:30?

God is good all the time and I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Praise God!
I know we did some fasting and praying this Tuesday (I fell of my fast but Im going to stick with it next time).....Two of my requests were miraculously answered. Never give up on God...it may take months, or years longer than you anticipated but God knows what He is doing. Trust Him and have faith. I continue to seek his mercy and blessings.
Praising God for his Goodness.

Every morning that I arise is a blessing, every night I lay my head upon my pillow to sleep is a blessing. I have been especially blessed with the gifts of family, shelter and provisions. Today, I went on an interview and was told I was one of the top candidates, that he'd interviewed. I praise the Lord for his goodness and ask his continued blessings in my life.
I thank God for helping my son to do better. I pray that the Lord continue to bless my son. I praise God for blessing with a nice dependable car and a decent warm place to stay in. I thank the Lord for my good job with benefits. And I praise God for giving me chance after chance even when i don't deserve it.
God is an awesome God. I recently lost my job, and although I haven't found a new job yet, my Lord has blessed me with a financial blessing of an extra $6,000. I am so blessed an fortunate, and I will continue to sing the praises of God Almighty.

ETA: I can tell you how much the Lord has blessed me. Today, I recieved a call back for a job I'm really interested in. I had applied over three weeks ago and hadn't heard anything. So when I talked to the lady from Human Resources, she said "Oh, the President of your company read the letter you sent and he is really interested in interviewing you." I don't have the job yet and I may not get it but, this just shows me that God has something planned for me. Glory to God!
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I praise God for giving me the strength to:
go to school full time
waking me up every morning
carrying me when I'm struggling
putting a roof over myself and son's head
food in the refrigerator
FRO-EVER 21 said:
God is an awesome God. I recently lost my job, and although I haven't found a new job yet, my Lord has blessed me with a financial blessing of an extra $6,000. I am so blessed an fortunate, and I will continue to sing the praises of God Almighty.

ETA: I can tell you how much the Lord has blessed me. Today, I recieved a call back for a job I'm really interested in. I had applied over three weeks ago and hadn't heard anything. So when I talked to the lady from Human Resources, she said "Oh, the President of your company read the letter you sent and he is really interested in interviewing you." I don't have the job yet and I may not get it but, this just shows me that God has something planned for me. Glory to God!

Good Luck....I hope you get it!!!!:)
I Will Bless the Lord at All Times - My praise report

Bless The Lord O my soul, and all that is within me. Bless his Holy Name.

First. I thank God for having me on his mind while he was on that Rugged Cross. I thank him for his patience, mercy, and forgiveness. I thank him for choosing me. I thank him for being my personal Jesus. I think him for pruning me and purging me.

I thank him for getting me a Job interview.
Re: I Will Bless the Lord at All Times - My praise report

This is my first praise report and I could write so much that I don't know where to begin. First and formost I want to thank that Almighty God for his covering hedge of protection for myself and my family. A couple of weeks ago, I had gotten paid and had a few hundred dollars left over that I was going to use to purchase some things that myself and my sons had been needing. So I get up to go to the laundromat and then go shopping. I had all three of my sons in the car and also my sister and my neice who are living with me.
I get to the store to buy supplies and while in the parking lot trying to park the car, my brakes go completely out!!! PRAISE THE LORD! I didn't hit anything!

So I gingerly go to my mom's house cause its the closest and I start calling people to find out what it would cost to get the brakes and rotors replaced. All the while, my mom's husband is saying, its saturday, you won't get into any car repair place today, just park the car and go home. I call a couple of places and get scared cause I only have 400.00, I have two weeks until payday, and they are quoting upwards of 400-450.00. The first place I call is the cheapest, they can take me immediately, and the cost is only 300.00!!


PS: The next day at church, two of my greatest angels who usher with me each hand me $100.00!

God is so good! I love you Lord! Thank you!
For time to time, I just think about how wonderul and gracious God has been to me. I know that I often fall short of his glory, but he has never forsaken me and is my strength and my rock. I am so blessed, because God has brought me to a different place in life. A place where I can truly appreciate the his grace and mercy. Just months ago, I'd lost a job, my health was suffering and had a dying family member. I am happy to say that although haven't found a full-time job, I am freelancing with a wonderful company and making more money than I made at my old job. But the best part is that I am no longer in a toxic environment. I was so stressed out that my mental/physical health was suffering, but now I am contented and happy and physically fine. And although my brother is still terminally ill, I feel like we are closer than we have been in year b/c before this we hadn't spoken for four years. I just want to testify and praise the lord for his loving kindness.
For the last three years, I've taken and failed ECON. My graduation is coming up and if I don't pass the class, I can't graduate. After much prayer, I got an A on my exam!!! Glory Be to GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I give a praise of thanks to God simply because he is God. I thank him for dying and being my risen Savior. I thank him for wiping my tears and comforting me when no one is around. I thank him for my children, and for the protection that he never fails to provide for us. I thank him for his patience with me. Who am I that he should have such love for me? Thank You Jesus
I must first thank God for his Son Jesus Christ!!!


On the prayer request thread, I asked for prayer for my God parenst as they lot their house in a fire. Theyare currently living in an apartment and my God- Mother is soooo happy. Happy to the point where as she is thingking of stayng at the apratment.

Secondly I requested prayer for my sister who is in school. She has received her grades. She has an A and a B. Praise God !!!!!