*~Praise Report Thread~*

Praise the Lord, everybody!!!!!

I thank the Lord for just continuing to encourage my heart despite the things I've been experiencing & worrying about (grad school, work, personal life, His will/my future, low self esteem, etc.). I've been struggling with finding my self and purpose while trying to hold things down in my life. Just when it became too much, I decided to turn to God. I have been praying with a prayer partner three times per week, which has encouraged me to connect to God in a more personal, profound way and I've been reading a great devotional in the meantime. It has been encouraging me to remember that we are not fighting flesh and blood, but that we are more than conquerors through Him. We can call on the name of the Lord, sing and meditate on Him and speak the Word on God (Jesus) in every situation, which has given me much peace & hope.

And (sorry for the long post--He is sooo good!!!!), I had my final performance plan review with my employer today and all this time I'm thinking I'm not where I want to be and my productivity is slipping because I'm unsure of myself at times--low and behold--I was blessed with an exceptional rating along with a performance award and a promotion!!!!!! My employer has been very pleased with my work, but I was thinking otherwise.

THANK YOU JESUS---YOU knew what was around the bend and yet even before all of that You spoke to and encouraged my heart when I needed it the most by reminding me of Your love, help and protection over me.

Please continue to keep us in Your presence and encourage the women represented here--bless them, Lord and may Your name be continually praised!!!!!

Be encouraged ladies!!! He loves you all!!!!!
Uh..I dunno if this goes here but...
In the last month...two months God and I have gone through a lot...mostly me. But I mean it's all for the good of God...to bring me closer to him. I'm still struggling with doubt mostly cuz of my fear of understanding wrong...or taking something to be from God when it isn't. But tomorrow (Sunday) will be the first Sunday I've tithed since the summer...and I'm sitting here like I feel a real joy in my heart...I can't wait for tomorrow to come so I can put my envelope into the offering basket. And I know that it's not a matter of pride. It's not the blessings I'll recieve...but I'm finally really on track to getting right with God...I could go on but I don't want to type that much and I don't think everyone wants to read it all. But I just feel really blessed right...and it's been a while since I've felt like this...despite the massive blessings I'm blessed with
Praise the Lord and blessing saints!

I want to praise the Lord for simply waking up every morning. Because my sister went to sleep and never woke up. I praise God that he allowed me the 29 out her 32 years to know and love her. Thank you Lord; You are mighty and awesome!
Uh..I dunno if this goes here but...
In the last month...two months God and I have gone through a lot...mostly me. But I mean it's all for the good of God...to bring me closer to him. I'm still struggling with doubt mostly cuz of my fear of understanding wrong...or taking something to be from God when it isn't. But tomorrow (Sunday) will be the first Sunday I've tithed since the summer...and I'm sitting here like I feel a real joy in my heart...I can't wait for tomorrow to come so I can put my envelope into the offering basket. And I know that it's not a matter of pride. It's not the blessings I'll recieve...but I'm finally really on track to getting right with God...I could go on but I don't want to type that much and I don't think everyone wants to read it all. But I just feel really blessed right...and it's been a while since I've felt like this...despite the massive blessings I'm blessed with

Praise God! I have been here before! Feeling God's glory to be able to do something I haven't be able!
I have been laid off from my job for apprx. 2 mths. But every need is being meet! Everytime I think the money is going to run out...God opens another door!
Girl Yes this is a praise report! One thing is for sure ... when you open your hand to give to God out of love, respect, and what we are required as Christians then that same hand is open to receive!:grin: Your act of obedience is a sign of worship! Its not always easy but somethings are just right. I will be tithing off of my unemployment check. :yep:
I think if you were talking to me I see what you mean. I'm sorry I have anohter praise lol. Today at church I was talking to my fake aunt who is a assemblywoman...well her treasurer offered me a internship or a chance to work in the office with them (My major is accounting and my minor is finance so that's really good) She said to just call whenever I was ready to needed to come work. And that I could get credit for my college working there. I only talked to her for a minute if even... PRAISE GOD...I could only sing while I was walking to my car...I'm really understanding the if you worship God with a clean heart that the desires of your heart would be poured out onto you
Heavenly Father,
I am thanking you for all the things you have done and for all the thing not done yet but will be done according to your will. You have provided and given to me so plentifully. And I thank you so much.

You are awesome and my beginning and my end.

This week I will be moving to Georgia with no job on the horizon with my kids and fiancee. But God has already told me that everything is taken care and I am walking out on faith. I am thanking God today for my job that is awaiting me, the home my family will preside, the God loving/Christian daycare provider that will care for my kids, and wonderful job for my fiancee. I know all our needs will be met, because God is in charge and in control.

I thank the day I opened my heart and my life to HIM.
I want to praise The Lord Jesus Christ who works by Our Holy Spirit and our Heavenly Father to bring to pass all that is good and is in His perfect will, I was fighting with the Government to establish some matters.. I gave the battle to the Lord and trusted HE would work all things for His and my good.....As of today ...To God be the glory the battle is over and we have the victory.Praise God !..Praise God .!..He is so good !
God is Good all the time. I had to learn Patience, trust, love and deliverance In Jesus Name!
This house I just built the Lord Built:yawn:
My house is FINALLY Built After 2 long Years:grin:
Just wanted to thank anyone who prayed with us and for us about my granddaughters daycare needs..our prayers were answered , she got in to the daycare we were praying for . Thanks be to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ..who hears and answers prayers.
Praise the Holy Name of the LORD!

I began my current job two years ago. My boss (a wonderful Christian man of God) promised that he would work with me to get promotions and work with me on building a career. A few weeks ago, I put in for a reclassification (basically a promotion, but based on work I am already doing) and almost IMMEDIATELY I received word from HR that not only was my reclass approved, but that I was eligible for a full grade HIGHER than I requested! HALLELUJAH! :yay: AND, I get retroactive pay for the pay difference going back to JULY 2007!!!
I would just like to thank Him for making my car start today. It would not start yesterday and I am a student and dont really have the money to continue to replace parts. My friend moved it to a parking space for me today, and when I went to start it it cranked right up as usual. Not only that but my friend bought me a battery and the check engine light that was on went off.

For that I would like to say thank ya :)
i just feel the need to give praise. God is awesome. everything is going to work out fine. i give you the glory God. You alone are worthy
Praise the Holy Name of the LORD!

I began my current job two years ago. My boss (a wonderful Christian man of God) promised that he would work with me to get promotions and work with me on building a career. A few weeks ago, I put in for a reclassification (basically a promotion, but based on work I am already doing) and almost IMMEDIATELY I received word from HR that not only was my reclass approved, but that I was eligible for a full grade HIGHER than I requested! HALLELUJAH! :yay: AND, I get retroactive pay for the pay difference going back to JULY 2007!!!
Lord, I know you have this increase just waiting to be released to me and my faith WILL NOT WAIVER! You are Jehovah Jireh, my provider. I praise you IN ADVANCE for what is going to happen! Delay is not denial and I believe in the NAME OF JESUS that you will provide for my family.
I just want to give Glory and Honor to the Most High God, who is not comparable to any other! I thank God for my graduating, something that has been a long-time coming. I've battled with bad decision after bad decision, negative people and fear since graduating from HS, but God is AWESOME. I'm so grateful for the support system He set up for me and His just working things out like NOBODY else could. Some things you just know it ain't nobody but the LORD! I also want to give Him some advanced praise for what He is currently working out in my life and setting up. I give Him all praise despite myself because He is ALWAYS good.

After a long and hard semester I have done well. I was attending 2 full-time schools and still working 20 hours a week. I came out of the university with a 3.3 GPA which I am grateful for and with the other class that I was attending at a community college, I have passed the CNA course; skills and practical test with flying score. I give it all to the LORD, I claimed it in the name of Jesus before, b/c I knew that it was mine. I also received a job at the nursing home that I was doing my clinicals at which is paying very well. But the Lord God didnt stop there, he let me receive a call from a major hospital that I have been trying to get with since 2006. And for that and much more I am a believer. God wont fail you, he will do as he said. Just have faith and believe. PATIENCE is the key!
Lord, I know you have this increase just waiting to be released to me and my faith WILL NOT WAIVER! You are Jehovah Jireh, my provider. I praise you IN ADVANCE for what is going to happen! Delay is not denial and I believe in the NAME OF JESUS that you will provide for my family.
God is good and FAITHFUL TO HIS WORD.
Jesus you kept your promises to me and you have PROVIDED!
My increase finally came through. Not a moment too soon. Thank you God for increasing my faith during this rough period. Lord let me be wise with what you have given me. I praise your name FOREVER!
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I just want to thank you Lord for all you have done and are going to do for me. When I let go and put it in your hands everything became the way you wanted. You got rid of the negativity in my life. You helped me through another horrible time in my life. I am finally at peace. I thank you for allowing me to buy my first home. I just cant say enough right now. Just thank you Lord.
I had made a thread a couple of weeks ago about not being sure about a church i went to. I have since prayed sook counsel from elders,and made the decision today to join, and i happy about it. Me and my child finally have a church home. I thank God for that!
I thank GOD for providing me with so much confirmation regarding a new job. The past week, I have been amazed-morning by morning new mercies I see. Everything is falling into place, and I already claim favor in the eyes of the search committee. Promotion does not come from the east, south, or west but GOD is the judge and he putteth down one and setteth up another. I claim this blessing and look forward to another praise report when the blessing of the new position has manifested in the natural realm!
Thank U Jesus!!!!!!!!! oh wow i know you gave me favor on this one. God just gave me favor to get accepted into the University of South Florida, even thought i didnt have a class i needed to complete my aa, Plus the fact that usf is facing budget cuts from the state and is not accepting transfer students as easily as in previous years! I so thought i would be at the community college taking the math class i need, paying out of pocket so i could transfer in the spring, But praise be to God, i am going university, and getting financial aid to pay for it! im almost in shock thank you Jesus!!!!
Let me tell you! God is so good and I praise him and thank him for all that he has done for me. I still have not found employment, however I am very close and I thank God for that alone. He is truly a great God, even though money is low and times are hard I Thank him for living and breathing, plus being able to praise his name. :yep:
I thank Jesus for helping me through a trying weekend with house guests!! I was thankful to come to work today to escape!! LOL

I thank the Lord for my lovely home and for having the ablity to be a good hostess even if my guest were not appreciative.
Jesus provided an opening for a school for my 5 year old son. I just found out yesterday that the school that he had been attending would not open this year and I called this morning and there is an opening at my 10 year old's school for my baby to start Kindergarten on MONDAY! Thank you Lord for your favor and provision!
Praise the Lord!!!!!! I have been working at increasing my credit score so I can buy a home and God increased my score by 17 points in one month. I was worrying and fretting over my credit score and buying a home for my family but when I finally released it and gave it to God things have been happening for me. GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!
Praise the Lord!!!!!! I have been working at increasing my credit score so I can buy a home and God increased my score by 17 points in one month. I was worrying and fretting over my credit score and buying a home for my family but when I finally released it and gave it to God things have been happening for me. GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!

Well Praise Him............. :woohoo2: Halleilulia :yay:

Congratulations, I'm so happy for you...