*~Praise Report Thread~*

I don't know if this is a praise report or not, but I'm going to share it anyway. Since last year I had a friend who was going through sooooo much. She's a single parent of 2 sons, she had just gotten out a a bad relationship, gotten into another relationship in which she was to be maried, but they broke up, her car was repossessed, she had her heat cut off when it was freezing cold, her phone was cut off, and her mom was in and out of the hospital having surgeries to keep her lungs open. Well, you ladies who know me know how I love to fast and pray. I have kept her lifted up before the Lord since all this started. One day she came to me, crying her heart out, saying she felt she needed to put her sons (7 and 10) in a home because she could not care for them any longer. Well, I have worked in homes and I felt her children would not survive in them. So, I came home and told my husband I realized our kids were grown, but we have a big house and these children needed to continue living somewhere where the ways of the Lord were taught. I felt we should take her sons until she got back on her feet. My husband agreed and I was going to take them. However, during bible study she stood and gave her testimony of how God had finally answered her prayers. She had applied for this job (she's in school and will graduate in December) and got it. What was so great about it, they are going to pay her a stipen until she graduates and then she starts working for them in January. Now this stipen is more than she was getting with her part-time job. On top of that, we found out yesterday she made the Dean's list despite all she was going through! Now, she can keep her kids, and she'll be able to get a used car when they give her the first check in a few days. Her heat and phone are back on, and she is PRAISING THE LORD FOR IT ALL.

We were in choir rehearsal when I found out and the Spirit of the Lord hit me like a fire. It's a wonderful feeling to know your prayers are being answered, even if they were prayers for someone else's situation. I began to cry and just get all wrapped up in the Lord. It was like once the Spirit hit me, it went all through the choir. We sang as if we were in church on Sunday and God truly had his way. I can NEVER remember anything like this happening during a rehearsal. But the power of the Lord is strong and I thank God everytime I hear about what he is doing for his children...it gives me joy, increases my faith, and makes me walk around with hope even when things are a little out of sorts in my own life.

I share this because maybe it will offer others hope, joy, and strenghtening of their faith. GOD IS STILL ANSWERING PRAYERS so please don't give up.

Okay, I'll stop crying and writing now :)
I want to praise God for his numerous blessings. I just paid my final car note on my van. God is indeed very good. There are so many things I can thank God for. Just being in good health is reason enough. Hallelujuah !
levette said:
I want to praise God for his numerous blessings. I just paid my final car note on my van. God is indeed very good. There are so many things I can thank God for. Just being in good health is reason enough. Hallelujuah !
That is great news to hear that God blessed you with a paid-for van and good health! Praise Him! :clap:
I have a small victory as well...I finally got a job. I am not sure if it is going to be a paying position or more of an internship, but it is with a company that could eventually hire me permanently after I graduate this May. I thank God for this position as I feel that this is just the beginning of more good things for me:)
kitty18 said:
I have a small victory as well...I finally got a job. I am not sure if it is going to be a paying position or more of an internship, but it is with a company that could eventually hire me permanently after I graduate this May. I thank God for this position as I feel that this is just the beginning of more good things for me:)
Congrats on having a job! :clap: I'm an intern right now and I have the option of being hired at the company permanently after I graduate college in 2006. I don't think I'm going to though. May God bless you on your job! :yep:
cybra said:
I share this because maybe it will offer others hope, joy, and strenghtening of their faith. GOD IS STILL ANSWERING PRAYERS so please don't give up.

Okay, I'll stop crying and writing now :)

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now THAT is a testimony!!!! :clap: PRAISE GOD for all HE is doing in the lives of those who trust and believe!! And I can testify that when you pray unselfishly for others, blessings overtake you! You are a blessing, Cybra!! :kiss:
levette said:
I want to praise God for his numerous blessings. I just paid my final car note on my van. God is indeed very good. There are so many things I can thank God for. Just being in good health is reason enough. Hallelujuah !

PRAISE HIM!! :clap:
kitty18 said:
I have a small victory as well...I finally got a job. I am not sure if it is going to be a paying position or more of an internship, but it is with a company that could eventually hire me permanently after I graduate this May. I thank God for this position as I feel that this is just the beginning of more good things for me:)

Girl, that is no small victory, not in this day when so many people can't get work! God is good!! :clap:
I was sooo hesitant to post in here b/c I didnt want to jinx my family situation but..
as some of yall know my mom was rediagnosed with cancer and she got her test results back earlier last week and her cancer markers are going down, so the chemo is working. :yay:

Thanks for all the prayers :)
pink_flower said:
I was sooo hesitant to post in here b/c I didnt want to jinx my family situation but..
as some of yall know my mom was rediagnosed with cancer and she got her test results back earlier last week and her cancer markers are going down, so the chemo is working. :yay:

Thanks for all the prayers :)

Woo-hooo! PRAISE GOD!!!! :woot:
pink_flower said:
I was sooo hesitant to post in here b/c I didnt want to jinx my family situation but..
as some of yall know my mom was rediagnosed with cancer and she got her test results back earlier last week and her cancer markers are going down, so the chemo is working. :yay:

Thanks for all the prayers :)
That is GREAT news to hear! I hope it goes completely away! May God bless you and your family! :yep:
PRAISE REPORT: I was very ill with Pneumonia, Pleurisy(inflammation of the lining of the lung), and Atelectasis (partially collapsed lung) in the latter part of Jan. The doctors had no idea how I could have come down with such an affliction, or what bacteria was causing the infection that wouldn't go away after they used 3 different antibiotics every day for 9 days. I had to have a blood transfusion and everything. I was hospitalized for 9 days, and through it all I did not lose faith. My pastor told me that it was a spiritual attack, which is why the doctors couldn't pin point the cause. I'm glad to say God healed me, and I feel better than ever! :D
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Jewell said:
PRAISE REPORT: I was very ill with Pneumonia, Pleurisy(inflammation of the lining of the lung), and Atelectasis (partially collapsed lung) in the latter part of Jan. I was hospitalized for 9 days, and through it all I did not lose faith. God healed me. :D

PRAISE HIM!!! :clap:
Jewell said:
PRAISE REPORT: I was very ill with Pneumonia, Pleurisy(inflammation of the lining of the lung), and Atelectasis (partially collapsed lung) in the latter part of Jan. The doctors had no idea how I could have come down with such an affliction, or what bacteria was causing the infection that wouldn't go away after they used 3 different antibiotics every day for 9 days. I had to have a blood transfusion and everything. I was hospitalized for 9 days, and through it all I did not lose faith. My pastor told me that it was a spiritual attack, which is why the doctors couldn't pin point the cause. I'm glad to say God healed me, and I feel better than ever! :D

Amen! That is wonderful. God truly blesses!
pink_flower said:
I was sooo hesitant to post in here b/c I didnt want to jinx my family situation but..
as some of yall know my mom was rediagnosed with cancer and she got her test results back earlier last week and her cancer markers are going down, so the chemo is working. :yay:

Thanks for all the prayers :)

Praise God! That is wonderful news! :grin:
When God opens a door, noone can close it. I tried for the past 3 years to have my credits transfered to my current school to no avail I was rejected many times until I gave up. The Lord put it on my heart to try once more and I did and I found out a few weeks ago that they excepted my credits. And so after many years and obstacles I will be graduating this May 2005.

I was blessed to get some very much needed dental work after years of not being able to afford it.

I applied to the medical school of my choice and they want to interview me.

I will be finishing my internship 1 month early.
CICI24 said:
When God opens a door, noone can close it. I tried for the past 3 years to have my credits transfered to my current school to no avail I was rejected many times until I gave up. The Lord put it on my heart to try once more and I did and I found out a few weeks ago that they excepted my credits. And so after many years and obstacles I will be graduating this May 2005.

I was blessed to get some very much needed dental work after years of not being able to afford it.

I applied to the medical school of my choice and they want to interview me.

I will be finishing my internship 1 month early.

Amen! That's wonderful! :clap:
cybra said:
I don't know if this is a praise report or not, but I'm going to share it anyway. Since last year I had a friend who was going through sooooo much. She's a single parent of 2 sons, she had just gotten out a a bad relationship, gotten into another relationship in which she was to be maried, but they broke up, her car was repossessed, she had her heat cut off when it was freezing cold, her phone was cut off, and her mom was in and out of the hospital having surgeries to keep her lungs open. Well, you ladies who know me know how I love to fast and pray. I have kept her lifted up before the Lord since all this started. One day she came to me, crying her heart out, saying she felt she needed to put her sons (7 and 10) in a home because she could not care for them any longer. Well, I have worked in homes and I felt her children would not survive in them. So, I came home and told my husband I realized our kids were grown, but we have a big house and these children needed to continue living somewhere where the ways of the Lord were taught. I felt we should take her sons until she got back on her feet. My husband agreed and I was going to take them. However, during bible study she stood and gave her testimony of how God had finally answered her prayers. She had applied for this job (she's in school and will graduate in December) and got it. What was so great about it, they are going to pay her a stipen until she graduates and then she starts working for them in January....
...I share this because maybe it will offer others hope, joy, and strenghtening of their faith. GOD IS STILL ANSWERING PRAYERS so please don't give up.

Okay, I'll stop crying and writing now :)

You are making me cry @ work! Praise God!
Greetings to all my sisters in Christ,

I am indeed blessed. I want to thank God for blessing me with a new car this week. I was able to trade in my 13 yr old car which I have had since 1995 -1992 for a 2004 family sedan with low mileage. And my payments are very reasonable. All Praises be to God for His Many Blessing.
levette said:
Greetings to all my sisters in Christ,

I am indeed blessed. I want to thank God for blessing me with a new car this week. I was able to trade in my 13 yr old car which I have had since 1995 -1992 for a 2004 family sedan with low mileage. And my payments are very reasonable. All Praises be to God for His Many Blessing.

WONDERFUL!!! Bless the name of GOD.
pink_flower said:
I was sooo hesitant to post in here b/c I didnt want to jinx my family situation but..
as some of yall know my mom was rediagnosed with cancer and she got her test results back earlier last week and her cancer markers are going down, so the chemo is working. :yay:

Thanks for all the prayers :)

PRAISE HIM. :woot: He is so worthy of the Praises 24-7. This is wonderfull and a true blessing.

My Grandpa is dealing with lung cancer right now and this is truly an inspiration to me. He is also going through chemo right now, but I'm clinging to God during my hardships and trauma. If God is for us, who can be aganist us. Parise be his Holy name. :angel:
My mother was in a car accident a little over a week ago, she had minor injuries, a sprain in her hand, a bad cut on her lip that had to have stitches, and whiplash. She is still a little sore off and on, but shes recovering very well. I have been praying for her because she had become depressed since my father passed a few years back and everytime I get her excited or motivated about something the devil steps in with something *major* to try to shut her down. Since December she has lost three siblings to cancer. I think she feels guilty when shes starts enjoying life again. My sister is coming home soon, she was getting really excited over her visit, wanting to make some changes around the home, in fact, when she was out driving she was on her way to get some things for the yard when the accident happened. She said, "See, y'all tell me to get out more and I get out and this happens." (Which sort of threw me since she gets out and drives all the time, but I know she was upset.) I rebuked that immediately but I was still so worried about her becoming depressed. Praise God!! She hasnt become depressed, she is still excited about my sister coming home and is even looking forward to getting a new car. Its still soon after her accident, and she is still somewhat stiff but shes doing very well and is in good spirits. I'm praying that her spirits continue to rise.
I have a praise of my own to share. Last month, I took the first part of the bar exam and I am happy to report that I received a great score. So much so, that I will not have take it again in another state in which I plan to take the bar exam. God is so good!!!
first off I want to share how happy I am of everyone's blessings :clap:

I was just telling my mother this, some of you know I've been supporting her financially for the last 2 years. She's had trouble paying her mortgage, so I picked up her utility bills and instructed her to put whatever money she had into her monthly mortgage bill. I started feeling sour about this when I'd hear about my girlfriends spending money on designer clothes, manicures and pedicures etc. while I could get those things if I weren't paying my rent, utilities, and my mom's utilities. But I kept the resentment to myself, thinking of how blessed I was to have my mom and what she's done for me (had me at a young age when she could have just given me up, introduced me to the church when I was young and made sure I stayed close to God). I asked the Lord to help my mom's financial situation and continue blessing her. Well, since all this started my rent has gone up and I still don't make that much money after taxes and not even get much back after filing, but BOTH our bills have always been paid despite my income level and high gas prices from new england winters (I paid close to $2000 on her gas bill this past winter alone). I got some good news that she was able to successfully file bankruptcy, clearing her credit card debt so that's a start, and she started meeting w/ a very nice financial advisor whom I trust as well (got a good vibe from her & I'm a good judge of character). I don't need those material things anyways, but I was able to get a pedicure a couple of weeks ago, and I went a little crazy in Marshalls last week :lol: but it's all good, I felt guilty about my splurge but my mom said you work hard, take care of me and the bills are paid so don't feel guilty about doing something for yourself.

I had asked some of you ladies to pray for my mom too, your prayers have helped plenty so I want to give a special shout-out to those who were praying for us :kiss:
Although, I didn't pass one test, I passed one exam to complete my Master's degree, so THANK YOU LORD FOR THAT ONE!!! 100%
I want to praise God for my hair! I did the big chop May 1st and I love the hair God has blessed me with! :woot: