*~Praise Report Thread~*

Naijaqueen said:
I already have testimonies since this post 2 days, my breakthrough is SO real its mind blowing!! I claimed $1000 this morning by end of the week, it sounded crazy to the human mind but I was operating in a spiritual realm and this afternoon I was able to get more than I wanted, I just saved thousands off CC bill.
I was able to offer my young 15yr cousin at least 3page advice on using his talented art skills into a big time business. This was all part of my request for breakthrough, to affect all aspects of my life. I dont just want to receive God's blessings, I want to be able to bless others and for others to look at me in awe, and then come to see God's glory in me

Praise God, He's too good! In Christ I've His grace, blessings and provisions!

My breakthrough continues, my God continues to supply all my needs according to His riches in Glory! My Comforter, My Provider, because your love is greater than life, my lips will glorify you forever. I am living the life that is pleasing in His sight and He is showing Himself to me!

How good God is...
4 wounded in East Baltimore shooting
Gunman 'began firing toward crowd,' police say; no suspects identified
By a Sun Reporter
Originally published June 20, 2007, 6:54 AM EDT
City police reported no suspects today in a shooting last night that left four people wounded when authorities said a gunman opened fire on a crowd of people on an East Baltimore street.

The incident occurred about 11:15 p.m. in the 1500 block of N. Patterson Park Ave., a block from Collington Square School and a newly refurbished playground.

Police said a car slowly drove the block, heading north, and stopped in front of a rowhouse at 1535 N. Patterson Park Ave. Police said a man sitting in the right, rear seat got out and "began firing toward the crowd."

The gunman, police said, ran up the street shooting as the car slowly followed. He then jumped into the car, which sped away and turned left onto East Federal Street.

Police said a 26-year-old man was shot in the right side and lower leg, another 26-year-old man was shot in the left thigh, a 25-year-old man was hit in the right foot and a 48-year-old man was wounded in the left hand.

Descriptions of the gunman and car were not immediately available.

On June 11, Baltimore Ravens players and hundreds of volunteers led by a non-profit built a playground at the school's park to give children something to do other than hang on the streets. The project was completed in a day.

This shooting happened directly in front of my son's (little Malcolm) aunt's house. The two 26 year olds that were shot were Malcolm's cousins. Malcolm was just in that house playing with loads of other kids HOURS before the shooting occurred. There is a day care center in this house! Never forget how God covers you at all times, even when you don't realize it.
I forgot my lunch today and didn't want to spend money on fast food so I decided to just eat some chips and salsa I bought the other day and drink water for lunch.

Out of the blue a coworker just walked up to me and asked if I wanted some cherries. So I reach out to get a few and she says no just take the bowl. I LOVE GOD. It's such a small thing but yet i'm so grateful.
crlsweetie912 said:

How good God is...
4 wounded in East Baltimore shooting
Gunman 'began firing toward crowd,' police say; no suspects identified
By a Sun Reporter
Originally published June 20, 2007, 6:54 AM EDT
City police reported no suspects today in a shooting last night that left four people wounded when authorities said a gunman opened fire on a crowd of people on an East Baltimore street.

The incident occurred about 11:15 p.m. in the 1500 block of N. Patterson Park Ave., a block from Collington Square School and a newly refurbished playground.

Police said a car slowly drove the block, heading north, and stopped in front of a rowhouse at 1535 N. Patterson Park Ave. Police said a man sitting in the right, rear seat got out and "began firing toward the crowd."

The gunman, police said, ran up the street shooting as the car slowly followed. He then jumped into the car, which sped away and turned left onto East Federal Street.

Police said a 26-year-old man was shot in the right side and lower leg, another 26-year-old man was shot in the left thigh, a 25-year-old man was hit in the right foot and a 48-year-old man was wounded in the left hand.

Descriptions of the gunman and car were not immediately available.

On June 11, Baltimore Ravens players and hundreds of volunteers led by a non-profit built a playground at the school's park to give children something to do other than hang on the streets. The project was completed in a day.

This shooting happened directly in front of my son's (little Malcolm) aunt's house. The two 26 year olds that were shot were Malcolm's cousins. Malcolm was just in that house playing with loads of other kids HOURS before the shooting occurred. There is a day care center in this house! Never forget how God covers you at all times, even when you don't realize it.

Praise God! I thank God for your son's life and those of his relatives. I take it they are recovering well!
I know that area quite well, when I spent time in Baltimore 2 summers ago doing work at JHU, my friend has a house on N. Collington, kitty corner from Hopkins Hospital!!! I even used to go to manuela dominican salon on E. Baltimore st.
Yeah Naija, Baltimore is in need of a LOT of prayer. The family members are going to be ok. One had surgery yesterday, but will need two more surgeries and at least one month in the hospital, but he's alive! Thank the Lord!
crlsweetie912 said:
Yeah Naija, Baltimore is in need of a LOT of prayer. The family members are going to be ok. One had surgery yesterday, but will need two more surgeries and at least one month in the hospital, but he's alive! Thank the Lord!

Amen! we thank God for His merciful glory!!
Praise God for the wonderful miracles He has performed in my life.

The last 3 years has been amazing. I finished school, got engaged, got married, got my life in order. My husband got into law school, my friend got a better job, my family was blessed with an amazing chance to come to my wedding. My brother's life has been turned around. My aunt has been blessed beyond measure.

God is Good. God is Good.
I would just like to praise God, He is so worthy, His word is true, He will be exalted, and lifted high for the world to see.
I have been blessed with a new job and am ever so grateful!!! I asked and prayed for this job and it was given to me. God is good ALL THE TIME!!!!
What a blessing to see so many sisters in Christ praising Him for things He's already done and things to come. My testimony is that I got fired from my job almost two months ago, I have never traveled so much in my life without a job. I knew at the beginning of this test that God would reveal himself as my provider and boy has he, my bills are paid and I am TRULY having the time of my life, to top it off, a play that I co-directed in February has been chosen to be read at the National Black Theatre Festival ( www.nbtf.org) which will expose me to so many opportunies in theatre, I am headed to Winston-Salem , NC by the provision of God. Remember ladies, Where God guides He provides so don't fret if He's calling you out of your comfort zone, He's got work to do in us all and it may not always be comfortable.

One more thing He did was cause someone who had torn me apart to genuinely apologize and now we're friends, I never thought in a million years I would even want to speak to this man again, but serve a God who specializes in reconcilliation.

I feel like I love you all already ,our stories have connected us!
When I first started reading this thread I thought to myself "One day I am going to post my praise report"...and then I thought to myself...why not praise Him now. Sure my life is a mess, my husband and I don't have jobs, live in his grandmother's basement, don't have means for income, we are dirt broke but that doesn't change who He is and what He said He would do. I am praising God right now because I am expecting a blessing! I know that God is going to provide for me and my family. Things may get rougher for us but he is a God that is true to His word and I am standing on my faith and believing in His word. I am believing that He is going to bless my husband with a job. I am believing and expecting this! I am believing that he is going to bless me with a part time job and pay for my school next semester!

I tell you ladies. Its something about living in expectancy that lifts your spirits. It changes how you see things, it changes your heart, mind and soul. I am expecting God to do a mighty work in my life! So I am praising him right NOW because I know its done!

I am thankful He has allowed me to be a blessing to others.

That I know His son as my personal savior.

No matter what it is well with my soul.
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All I can say is that I wanted and needed a job. I prayed for it in Jesus name even before I ever had the interview last week. Well I made a call and found out that I start working next week. I have actually really tried to think back and see if I can recall a time where a prayer request has been completely unanswered, and I just can not recall any prayer request that has not been answered. He may not have answered right when I expected/wanted Him to but He did answer or send an answer sooner or later or much later in some cases. His track record is excellent, lol.

"Thank YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You are Who You Are and You keep Your Word.

O Lord Jesus, You said, "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you."
I just got to say Somebody Give Him a Praise!!!!!!!!

I had accidently hit a car when i was backing out of my parking space from work last week, i had meet with the lady and agreed to pay the estimate to fix her headlight and rim of the car (like 2006/7 nissan altima), i am in a tight spot right now as a single parent and my soon to be ex husband let me know this is my problem not his. I figured since i am a student i will take out a student loan to cover it as well as other expense i cannot afford to pay on my own any longer, story short that same lady called me out today at work and said her husband said for me not to worry about it and that they are christians and feel like they should try to extend mercy, i don't know her as a matter of fact i had just met her the day before briefly. Thank YOU GOD!!!
God is truly amazing.

My honey and I got married he lived in Ohio and I in California for years we were trying to hear from God where he wanted us to live.

Well, we really stepped out on faith. My husband moved to California no job prospects but major faith in God. In two months he has found a job less than 2 miles from our home and he is making more than he was in Ohio.

We kept praying that His will be done and we would be fine with it. As usual His way is not only better but the best.

Thank you Lord So Much!!!
Praise God for setting me free from a job that was so stressful and negative..He is good and faithful and I know HE will take me somewhere better. I also thank God for being faithful in getting through exams that were so overwhelming to me that I never thought I would pass them esp with a job that was so demanding.
Finally I can post in this thread after being on the forum for more than a year! I got into medical school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My prayers have been answered and God is so awesome!:grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin: He never fails!
I just have to thank God right now, He is just so merciful and so good. Not just in the good times but especially in the bad times. I got something today that I wasn't expecting but something that I had been praying about and something I needed so desperately. And I just wanted to come in here and say how good He is to me. :cry:
I just have to thank God right now, He is just so merciful and so good. Not just in the good times but especially in the bad times. I got something today that I wasn't expecting but something that I had been praying about and something I needed so desperately. And I just wanted to come in here and say how good He is to me. :cry:

Praise Him!!!!
Praise the Lord:
Recently the "burden" (financial, stress, dealing with a child with special needs, teenager, toddler) all were getting me really down. I attempted to get help from my youngest son's father and he basically blew me off. I was feeling really depressed and hurt, but God sent an angel to me, someone who hardly even knows me and she just jumped in and blessed me. GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS!!!! I love Him so much, for who he is. His comfort, peace and joy surpass all understanding. Thank you JESUS!
Happy HOLY-Days to everyone!
I would like to post about the wonderful blessing I have received recently. And give HIM praise because I know its not me doing this.

I was not able to live on campus last fall due to financial reasons, and deceided to apply for a position as a R.A. which would give me free rent in exchange for my services. Well, I applied in Dec and didn't get it because I missed the g.p.a requirement by 2 points :perplexed (so I thought).

During this time I had been working for a major oil and gas company for almost a 1 1/2 as their "college intern" part-time, when I made my year they gave me 1 dollar raise, as opposed to that standard 25-50cents.

Then a position opened up our department and they offered it to me. This position will almost double my salary, give me lots of benefits and help me pay for school and I am only 22. It can also spring board me into various other career areas as well. I just feel really blessed right now, because these doors have opened up for me. Thanks for listening ladies.
God is so faithful!
At the beginning of the year, our church entered into a month of fasting and consecration and today, 30 days later, I am so happy to report that my Mom QUIT SMOKING COLD TURKEY! My mom has been "trying" for years to quit and the Lord finally did it! I am so happy for her. God is sooo good!
God is so faithful!
At the beginning of the year, our church entered into a month of fasting and consecration and today, 30 days later, I am so happy to report that my Mom QUIT SMOKING COLD TURKEY! My mom has been "trying" for years to quit and the Lord finally did it! I am so happy for her. God is sooo good!
Praise God! I can remember when my mom had the same deliverance.

For your mom, Crlsweetie:

And Father God in the name of Jesus, we praise you that the thought of a cigarette brings such a stench to her nostrils that it repels her from ever wanting a cigarette ever again....She is totally set free from that and any other bondage in Jesus's name, Amen and Amen...!
Praise God! I can remember when my mom had the same deliverance.

For your mom, Crlsweetie:

And Father God in the name of Jesus, we praise you that the thought of a cigarette brings such a stench to her nostrils that it repels her from ever wanting a cigarette ever again....She is totally set free from that and any other bondage in Jesus's name, Amen and Amen...!
She has been the full 30 days without a cigarette!
I began a Daniel Fast on December 28, 2007.
No sweets, sugar, bread, rice, meat, cheese, dairy and I drank nothing but water and 100% fruit juice.

GOD IS FAITHFUL and yesterday was the last day of my fast! I made it 31+ days! I can't believe how God worked during this fast. I am so grateful to Him for all that He has done. I am continually amazed at His wonders!