Please Help My Marriage Is In Crisis! Adult Topic


Well-Known Member
For the pass few years my husband has been going through something. I don't Know.
I am finding adult material hidden in his computer and on his PD. Just recently I found photos of a young girl. About nineteen in his PD. He explained that its guy stuff. That all the guys do it at his business. Sit around the office and talk about other women.
It's a status type of thing he said. Means nothing. The girl in the photo wasn't naked. Just smiling. He said it was a picture of one of his friends family members he met during his trip to the Phillipines.
He stated that all the guy talk about other women. That it is a guy thing.
He is really trying to make it seem as if this is okay in our marriage. He said it has nothing to do with me.
We have two daughters and I don't want to tear our family apart, but I refuse to play the "Village Idiot"
Is this really something that all guys do? As far as I know he has not had an affair, but I don't put anything pass him now. I can not trust him. And when the trust is gone there is nothing.
I have been crying all night. I asked him why he felt the need to bring these pictures to work and make men think he was having an affair? He, stated that he said nothing that he has allowed others to think and say what they want. I don't understand and I am mentally going insane.
I just want answer or some piece of mind. But he refuses to tell me why he would do such a thing. He states it is just a guy thing and I am making a big deal out of nothing. To believe it meant nothing.
Can someone help.
im sorry op that this is happening to you
i am not married so i have no right to comment
but i just want to send you an ehug and let you know we are all here for support


with that said im sure some other ladies will say what im thinking
Thank you so much.
I just don't understand what is going on.
If he is having some type of mid life crisis.
He keeps telling me this is some type of fantasy world that all men keep to themselves. It has nothing to do with me.
He keeps saying that all men do this.
I could deal with DH having a picture of a celebrity he has a crush on in his PD, but not the picture of some girl that's related to someone he knows, some girl he met while on a trip, and him keeping the picture there because it's "a guy thing." I would be very upset too.

Makes me wonder what he did when he went to the Phillipines. These places are known to be sex destinations.

Maybe your husband is not doing anything wrong, but if I were you, I'd keep my eyes open. The "all men do this" has been used a lot to justify all sort of sleazy behaviors.
I think you should be concerned. The picture could be the tip of the iceberg;
there is probably a lot more stuff he's hiding that he considers "guy stuff".
Does he understand you will not tolerate this type of "guy stuff"?

I'm sorry you are going through this...I know you must be in pain. I hope you
have a good support system...friends and family that can give you the love
and advice you need at this time.
thanks ladies,

I don't know what to do. I really don't want to go to my friends or family. All of my sisters have divorced.

I tells me that he just does this to fit into work. It is common for the guys to do this.
He know that I won't tolerate this. I am no PIDDY MOMMA.
I just don't understand where it is coming from. My head is killing me. I can't even sleep.
I says, I am just being a jerk and a moron.
Then he gets mad at me for even looking in his PD or computer.
I am not an unattrative women. And can hold a candle to all of these adult stars. Even after having two babies.
What gives ladies? Am I taking this too far
Sounds like you are in a tail spin, Sterry....(understandably so..)

From your post, I get the feeling you know on a deeper level what's going on..(Your first mind/ gut is telling you...)

His behavior of a 'few years' is about him, not you....

If I were you, I'd get some professional help, asap...(that's me, though)

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For the pass few years my husband has been going through something. I don't Know.
I am finding adult material hidden in his computer and on his PD. Just recently I found photos of a young girl. About nineteen in his PD. He explained that its guy stuff. That all the guys do it at his business. Sit around the office and talk about other women.
It's a status type of thing he said. Means nothing. The girl in the photo wasn't naked. Just smiling. He said it was a picture of one of his friends family members he met during his trip to the Phillipines.
He stated that all the guy talk about other women. That it is a guy thing.
He is really trying to make it seem as if this is okay in our marriage. He said it has nothing to do with me.
We have two daughters and I don't want to tear our family apart, but I refuse to play the "Village Idiot"
Is this really something that all guys do? As far as I know he has not had an affair, but I don't put anything pass him now. I can not trust him. And when the trust is gone there is nothing.
I have been crying all night. I asked him why he felt the need to bring these pictures to work and make men think he was having an affair? He, stated that he said nothing that he has allowed others to think and say what they want. I don't understand and I am mentally going insane.
I just want answer or some piece of mind. But he refuses to tell me why he would do such a thing. He states it is just a guy thing and I am making a big deal out of nothing. To believe it meant nothing.
Can someone help.

Sterry, Are you guys Christians?? I am praying that God will help you through this. Nothing is too hard for God. Please do me this favor; as soon as possible create a date night for you two. Make sure the kids get to bed early and I want you two to watch this movie Fireproof. Go rent it tomorrow- as soon as possible. Make sure both of you watch it. I pray that The Lord will touch your husbands heart to change his ways for you. pm me and let me know how it goes.
Sterry, Are you guys Christians?? I am praying that God will help you through this. Nothing is too hard for God. Please do me this favor; as soon as possible create a date night for you two. Make sure the kids get to bed early and I want you two to watch this movie Fireproof. Go rent it tomorrow- as soon as possible. Make sure both of you watch it. I pray that The Lord will touch your husbands heart to change his ways for you. pm me and let me know how it goes.

Still awake,
I have watched Fireproof with my husband. I am a Christian and he is not. Not in the least.
He keeps telling me that there is nothing wrong. That all men have a private life. He has not been unfaithfull.
But this is being unfaithful.. I have done date night. We are still sexually active. He told me that he has not opened any adult site since the last discussion and that he showed that photo of the girl around months ago.
This is the first time I have talked to anyone about my personal life. I can't function.
I just want closure. I want to know how the coversation came about. He won't even tell me who sent the photos. Why he felt the need to have some type of status. What the hell type of status is he talking about. He won't say anything.
I just want to know who it is. He said they were sent to him
First, I'd just like to say how sorry I am that you're experiencing this. You are certainly NOT blowing this out of proportion! It is disrespectful and the fact that he minimizes this behavior is absolutely invalidating. He should obviously work harder at making certain that you are at peace mentally, emotionally, and feel secure in your marriage instead of "going along" wth this distructive and childish behavior at his workplace. He made his vows to commit to YOU, so accomadating anyone, especially at your expense is unacceptable. There is nothing "normal" about this in any functional, loving marriage, especially if it's hurtful to his wife. As someone above mentioned I would look a this matter closer. If he claims to not see this as a problem, then where does he draw the line? I'm married also, and I would have a bit of problem (to say the least) if my husband had another woman's pic in his PD. This would be greatly magnified if it was someone that he's had any degree of contact with previously. I would suggest counseling with and elder at your church if that aligns with you beliefs, or at least a proffessional in the field.
It seems like the most hurtful part isn't that he's got a pretty girl on his computer/pda but that he kept it a secret and he's spun this tale to justify having these pictures. I think a lot of guys like looking at pictures of women just for the visual appeal and it has nothing to do with how attractive their partners are. What's unique in this situation (imo) is the hidden nature, the fact that the girl is a real person instead of a celebrity/model and the inability to just honestly say "I like looking at pretty girls."

Honestly, I don't know about your husband's work place policies, but at my job it would be an HR situation to sit around talking about that sort of thing.

My suggestion? Counseling. If you were going through his computer and pda, I'm thinking there are underlying trust issues anyways, is that a fair assumption? I think, at least with counseling, even if things don't work out (which I hope they do) at least you know that you made an effort to resolve things before breaking up the family. For the sake of your daughters.

Having said that, listen to your gut. You know better then anyone on this forum what's best for you and your family and none of us have to deal with the consequences of the decisions that are made.

I hope the best for you Sterry :hug2:

I agree with JFemme - could you guys get some counseling alone or together?
It doesn't matter that it's a guy thing, this isn't okay for you in your marriage and then it doesn't matter what the whole world does or don't do IMO.

He should respect that and start by saying he's sorry.

Some men love porn etc, but at least those are women they have no connection to in real life.

I'm very sorry you're going through this :sad:
Sterry, I don't have any advice. I just pray that God will send you peace and answers. If I were you I would be very angry and hurt as well. Hang in there dear and take care of yourself, get some rest, focus on yourself and your two daughters. You are going to be able to figure this out, you are a strong woman and with God on your side you will be able to figure everything out. I am sending hugs and prayers your way.


Dear Lord, please bless Sterry with answers, please shed light on the truth, and give her the strength to do whatever is necessary to protect herself and her daughters. Please guide her and her family, and shine upon them with a golden light of protection. Please lighten Sterry's heart and help her find her way. Thank you dear Lord. Amen.
For the pass few years my husband has been going through something. I don't Know.
I am finding adult material hidden in his computer and on his PD.
Just recently I found photos of a young girl. About nineteen in his PD. He explained that its guy stuff. That all the guys do it at his business. Sit around the office and talk about other women.
It's a status type of thing he said. Means nothing. The girl in the photo wasn't naked. Just smiling. He said it was a picture of one of his friends family members he met during his trip to the Phillipines.
He stated that all the guy talk about other women. That it is a guy thing.
He is really trying to make it seem as if this is okay in our marriage. He said it has nothing to do with me.
We have two daughters and I don't want to tear our family apart, but I refuse to play the "Village Idiot"
Is this really something that all guys do? As far as I know he has not had an affair, but I don't put anything pass him now. I can not trust him. And when the trust is gone there is nothing.
I have been crying all night. I asked him why he felt the need to bring these pictures to work and make men think he was having an affair? He, stated that he said nothing that he has allowed others to think and say what they want. I don't understand and I am mentally going insane.
I just want answer or some piece of mind. But he refuses to tell me why he would do such a thing. He states it is just a guy thing and I am making a big deal out of nothing. To believe it meant nothing.
Can someone help.

I agree with LadySpeedstick that your instinct has told you to worry (and rightly so) enough to go through his computer and PD.

Usually, when we don't trust the one we're with we have a good reason to... :nono:
Crying and praying all night I feel crazy.
My husband has business lunches with his co workers. Some of them know me.
I don't see how he could do this and try to justify by saying all his co workers sit down and discuss their wives and fantasy relationships.
My husband is farthest from being a Christian. We have always had problems with this, but he has never deterred me from teaching my girls through God's word. They adore him.
He had about 12 small shots of her.
I asked him serveral times if he slept with her......if he met her. He said, Im not going to do this. I told you over again. I was stupid and a jerk.
But he did not answer the question. Got mad and said he was leaving. He just needed some rest and would discuss it later. He was not one to go on and on about a subject.
It was as if I did something to him.
He kept stating I have answered your question. I will not do this.
It is a simple yes or no.
Someone please help me.
Sounds like HE'S almost playing the victim here. Whatever you do, don't allow him to make YOU feel guilty for needing concrete and detailed answers to your very legitimate questions. He's the one that has messed up, not you. If anything, he should be working overtime to put your mind at ease for the trouble his actions have caused. They're way too many serious issues that come along with infidelity (not to say that's what's happening here). These days it could cost you more than your marriage. It could cost you your life. I don't mean to be presumptuous, but this should be considered, especially based on his response (or lack thereof). Yes, you do have two daughters to consider as well. Thereore, it would be well worth you investigating this matter further until you're satisfied with your discovery. It doesn't appear at this point that you will get any closure from him. Worse case scenario, you need to at least entertain the idea of what you would do if it turns out that there is much more to this. I personally wouldn't divorce unless my husband commited adultry (and I could prove it). Your husband's attitude about this is more troubling than the acts themselves IMHO. Fight for your marriage unless you have valid proof of infidelity. If you find that infidelity has occured, you can continue to fight. No one can judge you, but in this case I wouldn't give it consideration unless he started validating your pain and taking personal responsibility for his behavior. He has to respect the fact that negetive consequences will follow his negetive attitude/actions.
((HUGS)) to you Sterry

I'm not even sure what to say or think, but if it was my DH acting shady like this, I would tell him this behavior would have to stop , or he will certainly lose me as a wife.

Its ridiculous and sounds like school boy behaviour!!!!
((HUGS)) to you Sterry

I'm not even sure what to say or think, but if it was my DH acting shady like this, I would tell him this behavior would have to stop , or he will certainly lose me as a wife.

Its ridiculous and sounds like school boy behaviour!!!!
I totally agree.

"Guy thing" my foot!

The main object here is that you are feeling bad and he shrugs it off telling you not to make a big thing out of it.

A "man thing" would be for him to see to your welfare, IF it indeed is nothing.

Please, trust your instinct!!!!
Better it cost you your marriage than your self-respect.
Do consider your daughters, what is this going to teach them about men when daddy makes mommy feel so sad?

Either he respects your feelings and worries or he can sit "looking at pretty girls" in a bungelow somewhere, family-less and sad.
I am not married so I cannot really say much but I think what the other ladies are saying makes a lot of sense.

I just wanted to post to let you know that I am praying for you and your family.
Two things:

1). You know what he did. You don't need yes or no at this point. You can't see smoke and ask someone else to tell you yes or no if something is burning. He is being defensive, vague, and secretive about another woman.

2). YOU can't apply Godly principles to an ungodly person. Only God can change a person who is not a Christian. That said, being unequally yoked with a nonChristian is hard enough without these problems. Turning to your religion when he doesn't follow your religion won't work in times of conflict. No more than some Muslim or Hindu person turning to their religious principles to deal with you or any other Christian. Just something to keep in mind.

I don't have any advice for you other than to consider the worst possible scenario and think how do you want to deal with that.
Sterry- so sorry for your painful situation. Like many ladies have said, please trust your gut and since you're praying, be willing to accept the answer you receive.

What I don't understand is why he continues to have the pics if he says it was a mistake? It sounds like there are some underlying issues that have nothing to do with how attractive you are as a person.

I would get help- professional help as a couple and help as an individual. Because this is obviously affecting you- your self esteem and your ability to function. You said that you don't want to get your family involved, but seriously consider letting someone you trust in, someone who can actually be there for you (we can only provide advice). It might also help if you could take a break somewhere from all of this- just to clear ur head.

I'm praying for you.
He stated that he didn't get rid of the pictures because he hadn't looked at them anymore.
He stated that the pictures were sent to him.

Wherever they came from he took the time to download the onto his PD took them to work and them allow his co workers......he stated to make up these fantasy stories about who she is and what she did and so on.

So I asked.....what did you say? He stated nothing. They just drew their own conclusion. I am just puzzled. Why do you do a thing like that. I wanted to know how you do something like that. He had no shame when he accepted the photos and took them to work and played into the why couldn't he telll me the full story. It is obvious that he n't care or respect me. He just kept stating this is not true. It is not about you. It is something all guys to to fit in .

I am baffled over how he making seem like it is no big deal. He says I blew it out of proportion. Yes, I took that $500.00 devised ladies and broke it into pieces. I should have done it on top of his head.

Am I missing something ladies. Is this something common for men to do. Sit around and talk about other women and make up fantasy worlds as if they have no spouse.

I don't know what to do. I am numb. And trust has been broken. Myself esteem is not crushed . I still think highly of myself, but I feel like a fool knowing he is doing this and I have encountered his co workers. No respect at all.
I don't want my girls to suffer.
Still awake,

I have watched Fireproof with my husband. I am a Christian and he is not. Not in the least.

He keeps telling me that there is nothing wrong. That all men have a private life. He has not been unfaithfull.

But this is being unfaithful.. I have done date night. We are still sexually active. He told me that he has not opened any adult site since the last discussion and that he showed that photo of the girl around months ago.

This is the first time I have talked to anyone about my personal life. I can't function.

I just want closure. I want to know how the coversation came about. He won't even tell me who sent the photos. Why he felt the need to have some type of status. What the hell type of status is he talking about. He won't say anything.

I just want to know who it is. He said they were sent to him

awww baby. My heart is soo heavy for you. I pray that God will lead you into the best thing for you and your family. This is true that it is very difficult to apply Godly things to an ungodly person. He doesn't even realize that the grace and mercy that he's been under is because of you. Please know that nothing is your fault. He is trying to justify a reason to make wrong right and this is not a "guy" thing, this is "his" thing. You are very strong. Continue to be strong. This is infedility and aldultery hands down no matter how you cut it slice it or dice it. Apply God's word to your situation and let God lead you on what to do. You can seek help here or anywhere else because God has beautiful ways of throwing people in your path to help you, but baby God's word has the final authority. "Seek and ye shall find"
*hugs and love to you*
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For the pass few years my husband has been going through something. I don't Know.
I am finding adult material hidden in his computer and on his PD. Just recently I found photos of a young girl. About nineteen in his PD. He explained that its guy stuff. That all the guys do it at his business. Sit around the office and talk about other women.
It's a status type of thing he said. Means nothing. The girl in the photo wasn't naked. Just smiling. He said it was a picture of one of his friends family members he met during his trip to the Phillipines.
He stated that all the guy talk about other women. That it is a guy thing.
He is really trying to make it seem as if this is okay in our marriage. He said it has nothing to do with me.
We have two daughters and I don't want to tear our family apart, but I refuse to play the "Village Idiot"
Is this really something that all guys do? As far as I know he has not had an affair, but I don't put anything pass him now. I can not trust him. And when the trust is gone there is nothing.
I have been crying all night. I asked him why he felt the need to bring these pictures to work and make men think he was having an affair? He, stated that he said nothing that he has allowed others to think and say what they want. I don't understand and I am mentally going insane.
I just want answer or some piece of mind. But he refuses to tell me why he would do such a thing. He states it is just a guy thing and I am making a big deal out of nothing. To believe it meant nothing.
Can someone help.

Time for you to bounce! He is ripe for an affair if he hasn't been dipping already. :yep: We all have our levels of being fed up, but if he has checked out of the relationship and given you whack excuses no amount of counseling is going to help him keep his wang to himself. :nono: Sorry to be blunt, but I said I would bounce and I did after 20 years!:lachen:I am also remarried and would do it again if I want to. :lachen:People will treat you like crap if you allow it. :yep: I know your feelings are hurt, but try to stop crying and take control of your life! Life is too short to be trying to convince a man that he shouldn't be doing certain things in a marriage. :yep: Good luck to you :grin:
I'm sorry too. I've been married 4 years so I'm still learning myself. If I read correctly you are a Chrisitan and he is not. If you haven't started already I would suggest praying for his salvation because this is a heart issue. God changes the heart. Pray and ask God for wisdom. God's grace and mercies are new every morning and He can help you through this even though this seems tough right now.
Some of the advice the other women gave seems to be a good also.
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I have always prayed for God to enter his heart. His daughters come to him about the issue and he just says to them. Girls.......please don't talk to me about this.

I have always known that his fear of allowing God into his heart and life would be to give up all control. He hates to be judged and feels that Christians are hypocrites.

You know I was reading the other thread about what to do or advice for newlywed or spouse.
And someone had stated stroke his ego, peace, food and sex. And I must admit this is true.
But where do you go when you have done those things. He tells you there is nothing wrong and no one else. That he has never had an affair.
He prides himself on being everything different than what his father was. He really prides himself on what his family thinks of him.
I just don't know what to believe or what to do. But I refuse to let this go.
I can' t think this is okay. It's not okay.
I have prayed and prayed and continue to do so. What do you do in the mean time. I can't talk to him, I can't lay with him. Everything he utters to me comes out like a lie. I don't know what to believe. He says he is tired and just wants peace.
What is this suppose to mean. I ask him if he wants a divorce. He what you want. I said do you want a divorce he says it's what you want.
He gives me no direct answers. He keeps saying why are you doing this?
Are men really this crazy? Is my husband really this insane where he does not see the damage that has done?
Then he ask why are you looking through my personal things. These are my things. I don't go through your mail, your phone etc.
I responded that I hadn't before, but know he has given me a reason too.
I have always prayed for God to enter his heart. His daughters come to him about the issue and he just says to them. Girls.......please don't talk to me about this.

I have always known that his fear of allowing God into his heart and life would be to give up all control. He hates to be judged and feels that Christians are hypocrites.

You know I was reading the other thread about what to do or advice for newlywed or spouse.
And someone had stated stroke his ego, peace, food and sex. And I must admit this is true.
But where do you go when you have done those things. He tells you there is nothing wrong and no one else. That he has never had an affair.
He prides himself on being everything different than what his father was. He really prides himself on what his family thinks of him.
I just don't know what to believe or what to do. But I refuse to let this go.
I can' t think this is okay. It's not okay.
I have prayed and prayed and continue to do so. What do you do in the mean time. I can't talk to him, I can't lay with him. Everything he utters to me comes out like a lie. I don't know what to believe. He says he is tired and just wants peace.
What is this suppose to mean. I ask him if he wants a divorce. He what you want. I said do you want a divorce he says it's what you want.
He gives me no direct answers. He keeps saying why are you doing this?
Are men really this crazy? Is my husband really this insane where he does not see the damage that has done?
Then he ask why are you looking through my personal things. These are my things. I don't go through your mail, your phone etc.
I responded that I hadn't before, but know he has given me a reason too.

--You wait on the Lord- God hears your prayers and He has not forgotten about you. Trust in Him. Believe that God loves you and will not forsake you.

--This is a cop out answer. He doesn't want to leave you but at the same time putting the ball in your court to leave gets him off the hook. it's an excuse in other words if you did make up your mind to divorce then it would be your idea not his. Baby, he is acting very immature. The nature of his ways and actions are immature. He is going to have to "put away childish things." He can't even face his daughters. *sigh*

--He has seen the damage - but rather he doesn't want to face it. It would put him in the position to be a failure to you and his girls and his"pride" won't let him.
For the pass few years my husband has been going through something. I don't Know.
I am finding adult material hidden in his computer and on his PD. Just recently I found photos of a young girl. About nineteen in his PD. He explained that its guy stuff. That all the guys do it at his business. Sit around the office and talk about other women.
It's a status type of thing he said. Means nothing. The girl in the photo wasn't naked. Just smiling. He said it was a picture of one of his friends family members he met during his trip to the Phillipines.
He stated that all the guy talk about other women. That it is a guy thing.
He is really trying to make it seem as if this is okay in our marriage. He said it has nothing to do with me.
We have two daughters and I don't want to tear our family apart, but I refuse to play the "Village Idiot"
Is this really something that all guys do? As far as I know he has not had an affair, but I don't put anything pass him now. I can not trust him. And when the trust is gone there is nothing.
I have been crying all night. I asked him why he felt the need to bring these pictures to work and make men think he was having an affair? He, stated that he said nothing that he has allowed others to think and say what they want. I don't understand and I am mentally going insane.
I just want answer or some piece of mind. But he refuses to tell me why he would do such a thing. He states it is just a guy thing and I am making a big deal out of nothing. To believe it meant nothing.
Can someone help.

OP, I'm sorry you're going through this!

Just so I'm clear. There are two un-related things going on, that you must think begs to a greater issue here. He's gotten into pornography-and then there is a picture of someone? Why did he have the picture if it wasn't in relation to the pornography that they guys are sharing at work?

A picture of a female clothed would mean to me that he had a relationship with the woman. If she was nude or just some random nude photos, I might think it was part of the porn issue. I hope I'm making sense with that.

As another poster mentioned, I would be concerned about the traveling to the Phillippines as there is a MAJOR sex trade their geared directly at businessmen traveling.
sterry, I really feel your pain. Your husband's attitude and responses are doing nothing to comfort you, but are instead causing you to feel more hurt and uncertain about your marriage. This is deep. You will definitely need spiritual guidance to help you get through this. Also he needs to man up and go to couples counseling with you. If he won't, this doesn't bode well for your marriage.
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For the pass few years my husband has been going through something. I don't Know.
I am finding adult material hidden in his computer and on his PD. Just recently I found photos of a young girl. About nineteen in his PD. He explained that its guy stuff. That all the guys do it at his business. Sit around the office and talk about other women.
It's a status type of thing he said. Means nothing. The girl in the photo wasn't naked. Just smiling. He said it was a picture of one of his friends family members he met during his trip to the Phillipines.
He stated that all the guy talk about other women. That it is a guy thing.
He is really trying to make it seem as if this is okay in our marriage. He said it has nothing to do with me.
We have two daughters and I don't want to tear our family apart, but I refuse to play the "Village Idiot"
Is this really something that all guys do? As far as I know he has not had an affair, but I don't put anything pass him now. I can not trust him. And when the trust is gone there is nothing.
I have been crying all night. I asked him why he felt the need to bring these pictures to work and make men think he was having an affair? He, stated that he said nothing that he has allowed others to think and say what they want. I don't understand and I am mentally going insane.
I just want answer or some piece of mind. But he refuses to tell me why he would do such a thing. He states it is just a guy thing and I am making a big deal out of nothing. To believe it meant nothing.
Can someone help.

You can pray all day long, but the Lord also gave us common sense, use it! :yep: