Cohabitation leads to marriage?

First off, thanks for all the replies.
I did a search--and the search feature (maybe I'm doing it wrong) always brings back a million and one hits.

As for my BF, I could definitely see getting married to him.

Big issues are :

1. He's afraid to move to the USA (because of job and economic security, thanks to the recent news...)

2. He's not very religious, but most Japanese ppl aren't. He believes in God, the same as Buddha and goes to temples and shrines on holidays, but he said he doesn't feel the need to go to church, unless "to hear good gospel music" (then he laughed)

3. He hasn't talked to his father since he was in high school and swears he never will. Father cheated, apologized, then bought the gf a condo w/family money. He had to fight him in court, and was the forced to be the man for his mom and sister. He HATES his father, won't even mention his name...

Other than that, we are doing really well. I'm mostly worried about cohabitation b/c it may never lead to marriage, and what will my parents think? But I'm a grown ass woman, so I shouldn't care-right? Well I do, for some reason...

Another thing is, I'm wondering what's really going on in his head. I seem to always over-analyze things, which is a really bad habit. But I think "Oh he did this, because of this" or "This really means that"...and sometimes I will be right and other times, dead wrong.

The thing is, if we do move in long do you cohabitate? I know there's no set rule, but how long is too long? Do you split everything down the middle? Do I have to cook every night, like a wife--but not? I guess it all sounds childish, but I've only had roommates (and the ex-husband, who I never lived with before marriage) even my ex split everything down the middle! :wallbash:

Just wanted to kow do people in Japan Cohabitate ?
I know the culture is different.
People in Japan usually do not cohabitate unless they are very very very close to marriage. They usually cohabitate in secret also. And the even wackier thing is that if a woman gets knocked up, the couple almost always marries unless they have an abortion. Not many single mothers here, but many unhappy marriages.