Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-)

Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Still juicing and wearing my hair in a bun everyday...some times out on the weekends. Added CFC to my daily spray bottle.
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

I am a daily scurl user. I have never had any problem with build could be because I clarify every 2 weeks. I don't do ACV rinses or use baking soda (I am not even sure what those are for...closing the cuticle, I think, but I use Roux PC for that). For whatever reason, scurl is horrible on my wet hair so I only use it on dry hair. After I shampoo or co wash, I use my leave ins, then seal those with some form of oil and allow my hair to air dry. When it is mostly dry, I spray the scurl on my hair and style. My hair is moisturized and soft. This has been my process for using the product for the last year on my hair and I love it as it is simple and does wonders for my retention.
Got several questions:
What leave-ins are you using?
Do you think the Scurl is the reason for your hair air drying soft or is it a combination of your leave-ins and Scurl? I'm having a problem with achieving soft air dried hair is why I ask.
Do you apply Scurl in sections (to ensure hair is fully saturated) or just rub it in on entire head?
Lastly, how often to you use Roux PC?
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

is it too late to join? i'm on day 2 of the juice, using care free curl instant moisturizer.

i've just stopped lurking/stalking and now i want to participate.:yep:
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Got several questions:
What leave-ins are you using?
Do you think the Scurl is the reason for your hair air drying soft or is it a combination of your leave-ins and Scurl? I'm having a problem with achieving soft air dried hair is why I ask.
Do you apply Scurl in sections (to ensure hair is fully saturated) or just rub it in on entire head?
Lastly, how often to you use Roux PC?

Hey Diva!

What leave-ins are you using?
I have Rusk Sensories or GVP The Conditioner that are both pretty good. I have been using my regular co wash condish (AO Island Naturals) as a leave in lately, only my ends. The majority of the length of my hair has Rusk or GVP but the last 3 inches have AO.
Do you think the Scurl is the reason for your hair air drying soft or is it a combination of your leave-ins and Scurl?
I think it's a combo. Sometimes after my shampoo, when I let my hair completely air dry, if I only use my leave in, my hair is somewhat soft but not as soft as it is when I finally apply the scurl.
Do you apply Scurl in sections (to ensure hair is fully saturated) or just rub it in on entire head?
Sure do! I air dry in sections and when my hair is almost dry, I spray it on a section at a time and braid or twist or something. So my hair is wet from my shampoo>air dried>damp from scul>styled
Lastly, how often to you use Roux PC?
I use this with each wash. It is my final step after my DC. So when I rinse my DC out, I put the PC on my hair for 30 seconds and rinse with cool water.

Hope this helps!
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

is it too late to join? i'm on day 2 of the juice, using care free curl instant moisturizer.

i've just stopped lurking/stalking and now i want to participate.:yep:

Of course you can join girl,:yep: Come on in!!! :pulpdance:
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Sneaks in and quickly out of thread hoping that Chelz doesn't notice and scold me for being a temporarily displaced juicer...:)
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Still on that juice!!! Juicy got em crazy!! LOL
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Just checking in! I'm still juicing. I rotate but I do think my favorite is S-Curl, so I may go to that exclusively once I use up everything else. My hair is super fine, so I walk a fine line between being "perfectly juicy" and "overly juicy". I think I'm figuring out the balance, though. Happy Juicing everyone!
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Sneaks in and quickly out of thread hoping that Chelz doesn't notice and scold me for being a temporarily displaced juicer...:)

Uh Uhhhh. Ahh no you dont :bat: Get back in here, why you runnin Ms. London? :roadrunner:

Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Checking in...I'm still juicing my hair daily.
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Okay so I have I hit jackpot??? Today it was 110 and tomorrow it will be 115 and humidity is always a factor. Previously I've juiced with WN and Hawaiian Silky. My hair felt great with these prods until the sun hit my head. It seems I can go all day with my hair feeling moisturized with these prods while inside but just as soon as I walk outside (in the sun, that is), my hair quickly dries out and feels thirsty. Okay, so now that I'm using Scurl, my hair has felt moisturized all day, even with being in the sun....Can this be? Hope so, hope it isn't a fluke.

Does Scurl work equally as good in the winter?
Those living in hot climates -- do you use a different juice for high humidity, low humidity, and cold (winter) days?
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

I forgot to say that I juiced this morning before I bunned
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

:sekret: ... I sneaked a couple shots of cfcg/african braid blend and S curl is throwing a temper tantrum.

<Sound of door beaten off the hinges. White & blue spray bottle levitates into bedroom. Fierce struggle for the keyboard>

Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

:sekret: ... I sneaked a couple shots of cfcg/african braid blend and S curl is throwing a temper tantrum.

<Sound of door beaten off the hinges. White & blue spray bottle levitates into bedroom. Fierce struggle for the keyboard>


LMAO! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

:nervous2:Scurl is callin you Choc:phone:, he's at home and he wanna make sure you are being faithful and not cheating on him again with Aloe, Cokie, cfcg, or even african braid blend, HURRY UP and answer your iPhone before he gets you!! :blush::blush::blush:


Ummmmm...Choc? Hello? Are ya there? Uh-Oh. Scurl got his revenge:look::look::look:......:axehunter:
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

LMAO! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

:nervous2:Scurl is callin you Choc:phone:, he's at home and he wanna make sure you are being faithful and not cheating on him again with Aloe, Cokie, cfcg, or even african braid blend, HURRY UP and answer your iPhone before he gets you!! :blush::blush::blush:


Ummmmm...Choc? Hello? Are ya there? Uh-Oh. Scurl got his revenge:look::look::look:......:axehunter:

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: Girl you crazy!!!!! Got me cracking up!
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Oh yeah, still juicing yall and loving it! I have been using CFCG more lately and will continue to do so. I still like Scurl, but I love the smell of CFCG :grin: :lick:
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

How I miss this.
I need to get my hand on some s-curl and/or some Wave nouveau...worked great for me before..and yes...I had used the s-curl back in 7th
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Here! Took a break from juicing since I was in Florida and did not want to use anything other than my honeyquat mix (plus I was in braids) Braids are out now. Had a bit of a setback; It grew but measuring my hair from June first vs the end of July, I actually had longer sides in June before I put the braids in but that's ok. I do better without them!

The back seems unaffected.
Left side

Left back

right side (it's not that thin at the ends, parts slipped out while stretching down)

right back

and a loosed section from the back when I started taking my braids out. I think I'll make APL by December!

Verdict? My hair obviously grows but RETAINS MORE WITH JUICING!
Back to juicing!! Drip drip! :lachen:
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Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

I washed hair with aloe vera juice after water aerobics yesterday. The conditioners & curl activators went beserk. Shealoe did not help matters.

They are all on probation:clubu:

.............. until the next hair wash
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

I'm back to jucin' again. I must say that I pretty much grew back my hair from my trims from late April. The juice really helped retain my growth. Now that I washed my hair, I can get back to juicin' again. Today I used aohc w/ ohhb and sealed w/ Amla oil pomade. Originally I was going to blowdry my hair but I need to break away from the two weeks of heat I've been doing so I didn't use any.
Anyways my hair missed da juice.
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Got a question here.

I was reading a thread talking about overmoisturizing.

Will using da juice every day cause overmoisturizing?

Or is the juice "good moisture"?
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

I'm still on tha juice y'all :yep:
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

I really want to try S Curl now...
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

I've been juicing for a month now. I wish I knew about this for my first BC :wallbash:

So far S curl is my favorite but I think I would like to try making my own juice. Can you share your favorite recipies?
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Got a question here.

I was reading a thread talking about overmoisturizing.

Will using da juice every day cause overmoisturizing?

Or is the juice "good moisture"?

Everyone's hair is different Fletgee.:yep: I for one, can juice every morning which is just the perfect amount of moisture. Any more than that would be over doing it, any less wouldn't be enough for me. Just try once a day and see how your hair reacts. Then at that point you can do an evaluation: add more, pull back, or just keep doing it once a day. hth!
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Ugh, propylene glycol gives me pimples, so back to the homemade stuff after I finish this huge bottle. I have been doing more gellin' than juicin' anyway.
Re: Part 2 of The Jheri Juice Challengeee!!!! Want retention?? Well Come on in!!!! ;-

Hi ladies, so i've been using care free curl gold for about a week a more not really sure, but my softness is gone. my hair used to feel really soft with just my mango butter but ever since i joined this challenge my hair feels different-not as soft.

Why could this be, is it making my hair stronger am i doing something wrong?