***Online Dating Support Thread***

kweenameena said:
Nope...we didn't meet up because he want to meet me at around 9pm after he did his work out. He's a personal trainer and is built like a greek god:lick:. We'll call him Mr. Muscles.

But it's a school night so that wasn't happening. I thought he wanted to do happy hour or something.
He did call me. His voice so does not fit the way he looks. But he's cool. I think I'm a bit thicker than what he normally goes for and he kinda mentioned that.

Now Mr. Spiritual (the one I really like) has a date planned for us next saturday. I can tell he's really feeling me because we have so much in common but I also feel he's moving a bit fast. He called me last night as well while I was on the phone with Mr. Muscles. So I had to tell him that I was finishing up a convo with my momma and I'd get back to him.:look:
When I called him back, he was just as engaging as he is over email. He texted me this morning as well to say that he wants to move up the date of our date or at least meet me for coffee somewhere because he's super excited to get to know me. **swoon**

Awwww sukey sukey nah!!!!!
Please stop messaging me and lets move onto a phone call.
Wait a minute, this guy is hinting on meeting up tomorrow yet he hasn't even asked my name :nono::ohwell:....sigh...i had hopes for this one but i'm going to have to shut him down soon. Wish guys would grow up.
I haven't heard from Mr. Muscles today but Mr. Spiritual is moving way to fast. He asked me for a pic of "his new girlfriend" that hr can put on his desk. And he sent me another message saying he wouldn't be on email since he's going to an event. Then he closed the email by saying "miss u". Uh no dude. We haven't even met. I think it's time for me to move on
Please stop messaging me and lets move onto a phone call.
Wait a minute, this guy is hinting on meeting up tomorrow yet he hasn't even asked my name :nono::ohwell:....sigh...i had hopes for this one but i'm going to have to shut him down soon. Wish guys would grow up.

This REALLY bothers me. When a guy will attempt to chat with you for hours, days, weeks, and not make mention of your NAME or bother to ask.

He doesnt see you a person with a name. Just a body. That's the first thing I look for. The ones who want to know my NAME so they can know who they are talking too.. Course I give generic name or my screen name...:look: but at least they asked.

This no pants dude is dirty, I added him to my FB and dude seems to have a girl who thinks he is her boyfriend. Sad, don't she know her boy is sending other women inappropriate photos?
He said this to you? :ohwell:

Girl, yes. He did. He was nice about it but he definitely put it out there. It's his loss though. Shoot, I'm fly!:look::grin:

Have you all run across guys you've gone to school with or people you know. I ran across my God-brother. That was so awkward.:ohwell:
Girl, yes. He did. He was nice about it but he definitely put it out there. It's his loss though. Shoot, I'm fly!:look::grin:

Have you all run across guys you've gone to school with or people you know. I ran across my God-brother. That was so awkward.:ohwell:

There is a guy that lives in my area. I have seen him about for years and years. He is a very good looking man and always gives me a look but has never approached me. I found him on POF but didn't message him. He must have known i viewed his profile (which was almost begging for a girlfriend).
I've concluded there is something iffy about him :look:.
Question to you ladies:
This guy's profile states that he is Not Looking For Anything Serious. My profile clearly states i'm looking for a Relationship.

He sent me a nice message and i replied pointing out our differences.

He messaged back saying that friendship is always a good way to start and see where it leads :blah:....and that he hopes i haven't kicked him to the kerb.
I replied back by saying there was no harm in talking (messaging).

Should i leave this alone? I don't like the idea of a grown man (43) just wanting to date but approaching women who want a relationship....he may be wanting to play games.

Or am i thinking too much?
^playing games. a man his age SHOULD be looking for a real connection/something serious IMO.

is he divorced or something?
Question to you ladies:
This guy's profile states that he is Not Looking For Anything Serious. My profile clearly states i'm looking for a Relationship.

He sent me a nice message and i replied pointing out our differences.

He messaged back saying that friendship is always a good way to start and see where it leads :blah:....and that he hopes i haven't kicked him to the kerb.
I replied back by saying there was no harm in talking (messaging).

Should i leave this alone? I don't like the idea of a grown man (43) just wanting to date but approaching women who want a relationship....he may be wanting to play games.

Or am i thinking too much?

why ignore such obvious red flags? you literally know right out the gate you're looking for a relationship and he's not. what good could come of this? on to the next.
What state do you live in? You seek to be having good luck:-)

kaynewme Texas..and yes...I have to admit I throw away more of them than I can keep. I just have some really strict "non-negotiables" but there are some really good guys out there. Especially if someone will be willing to take someone with small children.
We finally had our first kiss last night...:grin: he is a terrific kisser...which makes me drift to what other unknown talents he may have.

After our late night brunch he came over to my house. We had a what can I call it...pajama date. After putting on a comfy t-shirt and flannel pants he joined me on the couch. I got a great foot massage and we just talked.

Woke up this morning with my feet still in his lap, with his arms wrapped around them. It was nice. He even showed me his tummy from the surgery...I don't know what I was expecting...I guess a big filet looking scar but they were really tiny and already fading.

I think the only thing that causes me pause is he stares at me and then the telling me over and over about us spending the rest of our lives together. I'm no where near there yet and really don't want that to turn me off. I know me...it could

And the other thing...he has two ex-wives. The #1 ex is still terrorizing the last ex because she thinks she stole her husband. The #2 ex keeps calling asking him what she should do. Finally last night he told her not to call him with that.

I don't know how I feel about this. I mean he told me early on that the #1 ex was crazy and still hopes they will reconcile. The #2 ex for the most part has moved on. But she still uses excuses to contact him.

So I asked him what he planned to do because I do not tolerate ex-s under any circumstances where young children are not involved. He said he's just going to change his phone number. I guess, as long as it works.

At any rate, we are headed away for the weekend. After last week I need a getaway...and he can come with...:lachen:
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So I was doing a search and I saw my ex's profile (the one he had when I met him BTW). Awkward. I was really hesitant to put up a new profile cause I didn't want him thinking I just dumped him and moved on but hell, I don't feel bad anymore.
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So I was doing a search and I saw my ex's profile (the one he had when I met him BTW). Awkward. I was really hesitant to put up a new profile cause I didn't want him thinking I just dumped him and moved on but hell, I don't feel bad anymore.

well he's on there real soon just like you, so obviously his feelings can't be that hurt :lol: i wouldn't worry about it
This is getting re dayum diculous.......am I being too picky, judgemental...:to high of a standard? I hate games, and yes I will come out and call you out if the water ain't smelling clean......what the......tricks are for kids. And I'm not about wasting time playing games....ugh!
tropical-punch what do you mean when you say women like you? I mean there aren't too many hot ladies out there because they are all on this site.

I hope with my change of profile I can get some more quality messages. I also had to cut one dude off. He messaged me before I changed my profile in reference of my boob size. I sorta laughed it off.He messaged a bit afterwards but I'm not trying to message you for 5 months esp not with short one liners. I don't want to say hey dude if you like me you might want to ask for my number. That's not my place. I'm glad he wasn't just extra fine because then I would have been sad.
Update...Mr. Spiritual has backed off a bit since I let him know I wasn't down for the "girlfriend" thing yet. But he emailed me today and said he was really looking forward to our date this saturday. I forgot that I had agreed to that. He says he has something big planned. Now I have to figure out if I still wanna go. I guess I could....I have nothing else to do saturday night:look:

Mr. Muscles is no longer in the picture. Either he's waiting on me to call or he's no longer interested since I'm too thick for him. Either way, he's crossed off the list.

Enter Mr. News Anchor. He's long distance so I'm not sure how this is gonna work. He kinda looks like a baby-faced Obama but he has short stubby fingers. Yes, I googled him and saw a clip of him on the news. He's a bit nervous because he thinks he's corny. Lucky for him I actually like corny dudes. :yep:

Are any of you chatting with guys who are long distance?
How's that working for you?
kweenameena said:

Just this dip and dodge stuff.....not setting a real date......when I called him on it he chalked it up to his schedule and promised to do better.....I just don't have time for games. Either you do or you don't and times ticking.....
Just this dip and dodge stuff.....not setting a real date......when I called him on it he chalked it up to his schedule and promised to do better.....I just don't have time for games. Either you do or you don't and times ticking.....

On to the next one boo boo. Just let him simmer for a minute until he gets it together.
wow....can't believe this guy on POF is trying to bully me into talking to him....is it that serious??? :nono: DELETE!
For ladies who are not photogenic, what is your experience like? Mine has been horrible. If I heard, "Wow you're much prettier in person!" one more time... And that's if they guy even writes me back after seeing my pic. :(