***Online Dating Support Thread***

I signed up for POF a few days ago, and don't think I'll last a week. Too many of the guys want to meet right away in person without chatting a little to get to know you first.
So I met a guy on POF the week before Thanksgiving..he seems pretty cool so far..Our first meet and greet was drinks and monday night football 2 weeks ago..our second meetup was this afternoon, a walk in the park..we will see each other tomorrow for dinner..Im enjoying his company and he seems to enjoy mine.
He lives alone, no kids, and is a teacher's aide..so far, so good..
(Im really ready to delete my profile)

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I deleted all my profiles a few weeks ago... I figured if the ones that I've been talking to don't blossom into anything oh well... I have to say that things have been going well with the last guy that I met from POF. I really like him but, I'm playing it cool (well as cool as I can). There are sparks all over the place and we have a comfort level with each other that is super natural! He's expressed his interest in being exclusive but, I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet, it just seems too soon. I haven't told him this, I just laugh it off when he tells me I'm not single or that I'm taken... But he's so what I'm looking for...


Me and the guy mentioned above are officially exclusive. He's such a sweetheart! He's really gone the extra mile to show me that he cares about me. I had this horrible crook in my neck the other day and although he lives about 30 mins away, he drove to my house to bring me some tiger balm and massage my neck. This is weird but we text in acronyms and he'll randomly text me IMY (I miss you) and it literally brightens my day! Obviously, we're still learning each other but, so far... All Smiles!!!
Another great date with the guy I met the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. We went to a place inside the Regis for drinks and then he walked down to Lord & Taylor and Macy's at Herald Square with me, which I thought was really sweet b/c no one seems to want to do that! But I really wanted to see Macy's window. :)

I had such a great time with him and I haven't questioned whether or not he is actually into me as a female since our 2nd date. I'm so very attracted to him and I just really, really like his personality and sense of humor. And his temperment/disposition. It's a good contrast to my particular blend of crazy. He seems like someone I could go on some adventures with and someone I could get stuck inside with on a snowy day without going crazy. I'm comfortable and there's chemistry. Lately when meeting guys, I've experienced one but not the other.

I still think it's soon for him to get involved with someone, but I get that it's actually his decision. I know how I hate it when people make decisions for me in my "best interest" without consulting me, so I won't do that. Just trying to take it slowly.

I want to write more, but I haven't gotten my laptop back yet. I'm just glad it's finally being fixed! Hope you lovely ladies are enjoying your online dating quests!

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You all are having really good luck! Mine is still hidden some I can't figure out how to deactivate it.

Sent from my HTC Glacier using HTC Glacier
okay. i have an update for you guys. so on december 1st i came across a profile of this guy on okcupid. initially i thought he was cute, then i read his questions and thought he was a jacka$$ from the answers he gave. but then i clicked on his profile and thought it was really funny. i liked his sense of humor and could see us getting along as friends, even tho i wouldn't want to date him. anyway, i lingered on his profile for awhile before i left bc i didn't know what to say and i still thought he sounded like a jerk. a little voice in my head kept bothering me though, so finally i went back and decided to write something. all i wrote was "your profile is funny." those four words started it all i guess.

he responded with some lame comment about how these movies were based on him, "toy story" and something else i forgot. i told him the only movie that was based on me was catwoman and i didn't think halle berry did me any justice. he agreed and made a comment about how pretty my eyes were. that's when i realized we may be leading to something more than just friends. throughout the week we msg'd back and forth, several times a day. finally i got to the point where i thought we should meet, but i didnt want to be the one to initiate it. it was obvious to me though, that he wouldn't do it so quickly on his own. i was looking at this questions again and one of the questions were "if you found someone attractive would you ask them out?" he had answered "no." so i wrote to him, "is it true that if you liked a girl you wouldn't ask her out?" he said that used to be the case when he answered initially but that's not the case now. he goes "in fact i'll do it right now" and he asked me out in a cute little way and i told him i'd love to go out with him.

so he set the date for two days later and i suggested we go to barnes and nobles, my go to, online, first date option. so i'm a nervous wreck bc i dont like the way i look but knew i wouldnt have time to fix it, esp since i was half an hr late already and i knew i REALLY liked this guy (halfway thru msg'ing him on okc i thought to myself, "this is my next bf" ) but i was scared. like REALLY. i almost talked myself out of it. anyway i go there trying to see if i can sneak up on him and see what he looks like before i approached him. i go to the cafe where he's supposed to be and i see two asian guys. (he's asian, lol, chinese and vietnamese) and i see this gross looking overweight azn guy with spiked hair reading in the cafe. i thought, "omg, pls no" lol. then i saw another one who had his back turned. so i text him telling him which section i was in and i saw a hot, but short, asian guy walk past be. i thought to myself, "i doubt i'd be so lucky." shortly after i hear someone call my name and i turn around, and it's HIM! the hot but short asian guy, lol.

we were both nervous wrecks and could barely stand to look at each other w.o getting flustered but we managed through and then just kept extending the date. after the bookstore we went to get a slice of pizza, then we went to the petstore, then moviestop, then the arcade, then dinner, then to the hookah lounge. lol. we spent 10 hrs together and it only ended bc i had to go to work the next morning. also, we hit a snag. the whole time we were asking questions about rlshps and it seems like he was almost too good to be true. he owned his own house, own his car, could sing really well (he sang to me in chinese), was looking to get married, his parents were still together and he was close to them, hasn't had that many gfs, he is a perfect gentleman, always pulling out my chairs, opening my doors, holding w.e. is in my hand for me, etc. we had already scheduled another date for that friday. but something came up (which i wont mention) which made me uneasy.

i'm waiting for marriage before sex and something about what he said made me think he wouldn't be able to wait. so i asked him and he told me he couldn't wait. we decided then we should just be friends. we hung out for awhile more and then he drove me home and we held hands on the way there.
the next day i was really sad about the situation. i told my coworkers what happened and they encouraged me to tell him i still wanted to go out on friday if he would still be willing. at first i didnt want to but they talked me into it, also my friends and fam agreed. so i msg'd him later that day, he called me and agreed that we should and we set the date for the next day.

so this time i knew i had to wow this guy or else it would probably end and i'll miss out on a guy who was really great husband material. i dressed to kill and looked so good i could practically see this guy's tail wagging. lol. he couldn't stop staring at me and i knew i was off to a good start. so we had a great night, he kept telling me how gorgeous he thought i was. i did get a bit worried bc i thought maybe his attraction was just merely physical. but idtso at this point. he also hinted at being exclusive, i asked him if he's changed his mind about waiting for me. he hesitated and i told him to take his time thinking about it, but that i was still seeing other guys until i'm exclusive with someone. i could tell i was wearing him down. anyway we go to a restaurant, go race gokarts and went to the arcade again, which was a lot of fun. then we did something else that i cant remember. but we had a good time and he asked me to see him again the NEXT day. i agreed, even tho i kno that's an lhcf no-no. anyway yesterday we went out and he kept hinting at us being exclusive and asking questions relating to that. i asked him again if he'll wait for me. he told me that i was wearing him down :grin:

we continue on the night and i said something that led him to believe i was actively dating someone else. i'm not, but i continued to let him think i was. (tho i DID meet an engineer online recently who i exchanged numbers with, i hadn't yet met him or made plans to) anyway this seemed to really bother him and he was slowly losing it to the thought of me being w. someone else. also, the fact that i wouldn't give him any info on the other guy (something i learned on here, lol) seemed to add fuel to the fire. finally he told me he'd wait for me and asked me not to see this other guy. i could see he's serious, so now I'M beginning to get apprehensive. i didn't think he'd ask so quickly and want an answer right away.
i have dated a lot of asian men before, he hasn't dated any black women, ever. but i never have been in a rlshp with someone outside my race. i wasn't sure how that would work out. i was worried about his parents not accepting me. when i brought that up he told me they most likely would have issues w. my being black but that he doesn't care and he's his own person. im glad he says that NOW, but he is close with his parents and i see this potentially becoming a problem, plus i would want to be close to his parents and i'm not sure if that could happen. i wanted him to know the flaws in my personality bc i didnt want him to find out what they were and to leave me for it. basically, i was scared. i thought i was ready but when it came down to it, i wasn't so certain anymore.

after we left the movie theater, he showed me his house which i thought was really nice. i can't believe he's my age and he actually owns it. he then brought me home and we talked on the phone til 6am where we discussed things and he kept asking me to be exclusive. i finally agreed around like 5:50 am, lol. we set up a stay at home movie date at my place and we hung up. anyway, that's that for now. i'm glad i can finally contribute a success story. i hope this one works out. he is only my third bf and i have a lot to learn in rlshps still, but i'm confident i can be a good gf. i am kind of sad that the courting period is over so quickly, but he told me that when i'm w. him it would never be over, it will just get better. we'll see about that...
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runwaydream I wish you the best! The oddest thing you remind me alot of myself! The thouhgt is scary and interesting at the same time..:lol:

thanks, lol. i cant believe it happened so quickly. one day i'm thinking that maybe there isn't a guy for me in orlando, and the next i meet this unicorn who wants me to be his gf. crazy.
this guy has messaged me twice...his POF name is urkell.....:ohwell:
Yes, he's EXACTLY like you would imagine.....and his name is Cecil....he's sent me his name, phone number, email , and a long message about seeing my spirit in my picture....Dang. Can you block people on POF? I can only count 3 guys that I would even CONSIDER meeting, and they all just dropped off out of nowhere.....Oh well.....:wallbash:
thanks, lol. i cant believe it happened so quickly. one day i'm thinking that maybe there isn't a guy for me in orlando, and the next i meet this unicorn who wants me to be his gf. crazy.

I hope I can meet someone in the South Florida area, its like a needle in hay stack. I mean there must be normal guys down here....*sigh*.....Again congrats:yep:
this guy has messaged me twice...his POF name is urkell.....:ohwell:
Yes, he's EXACTLY like you would imagine.....and his name is Cecil....he's sent me his name, phone number, email , and a long message about seeing my spirit in my picture....Dang. Can you block people on POF? I can only count 3 guys that I would even CONSIDER meeting, and they all just dropped off out of nowhere.....Oh well.....:wallbash:

Yes, you can block people. I have:lol:. Just act as if you're replying to their message and the block feature is on the right handside of the message box.
Hope it works out for you Runaway.....I can imagine that meeting the parents is going to be tough since you are not Asian or Caucasion. Good luck with that.
Deleted my POF profile last night. Too much of the same type of guy (mid 30s and up, into clubbing, wants to meet right away, etc.). I did not find one guy my age who was more on the afro-centric, intellectual, artistic or nerdy side. Maybe I'll try the online thing again in the spring (a different site). Maybe not. *sigh*
Good luck, runwaydream

Wishing you two all the best!

I know it doesn't always work out this way, but I was in a similar situation before. Before I could agree to be exclusive, I had him talk to his (German) parents separately. If they would not accept me, I would not date him. Surprisingly, they were open and I met them the following weekend. Partially because his last girlfriend had been so inattentive and spoiled, they were both very welcoming to me. I think they appreciated that their input was at least valued.

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Yaaay! The guy I like invited me to attend a party with him. I'm nervous b/c his friends will be there, but I'm excited to spend time with him and learn more about his crowd. So far, all is good. He's smart, funny, engaging and so, so sweet. I also like that he's artsy and outdoorsy and it certainly doesn't hurt that he's tall and quite good looking. I hope things continue on as they are now.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using T-Mobile G2
Im going to delete my POF its too boring and one week I'm chatting it up with at least 5 guys and narrowing it down and the next week comes and I don't hear from not 1 of them. And this keeps happening especially with POF.

Has anyone had any good experiences with any other sites such as Match.com? I'm thinking of signing up for at least to give it 3 months to see how it works out.
So many success stories in here now! I think because it's getting cold aka boo season... dudes aren't causing as many problems now :lol:
Ahh im all smiles:-) I really like my new friend LOL. Ok ladies, im relocating to another city in June. But in March im going for a visit to see my family. And we are making plans to hang out.
yay! I had a good date last night.

at first he was on the "hey u out" txing thing until I told him that i "already had plans" (had plans to wash my dog but he didnt need to know that) so he got off that and made proper plans.

he got to the restaurant an hour early so I wouldn't have to wait, and pre-ordered appetizers and had the waitstaff hold them in the warmer, so when i arrived he asked them to bring it out. that was thoughtful. he paid the bill and didn't bat an eye, he was fun and engaging and didnt make me feel like it was an interview.

only thing though is that he took a call at the table. before he picked up he said "can i answer this or are you one of those who will go crazy if I do"
The guy planned a great date, but I got stuck in NJ and essentially missed it! By the time I got to the play it was 5 minutes til being over. The day was kinda rough. Loooong Dr. Appt (BC/Annual in NYC), then waited forever to get my hair relaxed so I could look like a wet dog (relax day makes me totally insecure). I almost left but was worried I'd stretched too long for my hair. Finally got home and rushed out. I couldn't catch a cab to the station so I walked there-- took 15-20, missed every single train I needed (watched them roll away as I reached the platform) and I was running. Almost started crying when I saw that it was curtain time. My phone had died. I managed to talk to him briefly, but it had been about 2 hours since then. And when I got thete the ushers were so freaking nice! Which made me want to cry some more! I cannot take kindness when I'm upset. Then, I'm like, I'm so touched by your empathyyyyyyyyyyy waaaaah *waterworks, blow nose*

It'd just been a long, frustrating day and I was scared he'd be mad at me. The play ended and everyone flooded the lobby. I couldn't call him b/c my phone was dead, so I waited and watched. I finally spotted him across the lobby looking breathtakingly angelic. Or vampire-like. Whatever. He ha look real good like he-aina been frum Urth. And when I saw him and walked towards him, I felt a rush of relief and happiness. And when he saw me, he looked genuinely happy to see me instead of angry. It was so nice to feel at home with someone especially after a frustrating day. Like... he was my place of respite and I haven't felt that... in a long time. I felt like he was on my team. The rest of the night was really nice. I've been spending the night at his place lately and he's been really sweet, not pushy about s-e-diagonal t. We made breakfast together this morning and it was yummy. I hope things continue to go well. :-)
If you don't have "time" to date, why the hell are you on a dating website? I hate liars.

I recently ended it with a person I had been dating because he was on a turtle with three legs pace. We lived in different boroughs and he seemed to be fine with NEVER seeing each other. The final straw for me came when I asked him what he'd be doing on his day off and his answer was LAUNDRY...o rly? :lol:

We had a talk yesterday and he talked about being too busy and all of this other shullbit. So I called him out on it and said that if you don't have "time" then you shouldn't be on a dating site.

I know that if a man wants you he'll make time for you, so it was...whatever.

Funny thing happened though....his identical twin brother hits me up on the site where we met....:lachen:

My life is comedy, I tell ya!
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