***Online Dating Support Thread***

Happens all of the time :yep:. Sometimes it irks me to be in my inbox and see that list of all the guys online that I interacted with but communication fell off. Well :look: some of them I cut off but you know what I mean.

Well now, I got another message from him today! Cool.
Omg thats horrible im not sure what to say to that....i honestly didnt get that vibe from him. but needless to say i didn't go. i suggested we go bowling on saturday instead and he happily accepted.

Try to keep things public until you have a good idea of his character. It's never a good idea to go to a mans home so early in the dating process. You can't trust everybody. Especially when theres a mattress so close nearby. Always err on the side of caution.
Oh no, went out with guy #3 and it was great. Now i have three guys that i am equally interested in.... =( I went to the movies with guy #3 today will go bowling for the 2nd guy that i was speaking of earlier tomorrow and guy #1 is set for sunday. didn't mean to get all tangled but here i am.....
Oh no, went out with guy #3 and it was great. Now i have three guys that i am equally interested in.... =( I went to the movies with guy #3 today will go bowling for the 2nd guy that i was speaking of earlier tomorrow and guy #1 is set for sunday. didn't mean to get all tangled but here i am.....

good to have options because don't surprised if one or more falls to the wayside and doesn't step up their game. good luck and have fun!!
4 meetings/dates this week, all new guys.

1. Lunch date: pros: sweet guy, funny, good chemistry, tall. Cons: a little overweight and seems to nor be where he wants to be financially or on track. The latter (to me) basically means he isn't in a position to settle down.

2. Tea, then dinner. Pros: sweet guy, funny, tall, likes that I'm tall and said so, good-looking, successful. Cons: couldn't pull the trigger with his last girlfriend of 3 years, asked me where I worked, but avoided telling me where he worked. I can guarantee that I have dated men that were a. More successful and b. More successful at a younger age. So, I was annoyed by that. I normally don't ask that question, but if a man asks me, he should be prepared to answer.

3. Drinks, sorry, no dinner. Pros: smart, good looking, built/visibly muscular, very successful. Cons: a bit of a douche-douche, stereotypically actor-hot, jet-setting banker that is also an only child. REALLY wanted me to know that his apt is in a prime, expensive location and he bought it. A bit shy, was REALLY concerned about a group of gay men near us (what's wrong? Do you know someone? About to be outed? Get over it!). Actually, his concern about the gay guys made me want to leave immediately. I drained my drink and told him that, Oh my gosh, I forgot I'd ordered Fresh Direct. Gotta run!

4. Dinner last night. Pros: Good looking, smart, successful, funny and chemistry. Cons: he likes the ganga and is somewhere between 6'6" and 6'8". I'll probably see him again.

3 more guys asked me out from Ok, 2 that I probably will go out with. The guy I liked a lot (but had issues with him being so skinny), texted me saying he was @ a place he wanted to take me to (before) and he was sad I wasn't with him last night. After 2 months of seeing each other he didn't want to be exclusive. I told him I'd sleep on that. The next day I told him I had to walk away. No response. I'll say the same thing back to his text.

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met up with guy #3 for our first date friday. he seems very nice and a conversationalist like me. we havd a lot in common like our affinity for Law and order SVU, and throughout the week he called me on his lunch break. he was at the top of my list all week until i went on my second date with guy #2 yesterday...

date with guy#2 went very well again, hes such a sweetie. we watched a movie while i got a foot rub. hes too good to be true and iam just waiting for the other shoe to drop. he said that the sunday after thanxgiving he will attend church with me. we shall see.

I have got myself so interested in these two men that i think it would be unfair to even to get any more involved with guy #1. (i met in him in person, rather than online as the other two) hes nice and very very very handsome but the other guys are showing more interest than he is. we are going to the movies later on tonight for our second date.

whew im tired :grin:
I'm kind of low key mad I paid for this site. I'm not seeing anyone that I might be interested in :ohwell:

I felt the same way about Match and EHarmony. Been using them on and off for years. But I thought that's all there was out there. Now I know about POF and OKC. There are SO many more black men in my area on POF, its awesome!
If I don't meet someone by the end of this month I'm going to take a break. Thought I found someone cool last month but I guess sometimes things fall apart.

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#4 told me he'd like to see me, again. He knows,I'm just thinking friends.

A new guy... new #1 would like to get together once he gets back tsk NYC after Thanksgiving.

Another new guy... new #2 wants to get together, too.

Both #2 and #3 seem like they will be good matches, but we shall see.

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OK so cute guy number 1 sends like 1 line emails every other day. Its been about a week; should I assume he isn't interested and move on? I mean, if he wanted to meet he would have said so by now, yes? Or am I just impatient?
I thought that the free sites would bring out the creeps but I will try POF first and see how that will go.
I went out with guy #1 tonight and he seemed very standoffish... I mean just completely unattached...but he encouraged me to call him anytime...:perplexed
#2 is going out of town for thanksgiving and wants to hang out this Sunday (he gets back on Saturday night lol). I told him that the following weekend would do just fine...this is the same one who wanted to cook me dinner.:look:
#3 is still faithful with his calls and texts. He however revealed to me that he has a problem with expressing his emotions and that has gotten him into trouble in relationships a few times...
There could possibly be a #4 but I don't want to overload my plate. I went to a thanksgiving dinner at my church on Friday, and a gentleman who mutually knew my stepmom inquired about me. We spoke briefly at the table then I left to go on my date with #3. After service today my step mom told me that he asked her about me and wanted to know if she could give him my number.

And so the plot thickens...:drunk:
Let me say, some men are just online predators. I got an email from a girlfriend of a mna on POF. She stated he's been on there for 5 years, sleeping with women. She stated she's in a wheelchair and he caused the car accident. :nono:
OK so cute guy number 1 sends like 1 line emails every other day. Its been about a week; should I assume he isn't interested and move on? I mean, if he wanted to meet he would have said so by now, yes? Or am I just impatient?

I would hope after a week you would be texting, im'ing, or talking on the phone. I haven't really decided if moving slower means the guy is not interested or not. I just know it's too slow for me. I need a alpha male--come and get me :look:. I need to not have any doubt whatsoever that you are interested.
Let me say, some men are just online predators. I got an email from a girlfriend of a mna on POF. She stated he's been on there for 5 years, sleeping with women. She stated she's in a wheelchair and he caused the car accident. :nono:

This is just too sad....wait why is still with him? I need her to get a social worker or case manager to help her find or set up some additional supports.
This is just too sad....wait why is still with him? I need her to get a social worker or case manager to help her find or set up some additional supports.

That's what I said. :perplexed Why is she still with him after 5 years of cheating on POF. I blocked them.
UGH! look at this guy's match profile opening:


So I guess I should be clear since I have met DUDS up to this point on Match.com.

In order to ride this ride, please note the following:

a) If you have a weave, dont apply. I like to stroke my womans hair without the thought that it might come out.
b) If you have stretch marks, Im not interested.
c) If you aren't reading one or more books that are not bafoonery, then Im not interested.
d) If you don't have a solid earning POTENTIAL, Im not interested.
e) If you arent open to going dutch on the first date, you sound like a terrible investment, so I am not interested. Im about a partnership, so If you are looking for a dinner, coffee, brunch, or Pedicure sponsor, I am not your man.
f) If you are financially responsible, brilliant, love God, believe in the impossible, articulate, smell good, then, you are exactly what I'm looking for.
g) If your hands or feet have ever been called ugly, or even questionable, I am not interested.
h) If you look like the cookie monster without make up, Im not interested. In fact, the less makeup, the better.
i) If you dont give back to your community, dont bother with me. Im about the empowerment of my people, and a woman that doesnt have that vision is a disappointment to me.
j) If you are not progressive in thinking, creative, or have some talent that makes this world a better place, you are probably not the one for me.
k) If you arent amazing....go away.
l) If you dont envision having multiple homes, you need not apply....your world is too small.
m) If you dont want children....not a chance.
n) If you believe in a sense of entitlement, then Im not interested.
o) If you dont love kids, I dont love you.
p) If you are not affectionate....I am not in the least bit interested in dating a robot.
q) If you dont have an extensive ability to use the english language properly....this is not gonna happen.
r) If you cant have a versatile conversation that reflects your brilliance, we are probably not a good fit.
s) If you dont want to live in Chicago, LA, or overseas at some point (or all three)...Im not interested.
t) If you arent interested in changing the world...you bore me.
u) If you go to sleep before 11pm, you need to start living life.
v) If you cant cook, that means you are incapable of feeding my future children...and that, my dear, is unacceptable.
w) If you arent passionate about Barack Obama, Im not passionate about you. I cant teach you everything maam.
x) If your breath stinks, go away.
y) If you still have blackberry, that means that you ignore innovation, even when its staring you right in the face. Simply speaking you are not a visionary, no thank you.
z) If you dont appreciate the simple things in life...its unacceptable.

Those are my ABC's to dating.

Im looking for amazing, and have yet to find it.